General Election July 2024



26,524 posts

176 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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valiant said:
Prepare for the dirtiest, most antagonistic and negative campaign that we’ve ever seen.
The Tory campaign will be entirely predicated on fear of change.

They've already started it this past few weeks.


52,719 posts

213 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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ChocolateFrog said:
The Tory campaign will be entirely predicated on fear of change.

They've already started it this past few weeks.
It works for a section of the electorate.

You only have to look at the people on here practically pissing themselves in fear of whatever it is they think Starmer will do.


3,977 posts

33 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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abzmike said:
Tory MPs are not amused, feel they have been thrown under a fleet of busses ... Is there time to appoint a new leader before 4th July? Could they... Would they?
The thick tts have spent the whole term throwing themselves there.


26,078 posts

170 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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ChocolateFrog said:
valiant said:
Prepare for the dirtiest, most antagonistic and negative campaign that we’ve ever seen.
The Tory campaign will be entirely predicated on fear of change.

They've already started it this past few weeks.
They’ve literally got nothing else. Every single boogeyman they would love to be able to shout about, exists on their current watch and probably made worse by them.

They need the public to be so fking stupid as to be convinced that the next 5 will be nothing like the last somehow.



2,467 posts

215 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Short Grain said:
I got into a rant on the Post Office thread after answering a conspiracy question about pushing Paula Vennels off the front page with a GE, so thought I'd copy it here!

Tories are distraction masters! They've learnt from Boris, a master at answering the questions you DIDN'T ask, and our own mini Trump. A man who wanted the title of PM, but didn't know how to do the job! He wanted PM on his CV, nothing more. Richie Rich is a pathetic pm, completely disconnected and insulated from the realities of the life of the average British family!! Another one voted in by the back door! Their only plan as far as I can see is to create divisions within the British people, and divert attention from their failings. Sewage in our rivers. A Rwanda plan that will cost us £Millions and do nothing to stop the boats, that are supposedly the most important subject for us plebs! Target PIP Benefit claimants by insinuating that they are mainly benefit cheats, creating suspicion among the rest of the British people! There are benefit cheats, but you don't tar all disabled people with the same brush! This from the party that was filling their pockets and bank balances, to the tune of £Millions in some cases! Partying to their hearts content during Covid, after locking the rest of us in our homes! This 'government' is the most corrupt set of mps I have ever seen! Lots of Tory mps have already stated they will not stand in the next GE! Why? Because they know they are in for a severe kicking! I don't really like SKS but I'll vote Labour rather than have these tts back! I really hope the tories are wiped out for the next 14 years! Something has to change and getting this tory party kicked out is the first step!
I'd throw in that the blood scandal, cynically coming to light when the Tory's are on the ropes, means they can hand that poisoned chalice to the next party - and it'll be one hell of a poisoned chalice. IMHO the blood scandal will make the Post Office scandal look like a speeding fine if it's allowed to get traction, 1000's dead, 100's of thousands injured and crippled for life and all very much covered up as it'll cost too much.

So leaving that steaming turd for the next party will be a parting gift no one would want.

Bonefish Blues

27,714 posts

226 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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ChocolateFrog said:
valiant said:
Prepare for the dirtiest, most antagonistic and negative campaign that we’ve ever seen.
The Tory campaign will be entirely predicated on fear of change.

They've already started it this past few weeks.
I fear change.

But not that much.

Chicken Chaser

7,965 posts

227 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I worry about the unknown of the Labour party, not because I'm averse to voting Labour but because there doesn't seem to be a clear plan on how to fix things.

I worry more about the known entity that we currently have in government so I know who I won't be voting for.


26,078 posts

170 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Bonefish Blues said:
ChocolateFrog said:
valiant said:
Prepare for the dirtiest, most antagonistic and negative campaign that we’ve ever seen.
The Tory campaign will be entirely predicated on fear of change.

They've already started it this past few weeks.
I fear change.

But not that much.
“Sorry that we set you on fire, but if you vote Labour, they might not even put you out!”

Yeah jog on.


4,409 posts

242 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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It's taken the Conservatives 14 years to achieve not a lot....

In that 14 years, Labour still don't have a vision or an inspiring leader.

What a waste.


1,763 posts

33 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Time for a change, or in Sunak's case a change of clothes.


26,524 posts

176 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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snuffy said:
RichB said:
i might write 'None of the above' on my paper!
You could, but it will make exactly zero difference.
It will if enough die hard Tory voters do it.

Sadly I'm sure most who are proclaiming that's what they'll do will do no such thing and vote the same way they have at every other election they've been eligible to vote for.


4,661 posts

31 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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MrVert said:
It's taken the Conservatives 14 years to achieve not a lot....

In that 14 years, Labour still don't have a vision or an inspiring leader.

What a waste.
Most would disagree.
A return to sensible politics.


1,555 posts

204 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Does a £3,500 suit shrink when it has been soaked?


26,524 posts

176 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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chrispmartha said:
119 said:
Yep, and once Labour get in, the only ones everyone will be able to afford will be charity shops.

Cos everyone’s proper well off under the current government aren’t they.
Plenty are, and most of them post in these pages.

Hence the fear.


10,717 posts

163 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Chicken Chaser said:
I worry about the unknown of the Labour party, not because I'm averse to voting Labour but because there doesn't seem to be a clear plan on how to fix things.

I worry more about the known entity that we currently have in government so I know who I won't be voting for.
Well, manifestos will be released imminently no doubt so all those who’ve been endlessly moaning about lack of policies and whatnot can sit down with a cup of tea and compare how we’re all going to receive unicorns should they win


11,195 posts

227 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Chicken Chaser said:
I worry about the unknown of the Labour party, not because I'm averse to voting Labour but because there doesn't seem to be a clear plan on how to fix things.

I worry more about the known entity that we currently have in government so I know who I won't be voting for.
Thats because it not fixable. And they know it. Both sides.

Limiting and managing decline is the best we can hope for.


26,524 posts

176 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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BikeBikeBIke said:
My kids have had and are having a first class state education. Streets ahead of mine. I've no reason to think it will be worse under a different government but Education is good at the moment. Very good.
You have to be fking kidding right?

My OH is a school business manager. She's been told recently she needs to essentially sack 4 more members of staff due to their budget. They beg, borrow and steal everything they can just to make ends meet.

It's a real stshow on the whole.


8,723 posts

118 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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monkfish1 said:
Thats because it not fixable. And they know it. Both sides.
It's fixable, and all the parties know how.

They just don't know how to get elected after they do the things they need to do to fix it.

Rusty Old-Banger

4,366 posts

216 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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Blue62 said:
QuickQuack said:
While in the Conservative shop, half the MPs are trying to hump the mannequins, half the remainder are busily stealing the stock and the rest are setting fire to the shop itself.
Hard to believe anyone with an iota of intelligence could still think the Tories are an option.

Justice system is kaput, prisons overcrowded to the extent that criminals are being released early, while the police being asked to limit arrests.

NHS is on its knees.

Our defence budget is so bad that we can’t even pay for a D-Day flyover, with two massively over budget aircraft carriers, both late and without a full complement of aircraft.

The government is expected to spend almost £5bn on post Brexit border controls.

Schools are falling apart, we’ve had ten education secretaries since 2010.

Prices have increased by 20% in the last three years and taxation is at its highest level since WW2.

Immigration has reached record levels directly contradicting government promises and the less said about the Rwanda fiasco the better.

Universities have been hit hard by the reduction in foreign students and practically every local council is in financial difficulties, some facing bankruptcy.

To top it all we’ve had the previous two PM’s resign in disgrace. But Labour……..
Good job Labour have said they'll reverse Brexit then. That's what they've said, right?


7,311 posts

186 months

Wednesday 22nd May
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I haven’t voted for years, I know I know, but as this is a motoring forum, I’ll consider voting for whichever party is the least unfriendly to the motorist, and who has the least batst crazy green crap going on.