Julian Assange loses extradition appeal at Supreme Court

Julian Assange loses extradition appeal at Supreme Court


Kent Border Kenny

2,219 posts

63 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Gecko1978 said:
He was in one place all the time the embassy of a foreign state which as I understand is in effect their soil. An I deliberately did not say assassination because ot sounds all to James bond. But lets say the US really wanted assange back. Then maybe they spoke to Ecuador who agreed to push him out and then the british arrested him meaning he could not flee an then informally it was agreed they would allow extradition to the US.

Now the final part has not happened yet but it might. I am saying simply if a state actor wants you badly enough and they have resources they are getting you. Russia and the ME have form for milling rivals and North Korea also. UK not so much the US have killed Iranian generals in iraq I recall. So it does go on but Assange is not a general making nuclear weapons he is now by all accounts a broken man with mental health issues....seems the US have still won.
A friend of mine who was wanted for questioning in the US refused to transit via Heathrow as he believed that there was a chance that while airside he could be “encouraged” onto a flight to the US without anyone in the UK government feeling it was enough of a UK issue to stop it happening.

I’ve no idea how valid his fears were, and in the end he came home to face the music in the UK, which was a £2.5m confiscation order, 5 year sentence, and £6.5m fine, which was since let drop.


6,390 posts

159 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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DeejRC said:
Well I don’t especially feel the need to be ranty against him, I just regard him as a twit. Can’t we tell him to just bugger off and leave him to his own devices?
I rather suspect we didn’t go into the Ecuador gaff because whilst he was there we didn’t have to care! Do they want him back at all?
There is an extradition request from the Americans and we are legally obliged to deal with that according to the Extradition Treaty and Act.

We didn't go into the Ecuadorian Embassy because it would have caused a diplomatic stir even though we would have been entitled to do so. If I were being cynical I'd say that there were other factors at play; why on Earth did he go into that particular embassy? Ecuador, I mean it's hardly one of the big world players and not somewhere that immediately springs to mind for asylum from the Yanks. I mean what about Russia, North Korea? I have a sneaking suspicion that it may not be beyond the realms of possibility that an international computer hacker with lots of computer hacker friends may have some dirt on the Ecuadorian government or its officials. Perhaps we didn't go get him as a favour to avoid embarrassment to Ecuador due to what he might have had on them?


51,136 posts

158 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Gecko1978 said:
Breadvan72 said:
An Embassy is NOT the territory of the state it represents. That is a myth.
Thanks for clarifying
I believe: Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, articles 21-25


57 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Correct, but the Embassy is not the Territory of the state it represents. By convention the host state's agents do not enter the Embassy.


3,713 posts

99 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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AJL308 said:
vaud said:
AJL308 said:
The UK does not recognise claims for "political asylum".
Don't we?
Not according to the judgement in his case given on Monday.
I seem to recall that he tried to claim "diplomatic asylum" which is a made-up thing much loved by bent despots trying to evade justice.


51,136 posts

158 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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hutchst said:
AJL308 said:
vaud said:
AJL308 said:
The UK does not recognise claims for "political asylum".
Don't we?
Not according to the judgement in his case given on Monday.
I seem to recall that he tried to claim "diplomatic asylum" which is a made-up thing much loved by bent despots trying to evade justice.

I only ask as it is a criteria in applying for asylum.

Though that is caveated with "Your claim might not be considered if you are from an EU country"


328 posts

180 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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In defence of Julian ,is there any difference between him and Daniel Ellsberg who revealed the mendacious lies and coverups of various USA administrations in regard to the Vietnam war. I think most non Americans would regard Ellsberg a hero .


57 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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There is a big difference and it is explained many times above. Assange did not give any thought to the public interest in his disclosures. He disclosed willy nilly, even in cases where there was a legitimate public interest reason for secrecy. The Pentagon Papers case was all about public interest disclosure.

Kent Border Kenny

2,219 posts

63 months

Wednesday 13th January 2021
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kitz said:
In defence of Julian ,is there any difference between him and Daniel Ellsberg who revealed the mendacious lies and coverups of various USA administrations in regard to the Vietnam war. I think most non Americans would regard Ellsberg a hero .
About as much difference as there is between an obstetric surgeon and Lisa Montgomery.


328 posts

180 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Daniel Ellsberg said ‘ Whatever Julian Assange is guilty of ,I am guilty too ‘, he gave evidence in the case .
Breadvan assertions that British judges are immune to political pressure is so naive I doubt he believes them .Inquiring minds might google Lady Arbuthnot of Edrom , the chief magistrate who appoints district judges ( I don’t get it either ) husband . She proceeded over the case ..If you view the clip of the American helicopter gun ship murdering innocent civilians ( light them up ) you might share Julian’s revulsion .


57 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Do you favour Alcan tinfoil or are you OK with supermarket own brands?


8,487 posts

142 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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kitz said:
Daniel Ellsberg said ‘ Whatever Julian Assange is guilty of ,I am guilty too ‘, he gave evidence in the case .
Breadvan assertions that British judges are immune to political pressure is so naive I doubt he believes them .Inquiring minds might google Lady Arbuthnot of Edrom , the chief magistrate who appoints district judges ( I don’t get it either ) husband . She proceeded over the case ..If you view the clip of the American helicopter gun ship murdering innocent civilians ( light them up ) you might share Julian’s revulsion .
Can you re-phrase that in English please?


57 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Probably not American whiskey.


328 posts

180 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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ad hominem .


328 posts

180 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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The expanded quote ... Whatever he’s guilty of ,I’m guilty of. The motives were similar.The difference being , I was a source, he was a publisher. He was like the New York Times and the others -more courageous than they are obviously.But I identify with him totally.The notion that he’s guilty of something that I ,the good guy ,wasn’t is just false .


328 posts

180 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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From an interview with exberliner.com


57 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Hey, did ya notice that the so called corrupt Judge let yer guy off? Bribe not big enough or something?


7,803 posts

234 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Looks like staying in the UK was a safer bet than going to Sweden biggrin


328 posts

180 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Yeah I noticed he is still in the hardest prison in the UK convicted of nothing and for the most part in solitary confinement .. what did you notice ..?


6,291 posts

143 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Hardest prison in the UK? More twaddle.