Was this recession engineered?


King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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CTE said:
Just think about it, if you are a politician, or a snival servant cronie, what fantastic opportunities there are right now for a bargain. If you have a decent secure job, you are laughing right now.
What if the Labour politicians realised their term in office can only last so long no matter what they do, so why not engineer the recession? Get a few of the top snival servant cronies on board, turn a blind eye, or even encourage wreckless behaviour by the finanial institutions, and hey presto, a massive world wide recession which can be blamed on anyone but them. Now with their fat pay offs (curtesy of us dumb tax payers), go and bag a bargain, and you`re set up for life!

Am I being a bit too cynical??
It is so radical it's probably true. This is the sort of thing you read about in Bourne books, that you know will never happen in the real world........


8,981 posts

256 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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jimmy729 said:
richinleeds said:
It's all the Rothschild's big plan to make even more money for themselves!!
OI! leave my family out of this mad

Lord Croker

7,076 posts

192 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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dozen said:
Have a look at this. Try not to be put off by the uber geek presenting it, it is actually quite interesting... nerd

Four posts in 25 months. That must be some kind of record!


18,764 posts

264 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Wasn't it Prof N Ferguson who said this situation was a crisis of confidence?

You have to look at the media's role in all of this and question to what extent they are culpable and if significant, who would have the influence to effect such a thing, how might they benefit and why?

There have been technical coronaries in the wholesale money markets for some time but Peston, Randell et al have been powerful agents of chronic negativity for only some of that time.

Whatever technical crises undoubtedly do exist, this crowd made things worse: the 'run' on Northern Rock was what, to many people - other than a scene regurgitated ad infinitum - of a couple of dozen pensioners in a queue?

It is inconceivable, imo, that things would be quite as they are had their relentless, hyperbolic doom mongering been less, ito of the nature of it's jubilant, sermonising tone and the venom with which it's beliefs and conclusions have become the de facto mindset in many quarters.

Brown and Boris

11,801 posts

238 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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According to the BPP, BNP and Stormfront it is a Jewish conspiracy.


13,554 posts

234 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Brown and Boris said:
According to the BPP, BNP and Stormfront it is a Jewish conspiracy.
scratchchin Hmmm, so if we take them at their word, the vast majority of the UK homeowning public has them to thank for their X5s, holidays to Florida, and the nice plasma. Good job lads thumbup