Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12

Scottish Politics / Independence - Vol 12



3,295 posts

148 months

Sunday 28th January
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sherman said:
Humzas been caught giving money to the terrorists.

He cant be allowed to stay in post now surely?

BBC News - Scottish aid to UNRWA agency paused after Hamas attack claims
That is the biggest coincedence in the history of coincidences, Dumza must be seriously thick or take us as gullible fools to dress that payment as aid...proving it is the problem.


2,632 posts

91 months

Sunday 28th January
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There needs to be an investigation into the circumstances surrounding monies given to Gaza based organisations.
Who made the decisions around this, the recipients, the amount, the due diligence before committing etc etc ?
What other £ aid has been provided and on what basis ?
The whole thing needs looked into by someone independent…


7,799 posts

139 months

Sunday 28th January
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Interestingly despite foreign aid being a reserved matter which Scotland has no requirement to spend the budget is £10m a year. At a time of cuts in many services in Scotland.

Of course announcing aid is perhaps a better photo op than boring stuff like roads or housing at home.

On the plus side it is a lot cheaper than the £600m phot op for Sturgeon to launch a ferry.


6,179 posts

67 months

Sunday 28th January
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Well, colour me surprised (not) that the Scottish Executive has indirectly funded terrorism. This was already established, all that has changed is that the news is now public.

Anyhoo, Effie Deans is on the button again....

Effie said:
There is no real history of Scottish nationalism until the 1980s, with Margaret Thatcher and the poll tax and closing Ravenscraig and those awful Tories being wicked to Scotland. It therefore is not really an independence movement. It is an anti-Tory movement.
Something I have been saying in here since dot. Scratch below the surface of our most vocal (alleged) pro-independence supporters who have contributed to these annals and invariably the yellow (or green) revealed red.

Strockey, LimJim, deadslow et al when poked revealed it was just anti-toryism. They've all fallen silent because they know deep down that is what it was all about and arguing pro-SNP now is pointless, and was never really the point anyway.

Big Rod

6,219 posts

219 months

Sunday 28th January
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Evercross said:
Anyhoo, Effie Deans is on the button again....

Effie said:
There is no real history of Scottish nationalism until the 1980s, with Margaret Thatcher and the poll tax and closing Ravenscraig and those awful Tories being wicked to Scotland. It therefore is not really an independence movement. It is an anti-Tory movement.
Thing is, AIUI, Ravenscraig wasn't directly the Tory's doing, in fact IIRC they tried very hard to keep it in production but it was the lack of quality coal due to 'you know what' that led to it's demise or so I've read.

Poll tax? Meh. The young and naïve me thought it unfair that Scotland got it first at the time but now I'm a bit more 'wizened', I think I can understand the theory/motivation behind it considering devolution etc. I could of course be wrong.


1,798 posts

33 months

Sunday 28th January
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Evercross said:
Well, colour me surprised (not) that the Scottish Executive has indirectly funded terrorism. This was already established, all that has changed is that the news is now public.

Anyhoo, Effie Deans is on the button again....

Effie said:
There is no real history of Scottish nationalism until the 1980s, with Margaret Thatcher and the poll tax and closing Ravenscraig and those awful Tories being wicked to Scotland. It therefore is not really an independence movement. It is an anti-Tory movement.
Something I have been saying in here since dot. Scratch below the surface of our most vocal (alleged) pro-independence supporters who have contributed to these annals and invariably the yellow (or green) revealed red.

Strockey, LimJim, deadslow et al when poked revealed it was just anti-toryism. They've all fallen silent because they know deep down that is what it was all about and arguing pro-SNP now is pointless, and was never really the point anyway.
I'm not sure that is right - devolution was certainly brought in as a reaction to Thatcherism (poll tax, etc). Devolution isn't the same as nationalism, even though it helped the SNP powerbase. If you look at who helped bring Thatcher into power, for example, the SNP having voted against the Callaghan government. Their first coalition was with the Conservatives. The SNP and the Tories are really 2 sides of the same coin - at least in my view. Both polarising and championing the politics of division - both need each other as well.


26,366 posts

196 months

Sunday 28th January
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Big Rod said:
Thing is, AIUI, Ravenscraig wasn't directly the Tory's doing, in fact IIRC they tried very hard to keep it in production but it was the lack of quality coal due to 'you know what' that led to it's demise or so I've read.

Poll tax? Meh. The young and naïve me thought it unfair that Scotland got it first at the time but now I'm a bit more 'wizened', I think I can understand the theory/motivation behind it considering devolution etc. I could of course be wrong.
Ravenscraig lost to Port Talbot because the latter is right next to an ore terminal for importing coal and iron ore; Hunterston Ore Terminal is about 80km from Motherwell by rail.


13,555 posts

218 months

Sunday 28th January
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A poll comissioned by the Sunday times shows Sturgeon appears to have finally lost the trust of the people.
Shes gone from +19 tanking down to -18.
Nicola Sturgeon's popularity tanks in Scotland: Poll shows most Scots no longer trust ex-first mini… via


7,799 posts

139 months

Sunday 28th January
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Yes. Effie is right.

" Scots only want independence if everything stays the same as it is now and we get all that we want in the negotiations both with the former UK and the EU and also, we get free iPads and £10,000 so we can be like Denmark."


13,555 posts

218 months

Sunday 28th January
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irc said:
Yes. Effie is right.

" Scots only want independence if everything stays the same as it is now and we get all that we want in the negotiations both with the former UK and the EU and also, we get free iPads and £10,000 so we can be like Denmark."
Land of milk and honey just like Salmond/Sturgeon promised.


7,799 posts

139 months

Sunday 28th January
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sherman said:
A poll comissioned by the Sunday times shows Sturgeon appears to have finally lost the trust of the people.
Shes gone from +19 tanking down to -18.
Nicola Sturgeon's popularity tanks in Scotland: Poll shows most Scots no longer trust ex-first mini… via
That poll shows that almost a third (32%) of Scots still trust Sturgeon. Are they fking brain dead? The enquiry this week has proven beyond doubt she can't be trusted. Says one thing in public for the sheep and another thing in private. You know she is lying because her mouth is open.

She has insulted the victims of Covid by destroying as many records as she could to avoid scrutiny.

I met my sister for a beer this week. She livesin the Glasgow constituency of useless Thewliss. She is voting Labour for the first time in her life as she sees the most important thing is to get the SNP out. I just hope some Labour/Lib Dem voters in SNP/Tory marginals will reciprocate.

Edited by irc on Sunday 28th January 14:45


13,555 posts

218 months

Sunday 28th January
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irc said:
sherman said:
A poll comissioned by the Sunday times shows Sturgeon appears to have finally lost the trust of the people.
Shes gone from +19 tanking down to -18.
Nicola Sturgeon's popularity tanks in Scotland: Poll shows most Scots no longer trust ex-first mini… via
That poll shows that almost a third (32%) of Scots still trust Sturgeon. Are they fking brain dead? The enquiry this week has proven beyond doubt she can't be trusted. Says one thing in public for the sheep and another thing in private. You know she is lying because her mouth is open.

She has insulted the victims of Covid by destroying as many records as she could to avoid scrutiny.

I met my sister for a beer this week. She livesin the Glasgow constituency of useless Thewliss. She is voting Labour for the first time in her life as she sees the most important thing is to get the SNP out. I just hope some Labour/Lib Dem voters in SNP/Tory marginals will reciprocate.

Edited by irc on Sunday 28th January 14:45
She still has tk go up in front of the enquiry this wednesday. The KCs are going to destroy her.
The poll also shows the snp are due to get 18 seats to labours 28 in the GE.
Theres a good chance the snp could end up with less MPs than the LibDems.


3,295 posts

148 months

Sunday 28th January
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You will never change the extremists mindset, they could murder your children and these muppets would still vote for them.

The definition of an SNP voter's human psyche is a bewildering complexity of mental issues all wrapped up in a one easily pronunced word...Thicko.


4,318 posts

227 months

Sunday 28th January
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Proof that you really can fool some of the people, all of the time.


7,799 posts

139 months

Sunday 28th January
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More casual lawbreaking by the SNP. Their law, passed by them when the Scottish National Investment Bank was established stated an advisory board was to be appointed. Three years on still not done. When The Herald asked what was happening bungling civil servants mistakenly copied them in on a reply revealing work to set up the board wasn't beginning until next month.


2,524 posts

220 months

Sunday 28th January
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Klippie said:
You will never change the extremists mindset, they could murder your children and these muppets would still vote for them.
I've said this for years


2,237 posts

120 months

Sunday 28th January
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irc said:
More casual lawbreaking by the SNP. Their law, passed by them when the Scottish National Investment Bank was established stated an advisory board was to be appointed. Three years on still not done. When The Herald asked what was happening bungling civil servants mistakenly copied them in on a reply revealing work to set up the board wasn't beginning until next month.
Ach it was only more of that delicious taxpayers' money that was wasted here, yet another "nothing to see here, move along" day for the SNP.

Just as well the country is being run so well that these sums can just be squandered without concern. Oh, wait...


4,991 posts

184 months

Sunday 28th January
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Dinoboy said:
Klippie said:
You will never change the extremists mindset, they could murder your children and these muppets would still vote for them.
I've said this for years
To be fair, if you went back 20 years or so, Scottish Labour could have put “death of the first born” on their manifesto and still won pretty much every seat in the Central Belt.


2,308 posts

36 months

Sunday 28th January
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Is there nothing in place to prevent the abuse of public money on such a grand scale? Surely the Scottish parliament are accountable to a higher authority. Everyone has to be accountable to someone, when the law was written to create the Scottish pretendy government surely some safeguards were built in, razors on the till drawers would have been a good start.

Or are Westminster letting them carry on like this knowing they are cooking their own goose.


3,295 posts

148 months

Sunday 28th January
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alangla said:
Dinoboy said:
Klippie said:
You will never change the extremists mindset, they could murder your children and these muppets would still vote for them.
I've said this for years
To be fair, if you went back 20 years or so, Scottish Labour could have put “death of the first born” on their manifesto and still won pretty much every seat in the Central Belt.
That is very true...but now with all the woke nonsense pish that they like these days, I think they would have alienated most of that old vote.