Wimbledon schools deaths - no charges

Wimbledon schools deaths - no charges



8,726 posts

118 months

Wednesday 26th June
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kestral said:
The first sizure she ever has.....and ....... it happens when she is driving.... and....... directly towards a childrens school.

That takes some believing for me!
So what theory of the case would you find more credible? If you rule out something medical what else would cause someone to randomly floor it into a fence?


51,137 posts

158 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Hugo Stiglitz said:
You have never experienced £££ and ability to afford a proper defence have you?
She hasn't needed a defence with £££, she hasn't been charged.


3,420 posts

213 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Wife had a seizure totally out of the blue at 54. Load of tests and scans done and nothing found to what caused it. Couldn't drive for a year as she lost her licence and had regular scans after that. 5 years later and touch wood all good. Was a very scary experience.


51,137 posts

158 months

Wednesday 26th June
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WonkeyDonkey said:
When we start holding people accountable for damages their choice of vehicle causes.
So would you hold a self employed delivery driver driving a 7.5ton truck to account if the same thing happened?


17,197 posts

193 months

Wednesday 26th June
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WonkeyDonkey said:
Shocking, punishments for killing while driving are so tamely punished.

Her choice of car in a built up area must have some blame for the outcome.

If she had be driving a k11 Micra I doubt it would have got through the front gates, but having a dead weight on the accelerator of a 2.5T 300bhp+ car is always going to cause serious damage in a built up area.
This is a mental view and if you truly believe it and aren’t just trolling then you probably think all vehicles should be banned in urban areas no?


10,717 posts

163 months

Wednesday 26th June
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WonkeyDonkey said:
Drumroll said:
Or she could have been driving a 3 tonne motorhome.

At what point does society say what type of vehicle someone can own?
When we start holding people accountable for damages their choice of vehicle causes.
Could have just as likely been a HGV. Should we hold Tesco to account should it’s driver have a fit and mow down a bus stop full of nuns?


23,284 posts

233 months

Wednesday 26th June
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kestral said:
The first sizure she ever has.....and ....... it happens when she is driving.... and....... directly towards a childrens school.

That takes some believing for me!

But there again O J Simpson was not guilty of murder.
What's odd is that I know and have driven past that school so many times and you couldn't speed even if you wanted to.

The Land Rover flattened the pedestrian barrier, tore through the gate and continued on to cause such tragedy frown

I guess it was an automatic, plus it's such a big lump.

I am quite concerned that many people now drive quite powerful and heavy electric cars, where confusion and/or medical incident can easily launch them into others on the road/pedestrians/houses.


13,938 posts

287 months

Wednesday 26th June
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vaud said:
WonkeyDonkey said:
When we start holding people accountable for damages their choice of vehicle causes.
So would you hold a self employed delivery driver driving a 7.5ton truck to account if the same thing happened?
I'd guess WonkeyDonkey's opinion might vary depending on whether the 7.5ton truck belonged to the courier bringing him his weekly edition of "Blithering Idiot Magazine" or not.


2,857 posts

213 months

Wednesday 26th June
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There are three posters, so far, on this thread with what can only be described as 'odd views' on life/society/the rules we currently have in this country.

Hopefully, none of those three are in any form of control over the rest of us.



7,708 posts

139 months

Wednesday 26th June
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There are those who drive after having blackouts. In the crash at George Sq Glasgow the driver had applied for a job driving a bin lorry without disclosing he had suffered a previous blackout when he was a bus driver


A previous nearby fatality the driver escaped prosecution having blamed a blackout. He had several previous blackouts which he had failed to declare


13,752 posts

129 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Daz68 said:
Wife had a seizure totally out of the blue at 54. Load of tests and scans done and nothing found to what caused it. Couldn't drive for a year as she lost her licence and had regular scans after that. 5 years later and touch wood all good. Was a very scary experience.
A few years back I went to a bbq one afternoon at a house over the top of Waddington Fell in the trough of bowland

My mate who was about the same age as your wife offered to pick me up and drive in his Cayman and he liked to give it some

As I was coming direct from work and passing his house I picked him up

On the way back he had a full on seizure in the passenger seat of my car as I drove back over the tops … I genuinely thought he’d died and it feckin scared the life out of me

I pulled over and stopped and after a couple of minutes he came round and asked me why I’d stopped!

Don Roque

18,039 posts

162 months

Wednesday 26th June
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vaud said:
So would you hold a self employed delivery driver driving a 7.5ton truck to account if the same thing happened?
You may need a light goods vehicle to do a job. You don't need a faux-off road battering ram for driving around city centres. It is perhaps time that society had the conversation about the inept driving automatic battering-rams instead of more suitable vehicles.


13,558 posts

258 months

Wednesday 26th June
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I find it interesting how many cases of seizures in later life have been mentioned in this thread. Potentially makes them more common than I thought.


1,249 posts

15 months

Wednesday 26th June
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On the basis it is the first seizure the driver ever had and as a result had no control or intent over the situation, they are legally not responsible, I can understand this does not feel like justice for the parents who have lost a child.

If the seizure wasn't the first then throw them in the deepest, darkest hole you can find.

Any one of us could find ourselves in the same situation as the lady involved in this incident through no fault of our own.


3,821 posts

123 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Don Roque said:
You may need a light goods vehicle to do a job. You don't need a faux-off road battering ram for driving around city centres. It is perhaps time that society had the conversation about the inept driving automatic battering-rams instead of more suitable vehicles.
So on that basis most EV'S would banned in built up areas.


17,197 posts

193 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Drumroll said:
Don Roque said:
You may need a light goods vehicle to do a job. You don't need a faux-off road battering ram for driving around city centres. It is perhaps time that society had the conversation about the inept driving automatic battering-rams instead of more suitable vehicles.
So on that basis most EV'S would banned in built up areas.
And buses if we’re not allowing large heavy vehicles in urban areas.

And delivery trucks.

And bin lorries.

And SUVs.

And taxis.

Square Leg

14,741 posts

192 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Don Roque said:
vaud said:
So would you hold a self employed delivery driver driving a 7.5ton truck to account if the same thing happened?
You may need a light goods vehicle to do a job. You don't need a faux-off road battering ram for driving around city centres. It is perhaps time that society had the conversation about the inept driving automatic battering-rams instead of more suitable vehicles.
5000 people die each year from air pollution caused by traffic.
Around 1800 die from vehicle accidents.

Perhaps you should stop driving that big Jag of yours?


3,420 posts

213 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Earthdweller said:
Daz68 said:
Wife had a seizure totally out of the blue at 54. Load of tests and scans done and nothing found to what caused it. Couldn't drive for a year as she lost her licence and had regular scans after that. 5 years later and touch wood all good. Was a very scary experience.
A few years back I went to a bbq one afternoon at a house over the top of Waddington Fell in the trough of bowland

My mate who was about the same age as your wife offered to pick me up and drive in his Cayman and he liked to give it some

As I was coming direct from work and passing his house I picked him up

On the way back he had a full on seizure in the passenger seat of my car as I drove back over the tops … I genuinely thought he’d died and it feckin scared the life out of me

I pulled over and stopped and after a couple of minutes he came round and asked me why I’d stopped!
When my wife came round and found paramedics round the bed she wondered what the fuss was about and why they were in our house. I thought she was dying while it was going on. Such a scary experience I will never forget. Wife still doesn't understand all the fuss at the time and doesn't remember a thing about it.


10,679 posts

143 months

Wednesday 26th June
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I can't begin to imagine what those parents are going through and my heart goes out to them. In this instance there genuinely isn't anyone to blame, a genuine accident that has probably left the woman involved pretty traumatised. It's impossible to legislate for something like this, it's just one of many things that can have a negative effect on people through no fault of their own.
A good friend of mine had his first seizure in his early 50's. He drove recovery trucks as part of his job. Luckily it happened at home though sadly it turned out to be due to a fairly well developed brain tumour. He is no longer allowed to drive but he is still here and we are off on our annual holiday together with our wives in September.


1,193 posts

176 months

Wednesday 26th June
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WonkeyDonkey said:
When we start holding people accountable for damages their choice of vehicle causes.
You are clearly ‘special’ to everyone who is reading your statements.