Gordon Brown in Interview Truth Shocker!!

Gordon Brown in Interview Truth Shocker!!



104,961 posts

263 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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As said many times before and still remains true: Brown is beyond the most hyperbolic parody of an incompetent PM, and nu labia aren't so much dead in the water as rotting on the seabed.


2,246 posts

212 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
I'm only defnding him in the sense that everything Credit Crunch related gets blamed on him.
OK, prior to 1997, how many runs have their been on banks? Answer: none. Since 1997, what has happened to the financial industry in the UK? Answer: it's in the toilet. What changed since 1997? Answer: tripartite financial regulation, where no-one has ultimate authority or responsibility for the banks. Who designed this system? Answer: Gordon Brown.

There have been many cases in the past where a bank run was a definite possibility, but effective regulation and effective support of the banks avoided it every time. Gordon Brown broke a working system, Gordon Brown deserves the blame for the credit crunch.


104,961 posts

263 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Guam said:
Simple solution to this dispute, If gordoom and the Nu Labia mob can prove it wasnt their fault let them put all the evidence out there, call a general election and let the people decide whether they are to be believed or not, come on lets do it Gordoom, up to Buck house put your papers in to her maj and lets see what the people think smile
Great idea, but the man has faith in Magic Mandy and will string out his PM job until the last minute as he knows he won't be in Number 10 ever again.

As to his credibility, it'll probably go down even further - if that's possible - when Paul Moore publishes his sexed up dossier showing Brownyboy was complicit in bank risk-taking, but turned a blind eye so to speak.


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Spokey said:
jackal said:
I'm only defnding him in the sense that everything Credit Crunch related gets blamed on him.
OK, prior to 1997, how many runs have their been on banks? Answer: none. Since 1997, what has happened to the financial industry in the UK? Answer: it's in the toilet. What changed since 1997? Answer: tripartite financial regulation, where no-one has ultimate authority or responsibility for the banks. Who designed this system? Answer: Gordon Brown.

There have been many cases in the past where a bank run was a definite possibility, but effective regulation and effective support of the banks avoided it every time. Gordon Brown broke a working system, Gordon Brown deserves the blame for the credit crunch.
what are you on about ... almost every bank on the planet ate from the pie

right across europe, scandanavia, NAB & ANZ down under, Standard Bank in south africa etc....

and the effect would have been no different under Blair

look at Clinton's repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act ... I think you are slightly late to the party !


18,942 posts

256 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
Spokey said:
jackal said:
I'm only defnding him in the sense that everything Credit Crunch related gets blamed on him.
OK, prior to 1997, how many runs have their been on banks? Answer: none. Since 1997, what has happened to the financial industry in the UK? Answer: it's in the toilet. What changed since 1997? Answer: tripartite financial regulation, where no-one has ultimate authority or responsibility for the banks. Who designed this system? Answer: Gordon Brown.

There have been many cases in the past where a bank run was a definite possibility, but effective regulation and effective support of the banks avoided it every time. Gordon Brown broke a working system, Gordon Brown deserves the blame for the credit crunch.
what are you on about ... almost every bank on the planet ate from the pie

right across europe, scandanavia, NAB & ANZ down under, Standard Bank in south africa etc....

and the effect would have been no different under Blair

look at Clinton's repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act ... I think you are slightly late to the party !
The BoE was/is a lot more clued up about banking and its risks than the FSA. Although that isnt saying much. Probably wouldnt have avoided all the problems, but there is no way it would have let RBS get away with stuff like the takeover of ABN.


13,668 posts

253 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Dear Jackal

It is pretty clear that global economic strife is a result of leveraged borrowing / fractional reserve banking and piling this imaginary 'money' into aset backed securities - where nobody took the time to check the value of the assets.

Don't blame SuperGordon for that.

The UK would be in a much better position if it hadn't spent the last ten years borrowing money to pay the stay at home benefits underclass, swell the public service and its unfunded pensions etc etc etc#

Blame SuperGordon for this. He has pissed up the wall billions and billions of tax receipts and we have very little of value to show for it.

Who else is at fault?

Gunny Sergeant D

2,248 posts

243 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Edited to say what you really meant:

jackal said:
pretty tiresome all this mudslinging and blaming Brown, I think he's doing a great job.

Cameron would have been even worse. I don't know this of course but as he's a Tory this must be the case. At least Brown has actually shown some staunch confidence and actually got up on an international stage and said and done something. I don't understand any of it really and probably couldn't explain what he's done, the timescales etc... But as a Brown supporter, I buy the pathetic world statesman spin that he's sending out. I will staunchly ignore the fact that all and sundry in the UK are blaming him. So what if foreign countries are listening to his pitch on world economics, its convenient to ignore the fact that they have no knowledge of the UK domestic situation.

Since when has any PM in your lifetime been any good? Since when has any PM made mostly fabulous decisions? Not that I would accept anything you say about Tory PM's, but hey this is a coping strategy. When your leader screws up the easiest way of dealing with it is to say that anyone in the job would be crap. Go Gordon……

Interestingly, about the only PM some people would say that about was Thatcher but ironically she was the one who started the ball rolling with her deregulation, entrepreneurialism and privatisation. She was the most rotten egg of all. Opinions could never be more polarised... ask any miner! Of course I remember the wonderful situation that We got the country in, in the 70's but that set the country up to be successful in the 80's. Wilson, Callaghan and Healey gave Thatcher a wonderful legacy and look what she did with it. For crying out loud all that foreign investment was a load of bks, the Nissan and Honda plants don't actually exist. It's a smoke screen.

Wake up people... the daily papers are working you like a mindless lump of play-doh. FFS read the Daily Mirror, there you find an objective assessment and it will show you what a wonderful job Brown has done. The out of control derivatives market combined with Clintons wonderful social engineering, Bush's consolidation of that, combined with the US housing crash combined with the nature of deregulated banking in the last 30 years or more means that whoever was at the helm 2007, from Brown to Blair to Ghandi, we'd still be in exactly the same mess. Its got nothing to do with Browns FSA that's just an excuse. I don't give a stuff that the warnings of the current crisis were put in front of Brown late 2004. Do you want a Tory Govt.? We must get the fourth terms at any cost. Ignorant and disrespectful comments from Clarkson (who at a real anoraks level, probably knows comparatively little about cars let alone politics) only serve to inform the youth of today that somehow its OK to go around insulting people with whatever names you like, even if those names refer to a disability or an impediment of some kind. This despite the fact that Brown has done more damage to the country than any politician in living history. He is a Labour politician and there are different rules for Labour politicians they don't have to earn respect it comes by default. I don't really care that the British people do not want this government and I don't care that Clarkson in our free society is allowed to criticise the government. In the next parliament as a part of our radical reform we will eliminate scrutiny of the Labour government in the interest of the British people.
Jackal I genuinely pity you.


3,274 posts

186 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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I saw today on the news that Glasgow City Council, Labour run, is increasing their minimum wage to £7.00 per hour. They want to encourage all their suppliers to do the same. WTF is the extra money coming from to foot the bill? These fecking labour assholes seem to be totally divorced from the rest of us. We're in a recession, the public sector is sucking the lifeblood out of the rest of the economy and they take this "opportunity" to increase everybody else's costs. Just unbelievable.furious


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Gunny Sergeant D said:
Jackal I genuinely pity you.
I'm deeply hurt ! I wanted you to love me all along...


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Martial Arts Man said:
jackal said:
Martial Arts Man said:
jackal said:
pretty tiresome all this mudslinging and blaming

Cameron would have been even worse.. at least Brown has actually shown some staunch confidence and actually got up on an international stage and said and done something.

Since when has any PM in your lifetime been any good ? Since when has any PM made mostly fabulous decisions ?

Interestingly, about the only PM some people would say that about was Thatcher but ironically she was the one who started the ball rolling with her deregulation, entrepreneurialism amd privatisation. She was the most rotten egg of all. Opinions could never be more polarised... ask any miner !

Wake up people... the daily papers are working you like a mindless lump of play-doh.

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 15:52

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 16:19
Interesting logic..... smile
yep, a bit better than:

"I'm skint and newspaper blames Govt. so I will as well"

don't you think ?
Why do you think the newspapers blame the Gov't?

I can't wait to hear your answer.....
because YOU are reading them...


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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johnfm said:
Blame SuperGordon for this. He has pissed up the wall billions and billions of tax receipts and we have very little of value to show for it.
I don't disagree with that.

Gunny Sergeant D

2,248 posts

243 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
Gunny Sergeant D said:
Jackal I genuinely pity you.
I'm deeply hurt ! I wanted you to love me all along...
Like fukk you do, your too busy with your socialist cause to have time for love.


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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"Gunny D in 'naievty leads to inappropriate anger on the internet shocker'"

Martial Arts Man

6,614 posts

189 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
Martial Arts Man said:
jackal said:
Martial Arts Man said:
jackal said:
pretty tiresome all this mudslinging and blaming

Cameron would have been even worse.. at least Brown has actually shown some staunch confidence and actually got up on an international stage and said and done something.

Since when has any PM in your lifetime been any good ? Since when has any PM made mostly fabulous decisions ?

Interestingly, about the only PM some people would say that about was Thatcher but ironically she was the one who started the ball rolling with her deregulation, entrepreneurialism amd privatisation. She was the most rotten egg of all. Opinions could never be more polarised... ask any miner !

Wake up people... the daily papers are working you like a mindless lump of play-doh.

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 15:52

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 16:19
Interesting logic..... smile
yep, a bit better than:

"I'm skint and newspaper blames Govt. so I will as well"

don't you think ?
Why do you think the newspapers blame the Gov't?

I can't wait to hear your answer.....
because YOU are reading them...
That's a little presumptious?

How, pray tell, do you know exactly what I read? Did you use the same crystal ball that showed you exactly how the world would be if Gordon had not been PM?

Given that presumption is the order of the day; you Sir, are a fool.


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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you wouldn't read a paper if it didn't reinforce your beliefs

no one needs a crystal ball to know that


14,626 posts

270 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
you wouldn't read a paper if it didn't reinforce your beliefs

no one needs a crystal ball to know that
Which do you read then? Do they still print Socialist Worker.. or Morning Star.? smile

Edited by esselte on Sunday 8th March 20:14


4,555 posts

257 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
you wouldn't read a paper if it didn't reinforce your beliefs

no one needs a crystal ball to know that
To be quite honest that is a load of crap.

I detest Labour and would bnever vote for them but I quite often read the Gruniad - just to see how contrasts in the way things are reported...


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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yes everyone does that don't they

(shakes head)

Edited by jackal on Sunday 8th March 20:36


11,249 posts

285 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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esselte said:
jackal said:
you wouldn't read a paper if it didn't reinforce your beliefs

no one needs a crystal ball to know that
Which do you read then? Do they still print Socialist Worker.. or Morning Star.? smile

Edited by esselte on Sunday 8th March 20:14
What's interesting is that you presume that I read a paper at all. Also that I read a paper that is strongly politically aligned in some way. Do you want to reveal anymore to us ?


14,626 posts

270 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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jackal said:
esselte said:
jackal said:
you wouldn't read a paper if it didn't reinforce your beliefs

no one needs a crystal ball to know that
Which do you read then? Do they still print Socialist Worker.. or Morning Star.? smile

Edited by esselte on Sunday 8th March 20:14
What's interesting is that you presume that I read a paper at all. Also that I read a paper that is strongly politically aligned in some way. Do you want to reveal anymore to us ?
Another Labour quirk...you're unable to answer a simple question...keep going.....