Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.

Firkin celebrities walking up a mountain. FFS.



14,682 posts

214 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Sciroccology said:
Mr Green said:
what I'd like to know is what was the carbon foot print for all this lot
Oh, do shut up, before you get my carbon footprint on your arse.

For what it's worth, I've just watched the video of the climb/walk/stroll/jolly and was actually quite impressed. Obviously, I skipped past the bits where they showed the starving African kiddies as, quite frankly, who wants to watch that?

What I saw was a commendable attempt by a few people to be taken completely out of their comfort zones and stuck into a hostile environment, to do something that they (and most people, come to that) would never have dreamed of doing normally. It defined the word "challenge". The fact that they used their high-profile status (I am loathed to use the word "celebrity") to raise more money is surely the whole point of the exercise. As for being "pampered" with a massive support crew, well they're hardly going to give them a bobble hat and a slab of Kendal Mint Cake and say "off you go then", are they?

By the way, I noticed that Mr Moyles fared much better in the altitude sickness thing than most - I gather this is because he's a smoker. Ha! I knew it would have some advantages (apart from the cool and sexy look it gives you.)
I agree with this, I watched the 2nd half of the program (forgot it was on). No celeb attitudes on the climb, all appreciating the support of their helpers (big hugs to them all at the end. Determination from Fern who was really struggling. Considering Moyles is such a prick (apparently) I was impressed at how a lot of the support climbers hung round him, singing with him etc. they didn't know who he really was and so had to judge for themselves.


9,044 posts

215 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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sevros1981 said:
I think they should change ideas for raising money. I for one would pay far more than a fiver to see Piers Morgan fight an angry and hungry silverback gorilla.

Edited by sevros1981 on Friday 13th March 11:42
Now you're talking .lick

King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Jasandjules said:
If you think that was pathetic, I don't recommend you watch comic relief when it's on (tomorrow?)..
My 7 year old daughter has, apparently, gone to school in her pyjamas today, so I guess it is something to do with comic relief.

There has been no request for financial offerings, so I guess they've missed the point somewhere.



17,153 posts

223 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Prometheus said:
Sciroccology said:
By the way, I noticed that Mr Moyles fared much better in the altitude sickness thing than most - I gather this is because he's a smoker. )
How does that work then?
smoking reduces the amount of oxygen available to your system - altitude sickness is mostly down to a reduced level of oxygen - therefore smokers tend to be better equipped to deal with it. Much the same as acclimatisation.


20,911 posts

250 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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King Herald said:
Jasandjules said:
If you think that was pathetic, I don't recommend you watch comic relief when it's on (tomorrow?)..
My 7 year old daughter has, apparently, gone to school in her pyjamas today, so I guess it is something to do with comic relief.

There has been no request for financial offerings, so I guess they've missed the point somewhere.

They usually have to pay a quid for the privaldige. Mines gone in 'civvies' instead of uniform. Had to 'borrow' a quid off me...


367 posts

186 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Davi said:
Prometheus said:
Sciroccology said:
By the way, I noticed that Mr Moyles fared much better in the altitude sickness thing than most - I gather this is because he's a smoker. )
How does that work then?
smoking reduces the amount of oxygen available to your system - altitude sickness is mostly down to a reduced level of oxygen - therefore smokers tend to be better equipped to deal with it. Much the same as acclimatisation.
Ah, that does make sense actually.


732 posts

225 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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andy400 said:
Oh yes, and Chris Moyles is a talentless obese disgusting oik.

Just thought I'd share.
£1.5Million raised says you are in the minority....and he coped with the mountain better than some of the "fittest" people there....

Mr Green

936 posts

185 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Prometheus said:
A jolly??

What a retarded comment.

Oh and some of the celebs did both, visit the hospitals AND climbed the mountain.

Edited by Prometheus on Friday 13th March 12:46
You must be easily impressed I'm not, If a fat bloke who smokes can get up there he must have found it as easy as the other 42999(25000 people try it every year so god know what the number is now) people that have been up there. check this out it sounds exactly like a jolly to me

"It soars at its highest point to 19340ft. It is among the seven continental giants, and sits high on the global mountaineering must do list for anyone claiming the status of a mountain enthusiast. It is, however, one of the easiest of the Big Seven. That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it, but it is less a mountaineering experience that an extended trek, and as a consequence it is one of the few big mountains of the world that almost anyone of moderate fitness has a fighting chance of summiting."


21,816 posts

228 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Tony*T3 said:
VladD said:
Anyway, I'm losing my braodband access this afternoon, so I'll bid you all farewell for the time being. Enjoy Comic Relief this evening and have a good weekend.

You wont be missed.

Actually, have another


Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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I pretty much think most of the celebs that did it are useless knobs.

However, good on them for having the grit to finish the challenge, and good on Gary Barlow for setting it up.


10,261 posts

255 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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My donation is at the soon as they tell me how stopping malaria killing X per second will affect the population in years to come as more people grow up in a st hole that £50 tillion pounds of western aid hasn't fixed since we let them look after themselves.

Had they got Moyles fat arse up K2 I'd have donated already but seeing an obese millionaire stagger up a slope while his crew of locals jog past with his tent on their heads didn't inspire me in the same way (should add, i love Moyles on the radio.....i just think including him highlighted how simple the "climb" fact, if he got up there why not put Dawn French, Rick Waller and Stephen Hawkins on the team just for a laugh?)


7,944 posts

268 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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NDA said:
Tony*T3 said:
VladD said:
Anyway, I'm losing my braodband access this afternoon, so I'll bid you all farewell for the time being. Enjoy Comic Relief this evening and have a good weekend.

You wont be missed.

Actually, have another

I'm back, did you miss me? Oh, apparently not. biggrin

Mr Green

936 posts

185 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Tiggsy said:
i just think including him highlighted how simple the "climb" fact, if he got up there why not put Dawn French, Rick Waller and Stephen Hawkins on the team just for a laugh?)


3,100 posts

210 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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How is this any worse than Ben Fogle's Extreme Dreams?
At least it's for a good cause.


12,725 posts

251 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Mr Green said:
Prometheus said:
A jolly??

What a retarded comment.

Oh and some of the celebs did both, visit the hospitals AND climbed the mountain.

Edited by Prometheus on Friday 13th March 12:46
You must be easily impressed I'm not, If a fat bloke who smokes can get up there he must have found it as easy as the other 42999(25000 people try it every year so god know what the number is now) people that have been up there. check this out it sounds exactly like a jolly to me

"It soars at its highest point to 19340ft. It is among the seven continental giants, and sits high on the global mountaineering must do list for anyone claiming the status of a mountain enthusiast. It is, however, one of the easiest of the Big Seven. That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it, but it is less a mountaineering experience that an extended trek, and as a consequence it is one of the few big mountains of the world that almost anyone of moderate fitness has a fighting chance of summiting."
At the risk of sounding like a stuck record, have you done it?
If not then your opinion carries as much weight as a dehydrated gnat.


75,316 posts

275 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Mr Green said:
You must be easily impressed I'm not, If a fat bloke who smokes can get up there he must have found it as easy as the other 42999(25000 people try it every year so god know what the number is now) people that have been up there. check this out it sounds exactly like a jolly to me

"It soars at its highest point to 19340ft. It is among the seven continental giants, and sits high on the global mountaineering must do list for anyone claiming the status of a mountain enthusiast. It is, however, one of the easiest of the Big Seven. That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it, but it is less a mountaineering experience that an extended trek, and as a consequence it is one of the few big mountains of the world that almost anyone of moderate fitness has a fighting chance of summiting."
What a retard. You quote something that you think strengthens your argument whereas actually it refutes it. The phrase "has a fighting chance of summiting" implies doubt, not a foregone conclusion. Yet you quote it to show that it's a "jolly" (implication: easy and trivial)

And the phrase "That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it" is a bit of a clincher really. hehe

Edited by JonRB on Friday 13th March 14:48


367 posts

186 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Some of the celebrities involved are quite well off indeed, I would imagine they have a good idea of what a jolly really is.

Mr Green

936 posts

185 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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JonRB said:
Mr Green said:
You must be easily impressed I'm not, If a fat bloke who smokes can get up there he must have found it as easy as the other 42999(25000 people try it every year so god know what the number is now) people that have been up there. check this out it sounds exactly like a jolly to me

"It soars at its highest point to 19340ft. It is among the seven continental giants, and sits high on the global mountaineering must do list for anyone claiming the status of a mountain enthusiast. It is, however, one of the easiest of the Big Seven. That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it, but it is less a mountaineering experience that an extended trek, and as a consequence it is one of the few big mountains of the world that almost anyone of moderate fitness has a fighting chance of summiting."
What a retard. You quote something that you think strengthens your argument whereas actually it refutes it. The phrase "has a fighting chance of summiting" implies doubt, not a foregone conclusion, yet you quote it to show that it's a "jolly" (implication: easy and trivial)

And the phrase "That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it" is a bit of a clincher really. hehe

Edited by JonRB on Friday 13th March 14:47
Obviously you get pleasure from throwing insults at people that disagree with you I don't so carry on.

"It is less a mountineering experience that an extended trek and as a consiquence it is one of the few big mountains of the world that almost anyone of moderate fitness has a fighting chance of summiting"

I thought "It is, however, one of the easiest of the big seven" clitched it for me.

Funk Odyssey

1,983 posts

232 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Mr Green said:
Prometheus said:
A jolly??

What a retarded comment.

Oh and some of the celebs did both, visit the hospitals AND climbed the mountain.

Edited by Prometheus on Friday 13th March 12:46
You must be easily impressed I'm not, If a fat bloke who smokes can get up there he must have found it as easy as the other 42999(25000 people try it every year so god know what the number is now) people that have been up there. check this out it sounds exactly like a jolly to me

"It soars at its highest point to 19340ft. It is among the seven continental giants, and sits high on the global mountaineering must do list for anyone claiming the status of a mountain enthusiast. It is, however, one of the easiest of the Big Seven. That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it, but it is less a mountaineering experience that an extended trek, and as a consequence it is one of the few big mountains of the world that almost anyone of moderate fitness has a fighting chance of summiting."
it really is funny hearing the keyboard warriors decrying other peoples' achievements.

Fair play if you are Polar Ben or someone of his level but FFS if you are a lardy virgin who works in IT - please, fck off

Mr Green

936 posts

185 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Funk Odyssey said:
Mr Green said:
Prometheus said:
A jolly??

What a retarded comment.

Oh and some of the celebs did both, visit the hospitals AND climbed the mountain.

Edited by Prometheus on Friday 13th March 12:46
You must be easily impressed I'm not, If a fat bloke who smokes can get up there he must have found it as easy as the other 42999(25000 people try it every year so god know what the number is now) people that have been up there. check this out it sounds exactly like a jolly to me

"It soars at its highest point to 19340ft. It is among the seven continental giants, and sits high on the global mountaineering must do list for anyone claiming the status of a mountain enthusiast. It is, however, one of the easiest of the Big Seven. That is not to say it is a walkover, far from it, but it is less a mountaineering experience that an extended trek, and as a consequence it is one of the few big mountains of the world that almost anyone of moderate fitness has a fighting chance of summiting."
it really is funny hearing the keyboard warriors decrying other peoples' achievements.

Fair play if you are Polar Ben or someone of his level but FFS if you are a lardy virgin who works in IT - please, fck off
I find it funny that people throw insults about from the safety of their keyboard that they wouldn't have the balls to do down the pub, very brave.

Edited by Mr Green on Friday 13th March 15:04