Has PH always been so Tory?



20,120 posts

216 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Eric Mc said:
At least since Mr Churchill took charge.
Bloody leftie with his welfare state!


22,227 posts

236 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Winston Churchill said:
If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.

Invisible man

39,731 posts

287 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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el stovey said:
I expect here are loads of posters here who voted Labour in '97.

The tories were almost as corrupt and out of touch with the electorate as Labour are now. The country really needed change.

If I was living in the U.K. I certainly would have considered voting Labour in that election. I have never actually voted Labour in an election though. Old labour were very different before Tony Blair took them into middle ground.

I'm absolutely certain posters will complain about the next government just as much if the Conservative party win the next election, after the honeymoon period has ended.
yes and so it goes on and on and on


18,209 posts

269 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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el stovey said:
I'm absolutely certain posters will complain about the next government just as much if the Conservative party win the next election, after the honeymoon period has ended.
I expect we'll debate the merits of specific policies, rather than rail against the underlying philosophy.


18,231 posts

243 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Rude-boy said:
Winston Churchill said:
If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.
The trouble is that a Liberal in the day of Winston Churchill is not the Liberal of today. The values are very different.

Take a porno mag to a Libdem meeting and see how liberal they really are for instance.


22,227 posts

236 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Invisible man said:
el stovey said:
I expect here are loads of posters here who voted Labour in '97.

The tories were almost as corrupt and out of touch with the electorate as Labour are now. The country really needed change.

If I was living in the U.K. I certainly would have considered voting Labour in that election. I have never actually voted Labour in an election though. Old labour were very different before Tony Blair took them into middle ground.

I'm absolutely certain posters will complain about the next government just as much if the Conservative party win the next election, after the honeymoon period has ended.
yes and so it goes on and on and on
Fairly much right I would agree. The difference is that when the Tories leave they tend to leave a fairly sound economy, where as when Labour leaves it takes the Tories at least a term to turn it around again.

I didn't vote Labour in '97, even though I thought they needed a term out of power to re-integrate with the real world. I had sort of hoped that enough people would see that the Tories weren't going to get in and vote for them on the basis of a balanced parliament, rather than one which has taken 2 further elections to get something like right.


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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tinman0 said:
ali_kat said:
tinman0 said:
Grand Fromage said:
Just out of interest, has it always been very Conservative, or has it become more so with the bunch of twunts in Government now?
Yes. Very simple really.

Pistonheads was a TVR forum. TVRs cost a lot of money to own and run. Successful people who work hard, earn money, buy nice things like a TVR.
I know at least one (former?) TVR owner who is Labour thru and thru wink
I did say a couple got through. wink
I know biggrin I was backing you up - cause it is fairly unbelievable hehe


883 posts

268 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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NDA said:
In mahooosive general terms, it strikes me that when you have little to lose you vote Labour - it's why students are generally left wing.

When you have worked and saved, you vote more centre to right as you are less inclined to pay even more taxes.

Perhaps those who have nice cars (by working and saving) naturally lean more to the right than the left?
That is totally unfair, to say that students are left wing, particularly because they have little to loose. It may stun you to know that many students are not short sighted and will end up with more savings and investments(more to loose than most) as you put it. Therefore will generally be more right wing.

The only students that are left wing are those who are studying some made up degree such as art or music who cheapen the name of a degree. Plus left wingers are more likely to be protestors whereas right wingers have a lesser propensity to riot.


1,752 posts

225 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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sadako said:
cazzer said:
Or perhaps a lot of the people who voted them in at the time are now saying "No guv, not me guv, I've always voted tory. Maggie? God bless her".

Would you admit to voting this shower of st into power?
Considering the current erosion of rights started well into when the Torys were in power, notably with the criminal justice bill, and only escalated with the current government. I suspect that the st is the same no matter which assholes you vote for...

Those of us hoping for a more liberal (or even libertarian) pro-freedom regime under the Tories are going to be sadly disappointed. They're likely to be just as authoritarian and anti-liberty as Labour are currently.


42,655 posts

259 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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el stovey said:
I expect here are loads of posters here who voted Labour in '97.

The tories were almost as corrupt and out of touch with the electorate as Labour are now. The country really needed change.
I was brought up surrounded by Coal mines in a council house in the North. Not old enough to remember the last labour government.
I voted labour in 97.

I would rather chop off my arms than vote Tory. I expected these muppets to be better, in fact I was banking on it. They are worse much worse.

Now I would rather chop off my legs than vote Labour.

They are all s.

Edited by Pesty on Tuesday 17th March 17:56


8,883 posts

251 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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mft said:
sadako said:
cazzer said:
Or perhaps a lot of the people who voted them in at the time are now saying "No guv, not me guv, I've always voted tory. Maggie? God bless her".

Would you admit to voting this shower of st into power?
Considering the current erosion of rights started well into when the Torys were in power, notably with the criminal justice bill, and only escalated with the current government. I suspect that the st is the same no matter which assholes you vote for...

Those of us hoping for a more liberal (or even libertarian) pro-freedom regime under the Tories are going to be sadly disappointed. They're likely to be just as authoritarian and anti-liberty as Labour are currently.
Yes but at least they say "this is going to be stty and yer going to hate it but tough"...
As apposed to the current shower who try to convince you it's good for you/the economy/the planet/the children.


18,942 posts

256 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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mft said:
sadako said:
cazzer said:
Or perhaps a lot of the people who voted them in at the time are now saying "No guv, not me guv, I've always voted tory. Maggie? God bless her".

Would you admit to voting this shower of st into power?
Considering the current erosion of rights started well into when the Torys were in power, notably with the criminal justice bill, and only escalated with the current government. I suspect that the st is the same no matter which assholes you vote for...

Those of us hoping for a more liberal (or even libertarian) pro-freedom regime under the Tories are going to be sadly disappointed. They're likely to be just as authoritarian and anti-liberty as Labour are currently.
I doubt it. Even if they dont repeal ALL of ZanuLabs acts I expect them to undo some of the damage.


5,772 posts

187 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Take a porno mag to a Libdem meeting and see how liberal they really are for instance

Top Thinking. Sit there and crack one off with all the other limp wristed w88nkers in attendance.

Baby Huey

4,881 posts

202 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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el stovey said:
I expect here are loads of posters here who voted Labour in '97.

I certainly did, and jumped for joy when they won. A truly great night when the Tories were rightly ousted.

My opinion has obviously changed now.

Let's not forget that the Tories were in for nearly 20 years, Labour have only been in for just over 10.

Edited by Baby Huey on Tuesday 17th March 21:10


18,231 posts

243 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Hammer67 said:
Top Thinking. Sit there and crack one off with all the other limp wristed w88nkers in attendance.
Not quite what I was thinking hehe


3,584 posts

239 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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If I remember rightly, most of the UK were anti Labour in the last election. It was Scotland who voted the government in.


42,655 posts

259 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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tinman0 said:
Hammer67 said:
Top Thinking. Sit there and crack one off with all the other limp wristed w88nkers in attendance.
Not quite what I was thinking hehe
Awaits that pic in 5 4 3


16,484 posts

247 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Baby Huey said:
el stovey said:
I expect here are loads of posters here who voted Labour in '97.

I certainly did, and jumped for joy when they won. A truly great night when the Tories were rightly ousted.

My opinion has obviously changed now.

Let's not forget that the Tories were in for nearly 20 years, Labour have only been in for just over 10.

But I would also add that at the time this was not a mistake in my opinion. The tired Tory Government had been in power too long and had also made a right mess of things. They had to go at that time.

I am not an ideological voter - I will change allegiances to whoever I think is the best choice at that time.

What we are experiencing now is a complete failure of our political system (it isn't democracy that has failed, but the politicians supposedly serving us), and it is that failure tp govern professionally which has let everyone down.


2,265 posts

217 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Could somebody be more specific with a list of Tory failings? The reason i ask is in 1997 i was 16 years old, i remember growing up under a Tory government and i also remember life being a dam site better for the people of this country than it is now.

I remember there being some lazy people, a bit of waste in local councils, hardly any of this 'nanny state' stuff. Problems yes, but nothing to make people feel scared, opressed and just utterly down due to a massive political failure?

How bad are Labours failings in comparison?

I do remember a lot of Tory 'sex' sleaze but hardly any serious 'political' sleaze as seems to be rotten to the core of the current administration.

I do not think i could ever vote Labour for the record, thats from someone who lived in blairs constituency and Blair before he was PM, didnt believe in him even at the young age of 16.

One guy in my year at school loved Labour, he still does now and constantly has things on his facebook message thing. I swear if i ever see him i will want to really try and hold him to account on this bloody government - moron.

Not sure who i will vote for yet. . . . . but i do want this lot gone!

Edited by M3333 on Tuesday 17th March 21:07

Baby Huey

4,881 posts

202 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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M3333 said:
Could somebody be more specific with a list of Tory failings?

Edited by M3333 on Tuesday 17th March 21:07
If you were born and raised in southern England it's probably a very small list, if you're from anywhere else the list could be endless.