46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



5,919 posts

166 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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scottyp123 said:
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
chrispmartha said:
scottyp123 said:
chrispmartha said:
How does he know bad things happened if as he claims his observers weren’t allowed to observe?
I've seen one (covert) video where the counters are quite clearly filling in ballot papers but I doubt you will see it on BBC news.
Have you really, got a link?



But you’ll probably have a go at me for spreading ‘fake news’, or supporting ‘MSM’.
Not really, after watching your links the second half of the video I posted looks a bit iffy, its obviously a cropped fake image of a security cam or something, I can't comment on the first bit though, but even so should the counters be altering or "making good" the ballot papers that were damaged, thats just asking for problems, especially as most of the counters in that vide look like typical Karens.
I don’t think I’m being unreasonable in saying it would be a good idea to do a little bit of research before posting theories like that. People end up believing it as fact.
Thats the mantra of the hard left isn't it? post a load of old bks to try and gaslight the honest person isn't it. 5 minutes ago you were the one that told me to post the video up.
Apologies to others as for some reason I can’t delete the ‘debate’ above.

ScottyP. As far as I’m concerned you posted up a load of old bks with no basis in evidence. You then admitted some of it was ‘dodgy’. I asked you for evidence, you didn’t provide it, I posted some links from well respected websites. So I’m sorry, the ball in is in your court.
I'm not sure what you want me to do, you've quoted the video you don't want people to see about 20 times now.
It’s exactly the video you wanted people to see as per your original post. You were prompted (more than once) to provide some form of evidence . You haven’t. But i am intrigued. So maybe, at least, reaffirm your original admission that some of the video was ‘dodgy’?


824 posts

208 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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I find it incredibly interesting that Biden has the new world slogan "build back better" on his twitter now.

So many countries now have this as their slogan.

Why did it so quickly become the new mantra?

Gary C

12,732 posts

182 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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scottyp123 said:
I'm the first to admit that I haven't got a clue about Yankee elections, what I do know though is it will be fked up one way or another though, its the American tradition. What I do know is though that lefties are bad news, especially for anyone that has got assets totalling more than the square root of fk all, but until people suffer living under the regime of the communists then they will never realise it for themselves either.

Actually I think it should be compulsory for everyone to spend 4 years living under a labour or democratic regime. Maybe everyone from the ages of 18-22 should be forced to pay 90% tax and live in a crime hot spot, maybe then they could realise early enough that its not the way forward, sort of fiscal national service.
Christ, there is a big difference between a left wing politician and a communist.

Maybe you should live in a country where people die because they can't afford adequate healthcare, or where your employment rights could be fitted into a matchbox without taking the matches out.

While I am no left wing supporter, I do appreciate some of the ideals and support some of the changes the socialist governments have produced over the last 100 years and the need for a counterweight to offset some of the wilder ideas of the right wing.


26,524 posts

176 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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The right people are back in power now so if you could all stop with this division and unite behind me that would be jolly good.

Just like the democrats did for the last 4 years.

The Rotrex Kid

30,749 posts

163 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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ChocolateFrog said:
The right people are back in power now so if you could all stop with this division and unite behind me that would be jolly good.

Just like the democrats did for the last 4 years.
Can you post the video of DT calling for unity amongst political rivals?

I’ll wait.


7,167 posts

49 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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The Rotrex Kid said:
ChocolateFrog said:
The right people are back in power now so if you could all stop with this division and unite behind me that would be jolly good.

Just like the democrats did for the last 4 years.
Can you post the video of DT calling for unity amongst political rivals?

I’ll wait.
Calls for 'unity' are always bks, they just mean 'shut up, stop arguing and let me do what I want'.

A true call for unity would involve compromise so the other 50% of the electorate were happy and we're no more like to see this with the new mob than we were with the old.

The Rotrex Kid

30,749 posts

163 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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pquinn said:
The Rotrex Kid said:
ChocolateFrog said:
The right people are back in power now so if you could all stop with this division and unite behind me that would be jolly good.

Just like the democrats did for the last 4 years.
Can you post the video of DT calling for unity amongst political rivals?

I’ll wait.
Calls for 'unity' are always bks, they just mean 'shut up, stop arguing and let me do what I want'.

A true call for unity would involve compromise so the other 50% of the electorate were happy and we're no more like to see this with the new mob than we were with the old.
Your cynicism is shining brightly, but let’s say you’re right......

There’s still only one person actually even suggesting working together and trying to adjust the status quo, and it certainly ain’t Trump.


42,655 posts

259 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Just an FYI

CNN does not decide who the president is.


26,738 posts

234 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Pesty said:
Just an FYI

CNN does not decide who the president is.
If you look back in this thread I think you will find you had a few too many last night smile

Mr Tracy

686 posts

98 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Pesty said:
Just an FYI

CNN does not decide who the president is.
Networks who called it, roughly in order

The Associated Press
Fox News


53,298 posts

258 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Pesty said:
Just an FYI

CNN does not decide who the president is.
In spite of his best efforts, neither does Trump.


1,964 posts

181 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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scottyp123 said:
I didn't say the video was an undisputed fact, I said I have seen a video which clearly shows counters altering the ballot papers, which it obviously does. To be fair I haven't got a scooby how US elections work, maybe its normal to "alter" the ballot papers to make them more legible who knows. However I stated that when it comes to posting unsubstantiated videos or "facts" then the hard left have got that one sown up, not that you are personally a hard leftie.

As for scottyP, I got the name from a Jennifer Aniston film that I can't remember the name of for the moment, something about drugs.
Sorry, remind us again which side is posting the particular video you started this discussion with rolleyes


1,964 posts

181 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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scottyp123 said:
I'm the first to admit that I haven't got a clue about Yankee elections, what I do know though is it will be fked up one way or another though, its the American tradition. What I do know is though that lefties are bad news, especially for anyone that has got assets totalling more than the square root of fk all, but until people suffer living under the regime of the communists then they will never realise it for themselves either.

Actually I think it should be compulsory for everyone to spend 4 years living under a labour or democratic regime. Maybe everyone from the ages of 18-22 should be forced to pay 90% tax and live in a crime hot spot, maybe then they could realise early enough that its not the way forward, sort of fiscal national service.
What a blinkered, blanket statement to make. By most, if not all, definitions all of the Scandinavian countries are considered comfortably left of centre, with high tax rates to boot. Have you ever been to any of them, or got a clue just how good their quality of life is?


3,848 posts

142 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Bill said:
Pesty said:
Just an FYI

CNN does not decide who the president is.
In spite of his best efforts, neither does Trump.


9,600 posts

131 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Ructions said:
Eric Mc said:
This thread will probably struggle to reach 1,000 posts in four years - which is fine by me.
Says poster with over 112000 posts.
Been told from a good source that the number of posts has been noted where it matters. No clues but just watch the new years honest list.

We might have

Eric MBE.....



9,600 posts

131 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Looking back

The Biden campaign played a blinder for the election. They got a bit of media attack for keeping Joe in his bunker but it did well for a consistent message on Covid and also stopped Biden making the odd gaff, something the Trump camp would rip into, even though the most beloved of recent GOP presidents did same ( Princess David, We start Bombing in 5 minutes) ... then Donald got Covid, suddenly the bunker was past history

That was a hard thing to do, especially when Trump has already nicknamed you Sleepy. It adds to that impression.

What changed was the first Presidential debate. Neither candidate got good press for that, but where Trump seemed to be worse than usual actually for Biden it showed that he was not sleepy, he could fight back and sling mud too. The Sleepy Joe became the grumpy Joe just out of bed. And we all get grumpy just out of bed, we don't go all go Trump though do we?

In hindsight it was horrible to watch, but it was actually good for Joe, who is not the best at debates, never has been. It doesn't matter when you are the POTUS though.

Looking forward :-

It's going to be tough. Currently it seems like we will have President and House v Senate and SCOTUS. I doubt Georgia will give two democrat senators. One at best.

However, the very bad result in the House for the Democrats might help Joe in the long run.

Already the Democratic party is blaming the lefties, sorry, progressives, for the poor showing in house. This will give Biden a bit more leeway in choosing his cabinet. This has the knock on effect of a moderate cabinet perhaps assisting with the senate, especially if there are some moderate republicans in there also.

Biden didn't get to be President by being Progressive. He needs to, ever so kindly, put the left wing of his party on the back burner, no matter how they hate that, so that he has 4 years of being able to put his agenda forward without being hamstrung by the , er, checks and balances.

Of course the cabinet is being chosen without knowing the senate result. If we already did then it could be a lot different on the makeup.

Such is the stupidity of the US Election system. It's had 3 centuries of having more elections than any other country on the planet, all all types, in that time and it still ends up as a dogs dinner in November 2020.

Major will not be impressed.


Edited by Gandahar on Sunday 8th November 11:20

A Winner Is You

25,055 posts

230 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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Seems like a bit of an odd response?



9,600 posts

131 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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SWoll said:
Crackie said:
I miss Obama, he would be perfect to have right now to start the healing process............Nobel Peace Prize after only eight months in office etc etc. Ironically, after being awarded the peace prize, he then proceeded to start wars or military campaigns in seven different countries. Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria. Hundreds of thousands of civilians dead but hey, it's all good, at least Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Libya now have a shiny new central bank as compensation. Yay.

We should have a PH poll, Who do you think Biden will go for next? Personally, I think Iran needs a central bank more than Cuba and North Korea.

This isn't some advocation of Trump, I think he is a bizarre narcissist and am dismayed that Americans voted in sufficient numbers to elect him.

Let's not forget, his immediate predecessors were reprehensible too...........

Let's see what Biden brings.......

Edited by Crackie on Friday 6th November 15:24
Indeed, and thank you for putting the effort into posting that.

Remove personalities from the equation and it'll be very interesting to see what the next 4 years brings in actual policies and progress.
And as a note the Trump based Middle East initiate has got several arab countries on board in the final hours of his presidency with UAE etc getting jiggy with it with Israel.


Nobody probably cares now, but actually that is a great achievement for Trump compared to predecessors who just made it worse.

Of course there are a lot of caveats to that. The Israel agreements just smacks of countries just being more concerned over Iran than Israel, so short term politics over long term religious differences.

I have to take my hat off to Trump on the whole of the Middle East .

He did this

1. Said he would move his Embassy to Jerusalem.
2. Took out a top Iranian official Qasem Soleimani, and then got off scot free ...
3. Got out of Syria to a large extent whilst throwing the allies, under the bus, and nobody cares in the USA.


But, at the end of of his Caligula style reign he actually did well in the ME compared to previous US Presidents.

Does that say more about him or them?

Edited by Gandahar on Sunday 8th November 12:26


57 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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CambsBill said:
scottyp123 said:
I'm the first to admit that I haven't got a clue about Yankee elections, what I do know though is it will be fked up one way or another though, its the American tradition. What I do know is though that lefties are bad news, especially for anyone that has got assets totalling more than the square root of fk all, but until people suffer living under the regime of the communists then they will never realise it for themselves either.

Actually I think it should be compulsory for everyone to spend 4 years living under a labour or democratic regime. Maybe everyone from the ages of 18-22 should be forced to pay 90% tax and live in a crime hot spot, maybe then they could realise early enough that its not the way forward, sort of fiscal national service.
What a blinkered, blanket statement to make. By most, if not all, definitions all of the Scandinavian countries are considered comfortably left of centre, with high tax rates to boot. Have you ever been to any of them, or got a clue just how good their quality of life is?
Spoken like a true fool who has never left the UK.

(Not you Bill).

The Dem’s are not Left wing, they are centre-right with a smattering of ‘progressives’ who are just left of centre.

As Bill mentioned some of the Scandinavian countries and Belgium, France, Slovakia (iirc) all have 50%+ / 60%+ tax rates for certain groups of earners.

I am a huge fan of the French system in which you pay more tax when you are young / single and the tax liability reduces as you marry and have a family.

Biden is fantastic news, nothing radical, a safe pair of hands to try and heal the divide in the US.


8,487 posts

142 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
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A Winner Is You said:
Seems like a bit of an odd response?

From both sides.