General Election July 2024



1,963 posts

171 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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ChocolateFrog said:
BikeBikeBIke said:
My kids have had and are having a first class state education. Streets ahead of mine. I've no reason to think it will be worse under a different government but Education is good at the moment. Very good.
You have to be fking kidding right?

My OH is a school business manager. She's been told recently she needs to essentially sack 4 more members of staff due to their budget. They beg, borrow and steal everything they can just to make ends meet.

It's a real stshow on the whole.

Some schools perform really well despite the issues they're having thrown at them. You can't extrapolate that to say "Education is good at the moment. Very good."

Mr Penguin

2,071 posts

42 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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RemarkLima said:
I'd throw in that the blood scandal, cynically coming to light when the Tory's are on the ropes, means they can hand that poisoned chalice to the next party - and it'll be one hell of a poisoned chalice. IMHO the blood scandal will make the Post Office scandal look like a speeding fine if it's allowed to get traction, 1000's dead, 100's of thousands injured and crippled for life and all very much covered up as it'll cost too much.

So leaving that steaming turd for the next party will be a parting gift no one would want.
Both parties have said they would give whatever compensation is required and will continue to do so. It's a timebomb but on balance, one that hurts both parties and one which a cynical operator would want to be seen as being on the side who started to repair the damage, especially if you are willing to frame it as a difficult decision but your sense of service meant that you did what was right (even though doing anything else is now the ultimate vote loser and you would have been willing to keep it under the carpet if it were possible).

This is one of the times where duty and self interest coincide.

Hugo Stiglitz

37,491 posts

214 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Why have they called a snap election? They are going to get slaughtered.

Utter madness. Labour must be laughing.


104,961 posts

263 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Rusty Old-Banger said:
Blue62 said:
QuickQuack said:
While in the Conservative shop, half the MPs are trying to hump the mannequins, half the remainder are busily stealing the stock and the rest are setting fire to the shop itself.
Hard to believe anyone with an iota of intelligence could still think the Tories are an option.

Justice system is kaput, prisons overcrowded to the extent that criminals are being released early, while the police being asked to limit arrests.

NHS is on its knees.

Our defence budget is so bad that we can’t even pay for a D-Day flyover, with two massively over budget aircraft carriers, both late and without a full complement of aircraft.

The government is expected to spend almost £5bn on post Brexit border controls.

Schools are falling apart, we’ve had ten education secretaries since 2010.

Prices have increased by 20% in the last three years and taxation is at its highest level since WW2.

Immigration has reached record levels directly contradicting government promises and the less said about the Rwanda fiasco the better.

Universities have been hit hard by the reduction in foreign students and practically every local council is in financial difficulties, some facing bankruptcy.

To top it all we’ve had the previous two PM’s resign in disgrace. But Labour……..
Good job Labour have said they'll reverse Brexit then. That's what they've said, right?
That's only a part-time job, easy, they'll get the EU to set favourable terms in a flash. Then they'll fix the NHS, immigration and productivity in no time, and they'll be paragons of virtue doing it. Anybody noting history and thinking otherwise can't possibly have an iota of intelligence.


9,098 posts

155 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Rusty Old-Banger said:
Good job Labour have said they'll reverse Brexit then. That's what they've said, right?
Such a shame you missed the point. The money spent so far has been wasted, like a lot of other projects this dire administration has attempted to execute. Care to deal with any other points? Right?


2,889 posts

132 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Teppic said:
Can't vote Tory, won't vote Labour, and everyone else is pretty much a wasted vote.

What a time to be alive.
The very literal definition of self-fulfilling prophecy. Why are so many people stuck in this mindset?


1,392 posts

225 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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p1stonhead said:
jtremlett said:
You've got to give some credit to Sunak. He's managed to make Liz Truss look like only the second worst Prime Minister out of the last two. He really must be a moron to go for an election several months before he absolutely has to.

I long for a Prime Minister who has some sort of coherent plan for the country, even if I don't necessarily agree with it. All we get is people who want the job for their own egos but with no proper clue of anything when they get the job.
He’s bad. But I don’t think anyone could ever top Truss for worst PM ever.

It’s surely not possible.
But Truss did one good thing which was resigning quickly. Everyone else clings on long past the point where its obvious they have no plan and no clue.


51,137 posts

158 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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markh1973 said:
ChocolateFrog said:
BikeBikeBIke said:
My kids have had and are having a first class state education. Streets ahead of mine. I've no reason to think it will be worse under a different government but Education is good at the moment. Very good.
You have to be fking kidding right?

My OH is a school business manager. She's been told recently she needs to essentially sack 4 more members of staff due to their budget. They beg, borrow and steal everything they can just to make ends meet.

It's a real stshow on the whole.

Some schools perform really well despite the issues they're having thrown at them. You can't extrapolate that to say "Education is good at the moment. Very good."
My children go to a great state primary school. First rate and full (400 pupils). My eldest will go to secondary in September, which is the one of the top performing state schools (a non selective entry Grammar school) in the North with excellent results both academic and non-academic. As are all 3 local secondary schools.


6,388 posts

135 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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The corrupt and incompetent Tories are going to be utterly wiped out. This will make the 1997 loss look like a success story in comparison.

Their poll numbers are at rock bottom plus their normal quotient is going to get split off by the Remain numpties.

It’s a great time to be alive.


8,733 posts

118 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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ChocolateFrog said:
BikeBikeBIke said:
My kids have had and are having a first class state education. Streets ahead of mine. I've no reason to think it will be worse under a different government but Education is good at the moment. Very good.
You have to be fking kidding right?

My OH is a school business manager. She's been told recently she needs to essentially sack 4 more members of staff due to their budget. They beg, borrow and steal everything they can just to make ends meet.

It's a real stshow on the whole.
Yeah, teachers seems to hate it, but the kids are getting a first class education. Or mine are anyway. Different world to when I was at school and private schools in my area are struggling to compete.

Not that I have any reason to think anything will get worse after July.


9,098 posts

155 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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turbobloke said:
That's only a part-time job, easy, they'll get the EU to set favourable terms in a flash. Then they'll fix the NHS, immigration and productivity in no time, and they'll be paragons of virtue doing it. Anybody noting history and thinking otherwise can't possibly have an iota of intelligence.
Nobody is saying anything of the sort, but then I think you know that.

Hugo Stiglitz

37,491 posts

214 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Barchettaman said:
The corrupt and incompetent Tories are going to be utterly wiped out. This will make the 1997 loss look like a success story in comparison.

Their poll numbers are at rock bottom plus their normal quotient is going to get split off by the Remain numpties.

It’s a great time to be alive.
I know, they've not even thought let's try and regroup. Just 'oh we proved unpopular let's just go for the finale now'.

Sunak must be absolutely sick of doing this. He probably said I'll quit if we don't go for an election either that or he actually believes the country will back him. Madness.


7,808 posts

205 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I wonder how people's predictions from this morning are going to shape up? hehe

Best news in like forever!


2,467 posts

215 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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MrBig said:
Teppic said:
Can't vote Tory, won't vote Labour, and everyone else is pretty much a wasted vote.

What a time to be alive.
The very literal definition of self-fulfilling prophecy. Why are so many people stuck in this mindset?
We desperately need proportional representation.


4,374 posts

251 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I don't want conservative. I don't want Labour. I will swat up on the others but it's been a mess and it's going to continue to be a mess unfortunately. It does need a shake up I don't see any competence or trustworthiness

Did they pick 4th July so we can hand things over to the Americans? hehe


9,098 posts

155 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Hugo Stiglitz said:
Why have they called a snap election? They are going to get slaughtered.

Utter madness. Labour must be laughing.
Strong rumours that a VONC was on the cards, with key policies like small boats and Rwanda likely to fail over the summer. I think his hand was forced, otherwise he’d have gone in May if he wanted an early election.


1,394 posts

160 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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BikeBikeBIke said:
ChocolateFrog said:
BikeBikeBIke said:
My kids have had and are having a first class state education. Streets ahead of mine. I've no reason to think it will be worse under a different government but Education is good at the moment. Very good.
You have to be fking kidding right?

My OH is a school business manager. She's been told recently she needs to essentially sack 4 more members of staff due to their budget. They beg, borrow and steal everything they can just to make ends meet.

It's a real stshow on the whole.
Yeah, teachers seems to hate it, but the kids are getting a first class education. Or mine are anyway. Different world to when I was at school and private schools in my area are struggling to compete.

Not that I have any reason to think anything will get worse after July.
Youngest child's headteacher certainly seems to find money from somewhere.

Helped by the 2:1 funding she got from one of my other children but only ever provided 1:1 care no doubt. But seriously, she's managed to get all sorts for the school. How i don't know, but it's in stark contrast to other schools I have dealings with.

Oh, and how nobody commented 'Wet D:Ream' at quarter past 5 i'll never know.


19,055 posts

171 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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MrBig said:
Teppic said:
Can't vote Tory, won't vote Labour, and everyone else is pretty much a wasted vote.

What a time to be alive.
The very literal definition of self-fulfilling prophecy. Why are so many people stuck in this mindset?
Because it's......true? Holding your nose and voting hasn't particularly worked terribly well over the years I'd suggest so......


7,076 posts

162 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I don't think the Tories will be eviscerated in the way some expect, though I'd be amazed if they win.

There appears to be little to no enthusiasm for Labour as an actual proposition. Our Keir won't get a honeymoon. He'll get an instant spanking when it becomes clear how little wiggle room there is.


12,520 posts

265 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Hugo Stiglitz said:
Why have they called a snap election? They are going to get slaughtered.

Utter madness. Labour must be laughing.
There is a 20-30bn gap which needs to be covered by either a) Tax rises or b) Spending cuts.

As the UK is now a country that has abandoned growth and meaningful, overall, tax cuts the only solution is going to be A.

Whomever is in charge will need to address this in the Autumn therefore, probably best to let the incoming Labour government handle that hot potato, the Tories survive with 'some sort' of meaningful MP number through the summer as the news is not going to improve the closer to that statement we get.

Edit - The Spectator.

Edited by Carl_VivaEspana on Wednesday 22 May 19:29