Climate change - the POLITICAL debate (Vol 7)

Climate change - the POLITICAL debate (Vol 7)



105,138 posts

263 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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johnboy1975 said:
Polar bear populations Quadruple since 1950
What's the ASA doing sitting on its hands?


13,277 posts

206 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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johnboy1975 said:
Polar bear populations Quadruple since 1950

Polar bear populations are increasing dramatically during recent decades as the planet has warmed.
I guess at some point they will over saturate and fall back naturally due to space and food constraints. With someone from the green agenda on hand to capture the images of starving polar bears and blame it on AGW, obviously
"Polar bear scientist Dr. Susan Crockford"

Take with a shovel full, rather than a pinch, of salt.


5,404 posts

244 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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Afternoon All. Obviously the new GreenCon (servative) Party will nor permit a referendum, but I believe the Reform Party will have a so-called 'net zero' referendum in their manifesto.

This could get going too if it's spread around...


105,138 posts

263 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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hairykrishna said:
johnboy1975 said:
Polar bear populations Quadruple since 1950

Polar bear populations are increasing dramatically during recent decades as the planet has warmed.
I guess at some point they will over saturate and fall back naturally due to space and food constraints. With someone from the green agenda on hand to capture the images of starving polar bears and blame it on AGW, obviously
"Polar bear scientist Dr. Susan Crockford"

Take with a shovel full, rather than a pinch, of salt.
Shooting the messenger with a paper on climate change denial, worse than firing blanks. Dr Crockford's published content is based on independent polar bear surveys with actual numbers greater than the author list extent on the denial heresy paper.

Three bear population surveys were published in 2020.
All were found to be either stable or increasing.

Southern Beaufort - stable since 2010, not reduced as assumed in agw faith
M’Clintock Channel - bear numbers more than doubled from 284 in 2000 to 716 in 2016
Gulf of Boothia - population found to be stable, with body condition improved

The 'official' IUCN Red List global population estimaten doesn't take into account surveys conducted since then, if these - including those made public in 2020 - are included then the average is approaching 30,000 with no sustained statistically significant decline in any of the sub-populations surveyed.

Viscount Melville (completed 2016) and Davis Strait (completed 2018) survey results are as yet unpublished, with East Greenland expected in 2022, which is hardly surprising given that 2020 saw virtually all polar bear research halted across the Arctic for a year with restrictions on travel among efforts made to protect vulnerable northern communities from covid infection.


24,925 posts

261 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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hairykrishna said:
"Polar bear scientist Dr. Susan Crockford"

Take with a shovel full, rather than a pinch, of salt.
Peer reviewed paper - can’t be true? yikes


105,138 posts

263 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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COP26 failure responses are in early with Politico indicating that government advisers in Europe are privately preparing to explain to the public why 1.6 or 1.7 degrees might not mean total failure.

Decimals laugh they truly believe their own climate fairytales. Toddlers with a precious first calculator could only hope to achieve those faith levels around spurious accuracy.

Leaders from China and Russia awol, more snow less snow, COP failure is the new success.


13,259 posts

238 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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turbobloke said:
COP26 failure responses are in early with Politico indicating that government advisers in Europe are privately preparing to explain to the public why 1.6 or 1.7 degrees might not mean total failure.

Decimals laugh they truly believe their own climate fairytales. Toddlers with a precious first calculator could only hope to achieve those faith levels around spurious accuracy.

Leaders from China and Russia awol, more snow less snow, COP failure is the new success.


8,499 posts

111 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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turbobloke said:
Remember, COP26 failure, world conflict and chaos. Bunker, tinned food, bottled water.
Go Boris.
“just under 4bn tonnes if new production rates are maintained until year-end”
China using 4b tonnes of coal so they dont get cold this winter (very sensible) vs Boris and his windymills /ASHP/GSHP (not quite so sensible)


13,259 posts

238 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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What we need are net zero targets for 2060. Keeping the dream alive.


11,126 posts

184 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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Gaspode said:
robinessex said:
30,000 people eh, well that's statistically bks for a start.
Nope. Depending on selection method (ie you need a truly random selection), very small sample sizes will provide statistically meaningful results.

For example, if you have a population of 30 million people and want a 99% accurate result with a 5% margin, then you need a sample size of just 664 respondents. To get the margin of error down to 1% you still only need 16568 respondents.

A survey of 30,000 people, chosen randomly, would give a very good result indeed.
Statistics eh. My statistics lecture at college always said before any data gathering, make sure you have a 'REPRESENTAIVE' sample. Thus if you asked 1000 people about living by the sea, you get a different answer if you asked 1000 people who live 100 miles away.


7,148 posts

209 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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turbobloke said:
COP26 failure responses are in early with Politico indicating that government advisers in Europe are privately preparing to explain to the public why 1.6 or 1.7 degrees might not mean total failure.

Decimals laugh they truly believe their own climate fairytales. Toddlers with a precious first calculator could only hope to achieve those faith levels around spurious accuracy.

Leaders from China and Russia awol, more snow less snow, COP failure is the new success.
What like Archibald's prediction of 1.5C of cooling to 2020?

Here's what the paris agreement says already:

Article 1(a)
Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below
2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature
increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would
significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change;


7,645 posts

195 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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kerplunk said:
turbobloke said:
COP26 failure responses are in early with Politico indicating that government advisers in Europe are privately preparing to explain to the public why 1.6 or 1.7 degrees might not mean total failure.

Decimals laugh they truly believe their own climate fairytales. Toddlers with a precious first calculator could only hope to achieve those faith levels around spurious accuracy.

Leaders from China and Russia awol, more snow less snow, COP failure is the new success.
What like Archibald's prediction of 1.5C of cooling to 2020?

Here's what the paris agreement says already:

Article 1(a)
Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below
2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature
increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would
significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change;
There’s a delicious get-out in there too: ‘pursuing efforts’. When it doesn’t work (which it won’t) they’ll at least be able to say, ‘we tried but couldn’t hold back the tide.’ ‘Twas ever thus with hubris and delusion.


105,138 posts

263 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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Link said:
Developing countries, many of which are deeply indebted following the Covid-19 crisis, must be the focus of the Cop26 summit if the UK hopes to make it a success, the UN’s development chief has said.
Redistribution of wealth to poorer countries for expropriation of the atmosphere via exhaled virus-infected droplets. Of course, climate gets a mention in passing, let's not forget it, we all know (groupthink) and so on.

By all means provide aid. Doing it that way ^ people might think you're redistributing the world's wealth by climate policy, which is nothing to do with environmental policy any longer. If somebody said as much openly in an interview you can bet they'd be defended and excused by the method of spinning tops.


105,138 posts

263 months

Thursday 28th October 2021
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It's been transparently obvious for at least 14 years that green is the new red. At this point it's old read news. LongQ's Vol1 of this thread had/has a sound basis, climate is politics.

Before then, co-founder and former Greenpeace leader Dr Moore explained how "extremists and ultra-leftists" took over the environmental movement in the 80s.

By spilling the beans he became a 'traitor' to 'the cause' as heresy against doctrine is definitely unacceptable.

There's another Moore being vilified for similar reasons, telling it as it is.

Reminiscent of hairy's post referencing a cross between the Spanish Inquisition and Groupthink Я Us.


105,138 posts

263 months

Friday 29th October 2021
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This is from political journalists at Politico.

Todd Stern who was formerly Chief Climate Negotiator for President Barack Obama said:
All hell is breaking loose. The notion that it’s going to be really freaking bad at 1.5 deg C let alone 2. I’m a complete believer in that.
A climate Chief Negotiator, in panic mode, as all hell breaks loose (a dead cert around COP26)...follow the money, not the bunny...and a negotiator who believes completely. The language is a peachy giveaway throughout but media hacks nod it on with straight faces.

Then there's the following from Sudarshan Varadhan and Aaron Sheldrick at Reuters.

COP26: Biden & Boris plan to banish coal. Asia is building hundreds of power plants to burn it.
Reuters 29 October 2021

COPping delusion in action. As they say, you coudn't make it up.


5,404 posts

244 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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As most of us know, we'll probably never see a greater farce than COP26.

Brilliant words from Neil Oliver sum it up. Who would have thought that the BBC 'Coast' presenter would turn out to be such a voice of logic and reason? I guess he'll not be allowed to work for the BBC again.


1,382 posts

57 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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deeps said:
As most of us know, we'll probably never see a greater farce than COP26.

Brilliant words from Neil Oliver sum it up. Who would have thought that the BBC 'Coast' presenter would turn out to be such a voice of logic and reason? I guess he'll not be allowed to work for the BBC again.
Great words from Neil, I notice on Sky news that the trains were off due to trees or something so COP26 delegates had no choice but to FLY……

Ivan stewart

2,792 posts

39 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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Just wondering how if at all will you be marking COP 26?
I’ve put a deposit on a V8 It will take me a few years to match the example set by the delegates as I haven’t got access to a private jet or a presidential motorcade but I shall do my best .


4,774 posts

221 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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Time to get serious about the environment…..

We’re all meeting together the following day in Glasgow, but let’s get to Rome first for a meeting.

People resources, fleet resources, jets, very elaborate meeting space to make for a brief discussion.

Right let’s pack up and get those people across to Glasgow to save the planet.


3,097 posts

36 months

Sunday 31st October 2021
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LM240 said:
Time to get serious about the environment…..

We’re all meeting together the following day in Glasgow, but let’s get to Rome first for a meeting.

People resources, fleet resources, jets, very elaborate meeting space to make for a brief discussion.

Right let’s pack up and get those people across to Glasgow to save the planet.
Hypocritical clown show