Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.

Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.



17,153 posts

223 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Mr Green said:
I thought "It is, however, one of the easiest of the big seven" clitched it for me.
context may - just may be of slight importance here, don't you think?

If I were to say that "of the top seven racing drivers, the easiest to pass is raikkonen" do you think that anyone could therefore pass him, or do you think that it just might still be slightly tricky for the average Joe to achieve?


75,316 posts

275 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Mr Green said:
Obviously you get pleasure from throwing insults at people that disagree with you I don't so carry on.
Not at all. I'm happy for people to have a contrary view. I'll even admit I'm wrong when I am.
But I have to laugh when someone says "Look! Black is white" and then proceeds to quote some text that says "black is black".

Mr Green said:
"It is less a mountineering experience that an extended trek and as a consiquence it is one of the few big mountains of the world that almost anyone of moderate fitness has a fighting chance of summiting"

I thought "It is, however, one of the easiest of the big seven" clitched it for me.
That's just like saying "The English Channel is one of the easiest of the endurance swims an endurance swimmer can do". Great. Doesn't mean I could get more than 200m without drowning though.

Did the phrases "has a fighting chance of summiting" and "That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it" escape your notice?

Edit: I see Davi beat me to it. And with a funnier analogy too. hehe

Yup - that Kimi. What a pushover. rolleyes

Edited by JonRB on Friday 13th March 15:08

Funk Odyssey

1,983 posts

232 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Mr Green said:
Funk Odyssey said:
Mr Green said:
Prometheus said:
A jolly??

What a retarded comment.

Oh and some of the celebs did both, visit the hospitals AND climbed the mountain.

Edited by Prometheus on Friday 13th March 12:46
You must be easily impressed I'm not, If a fat bloke who smokes can get up there he must have found it as easy as the other 42999(25000 people try it every year so god know what the number is now) people that have been up there. check this out it sounds exactly like a jolly to me

"It soars at its highest point to 19340ft. It is among the seven continental giants, and sits high on the global mountaineering must do list for anyone claiming the status of a mountain enthusiast. It is, however, one of the easiest of the Big Seven. That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it, but it is less a mountaineering experience that an extended trek, and as a consequence it is one of the few big mountains of the world that almost anyone of moderate fitness has a fighting chance of summiting."
it really is funny hearing the keyboard warriors decrying other peoples' achievements.

Fair play if you are Polar Ben or someone of his level but FFS if you are a lardy virgin who works in IT - please, fck off
I find it funny that people throw insults about from the safety of their keyboard that they wouldn't have the balls to do down the pub, very brave.

Edited by Mr Green on Friday 13th March 15:04
I'm not getting into a pissing contest - you are obviously a hardman - so I'll just say this..

what have you done that qualifies you to put the people in that show down?


2,046 posts

245 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Mr Green said:
I thought "It is, however, one of the easiest of the big seven" clitched it for me.
Think you might find the other 6 are rather tricky. Have you climbed anything other than a flight of stairs?


1,897 posts

205 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Another option to raise money would of been Take That doing a couple concerts in Wembley or the O2 arena. And charging £10 a ticket. Now im not sure how many people fit in the two arenas, but £10 x the occupancy will be a nice little figure. Then Boyzone do the same a couple nights later. And Girls Aloud, and Aleisha. The Radio One people do a Disco/evening rave or whatever.

This would let them do what they are good at (depending on opinion and taste), give the general public a massive discount on ticket prices (we win) and raise fk loads more that £1.5 million.

My figures based on 40,000 capacity are...

Take That x 2 concerts 80,0000 people @ £10 = £ 800,000
Boyzone x 2 concerts 80,000 people @ £10 = £ 800,000
DJ's x 1 night @ 40,000 people @ £10 = £ 400,000
Girls Aloud/ Alisha x 2 concerts 80,000 @ £10 = £800,000

Total £ 2,800,000

Now they would only have to do 2 nights..not a week of it. They would not need to train as they already do it for a living. And they would not be painted as saviours of the world.

Just a thought.


2,046 posts

245 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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wargriff said:
Another option to raise money would of been Take That doing a couple concerts in Wembley or the O2 arena. And charging £10 a ticket. Now im not sure how many people fit in the two arenas, but £10 x the occupancy will be a nice little figure. Then Boyzone do the same a couple nights later. And Girls Aloud, and Aleisha. The Radio One people do a Disco/evening rave or whatever.

This would let them do what they are good at (depending on opinion and taste), give the general public a massive discount on ticket prices (we win) and raise fk loads more that £1.5 million.

My figures based on 40,000 capacity are...

Take That x 2 concerts 80,0000 people @ £10 = £ 800,000
Boyzone x 2 concerts 80,000 people @ £10 = £ 800,000
DJ's x 1 night @ 40,000 people @ £10 = £ 400,000
Girls Aloud/ Alisha x 2 concerts 80,000 @ £10 = £800,000

Total £ 2,800,000

Now they would only have to do 2 nights..not a week of it. They would not need to train as they already do it for a living. And they would not be painted as saviours of the world.

Just a thought.
I think you need to factor in the costs and other people's time other than those doing the singing. Not sure you'd get the same return if you do.

Anyway hasn't it been done on a rather grander scale (LiveAid, etc)?!


75,316 posts

275 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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wargriff said:
Of course, that does assume that the O2 would be available for free, likewise equipment, electricity, security, roadies, O2 staff, TicketMaster, and all the rest of the costs associated.

But, yes, even if it ate up half the profits, I guess your point still stands.

However, it doesn't have the same sense of "look! We're doing something", does it? smile


fulham911club said:
Anyway hasn't it been done on a rather grander scale (LiveAid, etc)?!
yes Good point.

Edited by JonRB on Friday 13th March 15:24


17,153 posts

223 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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wargriff said:
Another option to raise money would of been Take That doing a couple concerts in Wembley or the O2 arena. And charging £10 a ticket. Now im not sure how many people fit in the two arenas, but £10 x the occupancy will be a nice little figure. Then Boyzone do the same a couple nights later. And Girls Aloud, and Aleisha. The Radio One people do a Disco/evening rave or whatever.

This would let them do what they are good at (depending on opinion and taste), give the general public a massive discount on ticket prices (we win) and raise fk loads more that £1.5 million.

My figures based on 40,000 capacity are...

Take That x 2 concerts 80,0000 people @ £10 = £ 800,000
Boyzone x 2 concerts 80,000 people @ £10 = £ 800,000
DJ's x 1 night @ 40,000 people @ £10 = £ 400,000
Girls Aloud/ Alisha x 2 concerts 80,000 @ £10 = £800,000

Total £ 2,800,000

Now they would only have to do 2 nights..not a week of it. They would not need to train as they already do it for a living. And they would not be painted as saviours of the world.

Just a thought.
because that of course would peak awareness in minutes...


1,897 posts

205 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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yes it has worked before, and is the O2 arena not BT linked? Even if there were costs, surely they could be convinced to reduce them as its for charity ?

It was only an idea. And there dont seem to of been any other ones on this thread, apart from the 'do it yourself if its so easy' type.


1,897 posts

205 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Davi said:
wargriff said:
Another option to raise money would of been Take That doing a couple concerts in Wembley or the O2 arena. And charging £10 a ticket. Now im not sure how many people fit in the two arenas, but £10 x the occupancy will be a nice little figure. Then Boyzone do the same a couple nights later. And Girls Aloud, and Aleisha. The Radio One people do a Disco/evening rave or whatever.

This would let them do what they are good at (depending on opinion and taste), give the general public a massive discount on ticket prices (we win) and raise fk loads more that £1.5 million.

My figures based on 40,000 capacity are...

Take That x 2 concerts 80,0000 people @ £10 = £ 800,000
Boyzone x 2 concerts 80,000 people @ £10 = £ 800,000
DJ's x 1 night @ 40,000 people @ £10 = £ 400,000
Girls Aloud/ Alisha x 2 concerts 80,000 @ £10 = £800,000

Total £ 2,800,000

Now they would only have to do 2 nights..not a week of it. They would not need to train as they already do it for a living. And they would not be painted as saviours of the world.

Just a thought.
because that of course would peak awareness in minutes...
peak awareness in minutes, yes. But if it almost doubles the amount of money raised what does that matter ?


75,316 posts

275 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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wargriff said:
It was only an idea. And there dont seem to of been any other ones on this thread, apart from the 'do it yourself if its so easy' type.
I wasn't knocking it. I was just saying that your profit projection assumed all costs would be zero.
And Davi was just saying that it would be more Live Aid than Comic Relief.



16,482 posts

233 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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I found it funny that Moyles was a lot better off than some of the other because he smokes... hehe (altitude doesn't affect as much because his lungs are already fooked).

It was quite telling though that people who were fit anyway, with no medical conditions (Barlow's back) barely broke a sweat - like Ronan and Ben Sheppard...

And i know its a long walk, but they barely looked liked they were moving at times!

(i'd love to do it myself, and am sure it really is very tiring)

I think its still a good achievement, at the end of the day its all about the charity money...


1,897 posts

205 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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JonRB said:
wargriff said:
It was only an idea. And there dont seem to of been any other ones on this thread, apart from the 'do it yourself if its so easy' type.
I wasn't knocking it. I was just saying that your profit projection assumed all costs would be zero.
And Davi was just saying that it would be more Live Aid than Comic Relief.

I disagree totally.

Take That/ Boyzone and Girls Aloud singing live would be fking hysterically funny biggrin


5,301 posts

207 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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More importantly, why was your assistant not sucking you off?


1,897 posts

205 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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718 posts

210 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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PH is getting a bit aggressive these days isn't it. I reckon that the tension is going to build to the point of fking each other.


5,301 posts

207 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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sevros1981 said:
PH is getting a bit aggressive these days isn't it. I reckon that the tension is going to build to the point of fking each other.
Ummm... well... If that is what you joind up for then.... not work out?


8,597 posts

259 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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pablo said:
as for the tax the millionaires comments, i dount anyone owning a yacht worth millions of pounds has the moral conscience necessary to give a flying about a kid in africa...
Apart from Bill Gates ($28,291,699,101) .. and John Caudwell ("Caudwell Children" ).. and Warren Buffet ($321,189,039) .. and Paul Allen ($798,183,920) and Michael Dell ($1,255,224,204) ... and Larry Ellison ($151,092,103) ... and Steve Ballmer ($23,449,783) ... and George Soros ($23,449,783) .. and Michael Bloomberg ( $132,045,031) .. and Ted Turner ($798,701,861) etc etc

How far does your flying about kids in Africa go?

  • (xxxx) charitable donations
Edited by audidoody on Friday 13th March 18:22


Original Poster:

10,601 posts

234 months

Friday 13th March 2009
quotequote all
audidoody said:
pablo said:
as for the tax the millionaires comments, i dount anyone owning a yacht worth millions of pounds has the moral conscience necessary to give a flying about a kid in africa...
Apart from Bill Gates ($28,291,699,101) .. and John Caudwell ("Caudwell Children" ).. and Warren Buffet ($321,189,039) .. and Paul Allen ($798,183,920) and Michael Dell ($1,255,224,204) ... and Larry Ellison ($151,092,103) ... and Steve Ballmer ($23,449,783) ... and George Soros ($23,449,783) .. and Michael Bloomberg ( $132,045,031) .. and Ted Turner ($798,701,861) etc etc

How far does your flying about kids in Africa go?

  • (xxxx) charitable donations
Edited by audidoody on Friday 13th March 18:22
Bill Gates' net worth is somewhere in the region of $60-$100 billion and according to the above he has donated a total of about $28 billion to charity.

My net worth is somewhere in the region of negative £several thousand, therefore by my reckoning if I give so much as 1p to charity I am proportionately giving more of a ff about kids in Africa than Bill Gates does.


1,463 posts

229 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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andy400 said:
audidoody said:
pablo said:
as for the tax the millionaires comments, i dount anyone owning a yacht worth millions of pounds has the moral conscience necessary to give a flying about a kid in africa...
Apart from Bill Gates ($28,291,699,101) .. and John Caudwell ("Caudwell Children" ).. and Warren Buffet ($321,189,039) .. and Paul Allen ($798,183,920) and Michael Dell ($1,255,224,204) ... and Larry Ellison ($151,092,103) ... and Steve Ballmer ($23,449,783) ... and George Soros ($23,449,783) .. and Michael Bloomberg ( $132,045,031) .. and Ted Turner ($798,701,861) etc etc

How far does your flying about kids in Africa go?

  • (xxxx) charitable donations
Edited by audidoody on Friday 13th March 18:22
Bill Gates' net worth is somewhere in the region of $60-$100 billion and according to the above he has donated a total of about $28 billion to charity.

My net worth is somewhere in the region of negative £several thousand, therefore by my reckoning if I give so much as 1p to charity I am proportionately giving more of a ff about kids in Africa than Bill Gates does.
Given that Bill Gates setup a charitable foundation years ago, and has now given up his day job to run said foundation, I'd say he actually cares quite a lot about the kids in Africa (to use your specific eg). what have you done?