Julian Assange loses extradition appeal at Supreme Court

Julian Assange loses extradition appeal at Supreme Court



6,390 posts

159 months

Sunday 17th January 2021
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kitz said:
Daniel Ellsberg said ‘ Whatever Julian Assange is guilty of ,I am guilty too ‘, he gave evidence in the case .
Breadvan assertions that British judges are immune to political pressure is so naive I doubt he believes them .Inquiring minds might google Lady Arbuthnot of Edrom , the chief magistrate who appoints district judges ( I don’t get it either ) husband . She proceeded over the case ..If you view the clip of the American helicopter gun ship murdering innocent civilians ( light them up ) you might share Julian’s revulsion .
Ellsberg is obviously wrong though. What he did is not the same as what Assange has done. Ellsberg and his publishers did not simply publish hundreds of thousands of documents without consideration as to whether the publication of each one had a legitimate pubic interest foundation under it. Assange did. He published everything without even knowing what was in it or whether it actually contained any evidence of state law breaking at all. He published documents containing the names of agents and informers for which there was no legitimate public interest reason what-so-ever.


27,631 posts

219 months

Sunday 17th January 2021
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Breadvan72 said:
You are bonkers in the nut.

Another example re Embassies -

The murderer of PC Yvonne Fletcher escaped justice because he or she fired from inside the Libyan Embassy.
And then we gave her alleged killer asylum in the UK...


57 months

Sunday 17th January 2021
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The case against him was dropped because of prosecution unwillingness to disclose Spook evidence. I do not know if he was a suspect at the time of his asylum claim.


328 posts

180 months

Sunday 17th January 2021
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ALJ interesting that you know more about Ellsberg than Ellsberg himself . I am not aware of a single fatality caused by wiki leaks , perhaps you can inform me . I am aware of hundreds of thousands deaths caused by the governments who lied to take us into war .


57 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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Your suggestion further up the page that journalists cause wars is as bizarre as your suggestion that there has been scant press coverage of the Assange case. The causes of wars are many and complex. Journalists frequently condemn wars. Many of the political lies about Vietnam and Iraq were revealed by good journalism. The Assange case has had extensive press coverage over many years. Assange is only a hero to the naïve.

Edited by anonymous-user on Monday 18th January 07:55


3,710 posts

99 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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kitz said:
Kent boy ... many sex offenders have been convicted 20 years after their criminal acts .
How many in Sweden?


57 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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Swedish law has limitation periods that have no equivalent as to serious offences in English law.


328 posts

180 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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Breadvan not my words Julian’s . Not the first time you have misunderstood the argument in a thread . You also don’t understand the difference between influence and corruption .


62,202 posts

220 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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kitz said:
. I am not aware of a single fatality caused by wiki leaks ..
Because by the nature of those exposed by wiki leaks, the jobs they were doing. It would serve no purpose to confirm that, so we'll never know - unless there's another huge dump I guess biggrin

There's lots in the national security community that say the leaks were harmful to a broad range of people, threats, people withdrawn from positions providing intelligence etc that had a real impact on intelligence gathering That leak was in 2010 so the effects now are minimal.
Remember most at that time was Afghanistan and the threats to local informers/translator from the Taliban, and later the leaks about Iraq opposition leaders and human rights activists


57 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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kitz said:
Breadvan not my words Julian’s . Not the first time you have misunderstood the argument in a thread . You also don’t understand the difference between influence and corruption .
Serious question - how old are you? You appear to reason a bit like an idealistic teenager. Idealism is wonderful, but needs to be tempered with some real world evidence. Assange has feet of clay. Despite this, he is currently winning the case, so the corruption/influence ain't working too well for Uncle Sam.

Edited by anonymous-user on Monday 18th January 09:04


3,710 posts

99 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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Breadvan72 said:
Swedish law has limitation periods that have no equivalent as to serious offences in English law.
Yes I know, I wondered why kitz had raised it as an issue with respect to Assange's detention in England.

One limb of the conspiracy theory runs that Assange is definitely not a scumbag rapist because all the charges against him in Sweden were dropped.


57 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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It's OK, Pam Anderson was on GMB this morning supporting him. Panic over.


6,390 posts

159 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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kitz said:
ALJ interesting that you know more about Ellsberg than Ellsberg himself . I am not aware of a single fatality caused by wiki leaks , perhaps you can inform me . I am aware of hundreds of thousands deaths caused by the governments who lied to take us into war .
The US has said that they can't locate some people who were confidential informants. The Taliban and suchlike have said they will use the Wikileaks documents to find people. I think this is all mentioned in the Assange judgement, you should read it.

In any event, even if no one has died, lots of people have been put in grave danger due to the actions of Assange. Again, mentioned as part of the US case against him and is perfectly reasonable. That is plainly obvious as he clearly could not have assessed every page of everything he has released. If he had he would be reading it for the next 100 years.

I don't disagree with your assessment of deaths caused by governments who lie to make war. That does not justify Julian Assange's actions in publishing stuff which is entirely unrelated to war crimes though. I'm sure there's a popular analogy often employed in these circumstances - it escapes me at present though.

Edit: and the most basic of assessments tells you that Assange is nothing remotely similar to Ellsberg, regardless of what Ellsberg claims. Is Ellsberg saying that given the opportunity he would simply dump hundreds of thousands of classified, unredacted documents without any journalistic assessment or oversight of their content or public interest status just like Assange did? if he is then I don't believe him or he has undergone a serious alteration in his moral compass. Julian Assange is not a journalist in any sense of the word - he is a clever computer hacker with the level of political thinking and ethical underpinnings of a 14 year old. He most certainly has serious personality disorders and has no business influencing world events. He is an exceptionally dangerous person.

Edited by AJL308 on Monday 18th January 10:57


6,390 posts

159 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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hutchst said:
Yes I know, I wondered why kitz had raised it as an issue with respect to Assange's detention in England.

One limb of the conspiracy theory runs that Assange is definitely not a scumbag rapist because all the charges against him in Sweden were dropped.
The Scandinavians, from what I can see, have a somewhat "laid back" attitude to serious sex crimes. Limitation periods on things like rape are rather disturbing to me, quite frankly. Why would you have something like that? These countries promote themselves as forward thinking and progressive so why on Earth would you have what is essentially a big "fk you" to abuse victims? On the specific matter of Assange - anyone who thinks that the Swedish thing was some convoluted scheme to get him to the US is a muppet. It would have been more difficult to extradite him had he gone there as the UK would have to agree to it as well so why not just apply here? Makes a good story for his fantasist followers though.


6,390 posts

159 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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OpulentBob said:
It's OK, Pam Anderson was on GMB this morning supporting him. Panic over.
The Baywatch bimbo?? fk me, he's got some serious problems if she's one of his core supporters these days!


57 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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Wolf whistleblowing.


13,871 posts

287 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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Breadvan72 said:
Wolf whistleblowing.

Bonefish Blues

27,644 posts

226 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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eharding said:
Welcome levity smile


57 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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eharding said:
Breadvan72 said:
Wolf whistleblowing.
Underrated Tweet.


57 months

Monday 18th January 2021
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I vote for eharding as the wittiest man on PH. How I miss all that convivial drunkenness at West London Aero Club when totally failing to go flying. The weather would always clear up once we were three sheets to the breeze.