What is the Conservative legacy?

What is the Conservative legacy?



14,350 posts

200 months

Sunday 11th February
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This guy's been digging into stats on global generational attitudes to voting conservative. One legacy may be two generations of Britons who've given up on the idea of social mobility which doesn't bode well for the coming decades.


70,125 posts

232 months

Sunday 11th February
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shed driver said:
After being in power for over half a generation what has the Conservative government measurably improved since 2010?

The amount of tax taken from small business owners?


12,433 posts

209 months

Sunday 11th February
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A nation of whingers where everything is always someone else's fault, vast swathes of the population have become experts at not taking responsibility for anything, and where its alway someone else's responsibility to make your life better and improve your lot.

It didn't start only 14 years ago though but it has got a lot worse IMO

Good luck to any politician who thinks they can fix that.


6,227 posts

51 months

Sunday 11th February
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Wombat3 said:
A nation of whingers where everything is always someone else's fault, vast swathes of the population have become experts at not taking responsibility for anything, and where its alway someone else's responsibility to make your life better and improve your lot.

It didn't start only 14 years ago though but it has got a lot worse IMO

Good luck to any politician who thinks they can fix that.
I can agree with this to an extent.
But the rise of social media has amplified this


12,433 posts

209 months

Sunday 11th February
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anonymoususer said:
Wombat3 said:
A nation of whingers where everything is always someone else's fault, vast swathes of the population have become experts at not taking responsibility for anything, and where its alway someone else's responsibility to make your life better and improve your lot.

It didn't start only 14 years ago though but it has got a lot worse IMO

Good luck to any politician who thinks they can fix that.
I can agree with this to an extent.
But the rise of social media has amplified this

That and the 24 hour news cycle with only enough real content to fill half of it leading to endless mountains being created from molehills.


3,411 posts

223 months

Sunday 11th February
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Wombat3 said:
A nation of whingers where everything is always someone else's fault, vast swathes of the population have become experts at not taking responsibility for anything, and where its alway someone else's responsibility to make your life better and improve your lot.

It didn't start only 14 years ago though but it has got a lot worse IMO

Good luck to any politician who thinks they can fix that.


12,433 posts

209 months

Sunday 11th February
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NerveAgent said:
Wombat3 said:
A nation of whingers where everything is always someone else's fault, vast swathes of the population have become experts at not taking responsibility for anything, and where its alway someone else's responsibility to make your life better and improve your lot.

It didn't start only 14 years ago though but it has got a lot worse IMO

Good luck to any politician who thinks they can fix that.
A tired old trope if ever there was one...... but sorry, I forgot that it just won't do to suggest that maybe not everything is absolutely the Government's fault!


14,350 posts

200 months

Monday 12th February
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Wombat3 said:
A nation of whingers where everything is always someone else's fault, vast swathes of the population have become experts at not taking responsibility for anything, and where its alway someone else's responsibility to make your life better and improve your lot.

It didn't start only 14 years ago though but it has got a lot worse IMO

Good luck to any politician who thinks they can fix that.
Would be nice if they tried to rather than using it as a tribal point to keep the retired voters onside while the productive generations pay for their triple locked pensions, second mortgages, lockdown and healthcare.


12,433 posts

209 months

Monday 12th February
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glazbagun said:
Wombat3 said:
A nation of whingers where everything is always someone else's fault, vast swathes of the population have become experts at not taking responsibility for anything, and where its alway someone else's responsibility to make your life better and improve your lot.

It didn't start only 14 years ago though but it has got a lot worse IMO

Good luck to any politician who thinks they can fix that.
Would be nice if they tried to rather than using it as a tribal point to keep the retired voters onside while the productive generations pay for their triple locked pensions, second mortgages, lockdown and healthcare.
Except that the general problem appears to centre heavily around the "productive generation " not really being that productive.


8,814 posts

231 months

Monday 12th February
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The only thing this government will really be remembered for is Brexit and Covid.

One of them the worst thing to happen since the Vikings invaded. A generational catastrophe terribly managed causing chaos and lasting damage to the fabric of the country. The other one was Covid.


14,350 posts

200 months

Monday 12th February
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fridaypassion said:
The only thing this government will really be remembered for is Brexit and Covid.

One of them the worst thing to happen since the Vikings invaded. A generational catastrophe terribly managed causing chaos and lasting damage to the fabric of the country. The other one was Covid.
And unpayable sudent debt/ graduate tax, especially if it's changed for the better in future.

I also suspect that's why the Lib Dems have never recovered- they turned their own voter base against them at the beginning of their voting lives.


3,411 posts

223 months

Monday 12th February
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Wombat3 said:
NerveAgent said:
Wombat3 said:
A nation of whingers where everything is always someone else's fault, vast swathes of the population have become experts at not taking responsibility for anything, and where its alway someone else's responsibility to make your life better and improve your lot.

It didn't start only 14 years ago though but it has got a lot worse IMO

Good luck to any politician who thinks they can fix that.
A tired old trope if ever there was one...... but sorry, I forgot that it just won't do to suggest that maybe not everything is absolutely the Government's fault!
You talked about a nation of whingers where it’s always someone else’s fault. I just mentioned a group who fit this profile well. You followed with a whinge about someone else.

Wombat3 said:
Except that the general problem appears to centre heavily around the "productive generation " not really being that productive.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Monday 12th February
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Wombat3 said:
anonymoususer said:
Wombat3 said:
A nation of whingers where everything is always someone else's fault, vast swathes of the population have become experts at not taking responsibility for anything, and where its alway someone else's responsibility to make your life better and improve your lot.

It didn't start only 14 years ago though but it has got a lot worse IMO

Good luck to any politician who thinks they can fix that.
I can agree with this to an extent.
But the rise of social media has amplified this

That and the 24 hour news cycle with only enough real content to fill half of it leading to endless mountains being created from molehills.
A nation of whingers. Just let me have a quick whinge about social media & the news outfits. Someone else's fault seems like an astute observation in hindsight eh.

Anyhow, if Popcon, natcon, headgone has taught us anything in the past few months, it's that the Tories have become radicalised. Blame, detachment from reality, support for Trump & Ukraine incompatibly simultaneously, anger directed at all the wrong causes. 2019 was the year Johnson unmoored the Conservatives from their historic path & flooded the party with unhinged inadequates & they will reap the consequences for years to come.


6,227 posts

51 months

Monday 12th February
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Yes as the poster above says it will be remembered as "The Covid Government" primarily
2nd up will be having 2 changes of Leader/PM in one government term
3rd will be the shortest tenure of a PM


12,622 posts

98 months

Monday 12th February
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President Merkin said:
A nation of whingers. Just let me have a quick whinge about social media & the news outfits. Someone else's fault seems like an astute observation in hindsight eh.

Anyhow, if Popcon, natcon, headgone has taught us anything in the past few months, it's that the Tories have become radicalised. Blame, detachment from reality, support for Trump & Ukraine incompatibly simultaneously, anger directed at all the wrong causes. 2019 was the year Johnson unmoored the Conservatives from their historic path & flooded the party with unhinged inadequates & they will reap the consequences for years to come.
Some people like the fact the Tories have become radicalised because they were already extremists. The problem they have is that it's made the Tories vastly unpopular instead of the groundswell of "anti woke" popular support they imagined would happen. Because this didn't happen it must be someone else's fault. Hence it's the nation being called "wingers".

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Monday 12th February
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Those people are always among us. Ten years ago, the visible manifestation of them was plainly deranged lunatics like Godfrey Bloom & Roger Helmer. Now they run government, is my point, when they should be banished to the fringes where they belong.

Cue the usuals banging on about cancel culture. hehe


12,433 posts

209 months

Monday 12th February
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captain_cynic said:
President Merkin said:
A nation of whingers. Just let me have a quick whinge about social media & the news outfits. Someone else's fault seems like an astute observation in hindsight eh.

Anyhow, if Popcon, natcon, headgone has taught us anything in the past few months, it's that the Tories have become radicalised. Blame, detachment from reality, support for Trump & Ukraine incompatibly simultaneously, anger directed at all the wrong causes. 2019 was the year Johnson unmoored the Conservatives from their historic path & flooded the party with unhinged inadequates & they will reap the consequences for years to come.
Some people like the fact the Tories have become radicalised because they were already extremists. The problem they have is that it's made the Tories vastly unpopular instead of the groundswell of "anti woke" popular support they imagined would happen. Because this didn't happen it must be someone else's fault. Hence it's the nation being called "wingers".




12,433 posts

209 months

Monday 12th February
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NerveAgent said:
You talked about a nation of whingers where it’s always someone else’s fault. I just mentioned a group who fit this profile well. You followed with a whinge about someone else.

Wombat3 said:
Except that the general problem appears to centre heavily around the "productive generation " not really being that productive.
A statement of fact is a statement of fact. See national productivity figures for reference.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Monday 12th February
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Love it when an impregnable argument comes along. In this case, it's a guy dropping the for fks sake bomb. No coming back from this, lads.


12,622 posts

98 months

Monday 12th February
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Wombat3 said:


Truth hurts.

If you don't think the Tories have become extreme, you are part of the problem.