47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States


Baroque attacks

4,645 posts

189 months

Wednesday 21st February
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paulguitar said:
Carl_VivaEspana said:
A new poll was released this past Friday.

This is interesting, but not surprising:

'There is a stark divide in 2024 support among voters with and without a college degree: voters without a college degree break for Trump 48% to 39%, whereas voters with a college degree break for Biden 52% to 39%.'

Aside from that, staggering to see that they appear neck and neck. The USA continues to jump the shark.
A trend seen across politics / borders (usually the ‘I don't like brown people’ view) / covid - nothing new with the whole (lack of) education / earning relationship to just how brokers you are hehe

Not just contained in the US either!


2,857 posts

213 months

Wednesday 21st February
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Baroque attacks said:
paulguitar said:
Carl_VivaEspana said:
A new poll was released this past Friday.

This is interesting, but not surprising:

'There is a stark divide in 2024 support among voters with and without a college degree: voters without a college degree break for Trump 48% to 39%, whereas voters with a college degree break for Biden 52% to 39%.'

Aside from that, staggering to see that they appear neck and neck. The USA continues to jump the shark.
A trend seen across politics / borders (usually the ‘I don't like brown people’ view) / covid - nothing new with the whole (lack of) education / earning relationship to just how brokers you are hehe

Not just contained in the US either!


62,468 posts

220 months

Wednesday 21st February
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silentbrown said:
g4ry13 said:
Trump needed to make one tweet and global leaders would st their pants that he might be crazy enough to do something.
"Let's ask Fred and Rose to move next door. That'll stop those pesky kids kicking balls in my yard".

Hunter's been snorting sawdust now...

And Comer's star witness is in a spot of bother too.
and the russians interfered to help trumps 2020 campaign

And Alexander Smirnov has been telling all in interviews, how the russians manufactured the dirt on Biden/Hunter Biden, that "officials associated with Russian intelligence" were involved in passing a story about Hunter Biden.

And are still interfering now in attempts to elect trump. Russian intelligence have been intercepting calls from prominent US persons to be used as kompromat in the 2024 elections.

Grassley, Comer, Gym Jordan all pushing russian manufactured disinformation, even when they knew it was false. Still continue to.
When did they know? Power at any cost for the GOP


12,520 posts

265 months

Wednesday 21st February
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The sawdust thing reminds me of the female related kitchen powder scene in the film cheech and Chong.


16,636 posts

239 months

Wednesday 21st February
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paulguitar said:
Carl_VivaEspana said:
A new poll was released this past Friday.

This is interesting, but not surprising:

'There is a stark divide in 2024 support among voters with and without a college degree: voters without a college degree break for Trump 48% to 39%, whereas voters with a college degree break for Biden 52% to 39%.'

Aside from that, staggering to see that they appear neck and neck. The USA continues to jump the shark.
I have hope that the US finds the energy to jump the shart.

That's not a typo.


12,520 posts

265 months

Saturday 24th February
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A bunch of new polls came out.


Ian Geary

4,588 posts

195 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Hmm, this thread seems quiet. I guess potus 45 and 46 threads are still getting a lot of attention.

Anyway, Super Tuesday has come and gone


It leaves Trump with a pretty much insurmountable lead for the republican nomination.

However, I'm not clear if that just reflects solid support amongst a maga subset, or whether it indicates genuine support across the wider electorate.

The article stresses republican college graduates support Nikki, but there obviously aren't enough of them to do much.

On the Dem side, it's predictable the encumbant would win the nomination, though again it's not clear how the protest vote will translate when it comes to the presidential election in November.


12,520 posts

265 months

Wednesday 6th March
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If you believe this FT article about the swing states Trump is ahead in Arizona and Georgia by 6.5% and 5.5% for different reasons.


Georgia is the more worrying for Biden if you look a bit deeper. Arizona is more of a straight play around immigration and border defences.

Baroque attacks

4,645 posts

189 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Ian Geary said:
Hmm, this thread seems quiet. I guess potus 45 and 46 threads are still getting a lot of attention.
I think the early energy here was mainly due to a troll who I have a wee hunch got a thread ban hehe


62,468 posts

220 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Ian Geary said:
Hmm, this thread seems quiet. I guess potus 45 and 46 threads are still getting a lot of attention.

Anyway, Super Tuesday has come and gone


It leaves Trump with a pretty much insurmountable lead for the republican nomination.

However, I'm not clear if that just reflects solid support amongst a maga subset, or whether it indicates genuine support across the wider electorate.

The article stresses republican college graduates support Nikki, but there obviously aren't enough of them to do much.

On the Dem side, it's predictable the encumbant would win the nomination, though again it's not clear how the protest vote will translate when it comes to the presidential election in November.
Some interesting points.
Biden picked up another protest vote over Gaza
trump didn't get a strong result in many states, getting around 60%, but up to 8% from others. Quite a few exit polls saying people won't vote for trump if he's the nominee

Sugegstions that the uncommitted 'protest vote' against Biden has been a minimal (but Biden team need to take note) but the Haley anti-trump Republican vote share against trump is a real threat to his chances

Edited by Byker28i on Wednesday 6th March 09:59


1,496 posts

37 months

Wednesday 6th March
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I think Trump is going to win it again and it is going to be hugely amusing in here to see all the heads explode when he does.


12,622 posts

98 months

Wednesday 6th March
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simon_harris said:
I think Trump is going to win it again and it is going to be hugely amusing in here to see all the heads explode when he does.
It's going to be even more amusing watching the heads of those who predicted the above explode.


1,496 posts

37 months

Wednesday 6th March
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captain_cynic said:
It's going to be even more amusing watching the heads of those who predicted the above explode.
You are going to have to explain that one to me, my assumption is that you mean when he doesn't win. If that is the case I really won't care either way.

Four Litre

2,058 posts

195 months

Wednesday 6th March
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simon_harris said:
I think Trump is going to win it again and it is going to be hugely amusing in here to see all the heads explode when he does.
There are a handful on here who may need to be sectioned for their own safety if he does. Check out the Trump thread, its astonishing how much work some of the posters put in researching and posting hate on a daily basis. Its as if some have devoted their lives to this task. (Volume 14 now!!!)


17,531 posts

258 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Four Litre said:
simon_harris said:
I think Trump is going to win it again and it is going to be hugely amusing in here to see all the heads explode when he does.
There are a handful on here who may need to be sectioned for their own safety if he does. Check out the Trump thread, its astonishing how much work some of the posters put in researching and posting hate on a daily basis. Its as if some have devoted their lives to this task. (Volume 14 now!!!)
"some" or one in particular? hehe

Honestly think one of them should be joining the Trump prosecution team as not much progress appears to have been made in the last 4 years.


24,460 posts

116 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Four Litre said:
simon_harris said:
I think Trump is going to win it again and it is going to be hugely amusing in here to see all the heads explode when he does.
There are a handful on here who may need to be sectioned for their own safety if he does. Check out the Trump thread, its astonishing how much work some of the posters put in researching and posting hate on a daily basis. Its as if some have devoted their lives to this task. (Volume 14 now!!!)
If he'd stop committing crimes the thread would be smaller.


24,460 posts

116 months

Wednesday 6th March
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simon_harris said:
I think Trump is going to win it again and it is going to be hugely amusing in here to see all the heads explode when he does.
If you had family and business in the USA as some of us do, you would find the prospect a lot less hilarious.


62,468 posts

220 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Four Litre said:
simon_harris said:
I think Trump is going to win it again and it is going to be hugely amusing in here to see all the heads explode when he does.
There are a handful on here who may need to be sectioned for their own safety if he does. Check out the Trump thread, its astonishing how much work some of the posters put in researching and posting hate on a daily basis. Its as if some have devoted their lives to this task. (Volume 14 now!!!)
Rather you discussed the issues than use yet another thread for attacking me.


62,468 posts

220 months

Wednesday 6th March
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paulguitar said:
simon_harris said:
I think Trump is going to win it again and it is going to be hugely amusing in here to see all the heads explode when he does.
If you had family and business in the USA as some of us do, you would find the prospect a lot less hilarious.
The trouble is trump hasn't any money, limited donors stepping up nd his huge legal bills are sinking any money he had for his campaign. He ran out on 216, needing a $10m assistance routed through Egypt, ran short in 2020, and now has less than about $30m in hand. He ran $11m in adverts this month alone leading upto Super Tuesday.

US elections cost lots of money, trump hasn't got it, and hasn't got people coming forward to give him it. It's all about to go downhill fro him


62,468 posts

220 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Quite liked this voter who said
Voter: Nikki Haley is the voice of reason. Not of treason

Good campaign slogan that