Your voting intentions

Poll: Your voting intentions

Total Members Polled: 1251

Conservative : 22%
Labour: 28%
Reform: 14%
Lib-dem: 9%
Indy: 2%
Green: 3%
Not Voting for any of 'em. (Stay At Home).: 12%
Spoil Paper: 8%
SNP: 1%
Plaid Cymru: 0%


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Saturday 25th May
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Never thought i would see the cons gain, even just at 1%


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Thursday 30th May
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CivicDuties said:
Evanivitch said:
Parliamentary democracy requires a functioning opposition. At this rate the dregs of the Tory party will make the Corbyn era look like a valid opposition.
There will be a functioning opposition. It just may not be Conservative led. Saw a stat this morning predicting 29 seats for the Cons. Think it was a Sky News/YouGov poll.
29 is very optimistic tbh.


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Thursday 30th May
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We haven’t seen any of them although we are what you would call ‘remote’ and have enough trouble with deliveries.



Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Monday 3rd June
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waynedear said:
I just don't know, current lot are not fit for purpose, the biggest group waiting in the wings are not fit for purpose.
As for the rest... I don't think they are either.
Exactly where i am.


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Friday 7th June
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valiant said:
A500leroy said:
MC Bodge said:
A500leroy said:
Conservative im afraid, I dont want to, but Labour are to scary.
How are they they scaring you personally?
Weve recently had a local election round my way, labour took control for the first time in ages and straight away started charging for services that were free under the previous Tory control.

I know that the Tories are rubbish but id sooner stay with that then have an equally rubbish labour gov who also take everyones wages leaving us with nothing.
They probably had to charge as the Tories had fked the budget and left nothing much like the national picture.

Your excuses are pitiful. Just say you're a Tory and be done with it. Can't stand all this faux bullst about the Labour bogeymen who'll take everything when we've been subjected to the highest tax take since the war.

Grow up and just admit you're happy being a Tory.
Bit uncalled for really.


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Friday 7th June
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I ain't going for any of them as it stands.

They are all a huge fking embarrassment to the country.


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Friday 7th June
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S600BSB said:
turbobloke said:
Exactly, they're both unsupportable right now.
And correct!



Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Saturday 8th June
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B'stard Child said:
S600BSB said:
B'stard Child said:
BoomerPride said:
Does this Pistonheads poll now need rebooting? Things have changed.
What things have changed??
What things have changed?

Has that changed your voting intentions?

It hasn’t changed mine - big cock and balls on the ballot paper is still my intention

Make sure it isn't anywhere near one of the boxes as it can still count apparently!


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Saturday 8th June
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B'stard Child said:
119 said:

Make sure it isn't anywhere near one of the boxes as it can still count apparently!
Already been stated in the thread earlier

Don’t worry Gramps - I’m make sure it’s the biggliest cock and balls ever
I bet you will.



Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Sunday 9th June
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SWoll said:
Hugo Stiglitz said:
It's like he's trying to sabotage this. Labour doesn't even need to campaign.
Indeed. The big one for Labour is going to be the manifesto launch which they can't avoid though.

Another vote thread like this and poll results after that will be interesting. According to their own website it should have been out on Thursday 4th, but now the 13th is being suggested?
I’ll set up another one nearer the end of the month as I think there could be quite a change in results by then.


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Tuesday 11th June
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MC Bodge said:
popeyewhite said:
Voting on here a bit closer now: C 22%, L 29%

Not quite the landslide some were predicting?
PH is not the UK.

Although it ain’t far off the external polls.

Tories are toast.


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Ok, so a few people have suggested a new poll as we get closer so...