Julian Assange loses extradition appeal at Supreme Court

Julian Assange loses extradition appeal at Supreme Court



57 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Oilchange said:
I get that but were the authorities aware of him being in the country before he legged it to the Embassy? He was already on the run from Sweden wasn't he?
Aware of him? Yes. He had already had a Supreme Court case. He fled to the Embassy when he lost that case. All of this is a click away. Maybe inform yourself before launching into mad theories?


8,567 posts

263 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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You know if I researched most of the threads on this site I'd have square eyes.

I reserve the right to express my thoughts, I didn't call them facts and said I was happy to be proven wrong, didn't I?

Let's all get down from our high horses ok?


57 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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If you post drivel expect ridicule. You are pushing a stupid conspiracy theory and are too lazy to check the basic facts.


8,567 posts

263 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Like I said I am just airing my thoughts.

Does make one wonder why Assange isn't in the US in a Supermax though doesn't it.


57 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Due process has occurred. Thus far Assange is heading for freedom. But due process allows the US an appeal. So we await the outcome of that.

Kent Border Kenny

2,219 posts

63 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Oilchange said:
Like I said I am just airing my thoughts.

Does make one wonder why Assange isn't in the US in a Supermax though doesn't it.
It’s because your theory has no truth to it.

That’s another interesting thing about how you guys reason, you take evidence against your theory as evidence for it.

Your theory is that what has happened to Assange is part of a big plot to get him to the US, and you are here implying that the fact that he’s not in a prison there is strange.

It’s not strange, it’s because this shadowy plot doesn’t exist.

Which other conspiracy theories do you believe in? It’s rare for a conspiracy theorist to believe in only one or two, you normally fall for quite a lot.

How about Q-anon?


8,567 posts

263 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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You guys? To whom are you referring?

Are people not allowed to have theories? And to air them...well I beg your pardon.


57 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Theorise all you like, but baseless and comical theories get laughed at.


8,567 posts

263 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Laugh away nuts

I am saddened when people get all offended and go on the attack though. I mean, how dare anyone express an alternate theory. Seems like they're the ones with the issues, not me.


57 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Oilchange said:
You guys? To whom are you referring?

Are people not allowed to have theories? And to air them...well I beg your pardon.
Of course you can air them.

Just as people can air their theory about how poor your theory is.

Vanden Saab

14,419 posts

77 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Any news on the expected US appeal? 14 days is nearly up and I cannot find anything saying they have appealed yet.


57 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Oilchange said:
Laugh away nuts

I am saddened when people get all offended and go on the attack though. I mean, how dare anyone express an alternate theory. Seems like they're the ones with the issues, not me.
Offended? No. Amused? Yes.
If by an issue you mean an attachment to the concept of evidence based reasoning, that's a good issue.

Kent Border Kenny

2,219 posts

63 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Oilchange said:
You guys? To whom are you referring?

Are people not allowed to have theories? And to air them...well I beg your pardon.
Yes, you can have theories, but when you refuse to then engage with those who point out the flaws in them, and say “hey, it’s just my view” then all you are doing is spreading the conspiracy.

And by “you guys”, that just refers to conspiracy theorists as a group.


57 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Internet motto:. You may be entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts.

Or: opinion is free, facts are priceless.

Kent Border Kenny

2,219 posts

63 months

Saturday 16th January 2021
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Oilchange said:
Laugh away nuts

I am saddened when people get all offended and go on the attack though. I mean, how dare anyone express an alternate theory. Seems like they're the ones with the issues, not me.
Pointing out how many holes your theory has isn’t going on the attack.

For someone who claims to just be expressing an unresearched opinion you certainly are getting extremely defensive when people question it..


6,280 posts

143 months

Sunday 17th January 2021
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Oil change, let it go. The other posters are just pointing out the holes in your “theories “ with well reasoned facts based on evidence and chronologically correct records.

I believe the Swedish authorities felt they were correct in trying to pursue him at the time in question.

He is a convicted criminal who like so many went incarcerated start to play the nut job card. AMHIK.


328 posts

180 months

Sunday 17th January 2021
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Words from my hero .......Wars are a result of lies .The Vietnam war and the push for US involvement was the result of the Gulf of Tomkin incident,a lie .The Iraq war famously is the result of lies .Wars in Somalia are the result of lies .The Second World War and the German invasion of Poland was the result of carefully constructed lies . That is war by media . Let us ask ourselves of the complacent media which is the majority of the mainstream press , what is the average death count attributed to each journalist, when we understand that wars come about as lies peddled to the British public and the American public and the public in Europe and other countries, then who are the war criminals, it is just not leaders ,not just soldiers it is journalists, journalists are war criminals. And why one might think that that might lead us to a state of despair, that the reality that is constructed around us is constructed by liars is constructed by people who are close to those they are meant to be policing. It should lead us also to an optimistic understanding because if wars can be started by lies ( truth can be started ) peace can be started by truth .


328 posts

180 months

Sunday 17th January 2021
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That might well explain the dearth of press reporting of his case or maybe ( conspiracy theory coming ) in the instructions from the owners and editors to ignore it .


328 posts

180 months

Sunday 17th January 2021
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Kent boy ... many sex offenders have been convicted 20 years after their criminal acts .


7,167 posts

49 months

Sunday 17th January 2021
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kitz said:
Kent boy ... many sex offenders have been convicted 20 years after their criminal acts .
Lots. Including many famous nonces.