Keir Starmer Prime Minister



2,266 posts

198 months

S600BSB said:
g4ry13 said:
As he's not on the ballot I don't think he will be!

However, Keir Starmer will be.
So counting and spelling
ChocolateFrog said:
miniman said:
Presumably priority 4 is counting?
Education, Education, Education.


1,469 posts

157 months

Votes for 16 year olds.

Old enough to vote for the government of the day, but not for full criminal responsibility.

It's enough to make me not vote for Labour.

Expect it to be high up the legislative agenda;
- Doesn't really cost anything to implement,
- Younger voters more likely to be Labour/ left leaning (secures future elections).


24,330 posts

223 months

Previous said:
Votes for 16 year olds.

Old enough to vote for the government of the day, but not for full criminal responsibility.

It's enough to make me not vote for Labour.

Expect it to be high up the legislative agenda;
- Doesn't really cost anything to implement,
- Younger voters more likely to be Labour/ left leaning (secures future elections).
Have you seen the statistics from across Europe? Young people turning to the right in droves. I'm all for 16 being the age for voting. They are taxed at that age aren't they? Yes I accept that some will not have the maturity or capability to figure things out, but that holds true for many different reasons across the age ranges. One could, and should argue, that given the parlous state of our political classes and the statistics indicating that huge amounts of 18-35 year old just won't vote, getting people involved in the process at a young age would be a habit forming thing and ensure a more representative turn out in the future....

Edited by biggbn on Sunday 30th June 16:47


1,374 posts

145 months

biggbn said:
Previous said:
Votes for 16 year olds.

Old enough to vote for the government of the day, but not for full criminal responsibility.

It's enough to make me not vote for Labour.

Expect it to be high up the legislative agenda;
- Doesn't really cost anything to implement,
- Younger voters more likely to be Labour/ left leaning (secures future elections).
Have you seen the statistics from across Europe? Young people turning to the right in droves. I'm all for 16 being the age for voting. They are taxed at that age aren't they? Yes I accept that some will not have the maturity or capability to figure things out, but that holds true for many different reasons across the age ranges. One could, and should argue, that given the parlous state of our political classes and the statistics indicating that huge amounts of 18-35 year old just won't vote, getting people involved in the process at a young age would be a habit forming thing and ensure a more representative turn out in the future....

Edited by biggbn on Sunday 30th June 16:47
You can be taxed at any age if you earn more than the threshold.


7,397 posts

39 months

Catweazle said:
biggbn said:
Previous said:
Votes for 16 year olds.

Old enough to vote for the government of the day, but not for full criminal responsibility.

It's enough to make me not vote for Labour.

Expect it to be high up the legislative agenda;
- Doesn't really cost anything to implement,
- Younger voters more likely to be Labour/ left leaning (secures future elections).
Have you seen the statistics from across Europe? Young people turning to the right in droves. I'm all for 16 being the age for voting. They are taxed at that age aren't they? Yes I accept that some will not have the maturity or capability to figure things out, but that holds true for many different reasons across the age ranges. One could, and should argue, that given the parlous state of our political classes and the statistics indicating that huge amounts of 18-35 year old just won't vote, getting people involved in the process at a young age would be a habit forming thing and ensure a more representative turn out in the future....

Edited by biggbn on Sunday 30th June 16:47
You can be taxed at any age if you earn more than the threshold.
Yep, but not NI i think?


1,129 posts

156 months

If he does become Prime Minister, I think by the end of the year he will have been removed as leader/PM and replaced by someone from the far left of the party.


Original Poster:

9,989 posts

160 months

airbusA346 said:
If he does become Prime Minister, I think by the end of the year he will have been removed as leader/PM and replaced by someone from the far left of the party.
I also think that is likely but not by December


53,266 posts

258 months

Project Fear ramping up I see...


7,397 posts

39 months

Gecko1978 said:
airbusA346 said:
If he does become Prime Minister, I think by the end of the year he will have been removed as leader/PM and replaced by someone from the far left of the party.
I also think that is likely but not by December

Ange is already sorting out her wardrobe.



4,293 posts

193 months

airbusA346 said:
If he does become Prime Minister, I think by the end of the year he will have been removed as leader/PM and replaced by someone from the far left of the party.
Under what circumstances do you imagine Starmer being removed?

And even if he was somehow removed and a vacancy ensued, all nominees would need to secure support of a least 20% of MPs and either: a) 5% of Constituency Labour Parties or b) at least affiliaties comprising 5% of the affiliated membership. If there's no vacancy and it's just a direct challenge against Starmer at the annual conference, it's just 20% of MPs. That would mean at least 80 MPs supporting a challenge against the leader who has just delivered the party's largest ever parliamentary majority. That's over twice as many MPs as Corbyn managed and there won't be any useful idiots lending support this time.

Are you a Tory cabinet minister who has bet their life savings on winning the election?!


52,545 posts

213 months

Bill said:
Project Fear ramping up I see...
Beat me to it.

Still at least someone changed the thread title to spell his name right. That would have been annoying for the next five years.


7,397 posts

39 months

Bill said:
Project Fear ramping up I see...

Please elobaborate.


53,266 posts

258 months

119 said:

Please elobaborate.
The posts about how he'll be replaced by the lovechild of Stalin and Mao by Christmas.


7,397 posts

39 months

Bill said:
119 said:

Please elobaborate.
The posts about how he'll be replaced by the lovechild of Stalin and Mao by Christmas.
Oh, you were trying to be ‘edgy’.



53,266 posts

258 months

bhstewie said:
Still at least someone changed the thread title to spell his name right. That would have been annoying for the next five years.


53,266 posts

258 months

119 said:
Oh, you were trying to be ‘edgy’.

Nah, that's you...


7,397 posts

39 months

bhstewie said:
Beat me to it.

Still at least someone changed the thread title to spell his name right. That would have been annoying for the next five years.


10,652 posts

163 months

airbusA346 said:
If he does become Prime Minister, I think by the end of the year he will have been removed as leader/PM and replaced by someone from the far left of the party.
Why? The far left (if you can call it that) had their chance with Corbyn and failed. Starmer has been busy behind the scenes removing and sidelining people who don’t toe the party line over the last few years and we’re about to see a large influx of new MPs who probably owe their success to Starmer and making Labour electable once again. As much as we had ‘Red wall’ Tory Mps owe their allegiance to Boris, we’ll see similar with this new lot.

It’s just the same Labour bogeyman nonsense.

‘Reds under the bed’. It was nonsense then and it’s nonsense now and besides, the mechanism for removing a labour leader are more involved than a simple no confidence vote and it’s something that Labour historically doesn’t do. They leave that to the Tories…


13,871 posts

287 months

Bill said:
119 said:

Please elobaborate.
The posts about how he'll be replaced by the lovechild of Stalin and Mao by Christmas.
I heard they were going to dig up Karl Marx and extract the DNA from his bones, inject it into Jeremy Corbyn to make an undead super-leftie and make that the leader of the party, then make the colour blue illegal and bring in mandatory singing of The Internationale in all workplaces at 11am every day.


5,596 posts

109 months

eharding said:
I heard they were going to dig up Karl Marx and extract the DNA from his bones, inject it into Jeremy Corbyn to make an undead super-leftie and make that the leader of the party, then make the colour blue illegal and bring in mandatory singing of The Internationale in all workplaces at 11am every day.
I’m hoping to run myself and will expect support from you all.