Now Gordon wants your organs


King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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Smart roadster said:

Sorry to shout but the hard of thinking seem to have missed this small but important point.
I mentioned it on the first page, nobody noticed. I also posted that Spain had stopped the 'opt out' system as it just did not yield the results they wanted, and donations have actually increased since the system stopped. People are too busy arguing to read the facts though.


170 posts

211 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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scorp said:
NEAKY said:
Agreed they have mobile units for this purpose !!
Not had anyone come round to my house to ask me so i'm not exactly sure we're i would go, but we seem to be moving away from my points here. Again I would be happy to give blood or even give consent to allow my organs to be used after my death, the keyword here being 'give'.
The point is that you haven't signed up to the register so how would anyone know that you were willing to "give"
My main gripe is that people expect blood or organs to be available for them should they need it but are not willing to give their own.
If you worked with 9 other people and they decided to start a lottery syndicate but you declined the offer cos you didn't want to give "your" money would you expect them to give you a share of any winnings from the syndicate , all of whom gave "their" money , i think not !!


8,783 posts

232 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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NEAKY said:
The point is that you haven't signed up to the register so how would anyone know that you were willing to "give"
My main gripe is that people expect blood or organs to be available for them should they need it but are not willing to give their own.
If you worked with 9 other people and they decided to start a lottery syndicate but you declined the offer cos you didn't want to give "your" money would you expect them to give you a share of any winnings from the syndicate , all of whom gave "their" money , i think not !!
I don't think anyone on this entire thread said they wouldn't give their organs with their consent. The govt presuming my consent isn't consent at all to my eyes.

What's wrong with allowing people to opt-in like we have now ?

Edited by scorp on Wednesday 19th November 12:41


170 posts

211 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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Smart roadster said:

I understand why you are so passionate about this subject but no one has ever had there views changed by being badgered. I sympathize with where you are coming from but your hectoring is going to turn more people off donation than encourage them in.
As the point is currently moot my I suggest that no further meaningful discussion will be had on this thread. Those against will remain against and those for will remain for.
A better use of effort would be to hassle your MP to provide more funding for projects like the one in Bristol featured on the news this morning of the altering of donor organs to not be rejected by the recipient.
I am not badgering anyone simply putting across facts


170 posts

211 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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scorp said:
NEAKY said:
The point is that you haven't signed up to the register so how would anyone know that you were willing to "give"
My main gripe is that people expect blood or organs to be available for them should they need it but are not willing to give their own.
If you worked with 9 other people and they decided to start a lottery syndicate but you declined the offer cos you didn't want to give "your" money would you expect them to give you a share of any winnings from the syndicate , all of whom gave "their" money , i think not !!
I don't think anyone on this entire thread said they wouldn't give their organs with their consent. The govt presuming my consent isn't consent at all to my eyes.
Are you down as a registered donor , yes or no ?


170 posts

211 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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The system at present is not working successfully FACT , so until other more successful ideas come up i do not see a better way than this !

Smart roadster

769 posts

229 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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Neaky I'm on your side and think you are badgering. It doesn't matter if you don't think you are it is how others persieve you that counts.

Off now for my 3 month check up.


8,783 posts

232 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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NEAKY said:
Are you down as a registered donor , yes or no ?
As it happens no, but if I got something through the post or someone approached me about it then I would probably become one.

10 Pence Short

32,880 posts

220 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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NEAKY said:
The system at present is not working successfully FACT , so until other more successful ideas come up i do not see a better way than this !
As someone has mentioned, take a look at the Spanish experiment.


8,783 posts

232 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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NEAKY said:
The system at present is not working successfully FACT , so until other more successful ideas come up i do not see a better way than this !
So to hell with peoples rights, as long as we save lives/children/rainforests or whatever we can forfeit ALL our rights just so we can achieve a just cause.. rolleyes

If anything Neaky you are polarising my view to the "you can fk right off" end of the scale, and I won't be the only person with this point of view. Which is sad really because I don't disagree with youabout organ donations, just the permission/consent angle.


170 posts

211 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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If people have no problems to consenting to organ donation then sign up now

if we all did this then this discussion would never have taken place

Apologies if it came across as badgering but i am very passionate about this because of what happened to my boys.
I hope none of you ever have to deal with being on the transplant list but unfortunately it does happen to people and one day it could be you !!

Its been fun so i bid you farewell on this subject lol


8,783 posts

232 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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NEAKY said:
If people have no problems to consenting to organ donation then sign up now

if we all did this then this discussion would never have taken place
I'd be happy to sign up thumbup


170 posts

211 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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Well lets get a few more consenting donors on the list then it would be a start


8,783 posts

232 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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swerni said:
so what you're saying is you are happy for people to die because you feel the state is putting on you rather than because you object donors.
This is what pisses me off about the whole premise, is that if you dare to challenge "presumed-consent" this will be the typical answer to it, and Gordon knows it, as with other labour legislation anyone who challenges it gets demonised.

swerni said:
I don't believe for one second (IMHO) that at deaths door anyone would question where an organ had come from and then reject it on the basis it was taken from someone who no longer had any use for it but forgotten to opt out.
Well survival instinct probably would override reason, a bit like the analogy i made earlier, if my kids were starving i wouldn't think twice about stealing food, that doesn't mean I advocate stealing.

swerni said:
I hope when I die some of my bits are still in tact and they can use them to save lots of lives.
I can't think of a better legacy to leave behind.
I don't think anyone can argue with that.

Mr Whippy

29,177 posts

244 months

Wednesday 19th November 2008
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swerni said:
I don't believe for one second (IMHO) that at deaths door anyone would question where an organ had come from and then reject it on the basis it was taken from someone who no longer had any use for it but forgotten to opt out.
Johava witnesses would rather die.


King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Thursday 20th November 2008
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Mr Whippy said:
swerni said:
I don't believe for one second (IMHO) that at deaths door anyone would question where an organ had come from and then reject it on the basis it was taken from someone who no longer had any use for it but forgotten to opt out.
Johava witnesses would rather die.

Let 'em, as they KNOW they are going to a better place. More power to them.

Which conveniently leaves more organs for others. biggrin