45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



62,299 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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Univision, the nation's largest Spanish-language network, has decided to cancel ad-buys by the Biden campaign in Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, & Florida after Trump met with their executives last week.

Biden was going to be running ads during the debates.


6,391 posts

46 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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Byker28i said:
Fanni Willis has got punchy over Cannons delays that will impact her trial, saying she now expects the Fulton County Racketeering trial to take place in late 2024, finishing in early 2025, i.e. over the elction period, clearly pointing out to Annon she's not playing her games, so Cannon either has to now go early to make sure it's over - and you can bet team trump are pushing her to delay until after the election
How late 2024? The election is on 5th November next year, that may sound a long time away, but if Trump is free from trials and can do some unencumbered campaigning then you never know. There won’t be any appetite at all anywhere to start a trial in the latter half of 2024 as campaigning would be in full swing and the whole “election interference” bks argument would probably work in his favour.

I doubt we’ll see an outcome for this NY trial this side of the end of Feb, so that really only leaves a few months for anything to get started, let alone conclude. Not forgetting there will be a multitude of delay driven appeals to the NY verdict.


62,299 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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Byker28i said:
trumps reposted and amplified a post on TS calling for the citizens arrest of AG James and Judge Engoran. Theres many pointing out this is trump incitement to violence against them, such as...

Jack Smith has filed for the gag order to be reinstated after threats to his family from trump. Theres a three judge appeal court sitting next week over trumps gag order because he appealed. trumps trying to claim as presedential candidate he can say what he likes.

Edited by Byker28i on Wednesday 15th November 06:50
There's a filing in the gag order, pointing out the many times thats trumps rhetoric has lead to threats.
that whilst trump isn't charged with insurrection, he was responsible for the violence that happened due to his rhetoric.
the "If you come after me I'm coming after you.." and the many threats to court staff following that
and we get the Thomas a Becket quote again, with further evidence of how trump issues 'directions' to his cult

Nice reference to the Roger Stone gag as well as a reference - remember the cult violent followers are the same

There's also the bit where they say trump isn't special, shouldn't get special rules allowing him to attack who he wants
There's also a staff member monitoring and counting trumps TS posts

Pointing out trump is trying to delay the trial to 2025. It's a rather complete takedown of all of trumps arguments



7,131 posts

191 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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LF5335 said:
And again, people on here keep assuring me that the law is the law and it won’t be applied differently for anyone. Yet here we are again.

I’d really like to see how cgt2 feels about these recent rulings where Trump is clearly be treated favourably. This is why I’m considering it as a possibility that the orange idiot might get re-elected. I’m also waiting to see some progress on trial dates for the two critical criminal cases. I still do not believe that these will start this side of the election, let alone a verdict be reached.
I'm too busy in the real world these days for the endless repetitive hamster wheel we seem to keep going round on. So let's just wait and see. I've said many times he will not be the eventual nominee in my view which moots the whole question.


62,299 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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LF5335 said:
I doubt we’ll see an outcome for this NY trial this side of the end of Feb, so that really only leaves a few months for anything to get started, let alone conclude. Not forgetting there will be a multitude of delay driven appeals to the NY verdict.
He's definitely panicking if he's trying to settle that case


6,391 posts

46 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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Byker28i said:
He's definitely panicking if he's trying to settle that case
He’s definitely panicking about it all, he is definitely screwed. It’s just hoping that he’ll actually face the music, rather than get away with minor sanctions, or endless delays meaning he can continue to act with impunity. The gag order is a great example, is this the third time they’ve tried to stop him ranting, but failed each time?

I can’t see why NY would settle, this is one of the few times we’ve seen him on the rack, they’ve made their case, he doesn’t seem to be able to make much of a defence, his stalling tactics have failed and this would be a massive blow to him and his ego. He’d probably explode and bring everything around him crashing down which would be fantastic to see.

He’s going to appeal the outcome, but settling means he has to accept liability too, so I’m struggling to see what he thinks he stands to gain. Unless he bizarrely thinks he’ll get a slap on the wrists, a day on the naughty step and some strong words not to do it again. We know damn well his first reaction will be to announce himself as the victor and lie that he won the case and proved he’s a great businessman. There’s no upside for NY to settle.


6,391 posts

46 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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cgt2 said:
I'm too busy in the real world these days for the endless repetitive hamster wheel we seem to keep going round on. So let's just wait and see. I've said many times he will not be the eventual nominee in my view which moots the whole question.
I’m not going round the hamster wheel and I’m not even attempting to discuss whether he’ll be the nominee or not. I was asking about your specific assertion that the law is law and applies to everyone equally, when we’re seeing that clearly isn’t the case.


2,132 posts

164 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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LF5335 said:
14 said:
The Courts will stop him. Even his most tame judge won’t delay his trial, so what chance does he have to get all the judges to do his bidding?

The military will stop him. They follow the Constitution not the President.

Congress will stop him. Trump won’t be able to get his lackeys in power due to Congress not voting for them. He only has a handful of supporters in Congress and they won’t be able to do anything.
The courts part has been answered. He’d do it and then whatever he did would be tied up in years of appeals before it can be undone.

Military. Tuberville is blocking hundreds of key appointments. He’s been doing this most of the year and there’s still no resolution. Yes, he’s pissing off fellow Republicans, but he’s dragging it out u der the banner of some sort of abortion row. Whatever it is, there’s a feeling the military is being hamstrung. I wonder what he’d do if Trump, who he is massively in favour of were to be elected?


Congress. How will they stop him? They fall over and do his bidding whenever he asks.
The Democrats are close to passing a resolution that will allow them to vote for all of the nominees in one vote. If that happens then Tuberville’s hold will be meaningless.

Trump doesn’t have enough supporters in Congress to do his bidding. The majority Republicans won’t vote for crazy laws. It would also require the Republicans having a majority in both houses, which won’t happen due to local Republican parties are broke, so candidates won’t have the funding needed to win a seat.


2,132 posts

164 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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cgt2 said:
I'm too busy in the real world these days for the endless repetitive hamster wheel we seem to keep going round on. So let's just wait and see. I've said many times he will not be the eventual nominee in my view which moots the whole question.
I do think Trump will be the nominee. I say that because he still has the support of McDaniel and none of the current candidates are any good. McDaniel’s support is key to becoming the nominee, and she has said she’d continue to support Trump even if he’s a convicted criminal.


6,391 posts

46 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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14 said:
The Democrats are close to passing a resolution that will allow them to vote for all of the nominees in one vote. If that happens then Tuberville’s hold will be meaningless.

Trump doesn’t have enough supporters in Congress to do his bidding. The majority Republicans won’t vote for crazy laws. It would also require the Republicans having a majority in both houses, which won’t happen due to local Republican parties are broke, so candidates won’t have the funding needed to win a seat.
Their approach may well change if he ever gets re-elected. After all, their lives and not just their livelihoods could depend on it.


3,018 posts

165 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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LF5335 said:
cgt2 said:
I'm too busy in the real world these days for the endless repetitive hamster wheel we seem to keep going round on. So let's just wait and see. I've said many times he will not be the eventual nominee in my view which moots the whole question.
I’m not going round the hamster wheel and I’m not even attempting to discuss whether he’ll be the nominee or not. I was asking about your specific assertion that the law is law and applies to everyone equally, when we’re seeing that clearly isn’t the case.
Perhaps you could clarify, have they changed or ignored the law at some point? Or are they just being a little generous in the interpretation of it? That is after all why we have judges, the law is not black and white. Do x and y happens. Judges apply the law as appropriate to the circumstance.

I get that if anyone else had continued to ignore the gagging order that they would be wearing prison uniform by now but they cannot ignore the fact that he was the President and that there exists the potential for civil unrest within his disciples, hence the kid gloves approach. This not an ordinary legal proceedings and the only comparator is the Watergate scandal and even Dick Nixon did not go to the length that the orange thug is obviously prepared to countenance.


25,952 posts

196 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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14 said:
cgt2 said:
I'm too busy in the real world these days for the endless repetitive hamster wheel we seem to keep going round on. So let's just wait and see. I've said many times he will not be the eventual nominee in my view which moots the whole question.
I do think Trump will be the nominee. I say that because he still has the support of McDaniel and none of the current candidates are any good. McDaniel’s support is key to becoming the nominee, and she has said she’d continue to support Trump even if he’s a convicted criminal.
Haley is a reasonable candidate, barring mad hatters who might baulk at voting for a woman of mixed race and apparently a lack of any large donors; superficially she could appeal to the hard of thinking swing voter who is susceptible to arguments like "Biden's old LOL" and "But inflation!!one!", even though she's as keen on abortion and the other fascist stuff Trump riffs on.


62,299 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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hidetheelephants said:
14 said:
cgt2 said:
I'm too busy in the real world these days for the endless repetitive hamster wheel we seem to keep going round on. So let's just wait and see. I've said many times he will not be the eventual nominee in my view which moots the whole question.
I do think Trump will be the nominee. I say that because he still has the support of McDaniel and none of the current candidates are any good. McDaniel’s support is key to becoming the nominee, and she has said she’d continue to support Trump even if he’s a convicted criminal.
Haley is a reasonable candidate, barring mad hatters who might baulk at voting for a woman of mixed race and apparently a lack of any large donors; superficially she could appeal to the hard of thinking swing voter who is susceptible to arguments like "Biden's old LOL" and "But inflation!!one!", even though she's as keen on abortion and the other fascist stuff Trump riffs on.
Haley will be seen as too moderate? She's been noticably quiet on trumps ramped up rhetoric against immigrants recently. As a candidate you'd be expecting her to take the opportunity to comment.


62,299 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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GOP Speaker Johnson has managed to pass a keep the Govt going for a bit by doing a deal with the Dems, which is what got McCarthy sacked.

Maddows take on this


7,131 posts

191 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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LF5335 said:
I was asking about your specific assertion that the law is law and applies to everyone equally, when we’re seeing that clearly isn’t the case.
And I have said not once but a dozen times that in the real world (not TV shows) the law moves slowly. If you really think Smith is doing nothing you have no understanding of how the law works. I have a retired barrister friend who has plenty of time to explain how the law works. I will suggest he register on this site and you can debate every specific point of law you want with him smile

Evidence driven cases take time. No competent prosecutor rushes a slipshod case in a few months expecting to win.

There are literally hundreds of years of legal precedent that illustrate successful legal cases are all about the quality of evidence and this takes time.

I have made that point to you dozens and dozens of times. Any lawyer or even any first year law student can tell you that.

I'm sorry if that answer is not satisfactory for you. I genuinely don't have the time these days which is why I'm scarce. I can't click my fingers and make things happen overnight in my life either!


6,327 posts

268 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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cgt2 said:
LF5335 said:
I was asking about your specific assertion that the law is law and applies to everyone equally, when we’re seeing that clearly isn’t the case.
And I have said not once but a dozen times that in the real world (not TV shows) the law moves slowly. If you really think Smith is doing nothing you have no understanding of how the law works. I have a retired barrister friend who has plenty of time to explain how the law works. I will suggest he register on this site and you can debate every specific point of law you want with him smile

Evidence driven cases take time. No competent prosecutor rushes a slipshod case in a few months expecting to win.

There are literally hundreds of years of legal precedent that illustrate successful legal cases are all about the quality of evidence and this takes time.

I have made that point to you dozens and dozens of times. Any lawyer or even any first year law student can tell you that.

I'm sorry if that answer is not satisfactory for you. I genuinely don't have the time these days which is why I'm scarce. I can't click my fingers and make things happen overnight in my life either!
“The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine” - that quote or variations of it has been around for centuries, and a Google search attributes it to both Sun Tzu and the ancient Greeks. Complaints that justice is slower than one might like are nothing new, sadly! But, justice generally comes in the end.


62,299 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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George Conway on a podcast says trump will be a convicted felon by the time the 2024 election comes around and the only reason he is running is that "He is running for his life, He is running for his freedom."


62,299 posts

220 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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Oh Giulianis in so much poo in the Rudy Freeman case against him. Both sides have submitted pretrial statement in the Ruby Freeman case. >Three pages of exhibits appear to be the threats Ruby and Shaye faced after Rudy lied about them.


Giuliani is trying to excluse all about Jenna Ellis' guilty plea which blamed him for all the false claims, he says they are hearsay or irrelevant.
Freeman wants to introduce Trump's January 6 speech

Freeman's lawyers are going to introduce a ginger mint sweet as evidence, like the one Moss handed to her mother, which Rudy falsely claimed was a USB drive. biggrin

Edited by Byker28i on Wednesday 15th November 14:28


1,987 posts

133 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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Rudy’s Ukrainian MP friend who helped him manufacture the Hunter Biden laptop dirt has been charged with treason over links to Moscow.
Wonder what else may turn up in the investigation? Another trump term certainly not in Ukrainian interests.



10,977 posts

184 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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14 said:
cgt2 said:
I'm too busy in the real world these days for the endless repetitive hamster wheel we seem to keep going round on. So let's just wait and see. I've said many times he will not be the eventual nominee in my view which moots the whole question.
I do think Trump will be the nominee. I say that because he still has the support of McDaniel and none of the current candidates are any good. McDaniel’s support is key to becoming the nominee, and she has said she’d continue to support Trump even if he’s a convicted criminal.
I think he will be the nominee too.