General Election July 2024



9,347 posts

46 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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chemistry said:
MrBig said:
Teppic said:
Can't vote Tory, won't vote Labour, and everyone else is pretty much a wasted vote.

What a time to be alive.
The very literal definition of self-fulfilling prophecy. Why are so many people stuck in this mindset?
For what it’s worth, I share that mindset. Tories are a busted flush. Labour, amazingly, will be even worse I’m sure (albeit in different ways) and nobody else is close to power (even if they were credible (which they aren’t).

There’s nobody decent to vote for; may as well sit back and watch the country slide further towards oblivion.

I predict a very low turnout. For the first time in my life I don’t think I’ll be voting.
I am also politically homeless right now although feel strongly that we should all excerise the right to vote rather than just abstain. Unless one votes, then imo you don’t really have a right to complain.

Maybe a “none of the above” party might do better!

Unless any of the parties can convince me then it will be a spoilt paper for me


1,450 posts

19 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I won't vote either. I have never known such a bunch of incompetent muppets in my life.

Some of the new grads I hire have more between their ears than 90% of politicians of all colours.

This country is a mess.


3,354 posts

128 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Blue62 said:
Hugo Stiglitz said:
Why have they called a snap election? They are going to get slaughtered.

Utter madness. Labour must be laughing.
Strong rumours that a VONC was on the cards, with key policies like small boats and Rwanda likely to fail over the summer. I think his hand was forced, otherwise he’d have gone in May if he wanted an early election.
Some of the logic I heard for July (not sure if it's true or not):

- Better weather for pensioners to come out and vote
- NHS will be in better shape than the traditional winter crisis
- They are confident the 1st Rwanda flight will leave before July
- Interest rate cut next month due to low inflation
- People generally feel more positive in the summer

I guess ultimately it was the best, worst option.


3,423 posts

213 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Let's be honest the country is fooked. It's gone well past a party that can change how we live and implement their policies. There is no money left? What is more concerning is a world war is looking more and more likely as the farce and greed is coming to a head.


38,166 posts

259 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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E63eeeeee... said:
The UK's economy is about 3 trillion dollars a year. The idea that we can’t afford to have basic things like clean water, working courts, education, healthcare and housing is capitulation to people trying to reduce your expectations for their own benefit.
The size of our economy is barely relevant.

How much do we take in in tax receipts, and how much do we spend.

There are different reasons why the water companies are fked. Perpetual govt fkwittery for the last 40yrs or so primarily.


5,771 posts

193 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Blue62 said:
Hard to believe anyone with an iota of intelligence could still think the Tories are an option.

Justice system is kaput, prisons overcrowded to the extent that criminals are being released early, while the police being asked to limit arrests.

NHS is on its knees.

Our defence budget is so bad that we can’t even pay for a D-Day flyover, with two massively over budget aircraft carriers, both late and without a full complement of aircraft.

The government is expected to spend almost £5bn on post Brexit border controls.

Schools are falling apart, we’ve had ten education secretaries since 2010.

Prices have increased by 20% in the last three years and taxation is at its highest level since WW2.

Immigration has reached record levels directly contradicting government promises and the less said about the Rwanda fiasco the better.

Universities have been hit hard by the reduction in foreign students and practically every local council is in financial difficulties, some facing bankruptcy.

To top it all we’ve had the previous two PM’s resign in disgrace. But Labour……..
All valid points, which labour seem unable to address. Easier to sling mud.

Real issue is that trust in all politicians is at an all time low and most people are apathetic.

I think it’ll be much closer than the left currently think.


9,127 posts

155 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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julianm said:
Does a £3,500 suit shrink when it has been soaked?
Least of his problems I suspect, Starmer doesn’t have a plan says the man who didn’t plan to take a brolly when it’s pissing down.


2,230 posts

112 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Boringvolvodriver said:
I am also politically homeless right now although feel strongly that we should all excerise the right to vote rather than just abstain. Unless one votes, then imo you don’t really have a right to complain.

Maybe a “none of the above” party might do better!

Unless any of the parties can convince me then it will be a spoilt paper for me
A fair point…Mrs chemistry has said exactly the same. I’ll probably end up going to vote, but only for an independent, Monster Raving Loony, spoilt paper, etc…to do my civic duty and retain complaining rights!

Don Roque

18,040 posts

162 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I've always been a conservative voter previously and was proud to live in an area with a conservative MP (because so many of the population here work etc). However, they've become such a useless, self-serving stshow over the last few years I won't be voting for them now. They've done plenty wrong in the last decade and a half (destroying law and order in the UK, continuing to oversee the decline of the NHS and doing nothing to stop the general decline of the UK into a total sthole). Despite that, at least they weren't Labour.

I don't think I could ever vote Labour. I have friends that I want to look in the eye and tell them that I was always a decent and honest man who sought to do the right thing and never readily or knowingly did the wrong thing. With no-one worth voting for I think I'll save myself the bother of even going to the polling station.


38,166 posts

259 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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WestyCarl said:
Blue62 said:
Hugo Stiglitz said:
Why have they called a snap election? They are going to get slaughtered.

Utter madness. Labour must be laughing.
Strong rumours that a VONC was on the cards, with key policies like small boats and Rwanda likely to fail over the summer. I think his hand was forced, otherwise he’d have gone in May if he wanted an early election.
Some of the logic I heard for July (not sure if it's true or not):

- Better weather for pensioners to come out and vote
- NHS will be in better shape than the traditional winter crisis
- They are confident the 1st Rwanda flight will leave before July
- Interest rate cut next month due to low inflation
- People generally feel more positive in the summer

I guess ultimately it was the best, worst option.
If we credit the pea-brained cretin (Sunak) with having some strategic sense, then blue62's is the only reasonable suggestion IMO.

Otherwise it's simply yet another dud move by the dimwit.

Fortunately away on holiday from tomorrow. Unfortunately it cannot be for 6wks.

Maybe we'll finally see some concrete policies from Labour. Though frankly I do not believe they have it in them. Funniest outcome would be Labour not managing an outright win. But doubtful that's possible.


1,519 posts

266 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I make no secret of despising the tories, but i don't trust Labour either. I want to see the tories gone but I'm not holding my breath that anything much will change.

In the words of The Who it will be a case of 'Meet the new boss, same as the old boss' (sadly).

Contemptable self serving corrupt scum everywhere in politics. What a time to be alive.


9,127 posts

155 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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survivalist said:
All valid points, which labour seem unable to address. Easier to sling mud.

Real issue is that trust in all politicians is at an all time low and most people are apathetic.

I think it’ll be much closer than the left currently think.
It’s not mud slinging, it’s looking at the state we are in after 14 years. Do you really think voting them back in is the right thing to do?

I’m not ‘the left’ whatever you mean by that, just someone who has voted Tory in the past and has witnessed the most inept, corrupt administration in my lifetime. I will vote tactically and agree that the polls will tighten.


6,588 posts

24 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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bhstewie said:
Don't think the mishandling of Brexit was a global event.

Don't think Johnson being crooked as scoliosis was a global event.

Don't think the nutjob membership choosing Truss and her mini-budget after Johnson was a global event.

You get the idea.
Shall we look back at Labours failings rofl


38,166 posts

259 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Blue62 said:
Such a shame you missed the point. The money spent so far has been wasted, like a lot of other projects this dire administration has attempted to execute. Care to deal with any other points? Right?
Sadly we're not about to get any less waste any time soon on anything.

We do stand to have pyrrhic policies however.

We all need to avoid assertions that another govt cannot make things worse. As there is still a long way down the axis.


38,166 posts

259 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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RemarkLima said:
I'd throw in that the blood scandal, cynically coming to light when the Tory's are on the ropes, means they can hand that poisoned chalice to the next party - and it'll be one hell of a poisoned chalice. IMHO the blood scandal will make the Post Office scandal look like a speeding fine if it's allowed to get traction, 1000's dead, 100's of thousands injured and crippled for life and all very much covered up as it'll cost too much.

So leaving that steaming turd for the next party will be a parting gift no one would want.
Both scandals are broadly fk all to do with this administration. They cross every single colour of party. So not sure why Sunak would want to quieten it down.

Unless Sir Humphrey is real....


2,230 posts

112 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Murph7355 said:
Funniest outcome would be Labour not managing an outright win. But doubtful that's possible.
I agree that a minority Labour government (or one with a tiny majority) would be the least worst outcome. Sadly I expect Labour will get a thumping majority (off a low turnout) and we’ll hurtle increasingly rapidly towards third world country status.


4,482 posts

81 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Murph7355 said:
The size of our economy is barely relevant.

How much do we take in in tax receipts, and how much do we spend.
Bigger the economy means a lower %tax lets you take in as much in tax receipts so the pips squeak less.


9,347 posts

46 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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carlo996 said:
bhstewie said:
Don't think the mishandling of Brexit was a global event.

Don't think Johnson being crooked as scoliosis was a global event.

Don't think the nutjob membership choosing Truss and her mini-budget after Johnson was a global event.

You get the idea.
Shall we look back at Labours failings rofl
I may be due a parrot but Labour haven’t been in power for 14 years

MC Bodge

22,182 posts

178 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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survivalist said:
All valid points, which labour seem unable to address. Easier to sling mud.

Real issue is that trust in all politicians is at an all time low and most people are apathetic.

I think it’ll be much closer than the left currently think.
"The left"?

Try anybody with any sense, who isn't blindly supporting the shambolic modern Tory party.


17,225 posts

193 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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The Gauge said:
Not looking forward to GE news dominating the headlines every day up to and beyond 4th July.
Better than talking about when/if it’s going to happen for the rest of the year…