46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



2,520 posts

215 months

Sunday 7th July
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thatsprettyshady said:
Parkinsons disease specialist met with Bidens physician at the White House earlier this year - https://nypost.com/2024/07/06/us-news/president-bi...

“Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), who is a physician, said “many” in the medical community have “suspected for several years that the president might be suffering from Parkinson’s disease.”

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Sunday 7th July 00:57
9 visits by Parkinsons specialist, Dr. Kevin Cannard


He's fine, it's just a stutter. He is incredibly sharp and focused when he is in places where you can't see him.


2,550 posts

176 months

Sunday 7th July
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mko9 said:
9 visits by Parkinsons specialist, Dr. Kevin Cannard


He's fine, it's just a stutter. He is incredibly sharp and focused when he is in places where you can't see him.
I've been laughing at the 'it's just a stutter' crowd for years. They are special kind of...gullible. I suppose is the kindest way of saying it.


1,450 posts

33 months

Sunday 7th July
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Mortarboard said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Optics not good on this one. Biden ignores black girl in Wisconsin crowd, selfies with other folks but walks right past her - https://x.com/commonsensesoln/status/1809458656175...
That's strechingbit a bit :buglaugh:

He shakes her hand talks to her.

Dies take a selfie, as neither of them have phones.

Face like a sla0ped arse on her though, probably with a parent at a political event.


Where does he shake her hand and talk to her?

I must be watching another one of these 'deep fake' clip the dozen on here bang on about as she has a huge smile and clearly makes a what looks like 'Mr President' call whereby she is blanked and her hands stay on the Biden sign she is holding whilst Biden moves straight to the elderly white lady, has a big chat then a selfie.

The face and awkwardness afterwards says it all as she seems to be holding out for him coming back to her.

Ironic clip with the woman wearing a 'no hate in my state' t-shirt.

That's another Biden vote vanished.

As I said before, Trump can sit and watch TV or hit a few golf balls and just let Biden due the hard lift of destroying his own campaign.


1,450 posts

33 months

Sunday 7th July
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EddieSteadyGo said:
Jeanboi said:
Anyone remember Joe Biden's plagiarism during his 1988 campaign?

He ripped off speeches from the Kennedys and from, of all people, our own Neil Kinnock.


But he knows how to tell the truth!

Sidenote - one quite forgets just how rousing a speech Kinnock could perform.
Does any modern politician though actually write their own speeches? I'm not saying plagiarism is fine, but if any passages have been 'borrowed' surely it's the speech writers fault rather than the poor sod who has to read it out?
His dramatic speech at D-day was a blatant rip off from Reagans speech at the same place 40yrs ago, but Reagans was heartfelt as he did it without telepromters or notes.

If someone asked Biden today what speech he made at the D-day event, he most likely wouldn't have a clue what they were on about unfortunately.

Ironically, he might remember Reagans.


12,447 posts

206 months

Sunday 7th July
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Wheelspinning said:
His dramatic speech at D-day was a blatant rip off from Reagans speech at the same place 40yrs ago, but Reagans was heartfelt as he did it without telepromters or notes.

If someone asked Biden today what speech he made at the D-day event, he most likely wouldn't have a clue what they were on about unfortunately.

Ironically, he might remember Reagans.
Personally, I don't think that is much of a big deal. Much like most current pop songs, they often re-use ideas from the past which are tried and tested. Hard to get annoyed by it - next time it could easily be a Republican politician doing the same thing. Overall I'm not sure it is just Biden's team getting 'inspiration' from previous historical speeches.


1,473 posts

145 months

Sunday 7th July
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Skeptisk said:
The Democrats have had some very smart presidents.

Clinton had trouble keeping his dick in his pants but was an amazing orator. A former colleague (graduate of Harvard law school so hardly stupid himself) used to work for Clinton in the WH and had some very interesting anecdotes.

I can’t watch Trump as he seems to find it hard to stringing two comprehensible sentence together. He just comes across as educationally challenged. George W Bush was also most times not the smartest man in the room, nevertheless the country!

I know some frightening smart Republicans so it isn’t as if they don’t exist. They just don’t seem to win nomination to stand for election!!
It's as though they understand that people like to vote for those who resemble themselves.


2,498 posts

168 months

Sunday 7th July
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Looking a little lost a a church event today - https://streamable.com/2etee1

And forgot to sit back down - https://streamable.com/ubg6w9

tbh these don't even seem that bad, but now Biden has a camera trained on him like this I think he's cooked, this isn't going away.

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Sunday 7th July 18:43


2,498 posts

168 months

Sunday 7th July
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The aussie really DO NOT like Kamala - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPaBR3GNVe4


5,298 posts

232 months

Sunday 7th July
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'I'm the guy that put NATO together, the future. No one thought I could expand it'

'I'm the guy that shut Putin down'


What a mess.

Al Gorithum

3,888 posts

211 months

Sunday 7th July
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“Not” Trump supports desperately trying to find something bad about Biden.

Yawn. Yes we know they’re both old and not as bad each other.


5,298 posts

232 months

Sunday 7th July
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You could always leave the thread if you (still) don't like Biden news Al!

Very weird for you to stay, if it makes you yawn.


But you can't can you?

Beati Dogu

9,012 posts

142 months

Sunday 7th July
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thatsprettyshady said:
Optics not good on this one. Biden ignores black girl in Wisconsin crowd, selfies with other folks but walks right past her - https://x.com/commonsensesoln/status/1809458656175...
Some good news for Biden from Wisconsin though, which is normally thought of as a swing state and represents 10 electoral college votes. In 2020 Wisconsin went to Biden by less than 21,000 votes.

In 2022, the then conservative-leaning state supreme court banned many of drop boxes used for the likes of presidential elections. These are kerbside boxes, much like US mail boxes that allow people to post absentee ballots off. And like postal voting in general, there's little oversight on these, leading to the potential for "organisations" to dump stacks of pre-filled ballots for the candidate of their choice. With such a slim margin it's easy enough to put your finger on the scales the way you want it to.

The now liberal-leaning state supreme court has just overturned this ruling, and let's face it, there's only one reason you'd want to do that. In polling, Trump is showing 1-1.5% ahead, but I'd now expect Wisconsin to fall to Biden once again.


1,473 posts

145 months

Sunday 7th July
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Beati Dogu said:
Some good news for Biden from Wisconsin though, which is normally thought of as a swing state and represents 10 electoral college votes. In 2020 Wisconsin went to Biden by less than 21,000 votes.

In 2022, the then conservative-leaning state supreme court banned many of drop boxes used for the likes of presidential elections. These are kerbside boxes, much like US mail boxes that allow people to post absentee ballots off. And like postal voting in general, there's little oversight on these, leading to the potential for "organisations" to dump stacks of pre-filled ballots for the candidate of their choice. With such a slim margin it's easy enough to put your finger on the scales the way you want it to.

The now liberal-leaning state supreme court has just overturned this ruling, and let's face it, there's only one reason you'd want to do that. In polling, Trump is showing 1-1.5% ahead, but I'd now expect Wisconsin to fall to Biden once again.
The reason for providing drop boxes is because the cheapskates won't provide proper polling stations.


3,097 posts

36 months

Sunday 7th July
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Al Gorithum said:
“Not” Trump supports desperately trying to find something bad about Biden.

Yawn. Yes we know they’re both old and not as bad each other.
Don’t really need to “find” something bad about Biden - just look at him and his actions/speech. The fact that he is in that state really isn’t affected by what Trump supporters might think


8,837 posts

228 months

Sunday 7th July
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PurplePenguin said:
Al Gorithum said:
“Not” Trump supports desperately trying to find something bad about Biden.

Yawn. Yes we know they’re both old and not as bad each other.
Don’t really need to “find” something bad about Biden - just look at him and his actions/speech. The fact that he is in that state really isn’t affected by what Trump supporters might think
Biden in a body bag would still be the smartest choice given the options.


3,097 posts

36 months

Sunday 7th July
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dvs_dave said:
PurplePenguin said:
Al Gorithum said:
“Not” Trump supports desperately trying to find something bad about Biden.

Yawn. Yes we know they’re both old and not as bad each other.
Don’t really need to “find” something bad about Biden - just look at him and his actions/speech. The fact that he is in that state really isn’t affected by what Trump supporters might think
Biden in a body bag would still be the smartest choice given the options.
That’s not the situation though, is it?


8,837 posts

228 months

Sunday 7th July
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Beati Dogu said:
Some good news for Biden from Wisconsin though, which is normally thought of as a swing state and represents 10 electoral college votes. In 2020 Wisconsin went to Biden by less than 21,000 votes.

In 2022, the then conservative-leaning state supreme court banned many of drop boxes used for the likes of presidential elections. These are kerbside boxes, much like US mail boxes that allow people to post absentee ballots off. And like postal voting in general, there's little oversight on these, leading to the potential for "organisations" to dump stacks of pre-filled ballots for the candidate of their choice. With such a slim margin it's easy enough to put your finger on the scales the way you want it to.

The now liberal-leaning state supreme court has just overturned this ruling, and let's face it, there's only one reason you'd want to do that. In polling, Trump is showing 1-1.5% ahead, but I'd now expect Wisconsin to fall to Biden once again.
How would these fake ballots not only be produced, but also validated? No one has yet come up with or suggested a plausible methodology where sufficient fake ballots that pass the various checks and balances could be produced to alter an election outcome.


5,831 posts

235 months

Sunday 7th July
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Biden is OK on some days but a liability on others. Another stumbling performance like the recent debate would be welcomed by Republicans.

I'm not as informed as some on here so asking what is likely a previously answered question:

Is there a stated reason why the Dems don't want to drop Biden and get behind Kamala Harris as a nominee?

Seems the obvious solution to me and think she would wipe the floor with Trump but perhaps I've missed something obvious?


5,423 posts

18 months

Sunday 7th July
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OzzyR1 said:
Biden is OK on some days but a liability on others. Another stumbling performance like the recent debate would be welcomed by Republicans.

I'm not as informed as some on here so asking what is likely a previously answered question:

Is there a stated reason why the Dems don't want to drop Biden and get behind Kamala Harris as a nominee?

Seems the obvious solution to me and think she would wipe the floor with Trump but perhaps I've missed something obvious?
She's atrocious. Trump would wipe the floor with her.


8,837 posts

228 months

Sunday 7th July
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PurplePenguin said:
dvs_dave said:
PurplePenguin said:
Al Gorithum said:
“Not” Trump supports desperately trying to find something bad about Biden.

Yawn. Yes we know they’re both old and not as bad each other.
Don’t really need to “find” something bad about Biden - just look at him and his actions/speech. The fact that he is in that state really isn’t affected by what Trump supporters might think
Biden in a body bag would still be the smartest choice given the options.
That’s not the situation though, is it?
As I obviously need to spell it out….all the wailing and cruelty being directed at Biden is irrelevant. He’s still the wiser choice out of the two, no matter how bad he gets, including being dead.