Your voting intentions

Poll: Your voting intentions

Total Members Polled: 1295

Conservative : 22%
Labour: 28%
Reform: 14%
Lib-dem: 9%
Indy: 2%
Green: 3%
Not Voting for any of 'em. (Stay At Home).: 12%
Spoil Paper: 8%
SNP: 1%
Plaid Cymru: 0%

Kermit power

29,038 posts

216 months

Thursday 23rd May
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911Spanker said:
croyde said:
I'll not be voting. All as bad as each other, pretty hopeless to be honest.

I'm abroad in July looking into buying a home somewhere cheap and warm as I'm nearing a retirement which is unaffordable in this country of my birth.
I am looking to move away as well. The UK is a joke.
Compared to where?

I'd be surprised if you can come up with any other countries where some half-decent research wouldn't show just as many (although possibly different) downsides.


3,446 posts

237 months

Thursday 23rd May
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For the first time in 40 years I have no idea who I am going to vote for. I have voted for all three parties ove r the years where they held out the promise for something better, hell I even voted for the bloody Lib Dem’s. But this time I have nothing.
The Conservatives are venal and utterly bloody hopeless. They genuinely don’t care about the poverty and chaos they have created and have no answer to it what so ever. They believe that as long as business is happy and thriving everything else will be sorted eventually, They gaze on food banks, people living in unheated houses, disintegrating public utilities, failing public private partnerships and corruption and thievery in privatised utilities through a telescope stuffed into a blind eye socket.
Labour are a tired and twitching bunch of professional wasters whose only genuine policy over the last 14 years has been the promulgation of a visceral hatred of the conservatives whilst cynically cuddling up to any special interest group that has a web presence. The only good thing SKS has achieved since he took office has been the cynical expulsion of Corbyn, for which actually he has my eternal thanks. It still won’t vote for him though. I think when they get into power half of them will tiddle themselves at the thought that they will actually have to deal with some of the issues they told everyone were so easy to deal with.
The Lib Dem’s hardly need any ire directed at them. Jesus what a bunch ineffectual but nice utter losers. They stand a good chance of being beaten by Reform. There isn’t anyone else really is there.

We need CHANGE not more of the same dressed up in a new suit. Right now it’s a great big fk you all from me

Edited by Astacus on Thursday 23 May 22:11


14,015 posts

287 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Kermit power said:
911Spanker said:
croyde said:
I'll not be voting. All as bad as each other, pretty hopeless to be honest.

I'm abroad in July looking into buying a home somewhere cheap and warm as I'm nearing a retirement which is unaffordable in this country of my birth.
I am looking to move away as well. The UK is a joke.
Compared to where?

I'd be surprised if you can come up with any other countries where some half-decent research wouldn't show just as many (although possibly different) downsides.
I hear Rwanda is warm and reasonably cheap.


6,482 posts

221 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Genuine question:

Are there any nations around the world where a large amount of its citizens actually think 'yea the government here is good, they have our best interests at heart'

Or is everywhere else like us where we basically have 2 choices. st and stter.

If the conservatives win then they will think 'they love us, look they voted for us, we carry on like st heaps'

If labour were to win then they get the green light for whatever lunacy they may have planned.


1,924 posts

185 months

Thursday 23rd May
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m3jappa said:
Genuine question:

Are there any nations around the world where a large amount of its citizens actually think 'yea the government here is good, they have our best interests at heart'
Acquaintances in Switzerland seem to think that works pretty well, though of course they run a lot via referendums so they don't let the politicians do very much off their own bat.

MC Bodge said:
Newc said:
I won't vote Conservative again until they actually turn up at the polls as a Conservative party rather than wannabe Lib Dems.
If the Tories are not Tory enough for you, Reform needs you.
I'm with you, Reform are not the answer to any question. But Conservatives are supposed to be small state, low interference, free enterprise, free market, free trade, low tax. Now sure, you might disagree with that proposition, but it would be nice if someone actually had a manifesto that offered it.

Kermit power

29,038 posts

216 months

Thursday 23rd May
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princeperch said:
Id suggest in one way or another, unless you are a millionaire living in a gated compound and you send your kids private and have private health insurance you will probably be feeling something from mild depression to despair over the state of the country.

I genuinely dont know anyone who thinks the country isnt on the skids and a firm downward trajectory at the moment, and my friends list covers people on minimum wage to those on 150k a year. Incidentally the bloke i know on 150k had his car nicked a few months back. It was found by a neighbour 10 mins away but theyd done something with the wireless entry and he couldnt get into it. The police never turned up, even after he waited several hours. In the end he let all the air out of the tyres and put a bike lock on one wheel and went home to try and sort it himself.

None will vote tory, if they have full use of their faculties because i and everyone else i know genuinely believe the country is on its knees. The conservatives are toast.
I won't be voting Tory again in a hurry, but I just can't relate to that degree of negativity about the country.

Sure, the gutter press and ttter tell me that my country is overrun by immigrants, I'm paying 103% of my salary in tax and the only reason my wife and daughter haven't both been raped by an Asian grooming gang yet today is because their council-funded luxury minibus broke an axle in a 4 foot deep pothole on the way here, but in reality I've been able to keep hold of a well paid job (the odd year over £150k, but not often), am on track for a comfortable retirement by the time I'm 60 and have had no complaints about the service we've received from the NHS.

I absolutely recognise that plenty of people do have really stty lives, but I think there are a load more who aren't happy unless they're whining about how crap everything is!

Kermit power

29,038 posts

216 months

Thursday 23rd May
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In the perfect scenario, we'll wake up on July 5th to find that the Tories have 130 seats with 20% of the total vote and Reform have no seats at all with 21% of the total vote.

Then let's see anyone try to sustain the lie that FPTP gives us anything even remotely close to fair elections! hehe


5,844 posts

146 months

Thursday 23rd May
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m3jappa said:
If the conservatives win then they will think 'they love us, look they voted for us, we carry on like st heaps'

If labour were to win then they get the green light for whatever lunacy they may have planned.
This is it, which is the least worse choice?


1,657 posts

280 months

Friday 24th May
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I want to see manifestos addressing:

The rampant corruption of MPs and Lords needs to be addressed and prosecuted.

Strict limits for ministers not to be able to use time in office to benefit themselves for 5+ years after leaving office.

Remove the bksks limits on us plebs trying to open up a bank account for our local football and wee old peoples clubs, especially when Russian and foreign money has never been questioned.

Let me get a bloomin GP appointment.

Allow councils to replace council housing and dramatically improve soundproofing, so everyone can have a good neighbour. With unemployed who help build their own flats and houses given priority.

Make work pay, so stop the dodgy tapers where people pay 60%+ and more effective tax rates.

Fund achools so the cream of our society are happy to be teachers using Finland as possible model given happiness and PISA education scores.

We need more kids not less with a target of at least 2.1 replacement level, so no disincentives for rich or poor families to have kids - every child should get child benefit and child care until we are well past 3.0 replacement kids per UK female as we have a demographic time bomb.

Need Surestart back again, that was just starting to work when it was cruelly gutted of funding

Fix my bloody potholes

Fund proper documentation and project analysis of what we would do better the next time in the public sector to stop us constantly reinventing the wheel and making the same mistakes time and time again, all while private companies take the public sector for a ride again and again.

None of this is likely to happen, but understand this I don't want tax cuts, I want a proper functioning society with proper services.

Timothy Bucktu

15,437 posts

203 months

Friday 24th May
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jshell said:
Starmer says he'd choose Davos and WEF over Westminster. Seems a bit strange to me...
And there are people who think voting makes a difference, or who they vote for makes any doesn't of course, but I guess having an optimistic outlook is a good thing.

Jordie Barretts sock

5,241 posts

22 months

Friday 24th May
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I'm guessing Starmer will do his best to keep Lammy and Rayner away from the press. They could lose far more votes than gain quite easily.


14,167 posts

99 months

Friday 24th May
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Timothy Bucktu said:
jshell said:
Starmer says he'd choose Davos and WEF over Westminster. Seems a bit strange to me...
And there are people who think voting makes a difference, or who they vote for makes any doesn't of course, but I guess having an optimistic outlook is a good thing.
That was a shocker of an answer.

Rufus Stone

6,775 posts

59 months

Friday 24th May
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
I'm guessing Starmer will do his best to keep Lammy and Rayner away from the press. They could lose far more votes than gain quite easily.
Rayner was front and centre yesterday.

Jordie Barretts sock

5,241 posts

22 months

Friday 24th May
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Yes, but only as eye candy for the knuckle draggers. She didn't actually speak, debate or put across any meaningful policies.

Because she can't. She doesn't have the wit or intelligence.

Rufus Stone

6,775 posts

59 months

Friday 24th May
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
Yes, but only as eye candy for the knuckle draggers. She didn't actually speak, debate or put across any meaningful policies.

Because she can't. She doesn't have the wit or intelligence.
You're not a big fan then. laugh


1,222 posts

223 months

Friday 24th May
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Timothy Bucktu said:
jshell said:
Starmer says he'd choose Davos and WEF over Westminster. Seems a bit strange to me...
And there are people who think voting makes a difference, or who they vote for makes any doesn't of course, but I guess having an optimistic outlook is a good thing.
That’s the problem, no matter who you vote for the Government always get back in. The Country is run by Quangos and Civil Servants. The NHS is run by NHS bosses, the police is run by Police Chief Constables, the Courts are a law unto themselves and are constantly interfering in Political decisions. So when we vote to take back control for example the Government collective ignore that and import even more people because they are beholden to their beliefs and what they think is best. Brexit was hugely about controlling our borders and reducing immigration. What did we get? Massive increases in immigration and our population is growing at a massive rate…..the problems this brings are absolutely massive and the politians are still telling us we need it and it’s good for us.
So what’s the point in voting for the same 2 Teams? Passing the baton from one set to the other that are largely in agreement about all of the important issues and doing nothing to address them, whilst they argue where the deck chairs should be positions…port side or Starboard.

Chris Type R

8,104 posts

252 months

Friday 24th May
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I've voted in this poll to spoil my vote, but depending on who steps forward I may well vote indy. Like many, I'm generally disillusioned with the two parties who have a chance of reaching majority.


4,713 posts

31 months

Friday 24th May
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Mobile Chicane said:
If only it did.

UKIP Reform must be rubbing their hands together.

Sadly, I think we might see Farage in the Commons.

Say we won’t have the pleasure of seeing him lose badly for an 8th time.
That would have added to the entertainment !
At least he’ll be helping Reform win 0 seats, but take away a chunk of the Tory nutters votes.
Good work Nige.

Edited by James6112 on Friday 24th May 07:30


4,176 posts

106 months

Friday 24th May
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Labour are going to win but I saw an interest post the other day.

Labour & conservative, two opposing cheeks of the same ahole.

Quite poignant.

I’m a life long Tory, but even I can’t vote for them this time. This country is a shower of st right now and as soon as I demob, my wife and I are looking to go elsewhere. Don’t know where but there has to be a better way of life.

Wife works for a Spanish company that has projects world wide. Will see where the work takes her and I will just follow along.


4,713 posts

31 months

Friday 24th May
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Jordie Barretts sock said:
I'm guessing Starmer will do his best to keep Lammy and Rayner away from the press. They could lose far more votes than gain quite easily.
Page 1 of BBC news right now
You’re wrong on both counts.