Liz Truss Prime Minister



13,887 posts

287 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Gogoplata said:
Grrr Liz
Grrrrrrrr Trrrrrruss

Talking of Grrrrr, what's happened to Turbobloke?


6,221 posts

51 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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A new start


2,656 posts

181 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Al Gorithum said:
Oh good. 80k people (who think that Boris did a great job) has decided who is PM for the next 2 years.

She is an imbecile.
Boris was a national embarrassment, as was JRM.

Here is the £1m question:-

Name me the last PM who you genuinely think/ believe wanted to make the country a better place…..rather than feather their own nests? ( I have asked about 10-20 friends and two names come up frequently)

Ref LT - my expectations are at around level they were when BJ was elected, so I expect the same chaotic embarrassing bullsh*t


51,112 posts

158 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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oilit said:
Boris was a national embarrassment, as was JRM.

Here is the £1m question:-

Name me the last PM who you genuinely think/ believe wanted to make the country a better place…..rather than feather their own nests? ( I have asked about 10-20 friends and two names come up frequently)
I think:

  • May tried to but failed (screwed by splits in the party over Europe)
  • Brown was flawed, but had morals
  • Major was the last "pre-spin" PM in my view - who aside from the Curry affair was a man of integrity (screwed by splits in the party over Europe and sleaze)


3,384 posts

153 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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oilit said:
Al Gorithum said:
Oh good. 80k people (who think that Boris did a great job) has decided who is PM for the next 2 years.

She is an imbecile.
Boris was a national embarrassment, as was JRM.

Here is the £1m question:-

Name me the last PM who you genuinely think/ believe wanted to make the country a better place…..rather than feather their own nests? ( I have asked about 10-20 friends and two names come up frequently)

Ref LT - my expectations are at around level they were when BJ was elected, so I expect the same chaotic embarrassing bullsh*t
Clement Attlee.


3,332 posts

83 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Electro1980 said:
Daz68 said:
The alleged big money cuts coming to help with the energy crisis is a worry? Where is this money coming from seeing as a country we are massively in debt? Please can someone with knowledge explain how this will work? A genuine question?
Given the predictions without help we are talking £500+ a month for energy for an average house. People simply can’t afford that. I don’t mean “they will have to tighten belts”, I mean people simply do not have the money. Bills just won’t get paid on a massive scale. Doing nothing would be devastating for everyone as it would trash the economy.

Apparently gas has gone from 70p per therm to £5 wholesale.
And taking one step back from Electro's very practical assessment of the situation (namely that the government literally can't afford not to do something):

The UK cannot run out of money and cannot bankrupt itself. The nation's finances do not work like that - the state doesn't have income in the form of taxes which pay for expenditure. The two do not have to ever remotely balance - that is the falsehood that underpinned the 2010-onwards 'austerity that wasn't austerity' programme which was a big contributer to the current mess. So is its sister distortion, the notion that debt is a burden to be paid off by future generations.

Taxes do not fund government spending- they exist to regulate and distribute the flow of money in the economy and are the main mechanism to control inflation. They are not the fuel for the economic engine - they are the load that stops the engine racing away to destruction. All government spending is actually funded by the Bank of England literally creating that money out of nothing on the government's account. The state controls and creates its own currency.

The national debt is the national money supply, and a huge chunk of it is owed to the Bank of England - the government is its own creditor. Much of the rest is more accurately akin to deposits at the BofE from external customers rather than loans. Paying down the national debt literally takes money out of the economy and slows growth. This is why the national debt has existed virtually since the creation of both modern capitalism and the modern nation-state - since the 1690s - and it has never been meaningfully reduced or paid off. The debt just rolls over and over. Governments have occasionally made little nibbles at it, but they are virtually nothing in the full context and such efforts have nearly always come at the price of hobbling economic growth.


3,898 posts

109 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Ivan stewart said:
Looks good to me , I’m seeing lots of anger from the lefty contingent , we might just have a conservative as a PM ..
Mmmm, because if it had been Rishi 'married to a billionaire heiress' Sunak, 'the left' would have thrown a party.

Edited by Rivenink on Monday 5th September 19:49


2,656 posts

181 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Cobracc said:
Clement Attlee.
He was mentioned a couple of times interestingly.


2,656 posts

181 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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vaud said:
oilit said:
Boris was a national embarrassment, as was JRM.

Here is the £1m question:-

Name me the last PM who you genuinely think/ believe wanted to make the country a better place…..rather than feather their own nests? ( I have asked about 10-20 friends and two names come up frequently)
I think:

  • May tried to but failed (screwed by splits in the party over Europe)
  • Brown was flawed, but had morals
  • Major was the last "pre-spin" PM in my view - who aside from the Curry affair was a man of integrity (screwed by splits in the party over Europe and sleaze)
Thought provoking! Major was often mentioned.


16,682 posts

108 months

Monday 5th September 2022
quotequote all
oilit said:
Boris was a national embarrassment, as was JRM.

Here is the £1m question:-

Name me the last PM who you genuinely think/ believe wanted to make the country a better place…..rather than feather their own nests? ( I have asked about 10-20 friends and two names come up frequently)

Ref LT - my expectations are at around level they were when BJ was elected, so I expect the same chaotic embarrassing bullsh*t
Winston Churchill


51,112 posts

158 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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oilit said:
Thought provoking! Major was often mentioned.
I think he is one of the few "elder statesmen" left (as ex PMs).

He was appointed 'special guardian' to Harry and William after Diana's death, apparently by agreement with Charles (and presumably the Queen). I think that said a lot for how he was viewed.


3,418 posts

213 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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2xChevrons said:
Electro1980 said:
Daz68 said:
The alleged big money cuts coming to help with the energy crisis is a worry? Where is this money coming from seeing as a country we are massively in debt? Please can someone with knowledge explain how this will work? A genuine question?
Given the predictions without help we are talking £500+ a month for energy for an average house. People simply can’t afford that. I don’t mean “they will have to tighten belts”, I mean people simply do not have the money. Bills just won’t get paid on a massive scale. Doing nothing would be devastating for everyone as it would trash the economy.

Apparently gas has gone from 70p per therm to £5 wholesale.
And taking one step back from Electro's very practical assessment of the situation (namely that the government literally can't afford not to do something):

The UK cannot run out of money and cannot bankrupt itself. The nation's finances do not work like that - the state doesn't have income in the form of taxes which pay for expenditure. The two do not have to ever remotely balance - that is the falsehood that underpinned the 2010-onwards 'austerity that wasn't austerity' programme which was a big contributer to the current mess. So is its sister distortion, the notion that debt is a burden to be paid off by future generations.

Taxes do not fund government spending- they exist to regulate and distribute the flow of money in the economy and are the main mechanism to control inflation. They are not the fuel for the economic engine - they are the load that stops the engine racing away to destruction. All government spending is actually funded by the Bank of England literally creating that money out of nothing on the government's account. The state controls and creates its own currency.

The national debt is the national money supply, and a huge chunk of it is owed to the Bank of England - the government is its own creditor. Much of the rest is more accurately akin to deposits at the BofE from external customers rather than loans. Paying down the national debt literally takes money out of the economy and slows growth. This is why the national debt has existed virtually since the creation of both modern capitalism and the modern nation-state - since the 1690s - and it has never been meaningfully reduced or paid off. The debt just rolls over and over. Governments have occasionally made little nibbles at it, but they are virtually nothing in the full context and such efforts have nearly always come at the price of hobbling economic growth.
So we can keep on printing money and give out huge hand outs just to pass on with no financial hardship?

MC Bodge

22,156 posts

178 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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oilit said:
Here is the £1m question:-

Name me the last PM who you genuinely think/ believe wanted to make the country a better place…..rather than feather their own nests? ( I have asked about 10-20 friends and two names come up frequently)
I don't think that many PMs are quite as you are suggesting.

"Feathering their own nest" suggests just doing it for the money post-PM or through favours . It's a tough, long-term task to win the job (even if apparent lightweights can now get there) and a fairly fraught way to go about earning cash in future years.

I think that most/all think they can change things for the better (their idea of "better" may vary), and most will have an inflated ego of sorts. Johnson was a bit of an outlier. Truss is, er,... I'm not sure, but few people have much positive to say about her.


3,687 posts

135 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Ivan stewart said:
, we might just have a conservative as a PM ..
Very much doubt it, I'm predicting yet more money and more free st for the 16 hours per week Tax Credit Brigade will be one of her first moves.


8,730 posts

109 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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I see reports that domestic energy prices are going to be held at the current rate until January, funded by borrowing paid back for my some sort of long term levy on bills. They are going to need a department to keep track of these levies - and no, please not OFGEM, they lost the plot years ago.
At least as big a problem is business energy, havn’t seen what they plan to do about that.


16,284 posts

176 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Seventy said:
Ivan stewart said:
Looks good to me , I’m seeing lots of anger from the lefty contingent , we might just have a conservative as a PM ..
If that’s your take on it Ribena then you’re more stupid than I thought. She’s been a liberal her whole life until in office.
Yes, but I'm sure she stands by her decisions nowadays.


7,954 posts

55 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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Ivan stewart said:
Looks good to me , I’m seeing lots of anger from the lefty contingent , we might just have a conservative as a PM ..
Ruining the economy to own the libs.

Sterling work there.


5,024 posts

286 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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LeadFarmer said:
I notice Truss and Sunak were kind of sat next to each other when the result was read out, she got up to the stage and walked straight past him without shaking hands or acknowledging each other, in fact they didn't even look at each other. Thought that was a bit weird and impolite on her part.


7,460 posts

39 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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anonymoususer said:

A new start


16,682 posts

108 months

Monday 5th September 2022
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GranpaB said:
anonymoususer said:

A new start