Elon Musk $41B offer for Twitter

Elon Musk $41B offer for Twitter



27,138 posts

164 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Beati Dogu said:
The guy sure gets around. X.com, PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, Solar City, The Boring Company, Twitter….

Heck he even dated Amber Heard… for a month. Came away with all his fingers too.
You missed Starlink smile


57 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Gweeds said:
Bandit said:
The fact that the woke, illiberal lefties and perpetually offended brigade don’t like Musks takeover of their pet communication platform certainly makes me happy.

This has got to be a good thing !
Woke and illiberal. That's quite the mix.
Not at all, the woke are the most illiberal group of people on the planet right now. They shout their views and cancel anyone who dares have a different perspective.


57 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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El stovey said:
Bandit said:
The fact that the woke, illiberal lefties and perpetually offended brigade don’t like Musks takeover of their pet communication platform certainly makes me happy.

This has got to be a good thing !
Where do you honestly experience these people or see their annoyance at this takeover.

Isn’t this all in imaginary internet world.
Just look at what’s been printed in most of the left wing press. Twitter employees themselves seem non too happy as well.


6,155 posts

43 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Bandit said:
Not at all, the woke are the most illiberal group of people on the planet right now. They shout their views and cancel anyone who dares have a different perspective.
Where did you read this?


8,487 posts

142 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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JeffreyD said:
Bandit said:
Not at all, the woke are the most illiberal group of people on the planet right now. They shout their views and cancel anyone who dares have a different perspective.
Where did you read this?
Same place he got the idea that everyone at twitter and in the “left wing press” is angry about it. Also the same place he got the idea that Twitter is full of left wing people and “owning the libs”.

Edited by Electro1980 on Tuesday 26th April 10:56


2,216 posts

112 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Gweeds said:
chemistry said:
I think this is great news.

I think there should be free speech on Twitter; I would censor anything that directly incites lawbreaking and/or violence against others, but that's about it. Possibly make the minimum sign up age 16?

People should be free to offend (and equally, people are free to leave Twitter if they don't like it).
So not actually free speech then. just the things you don't want. And if that offence crosses the line? Content moderation is hard. Very hard.

Start to see the problem?

Now tell me how you verify ages.
That's not what I said; people should certainly be able to say things I don't want.

I have no fundamental problem people saying that (for example) they hate me, they hate people like me, that I repulse them, that they despise everything I believe in, that I should be fired, that nobody should employ people like me, that I'm an idiot, that I'm ugly, etc. Some/all of these opinions might be extremely offensive to me, but they are just opinions. Free speech means allowing others the freedom to say things I find offensive. Equally, other people should be able to call them out on this, saying they find these views repugnant etc.

Conversely I don't think that people should be able to say/post that folks should slash my tyres, or rob me, or burn my house down, or beat me (or people like me) up, or rape me, or kill me, or commit any other crimes against me.

That's the line. Perhaps rather than moderating such posts, anyone writing them should be reported to the relevant law enforcement authorities.

As for age verification, perhaps one should have to submit a government issued ID before being able to have an account. Removing anonymity (as that would effectively do) might ensure that everyone starts being a bit nicer to each other too.


7,954 posts

55 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Bandit said:
Just look at what’s been printed in most of the left wing press. Twitter employees themselves seem non too happy as well.
Maybe it's because they've seen the worst of what happens when you have unfettered 'free' speech.

And let's be quite clear - what people mean when they say they want free speech and want to 'own the libs' is the freedom to be racist, sexist, homophobic, , to spread disinformation and tell lies to meet their own agenda. And then wet their potties when they're not allowed to do so.

But yeah, do tell us how great it is.


7,954 posts

55 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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chemistry said:
Conversely I don't think that people should be able to say/post that folks should slash my tyres, or rob me, or burn my house down, or beat me (or people like me) up, or rape me, or kill me, or commit any other crimes against me.
And I agree - but plenty of people won't and will think they should be allowed.


57 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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JeffreyD said:
Where did you read this?
Read this? You mean witness this?

Everywhere! Remainers actions during Brexit would be a good example.

Painted everyone who disagreed with them as racist, thick people that didn’t understand what they voted for and tried to overturn the largest democratic vote this country had ever seen.

Remainers love Twitter, it’s absolutely rammed with them moaning about anything Brexit related.


8,487 posts

142 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Gweeds said:
Bandit said:
Just look at what’s been printed in most of the left wing press. Twitter employees themselves seem non too happy as well.
Maybe it's because they've seen the worst of what happens when you have unfettered 'free' speech.

And let's be quite clear - what people mean when they say they want free speech and want to 'own the libs' is the freedom to be racist, sexist, homophobic, , to spread disinformation and tell lies to meet their own agenda. And then wet their potties when they're not allowed to do so.

But yeah, do tell us how great it is.
The amusing thing is that if Musk does what he says, shutting down bots and cleaning up the algorithms, it will make Twitter more left wing as the current issues with far right conspiracies and the like is weeded out.


8,487 posts

142 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Bandit said:
Painted everyone who disagreed with them as racist, thick people that didn’t understand what they voted for and tried to overturn the largest democratic vote this country had ever seen.
So it’s a heady combination of a chip on your shoulder, negative bias and reading tabloid media.


57 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Gweeds said:
Maybe it's because they've seen the worst of what happens when you have unfettered 'free' speech.

And let's be quite clear - what people mean when they say they want free speech and want to 'own the libs' is the freedom to be racist, sexist, homophobic, , to spread disinformation and tell lies to meet their own agenda…..

But yeah, do tell us how great it is.
Gweeds, you seem to be suggesting that you don’t like free speech? Can’t say I’m surprised with your views.


57 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Electro1980 said:
The amusing thing is that if Musk does what he says, shutting down bots and cleaning up the algorithms, it will make Twitter more left wing as the current issues with far right conspiracies and the like is weeded out.
Alternatively the algorithm may be doing the exact opposite of what you suggest and creating an echo chamber for like minded illiberals.


7,954 posts

55 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Bandit said:
Gweeds, you seem to be suggesting that you don’t like free speech? Can’t say I’m surprised with your views.
There is no such thing as free speech. You might like to think so but it doesn't exist unless you're prepared to deal with the consequences. Go out and stand on the street and yell racist slurs at passing black people and see what happens.

And if you mean I don't want to see hate speech, racism, homophobia et al then yes. I don't. If that makes me woke and illiberal (which is a strange mix) then I'm happy to wear that badge.

So - why don't you tell us what free speech means for you.


57 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Electro1980 said:
So it’s a heady combination of a chip on your shoulder, negative bias and reading tabloid media.
You are denying all this happened then? Ok buddy!


57 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Gweeds said:
There is no such thing as free speech. You might like to think so but it doesn't exist unless you're prepared to deal with the consequences. Go out and stand on the street and yell racist slurs at passing black people and see what happens.

And if you mean I don't want to see hate speech, racism, homophobia et al then yes. I don't. If that makes me woke and illiberal (which is a strange mix) then I'm happy to wear that badge.

So - why don't you tell us what free speech means for you.
Free speech is having the ability to voice an opinion, no matter how distasteful it might be to someone else.

There are laws in place to deal with racist and homophobic idiots.


38,075 posts

259 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Gweeds said:
105.4 said:
Define ‘disinformation, misinformation and hate speech’?

Let’s just take one example that seems to be current.
A man has a penis, a woman does not.

There are those who would say that the above statement is biologically correct, whilst others would say it is hate speech.
You could start by realising that’s in no way hate speech.
You could start by reading what the post you replied to says, and understanding it....

And the answer to who decides... Whomever has $44bn going spare I suspect.


12,278 posts

111 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Bandit said:
Gweeds said:
There is no such thing as free speech. You might like to think so but it doesn't exist unless you're prepared to deal with the consequences. Go out and stand on the street and yell racist slurs at passing black people and see what happens.

And if you mean I don't want to see hate speech, racism, homophobia et al then yes. I don't. If that makes me woke and illiberal (which is a strange mix) then I'm happy to wear that badge.

So - why don't you tell us what free speech means for you.
Free speech is having the ability to voice an opinion, no matter how distasteful it might be to someone else.

There are laws in place to deal with racist and homophobic idiots.
Free speech as you describe it is already protected. What free speech absolutists like Musk and his fanboys want is the ability to say whatever they want with no consequences. No matter how harmful or untruthful it is.

Beati Dogu

8,990 posts

142 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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98elise said:
Beati Dogu said:
The guy sure gets around. X.com, PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, Solar City, The Boring Company, Twitter….

Heck he even dated Amber Heard… for a month. Came away with all his fingers too.
You missed Starlink smile
That's SpaceX, but I expect it'll be spun off eventually (no pun intended). You can add Neuralink to the list, probably some others too.


7,954 posts

55 months

Tuesday 26th April 2022
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Bandit said:
Free speech is having the ability to voice an opinion, no matter how distasteful it might be to someone else.

There are laws in place to deal with racist and homophobic idiots.
So free speech doesn’t exist then does it.