RBS Fred Goodwin and 650k p.a pension at 50!

RBS Fred Goodwin and 650k p.a pension at 50!


Invisible man

39,731 posts

287 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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DJFish said:
So a massive pensions scandal has erupted, and for the first time the majority of the general public is behind the govt. in baying for the blood of a dyed in the wool, bang to rights scapegoat.

Does no-one else think, and I may be reaching for my tin-foil hate here, that this is a very convenient way for the govt. to push through legislation that will make it easier to screw people (and by people I mean you and me, not just evil boogieman bankers) out of their hard earned pensions whenever they feel like it?
Does Brown really need legislation to do that?


14,626 posts

270 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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Invisible man said:
DJFish said:
So a massive pensions scandal has erupted, and for the first time the majority of the general public is behind the govt. in baying for the blood of a dyed in the wool, bang to rights scapegoat.

Does no-one else think, and I may be reaching for my tin-foil hate here, that this is a very convenient way for the govt. to push through legislation that will make it easier to screw people (and by people I mean you and me, not just evil boogieman bankers) out of their hard earned pensions whenever they feel like it?
Does Brown really need legislation to do that?
He's already done it hasn't he?


8,751 posts

282 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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DJFish said:
So a massive pensions scandal has erupted, and for the first time the majority of the general public is behind the govt. in baying for the blood of a dyed in the wool, bang to rights scapegoat.

Does no-one else think, and I may be reaching for my tin-foil hate here, that this is a very convenient way for the govt. to push through legislation that will make it easier to screw people (and by people I mean you and me, not just evil boogieman bankers) out of their hard earned pensions whenever they feel like it?
Stuff and nonsense.... any fule kno that our fine uopstanding government would never ever use one set of legislation for purposes not envisioned at the outset.......

completely agree with you, reference terror law and icelandic banks.

Invisible man

39,731 posts

287 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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esselte said:
Invisible man said:
DJFish said:
So a massive pensions scandal has erupted, and for the first time the majority of the general public is behind the govt. in baying for the blood of a dyed in the wool, bang to rights scapegoat.

Does no-one else think, and I may be reaching for my tin-foil hate here, that this is a very convenient way for the govt. to push through legislation that will make it easier to screw people (and by people I mean you and me, not just evil boogieman bankers) out of their hard earned pensions whenever they feel like it?
Does Brown really need legislation to do that?
He's already done it hasn't he?
yes indeed

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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DJFish said:
Does no-one else think, and I may be reaching for my tin-foil hate here, that this is a very convenient way for the govt. to push through legislation
what ever gave you the idea that they'd manipulate a situation to suit their ends?


104,915 posts

263 months

Monday 9th March 2009
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How much is a banker worth?


"...we still remain fascinated by what our neighbour earns."


Original Poster:

305 posts

186 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Have we discussed who is to blame for this farce?


6,249 posts

257 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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amaftauhoo said:
Have we discussed who is to blame for this farce?
We had a meeting, and decided on you ?

Now if you can get to the town square for midday tomorrow, we can get on with the task of pelting you with rotten fruit.




Original Poster:

305 posts

186 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
sstein said:
amaftauhoo said:
Have we discussed who is to blame for this farce?
We had a meeting, and decided on you ?

Now if you can get to the town square for midday tomorrow, we can get on with the task of pelting you with rotten fruit.

