WTF is Brown doing with my Monarchy?

WTF is Brown doing with my Monarchy?



13,812 posts

194 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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I wish he'd just leave it all alone, just trying to take more steps to dilute the monarchy. It's a historic part of our country and he shouldn't be having any say in it.


1,895 posts

213 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Simple really ... he's running out of things to fk up ....rolleyes


11,968 posts

220 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Shouldn't Winky be concentrating on getting us out of the st that he's got us into rather than pissing about with anything else? I dont care what he thought about Jade, I've got no opinion on who the Windsors are allowed to marry, Care even less about "third" world countries with their hand out wanting money to help feed the starving / build schools and hospitalspay for their space programme / nukes

All I want from a government and it's PM is 100% concentration on keeping getting this country on top curse

Corpulent Tosser

5,459 posts

248 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Better if the monarchy finished with liz, just let it go.


2,215 posts

192 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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JagLover said:
I agree with this.

Religion should be no bar to becoming monarch, and if this means disestablishing the COE so be it.

As for sons having primacy, some of our best monarchs have been female and I am quite happy for them to change it to 1st born of either gender.

A long overdue reform.
Some of our best monarchs were female... Who came into power while this rule was in effect.

Not all monarchs are baby machines, if Wills has two girls, chances are we'll have a queen.

Why the need for change?


8,783 posts

232 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Corpulent Tosser said:
Better if the monarchy finished with liz, just let it go.
Wouldn't we lose a nice wedge due to all the tourism HRH generates ? I don't see the benefit of being a republic myself. I'm no royal supporter either, but they do make the UK interesting to foreign travellers.


36,010 posts

287 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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JagLover said:
Religion should be no bar to becoming monarch, and if this means disestablishing the COE so be it.
Yes it should, no way Rome or any other place get the satisfaction. Old Henry had a good idea, even if it was to his own ends at the time.

Corpulent Tosser

5,459 posts

248 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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scorp said:
Corpulent Tosser said:
Better if the monarchy finished with liz, just let it go.
Wouldn't we lose a nice wedge due to all the tourism HRH generates ? I don't see the benefit of being a republic myself. I'm no royal supporter either, but they do make the UK interesting to foreign travellers.
The properties would still be there, in fact if they returned the ones owned by the state and just kept their own ones the public (who own the properties) and tourists would get better access to them.

They could even stand to be elected as President or MPs, wouldn't that be something ?


8,783 posts

232 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Corpulent Tosser said:
The properties would still be there, in fact if they returned the ones owned by the state and just kept their own ones the public (who own the properties) and tourists would get better access to them.

They could even stand to be elected as President or MPs, wouldn't that be something ?
We both know the royals don't rule, they are figureheads which attract tourists (to my eyes). I would imagine tourism would decrease, what would make london interesting to american tourists after they have gone compared to other european cities ?


32,414 posts

207 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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I suspect this is winky trying to show his might and show the royal family that it is him who is head of state and not the queen. I bet there is some nastys hidden away in clause 3.6.7-8 paragraph 2.947 that means winky becomes official head of state

Parrot of Doom

23,075 posts

237 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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It isn't the first time the monarchy has been messed around with, and it won't be the last. I'm not certain I see any real grounds for objection - we've had many Catholic monarchs. As for our best monarchs being women - you should have a look at Mary I of England. Elizabeth I wasn't perfect either - Charles II was a much more progressive monarch.


4,754 posts

258 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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I'd rather it wasn't changed and remains the archaic joke it's become. Far better chance of it being destroyed if it remains mired in the dark ages.


5,153 posts

195 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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JMGS4 said:
It's just PC showmanship to detract from all the other troubles that Wee Willy Winky has got us into....
Time to bring back the treason laws, not to feck around with old laws which need no changes!
First in line for charges on treason..bLIAR and Wee Willy Winky
Smoke and Mirrors.

Charles is next King. William is the next. If William has a daughter first it could be 100+ years before it's an issue. Assuming William lives to be 102 like the queen is planning. Winky will be dead in a Tunnel before then.

Kermit power

29,038 posts

216 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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cs02rm0 said:
I wish he'd just leave it all alone, just trying to take more steps to dilute the monarchy.
How would it dilute the monarchy?

If anything, I'd say it would strengthen it. As I see it, the proposed changes would simply make the concept of the monarchy more popular (with women and catholics, primarily, I suppose) and give people less grounds to complain about it. It's not as though Brown is proposing a lottery of recent immigrants to choose the next monarch.


5,715 posts

254 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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I think this is where the Queen should ask Prince Philip to explain the one eyed idiot that Britain is a CHURCH OF ENGLAND state. Hopefully he would then poke Brown in his functioning eye, before dispatching him to the Tower.

Brown should have no other business to do other than shoring up the British economy. That includes staying away from any foreign nations and offering them 'help' Britain cannot afford (literally) to give.


3,119 posts

196 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Corpulent Tosser said:
scorp said:
Corpulent Tosser said:
Better if the monarchy finished with liz, just let it go.
Wouldn't we lose a nice wedge due to all the tourism HRH generates ? I don't see the benefit of being a republic myself. I'm no royal supporter either, but they do make the UK interesting to foreign travellers.
The properties would still be there, in fact if they returned the ones owned by the state and just kept their own ones the public (who own the properties) and tourists would get better access to them.

They could even stand to be elected as President or MPs, wouldn't that be something ?
good shout!

soapbox some key questions...

  • do you believe in equality?
  • do you believe in democracy and the principles of a government for the people from the people?
  • would you agree that not ALL our monarchs have been good?
i've no problems with them continuing to call themselves Kings/Queens/etc but there should no legal rights as a result of being born into a family - much the same with the heriditary peers too. and they can still keep the houses, and we can still do the changing of the guard thing if we want for the tourists but lets not pretend that they should have any rights to speak for the state. plus, what if they don't WANT to do it - feel a bit sorry for them as they are born straight into a full time job - talk about pushy parents!!!! wink

(and no, this doesn't mean that i think our current parlimentary system is perfect and yes, i do think there must be more important things for the goverment to be doing!)

back on topic, how hard a decision can it be to change the rules. does anyone honestly believe that males automatically make the best sovereigns? surely its a 5 minute job to agree?


2,199 posts

193 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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1. The monarchy of Britain is highly respected world wide!
2. It has been a tradition of this country for 100's of years, why fk with it?
3. Religious factors with regard to succession being changed today means messing with a tradition that was carried forward by generations of British people.
4. winky...Stop fking with an issue that wont come up until william or his first born changes religion and has an issue with succession.

kudos to winky for the tactic of diversion!!! send nu labia to iraq and kandahar..maybe we can escape some ambushes against our boys n gals out there!

Sheriff JWPepper

3,851 posts

207 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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The whole point of the monarchy is that it's an anachronistic institution, that's why it's interesting.

Kermit power

29,038 posts

216 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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GavinPearson said:
I think this is where the Queen should ask Prince Philip to explain the one eyed idiot that Britain is a CHURCH OF ENGLAND state.
I am a staunch monarchist, but I'd happily take to the streets with burning torch and pitchfork if it meant removing the bloody church from the state.


4,187 posts

185 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Posturing and positioning so the queen cant hang parliament when she smells a rat and tries to sack brown and nulabor?