Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution

Four arrested in connection with leaflet distribution



1,813 posts

252 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
davido140 said:
Even if ALL heroin producers are Muslim, it doesnt mean that all Muslims are Heroin producers...
But ''Muslims are responsible for (98% of the) the heroin trade''.

Fair enough there is demand fueling them to grow opium as it is the most profitable use of land for them.

It is still truth the people where arrested for, not an opinion.

It would be fairer to describe it as a country but it does not make the stated untrue.
What exactly is the point you are trying to make PP?


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Glocko said:
plasticpusher said:
davido140 said:
Even if ALL heroin producers are Muslim, it doesnt mean that all Muslims are Heroin producers...
But ''Muslims are responsible for (98% of the) the heroin trade''.

Fair enough there is demand fueling them to grow opium as it is the most profitable use of land for them.

It is still truth the people where arrested for, not an opinion.

It would be fairer to describe it as a country but it does not make the stated untrue.
What exactly is the point you are trying to make PP?
Free speech and why people are permitted to preach racist opinion but not fact?


1,252 posts

193 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Is it just me or does every second thread in P&P now revolve around immigrants and Muslims?

The Ben

1,623 posts

220 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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mouk786 said:
As someone has mentioned, probably more BNP bks

why don't they moan about all the white smackheads in this country..

Bugger it, I am not even going to get involved in another one of these arguments.

Edited by mouk786 on Friday 13th March 22:33
Same Same, I have a few Muslim mates and they dont blow people up or grow heroine, SO I guess they arn't all bad, or no worse than others...

I also agree that becuase they are muslims and they grow opium in afghan it doesnt make all muslims drug dealer etc, and I also agree that Muslims that do not like what britian does ie go to War with minorities in a muslim country they should pipe down! They are not going to War with Muslims, they are going to war with terrorists that happen to be Muslims...


9,614 posts

229 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
davido140 said:
Even if ALL heroin producers are Muslim, it doesnt mean that all Muslims are Heroin producers...
But ''Muslims are responsible for (98% of the) the heroin trade''.

Fair enough there is demand fueling them to grow opium as it is the most profitable use of land for them.

It is still truth the people where arrested for, not an opinion.

It would be fairer to describe it as a country but it does not make the stated untrue.
But less than a fraction of 1% of muslims are involved in the heroin trade...

I'm pretty sure more than 98% of racist biggots are white men.

Same way that 90% of paedophiles use the Internet for grooming.

Statistics are wonderfully easy to skew to make a point, The Daily Mail loves to do it to "prove" that the Internet is chock-full of Paedos, the BNP will do it to tell you that the nasty brown man in the corner shop is a drug pusher.

I will remind you that there have been several high profile arrests of these nasty 'orrible muslims for inciting racial hatred too, its not a one way street, abu hamza anyone?

Please excuse spelling..

Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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TheEnd said:
Mark V8 said:
TheEnd said:
Just BNP idiots trying to find a reason to moan about muslims again.
Yep. There are so few reasons to moan......
Who do you think is behind the heroin trade then ?
Afghan cartels?
As Afghanistan is 99% Muslim, they were not exactly spreading lies now were they ?
Should they lose their liberty ? Just asking....before the usual suspects appear, frothing at the mouth and other orifices.....

Fabric 2.2

3,819 posts

195 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Is it okay for me to use Colombian heroin, and coke then? Since they're honest god fearing christians?


15,370 posts

191 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:
Glocko said:
plasticpusher said:
davido140 said:
Even if ALL heroin producers are Muslim, it doesnt mean that all Muslims are Heroin producers...
But ''Muslims are responsible for (98% of the) the heroin trade''.

Fair enough there is demand fueling them to grow opium as it is the most profitable use of land for them.

It is still truth the people where arrested for, not an opinion.

It would be fairer to describe it as a country but it does not make the stated untrue.
What exactly is the point you are trying to make PP?
Free speech and why people are permitted to preach racist opinion but not fact?
Take your blinkers off for a minute, and try to think of the reason behind the leaflet. Were these 4 citizens trying to highlight drug abuse? Was it a little news flash they wanted to tell Burnley,
or was it the fact they want to seize on the BNP mentality and turn people against Muslims by claiming they are poisoning our poor little druggies, who would have been lovely chaps if these muslims didn't move into the area and ruin it for them.

Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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TomE said:
Is it just me or does every second thread in P&P now revolve around immigrants and Muslims?
Its clearly an important issue to many Tom, debate on such issues should never be stifled. Whats your view ?


738 posts

203 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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At the end of the day been arrested for printing factual information have they not?


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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This is current affairs.

It is a topic of hot debate. Not the P&P going racist.

I don't think they where accusing all muslims of being involved in the heroin trade. Only morons would think that.

The Ben

1,623 posts

220 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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The Beebs report on it!

beeb said:
Muslim police leaders are demanding to know why no action has been taken over a leaflet which blames Muslims for the heroin trade.

The leaflet, distributed to hundreds of households in parts of Lancashire, Cumbria and Yorkshire, says people should "heap condemnation" on Muslims.

The Crown Prosecution Service said there was not enough proof it was meant to stir up racial or religious hatred.

The National Association of Muslim Police said the CPS advice was flawed.

No criminal act

The leaflet says Muslims are "almost exclusively responsible" for the manufacture, transport and sale of heroin, 95% of which it says comes from the Afghanistan and pakistan region.

It says the process of "naming and shaming" Muslims will have a "positive effect" on bringing about the abolition of the heroin trade.

The Crown Prosecution Service said the contents of the leaflet were "racist" but has advised police that no criminal act had been committed.

The leaflets were made and distributed by an individual and not through a political party.

The National Association of Muslim Police said the CPS advice gave a green light to those behind the leaflet to continue distributing them.

Deputy Chief Constable for Lancashire Police Mike Cunningham said the matter was being taken very seriously and that the police roundly condemned the contents of the leaflets and those distributing them.

"They can only be described as inflammatory in nature and we are obviously concerned that their distribution in Lancashire could damage community cohesion.

"Once we were made aware of their distribution, we immediately investigated the situation and contacted key people in the local area so that we could reassure them that we were aware and could assess any tensions," he said.


1,252 posts

193 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Mark V8 said:
TomE said:
Is it just me or does every second thread in P&P now revolve around immigrants and Muslims?
Its clearly an important issue to many Tom, debate on such issues should never be stifled. Whats your view ?
I know its an important issue Mark, it's just it doesn't take much persuasion to bring out a certain section of PH, and they seem to spout the same st over and over.....

Me.... well I just like to sit on the fence....


Original Poster:

132 posts

195 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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TheEnd said:
Just BNP idiots trying to find a reason to moan about muslims again.
The BNP policy does not represent all peoples views on racism.

The ''BNP'' is not an umbrella term for hostile feelings towards certain muslims in the UK. Just as Al Qaeda does not describe muslim protestors.

Edit: Put in a more relevant quote.

Edited by plasticpusher on Friday 13th March 22:57


3,808 posts

211 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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richinleeds said:
At the end of the day been arrested for printing factual information have they not?
Yes and no, it all depends on how they positioned the statement that 'muslims are responsible for 98% of the world's heroin'. Had they said:-

"98% of the world's heroin is produced by 1% of the world's muslim population" then there would be no problem. It is factual, but it is also not trying to paint EVERY Muslim as a drug producer.

By stating "98% of the world's heroin is produced by Muslims" they are clearly trying to paint all Muslims as being involved in the drug trade. This is a very transparent and feeble attempt to drum up hate towards Muslim communities. The fact that the drug cartel is mainly Muslim (allegedly, they could be communists for all I know) is irrelevant.


9,335 posts

210 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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TheEnd said:
Just BNP idiots trying to find a reason to moan about muslims again.
You never need 'find' reason to moan about Muslims, they provide a surplus of reasons themselves.


1,440 posts

263 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Current affairs it is not. The date on that page is Nov 2008 so not exactly current.

I had the pleasure of one of these leaflets through my door. IMHO it was exactly trying to incite Racial Hatred and not just state a few so called facts.

There are plenty of non muslim drug dealers in the UK. This sort of leaflet is out of order, no matter which side of the religious or colour barrier it comes from.

Mr Green

936 posts

185 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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plasticpusher said:

The Government said:
Four people have been arrested this morning in connection with an investigation into the distribution of leaflets in Lancashire which claim Muslims are responsible for the heroin trade.
A 41-year-old man from Burnley, a 43 year-old man from Blackburn, a 53-year-old man from Preston and a 57-year-old man from Nelson were all arrested today on suspicion of the publication and distribution of written material intended to stir up racial hatred and the possession of racially inflammatory material.
They will be questioned by detectives at Burnley Police Station during the course of the day.
It is commonly known that a ridiculously high percentage of the worlds Opium is grown in Afghanistan and this directly funds the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

I can see why people don't like heroin dealers. I don't think we need to talk about the fact that heroin has a bad effect on all the communities it is present in.

They where not ''claiming'' anything. Where these men not just stating facts?

If people where distributing leaflets explaining that british troops are fighting a war in a muslim country and this is wrong, all involved are scum- would they too be arrested?

They would be stirring racial hatred and spreading racially inflammatory material - based on an opinion.

They are not arrested and questioned, simply introduced to the people they hate and given protection.
Has anyone noticed this "news" article is dated 19th November 2008, it's 4 months old.

Edited by Mr Green on Friday 13th March 23:00


738 posts

203 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Dare2Fail said:
richinleeds said:
At the end of the day been arrested for printing factual information have they not?
Yes and no, it all depends on how they positioned the statement that 'muslims are responsible for 98% of the world's heroin'. Had they said:-

"98% of the world's heroin is produced by 1% of the world's muslim population" then there would be no problem. It is factual, but it is also not trying to paint EVERY Muslim as a drug producer.

By stating "98% of the world's heroin is produced by Muslims" they are clearly trying to paint all Muslims as being involved in the drug trade. This is a very transparent and feeble attempt to drum up hate towards Muslim communities. The fact that the drug cartel is mainly Muslim (allegedly, they could be communists for all I know) is irrelevant.
Yeah i see what your sayin there mate but at the end of the day arrest is a tad extreme i think.

Mark V8

1,535 posts

212 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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The western world appears to be under threat from certain sections of the muslim community. Fact.
The influx to these shores of those that would do harm to the UK population must stop now. Fact.
This will only happen (peacefully) via pressure upon the present government who see newcomers as cheap labour to partially correct their serious economic failings. Fact.
Society respond peacefully by lobbying thier local MP using facts gleaned from the media and other legitimate political parties. Fact.
The BNP has at its heart 'British First' and wishes to see an end to the madness of uncontrolled immigration. Fact.
They inform the public of FACTS. The public choose to respond to this information, or as with most leaflets, throw them in the bin. Fact.
Free Speech ? Democracy ? Depends who your speaking about. Apparently. The saddest fact of all.....