At last, someone standing up for Britain

At last, someone standing up for Britain



8,751 posts

282 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Fidgits said:
BOR said:
That's the point you thicko. I can't speak every language so I don't expect people arriving in the UK to be immediately fluent in english either.
no, but you would expect anyone moving to another country to make a concerned effort to learn the language..

unfortunatley, many brits in the south of spain dont realise this either..
Perfectly valid point that. The Costa Brits seem to do their damnedest to avoid actually talking to any Spaniards at all from what little knowledge I have.
I have relatives that live in Spain, and their entire life is effectively Britain with extra sun. I found it a bit sad when they proudly told me that they speak no Spanish at all after 5year plus out there because they simply don't need to.


24,438 posts

231 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Wadeski said:
MaxAndRuby said:
BOR said:
How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ? Or British ex-pats in Dubai or Barcelona or China ? How come the same rules aren't applied to them ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.
They're on holiday.

Please list the countries you've visited on holiday and confirm you are fluent in every language of the host nation.
More applicable to the ex-pats on the costa del scum, and all the Brits working in Dubai and Hong Kong....
Kis Umak Shahmootah


14,626 posts

270 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Fidgits said:
unfortunatley, many brits in the south of spain dont realise this either..
Are there many of them picking up Spanish benefit cheques...?


5,719 posts

209 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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BOR said:
How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ? Or British ex-pats in Dubai? How come the same rules aren't applied to them ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.
Speaking from having lived in the UAE for the last 6 months. Every expat does their best to respect local law and tradition BAR NONE! Its the tourists who act like idiots and they get locked up for it! Expats actively distance themselves from this kind of behaviour. We are not allowed to claim anything from the state and if we are made redundant (like i was last week) we are expected to leave the country asap, if we dont we face jail/forced deportation! Ontop of that expats are contributing to a society that wouldnt exist in the capacity it does today, 80% of the population are expats in Dubai! And people are from every corner of the world in one small area, English is the common ground, we're lucky...Most of the police and other government sector dont speak english and any documents we fill in for visas etc are all required to be translated into arabic at a cost.

Edited by Mark.H on Thursday 19th March 12:20


24,438 posts

231 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Having now read the article - good on him.

My paternal Grandmother came to the UK from Thailand in the 50's knowing the minimum of English to get by, made a point of integrating into the culture and society of England, worked bloody hard and became the Manageress of the largest Mothercare in the UK, loved everything Britain stood for (then) and was a devout royalist. She loved the country and the country loved her back - she was extremely well respected and a pillar of the community. She also never forgot her roots and was proud to be of Thai heritage.

It can be done as she and this upstanding chap have shown.


1,036 posts

214 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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MaxAndRuby said:
Seems like a good man, and a great addition to Britain.

More publicity about people like this(and there are lots of them) would help our society.
+1 clap

Like him I really don't understand people who come to Britain for a better life and then want it to change to become more like the sthole they left behind?


3,770 posts

224 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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BOR said:
That's the point you thicko. I can't speak every language so I don't expect people arriving in the UK to be immediately fluent in english either.
Nor does he you halfwit (see what I did there? I went down to your level), he expects people to make an effort to speak English though!

Established 1984

1,237 posts

188 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Good on him. This island is built on 2000 years of economic migration and integration.

A true Brit

Hopefully somewhere in Spain a Brit is saying the same thing as him in fluent Spanish.


11,550 posts

230 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Agree with the guy.
Shame that the Govt doesn't have the balls to take similar stance.

chris watton

22,477 posts

263 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Mark.H said:
BOR said:
How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ? Or British ex-pats in Dubai? How come the same rules aren't applied to them ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.
...Most of the police and other government sector dont speak english and any documents we fill in for visas etc are all required to be translated into arabic at a cost.

Edited by Mark.H on Thursday 19th March 12:20
Exactly the same in Italy, it took us us six months to get our residency, having to get everything translated into Italian, proof of employment etc - you HAVE to respect the laws and customs of your host country, if you don't, you deserve all you get.

The 'Rules' are that we had to prove we would not in any way be, and I quote "A burden on the state"

Edited by chris watton on Thursday 19th March 12:47


18,789 posts

231 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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DamoLLb said:
article said:
As we talk in his shop, an Eastern European woman silently presents a £299 benefit cheque at the counter to be cashed.
Hmmmmm scratchchinrolleyes


322 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Spot on. If you're on PH too then you're pretty much perfect, so if you are, well done mate!


2,215 posts

192 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Top bloke!

Have one of these from me!



680 posts

214 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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The post office in question is 5min from my house. The guy is a tt! very up himself and very rude. Let's see how long he keeps his job which is temporary anyway.


5,221 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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I can't agree more and my story mirrors his.

I left my crappy old country last year after living there for 30 years. Now I'm here I enjoy my better quality of life and am of course progressing with the local lingo.

'Here' is Norway, and he can quite happily take my place in the UK


16,012 posts

207 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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BOR said:
How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ? Or British ex-pats in Dubai or Barcelona or China ? How come the same rules aren't applied to them ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.
Not really. I'm an ex-pat and I'm doing my best to learn Italian. I also try to speak Italian to locals that I know speak very good English. It's just polite.

Well done that man!


6,792 posts

235 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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A1 said:
The post office in question is 5min from my house. The guy is a tt! very up himself and very rude. Let's see how long he keeps his job which is temporary anyway.
Hang the bd.


4,741 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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sprinter885 said:
Agree with the guy.
Shame that the Govt doesn't have the balls to take similar stance.
My understanding is that you can't get a job in France unless you speak French to an acceptable level... seems entirely reasonable to me.


1,672 posts

221 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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BOR said:
How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ? Or British ex-pats in Dubai or Barcelona or China ? How come the same rules aren't applied to them ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.
He isnt saying you have to be fluent, just enough to ask for things in his shop. Im quite happy to say that if I have to ask for things (mainly beer) when in a foreign country I always ask for it in their language.

Bing o

15,184 posts

222 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Sarkmeister said:
BOR said:
How come this doesn't apply to Daily Vilers on holiday abroad ? Or British ex-pats in Dubai or Barcelona or China ? How come the same rules aren't applied to them ?

How come they expect to get away without being fluent in the language of the host nation ?

Typically hypocritical.
He isnt saying you have to be fluent, just enough to ask for things in his shop. Im quite happy to say that if I have to ask for things (mainly beer) when in a foreign country I always ask for it in their language.
After 3 months in HK I was able to:

Meet and Greet
Get a taxi and end up at my apartment/destination
Gamble in Macau

All in Cantonese. I would have learnt more if I had been staying longer. Locals always appreciate it when you make the extra effort. All of the expats I met were taking Cantonese or Mandarin lessons.

We are a stupid soft touch nation - it's not like english isn't exactly widely spoken is it?