Your voting intentions

Poll: Your voting intentions

Total Members Polled: 1295

Conservative : 22%
Labour: 28%
Reform: 14%
Lib-dem: 9%
Indy: 2%
Green: 3%
Not Voting for any of 'em. (Stay At Home).: 12%
Spoil Paper: 8%
SNP: 1%
Plaid Cymru: 0%


6,482 posts

283 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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It doesn't matter. Where I live they would elect Hitler if he wore a red rosette

Randy Winkman

17,218 posts

194 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Voldemort said:
It doesn't matter. Where I live they would elect Hitler if he wore a red rosette
And vice versa where I live. The local election just proved it.


4,439 posts

253 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Too early to decide but I'm not feeling blue or red I know that much. I spoilt my vote last time and wrote a note.

Where is Richard Pryor when you need him

Edited by White-Noise on Wednesday 22 May 19:40


7,997 posts

252 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Ive recently broken my arm and leg.

One of the appointments i was sent by the hospital i attended and was told theyd made an error and id have to come back next week. No apology just a load of attitude. The hospital was in a state of chaos, not enough chairs for everyone, waiting around for hours, all a mess, filthy etc.

Ive since been sent another appointment at very short notice which i couldn't make, and as soon as i got the letter i tried to get a new appointment. Ive been told the next appointment for an outpatients appointment with x ray is in 3 months time, by which time my arm and leg will probably be ok.

The nhs is fked. The police service is fked. The schools are fked.

Anyone who votes for the current shower of shyte gets everything they deserve if they get in. If that means i have to pay more tax then that is a price worth paying for a functional state not run by psychotic loons.


8,828 posts

150 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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This poll should be limited to those living in swing seats.


Original Poster:

8,860 posts

41 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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princeperch said:
Ive recently broken my arm and leg.

One of the appointments i was sent by the hospital i attended and was told theyd made an error and id have to come back next week. No apology just a load of attitude. The hospital was in a state of chaos, not enough chairs for everyone, waiting around for hours, all a mess, filthy etc.

Ive since been sent another appointment at very short notice which i couldn't make, and as soon as i got the letter i tried to get a new appointment. Ive been told the next appointment for an outpatients appointment with x ray is in 3 months time, by which time my arm and leg will probably be ok.

The nhs is fked. The police service is fked. The schools are fked.

Anyone who votes for the current shower of shyte gets everything they deserve if they get in. If that means i have to pay more tax then that is a price worth paying for a functional state not run by psychotic loons.
And on the other hand, friend of mine has just had a hip replacement, diagnosed and done in 8 weeks via the NHS.

And the government don’t run the NHS.


5,484 posts

150 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Sheets Tabuer

19,510 posts

220 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Let me see:

Conservative, lying shower of ste who'd see the country burn to win an internal argument. literally robbing us blind while laughing at us and haven't delivered a single manifesto pledge worth anything and gave us the highest tax take since world war 2.

Labour, in my lifetime they've bankrupted the country, opened the doors to every tom dick and harry, raided our pensions, PFI'd us up to the eyeballs, risk of momentum grabbing hold again.

Lib Dems, well the only thing I had against them was their nuke policy which they've now changed but they do attract the weird ones.

Greens, just no.

Anyhow my tory MP has a 24k majority, he's voted with the tory whip everytime despite constituents being completely opposed so I hope he gets voted out.


2,940 posts

152 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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The Tories deserve to lose this election, and they deserve to lose it very badly. This government has failed, even on its own terms. They said they would make a success of Brexit yet, however we may have voted back in 2016, most reasonable people would now agree that Brexit has been a disaster for this country. They said they would manage the economy competently, yet Truss attempted to bankrupt the country in a few weeks & almost succeeded. They said they would control the country’s borders, yet uncontrolled mass immigration is worse than ever. They said they would ‘level up’, yet Britain is more unequal & more divided than ever.

Good riddance to the Tories, I hope they are obliterated.


59 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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So far 50 odd people are still going to vote for the Tories? rofl


2,062 posts

74 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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The fact so many have chosen Conservative is worrying


6,996 posts

136 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Hippea said:
The fact so many have chosen Conservative is worrying
Is it. I’d say it was indicative of the paucity of choice.

Repetitive rofls re that intention look a bit deluded if the alternative is Starmer.

For what it’s worth I think Labour will win, but I suspect it may be a lot tighter than most are expecting.


1,527 posts

268 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I think a more interesting question (which i accept is almost impossible to have in the form of a poll) is WHY are you voting a particular way. I'm voting Lib Dem to keep the corrupt tory scum out as it's the best option for doing that in my constituency. But not because I particularly love the Lib Dems. There is a possibility that Ed Davey could end up as leader of the opposition, not something I think he is up to.

A strong opposition is a good thing. A government having a huge majority (whatever its political colour) just means they can push through whatever batst crazy policies they like. That's something that isn't in any of our interests.


8,520 posts

144 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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bobbo89 said:
Lib Dems and Greens are just full of fruitloops
Reform and Indy you may as well spoil or not turn up
You think Lib Dem’s are fruitloops but Reform aren’t?


5,484 posts

150 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Electro1980 said:
You think Lib Dem’s are fruitloops but Reform aren’t?
No, Reform are both fruitloops and a waste of a vote


16,802 posts

276 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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The service from the NHS is, like the staff, brilliant. But the speed at which it is delivered is glacier-like , that’s the problem. They all need a rocket up their arse, the treatment for which would be painfully slow at A&E.


4,606 posts

134 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Voted Conservative for the last three elections. I'd rather saw off my johnson with a rusty butter knife than vote them in again.

I don't think Labour are any better. They could be worse, but they have a hell of a low bar set for them by the current muppets. There's no point in voting for them in my constituency anyway as they'd vote in a pot plant with the right colour rosette, but I won't be voting Labour regardless.

Lib Dem or any of the others is just a joke vote.

I pray, just pray we have a good independent otherwise it really is just a choice of different coloured st sandwiches on offer and I ain't chewin'.


8,520 posts

144 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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bobbo89 said:
Electro1980 said:
You think Lib Dem’s are fruitloops but Reform aren’t?
No, Reform are both fruitloops and a waste of a vote
Fair enough. The wording was unclear.


4,460 posts

49 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I'll be voting for the local MP who I believe does good job.

If the vote was just for the national parties I wouldn't bother.


8,713 posts

31 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Killboy said:
So far 50 odd people are still going to vote for the Tories? rofl
You don't vote for 'the tories', you vote for an indiividual to be your MP.
As I don;t particulatly believe in any of the parties, I will look at the individuals on the ballot paper.