“National Conservatism”



6,288 posts

58 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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InitialDave said:
Vanden Saab said:
Fascists calling their opponents Marxists and vice versa. Always good to watch.
The slight difference is that the fascists, well, are.

This National Conservatism looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

Probably walks more like a goose, though.
Yup, looks like those policies are pretty facist-y to me.



Original Poster:

57,011 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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As a side note, Mike Godwin was talking about the descent into hyperbole of comparing anything bad to Hitler, not about the discussion of actual fascist ideology and rhetoric being used by modern day politicians - and is on record as saying so.

Vanden Saab

14,399 posts

77 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Mortarboard said:
InitialDave said:
Vanden Saab said:
Fascists calling their opponents Marxists and vice versa. Always good to watch.
The slight difference is that the fascists, well, are.

This National Conservatism looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

Probably walks more like a goose, though.
Yup, looks like those policies are pretty facist-y to me.

Which ones in particular?


Original Poster:

57,011 posts

207 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Vanden Saab said:
Which ones in particular?


Invocation of Marxism as a bogeyman


I assume that I don’t need to evidence Nazi propaganda around nationalism and identity?


76,790 posts

285 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Cobracc said:
The Naci party...?
<wipes coffee off his keyboard and top lip>


6,288 posts

58 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Vanden Saab said:
Which ones in particular?
You honestly expect me to believe you don't see it?

(Insert "peep show" meme here)



3,321 posts

83 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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otolith said:
Vanden Saab said:
Which ones in particular?


Invocation of Marxism as a bogeyman


I assume that I don’t need to evidence Nazi propaganda around nationalism and identity?
There's a term for political ideologies that are populist, nationalist, natalist, socially conservative, economically corporatist and stridently anti-progressive.

It's fascism. The NatCons aren't fascists, but their ideology, policies and statements are much more fash-y than anything seen in mainstream British right wing politics in the modern political era. It's another click on the right-going ratchet.


6,288 posts

58 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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2xChevrons said:
There's a term for political ideologies that are populist, nationalist, natalist, socially conservative, economically corporatist and stridently anti-progressive.

It's fascism. The NatCons aren't fascists, but their ideology, policies and statements are much more fash-y than anything seen in mainstream British right wing politics in the modern political era. It's another click on the right-going ratchet.
So the movement best suited for any up and coming facisty leaning youths then?


Vanden Saab

14,399 posts

77 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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otolith said:
Vanden Saab said:
Which ones in particular?


Invocation of Marxism as a bogeyman


I assume that I don’t need to evidence Nazi propaganda around nationalism and identity?
Invocation of a bogeyman, interesting hehe


38,044 posts

259 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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cgt2 said:
What works in rural America hoodwinking and fleecing gullible dips*its with a confused notion of Christianity whilst endorsing terrible moral choices will not translate over here in any conceivable way in my view.
I generally agree with you. What is considered right wing here would be centrist at best in the US and some of the other countries referred to.


We shouldn't be complacent. There are fkwits at both ends of the left/right spectrum here and it's not hard to see us tipping.

Maybe we're still in the middle of a cycle where things need to stretch out across that spectrum, having had centrist greyness for 3 decades?

Interesting times. And nobody to extricate us from them for at least the next cycle, and probably 2 or 3.

What would be useful is for the Tories to get humped at the GE, but for Labour to need to go into coalition with someone who was hot on electoral reform.


4,378 posts

132 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Just like Corbyn, McDonnell and Momentum, do they honestly believe those of us who are non-partisan and just want what's best for Britain are crying out for this absolute tripe?

It honestly makes me just look on with despair.


2,927 posts

40 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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otolith said:
Vanden Saab said:
God no, I am a confirmed agnostic atheist with a strong dislike of most religions. I do find it amusing that the OP has bypassed Godwin's law by going there in his original post though. No doubt this group are planning ahead for the inevitable change to PR. some seem to be supporting when small parties like this will hold the balance of power.... see Scotland for details...
I didn’t go there, they did, with their bizarre choice of name and policies straight out of the 1940’s fascist playbook.
I hate to be pedantic (but I will in this case), but shouldn't that be the 1930's?
What happened with Trump and his supporters following the last election, was pretty scary to be honest and not dissimilar to what happened with the burning of the Reichstag in Germany in 1933. Thankfully the Trump supporters barely had a braincell between them, so nothing really came of it.


42,885 posts

238 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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In reality the true divide in modern politics is becoming between "globalist" and "national".

Globalist politics has at its heart the service of capital which needs the eradication of the national in order to earn the greatest return regardless of the welfare of the ordinary citizen. Any fightback is based upon the nation state, the only proven system of governance that has ever reduced wealth and income inequalities.

Biden's victory over Trump was partly based upon realising the importance of the national and fighting back against neo-liberalism. He has continued that agenda in office with massive subsidies to rebase production in America.

Here we have politicians who ape political discussions in America without any real idea, or plan, of how to achieve them in a British context.

Biker 1

7,775 posts

122 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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BigMon said:
Just like Corbyn, McDonnell and Momentum, do they honestly believe those of us who are non-partisan and just want what's best for Britain are crying out for this absolute tripe?

It honestly makes me just look on with despair.
What is it with today's muppet-esque politicians? They're supposed to be running the bloody country.


2,506 posts

189 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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2xChevrons said:
There's a term for political ideologies that are populist, nationalist, natalist, socially conservative, economically corporatist and stridently anti-progressive.

It's fascism. The NatCons aren't fascists, but their ideology, policies and statements are much more fash-y than anything seen in mainstream British right wing politics in the modern political era. It's another click on the right-going ratchet.
Natalism is an interesting one. Advocates of large scale immigration frequently argue that we need immigrants for demographic reasons - declining birthrate in most Western countries usually being cited as the cause. I can't see anything intrinsically Fascist about looking to address that problem at source, rather than relying on other countries to supply an endless stream of young people so we can keep kicking the can down the road. I suppose it depends on what solutions the natalists come up with.

I would also argue that social conservatism is not in any way an indicator of Fascism. Not sure whether you are being deliberately provocative or just sloppy with language. Fascists interfere endlessly with social structures and norms for their own ends. They might try to hide their motives behind a thin veneer of conservatism, but conservative they are not.

I'll let you have the rest of your definition though. Presumably by "right going ratchet" you are referring to the direction of travel of the Conservative party, rather than society as a whole? I don't see much appetite in the general population for fascism-lite. Britain has never gone in for that stuff on any great scale, as the Tories will find out if they keep heading down the path previously trodden by Oswald Mosley and friends.


53,266 posts

258 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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InitialDave said:
The slight difference is that the fascists, well, are.

This National Conservatism looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

Probably walks more like a goose, though.


42,885 posts

238 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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2xChevrons said:
There's a term for political ideologies that are populist, nationalist, natalist, socially conservative, economically corporatist and stridently anti-progressive.

It's fascism. The NatCons aren't fascists, but their ideology, policies and statements are much more fash-y than anything seen in mainstream British right wing politics in the modern political era. It's another click on the right-going ratchet.
Or Social Democratic.....

As when the Social Democratic parties of Europe were popular they were often combining most of the elements of the above. You are mistaken I think in attributing a national based economic strategy solely with the right. In fact traditionally the left were more suspicious of globalisation.


57 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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This is making Sunak look incredibly weak though, some big names (albeit without a cabinet position) are making a lot of noise and not being held to account. Sunak wanders around chanting more three word slogans and this mob are creating a party within a party with a pretty horrendous sounding ideology.

Alas it could also be a tactical thing, the life long Tories will always vote Tory and may not approve of Sunak or even rate him that highly but their vote is secure… this Nat-C group then shore up the far right vote, then they all come back together at the general election under a “one Conservatives” banner…

The Tories seem oblivious to the fact that the country will embrace tactical voting at the next GE though.


7,853 posts

74 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Sounds reasonable enough to me. Low birth rates are a problem, and if they Guardian aren't calling you a far right lunatic then you're doing something very wrong.


9,631 posts

258 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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JuanCarlosFandango said:
Sounds reasonable enough to me. Low birth rates are a problem, and if they Guardian aren't calling you a far right lunatic then you're doing something very wrong.

deckster said:

Racists, xenophobes, religious bigots and homophobes.

Certain posters here will love them.
If it wasn't clear, this is the US group sponsoring the conference. A delightful bunch I'm sure we can agree.