46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



17,236 posts

243 months

Thursday 4th July
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Jeanboi said:
In this respect, LF seems to be overstating Trump's 'ailments' and understating Biden's.

LF, you see from the last debate, for example, Joe was led slowly down one step by Jill. Trump just walked off. There is a massively marked difference there.
If anyone is the biased observer here it is YOU!

Biden is now more often being led around or assisted by aides, or his wife, or Barack Obama. He has to enter and exit Air Force 1 on the lower steps, for example. It's really OBVIOUS to anyone who isn't blinded by bias that these particular ailments seem to be afflicting Joe Biden more than Donald Trump.

Another sign of your bias is that you NEVER question Byker when he suggests similar things about Trump, without particularly professional backup, over on the other thread. I don't question him either, to be fair.

Mortarboard - I find your argument right now to be lacking in good faith.
You spent a lot of time insinuating that I was simply pushing or following a narrative when I suggested Joe Biden was compromised in the ways we've recently seen. You tried the old 'guilt by association' trick by saying I shared this 'narrative' with the GOP, even when I gave you a WSJ report that backed up what I felt. I'd never even given anything the people from that party were saying the time of day and had never used or quoted what they might have been saying to back up what I was suggesting on here.

You kept querying with me what I'd fall back on if it turned out Joe Biden didn't turn out like he did in the debate, even suggesting I might explain it would be because a (sharper) body double had stood in for Biden, which was something I'd never cited and never would! Why do you do this? Why do you obfuscate the matter in this way?

Before the debate I asked you for your opinion on Joe Biden's current state - you only said 'sharper than Trump'.
That's not really much of an answer but even in that limited context it was clear from the debate that Trump was far sharper than Biden. It is obvious from the aftermath that there is far more concern about the decline of Joe Biden's cognitive health than Trump's. It's clear as day!

Now you're trying to paint a picture of pneumothorax as a Trump shill or a biased Trump fan, just because you don't like what they're saying. I am certain you don't do this to people who state positive things about Biden or negative things about Trump.

Returning to the Biden vs Trump debate you argued up to the last moment against my point that Biden would not 'win' this debate and my point that Biden would not come out of this looking very good at all.
I was right, your were wrong.
I'm sure you'll keep arguing against what's becoming increasingly evident about Biden right until the last moment when you're proven wrong again. Seems a pointless endeavour!
Roosevelt was in a wheelchair. I don’t think any physical infirmity is a bar to office. Do you?


2,629 posts

222 months

Thursday 4th July
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dvs_dave said:
Ok, as a starter, why are you pro trump? You’re regularly on here defending him.
You must be confused.

I am not pro Trump.
I NEVER defend him.

I might be critical of Biden. But I NEVER defend Trump and criticism of Biden is not necessarily done in defence of Trump.
Discussing the differences between the two, and discussing the implications of this reality, does not equate to support for either.

I would welcome you to quote me and question me when I do make a statement that is implicitly supportive of Trump or shows a defence of his actions.

A weak Biden could lead to a second Trump. Can you not see this?


2,629 posts

222 months

Thursday 4th July
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LF5335 said:
And yet all do is defend Trump and criticise Biden. By any measure that shows clear support for one over the other, but you still deny that support. Why?
LF - you're too far down your own rabbit hole to be reasoned with.
I've never expressed support for Trump. When I do please quote me and we can discuss directly.
Until then there's no merit in discourse with you.


2,498 posts

168 months

Thursday 4th July
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Why Biden must withdraw
The president and his party portray themselves as the saviours of democracy. Their actions say otherwise - https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/07/04/why-b...


1,450 posts

33 months

Thursday 4th July
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paulguitar said:
thatsprettyshady said:
All three threads are littered with many such examples.

My main issue with all of them (the threads) is that when Biden/Biden fans do the same thing as Trump they are somehow always good and doing it in the interests of the people so should be applauded, but when Trump does something it’s always either terrible, an abuse of power or it’s extrapolated out to worse case scenario where trump is LiTeRaLlY hItLeR.

It’s usually the same rhetoric and actions from both, dressed up differently.
I don't think there are any Biden 'fans' here, are there? Pretty much every poster, including byker, has said they'd prefer another candidate.
That's a very recent view from the 'dozen'; only since the debate tbf.

As recently as the D-Day appearance, anyone doubting Bidens condition was rounded on.

Bonefish Blues

27,829 posts

226 months

Thursday 4th July
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skwdenyer said:
Roosevelt was in a wheelchair. I don’t think any physical infirmity is a bar to office. Do you?
Do I correctly recall that he was never photographed in it, such was his sensitivity about being a disabled President?

The Moose

22,971 posts

212 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
skwdenyer said:
Roosevelt was in a wheelchair. I don’t think any physical infirmity is a bar to office. Do you?


2,629 posts

222 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
skwdenyer said:
Roosevelt was in a wheelchair. I don’t think any physical infirmity is a bar to office. Do you?
I'm not saying that and you're oversimplifying the situation. For one, Roosevelt was in his wheelchair because of polio.
It's an entirely different condition and presents entirely different symptoms to those that Joe Biden is displaying now.
I don't believe polio is particularly a 'cognition' related illness or a degenerative brain related illness, whereas Joe's symptoms appear to be. Could be wrong, not an expert!

But to play along with your analogy - put Roosevelt, in a wheelchair, against Biden.
Who would be mentally sharper? Who would have the greatest stamina to work a day? Who would be the better orator?
I don't know the answer to that; do you?


3,097 posts

36 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
skwdenyer said:
Jeanboi said:
In this respect, LF seems to be overstating Trump's 'ailments' and understating Biden's.

LF, you see from the last debate, for example, Joe was led slowly down one step by Jill. Trump just walked off. There is a massively marked difference there.
If anyone is the biased observer here it is YOU!

Biden is now more often being led around or assisted by aides, or his wife, or Barack Obama. He has to enter and exit Air Force 1 on the lower steps, for example. It's really OBVIOUS to anyone who isn't blinded by bias that these particular ailments seem to be afflicting Joe Biden more than Donald Trump.

Another sign of your bias is that you NEVER question Byker when he suggests similar things about Trump, without particularly professional backup, over on the other thread. I don't question him either, to be fair.

Mortarboard - I find your argument right now to be lacking in good faith.
You spent a lot of time insinuating that I was simply pushing or following a narrative when I suggested Joe Biden was compromised in the ways we've recently seen. You tried the old 'guilt by association' trick by saying I shared this 'narrative' with the GOP, even when I gave you a WSJ report that backed up what I felt. I'd never even given anything the people from that party were saying the time of day and had never used or quoted what they might have been saying to back up what I was suggesting on here.

You kept querying with me what I'd fall back on if it turned out Joe Biden didn't turn out like he did in the debate, even suggesting I might explain it would be because a (sharper) body double had stood in for Biden, which was something I'd never cited and never would! Why do you do this? Why do you obfuscate the matter in this way?

Before the debate I asked you for your opinion on Joe Biden's current state - you only said 'sharper than Trump'.
That's not really much of an answer but even in that limited context it was clear from the debate that Trump was far sharper than Biden. It is obvious from the aftermath that there is far more concern about the decline of Joe Biden's cognitive health than Trump's. It's clear as day!

Now you're trying to paint a picture of pneumothorax as a Trump shill or a biased Trump fan, just because you don't like what they're saying. I am certain you don't do this to people who state positive things about Biden or negative things about Trump.

Returning to the Biden vs Trump debate you argued up to the last moment against my point that Biden would not 'win' this debate and my point that Biden would not come out of this looking very good at all.
I was right, your were wrong.
I'm sure you'll keep arguing against what's becoming increasingly evident about Biden right until the last moment when you're proven wrong again. Seems a pointless endeavour!
Roosevelt was in a wheelchair. I don’t think any physical infirmity is a bar to office. Do you?
A physical infirmity - no. An obvious mental capacity reduction - not helping the democrats campaign


88,939 posts

287 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
Bonefish Blues said:
skwdenyer said:
Roosevelt was in a wheelchair. I don’t think any physical infirmity is a bar to office. Do you?
Do I correctly recall that he was never photographed in it, such was his sensitivity about being a disabled President?
Exactly, it was very well hidden - https://www.businessinsider.com/how-fdr-hid-his-pa...


2,629 posts

222 months

Thursday 4th July
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thatsprettyshady said:
Why Biden must withdraw
The president and his party portray themselves as the saviours of democracy. Their actions say otherwise - https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/07/04/why-b...
I think we are now finally past the point of 'plausible deniability'.
Up until now they've been able to deny, deny, deny.
They've been able to insinuate it's all CT, or it's all GOP narratives or Russian disinformation or.......or........

From this point onwards people are much wiser to it and that's partly because the media has (rather suddenly and belatedly!) turned the corner on the matter. The free ride 'because of Trump' has reached the end of the rails.

From now on the people still trying to excuse or defend Biden's issues will look increasingly foolish and their attempts will be seen as a lack of respect for the intelligence of the voting public.

They could try to continue the charade, losing goodwill and empowering or reinforcing some of Trump's arguments, or they could work towards putting forwards someone who can beat Trump decisively and openly. Let's see how it goes.


6,558 posts

46 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
Jeanboi said:
I think we are now finally past the point of 'plausible deniability'.
Up until now they've been able to deny, deny, deny.
They've been able to insinuate it's all CT, or it's all GOP narratives or Russian disinformation or.......or........

From this point onwards people are much wiser to it and that's partly because the media has (rather suddenly and belatedly!) turned the corner on the matter. The free ride 'because of Trump' has reached the end of the rails.

From now on the people still trying to excuse or defend Biden's issues will look increasingly foolish and their attempts will be seen as a lack of respect for the intelligence of the voting public.

They could try to continue the charade, losing goodwill and empowering or reinforcing some of Trump's arguments, or they could work towards putting forwards someone who can beat Trump decisively and openly. Let's see how it goes.
I’m not a Trump supporter, but …


6,646 posts

182 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
LF5335 said:
Jeanboi said:
I think we are now finally past the point of 'plausible deniability'.
Up until now they've been able to deny, deny, deny.
They've been able to insinuate it's all CT, or it's all GOP narratives or Russian disinformation or.......or........

From this point onwards people are much wiser to it and that's partly because the media has (rather suddenly and belatedly!) turned the corner on the matter. The free ride 'because of Trump' has reached the end of the rails.

From now on the people still trying to excuse or defend Biden's issues will look increasingly foolish and their attempts will be seen as a lack of respect for the intelligence of the voting public.

They could try to continue the charade, losing goodwill and empowering or reinforcing some of Trump's arguments, or they could work towards putting forwards someone who can beat Trump decisively and openly. Let's see how it goes.
I’m not a Trump supporter, but …
I think Donald Trump is an absolutely awful human being and would have expected him to have seen significant jail time in an alternative universe we sadly don’t inhabit. I would hope he’ll find himself convicted in his upcoming trials and would welcome his subsequent incarceration, should it happen.

Now that’s said I’m happy to support Jeanboi’s post above.

This attitude that criticism of Joe Biden must be taken as support for Donald Trump is excruciating and juvenile.


8,948 posts

118 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
LF5335 said:
I’m not a Trump supporter, but …
Wouldn't a Trump supporter *want* Biden to be the Dem candidate?


88,939 posts

287 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
BikeBikeBIke said:
LF5335 said:
I’m not a Trump supporter, but …
Wouldn't a Trump supporter *want* Biden to be the Dem candidate?
Egos maybe? Beating Biden wouldn't be seen as a difficult well fought win, rather winning because other car ran out of fuel on the last lap.


2,629 posts

222 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
BikeBikeBIke said:
LF5335 said:
I’m not a Trump supporter, but …
Wouldn't a Trump supporter *want* Biden to be the Dem candidate?
You'd have thought so, especially now it's becoming more accepted that Biden is compromised.
Surely they'd want a lame duck opponent that Trump has a tried and tested attack procedure already set up for and someone who clearly doesn't seem to be able to pick apart Trump's BS, man on man?

It's almost as if some still think that denying, denying, denying (*) will be a more worthwhile strategy!

(*) Or insinuating without basis, as Mortarboard, LF and Dave seem to like to try, any chance they get wink

Edited by Jeanboi on Thursday 4th July 18:45


22,501 posts

204 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
LF5335 said:
Jeanboi said:
I think we are now finally past the point of 'plausible deniability'.
Up until now they've been able to deny, deny, deny.
They've been able to insinuate it's all CT, or it's all GOP narratives or Russian disinformation or.......or........

From this point onwards people are much wiser to it and that's partly because the media has (rather suddenly and belatedly!) turned the corner on the matter. The free ride 'because of Trump' has reached the end of the rails.

From now on the people still trying to excuse or defend Biden's issues will look increasingly foolish and their attempts will be seen as a lack of respect for the intelligence of the voting public.

They could try to continue the charade, losing goodwill and empowering or reinforcing some of Trump's arguments, or they could work towards putting forwards someone who can beat Trump decisively and openly. Let's see how it goes.
I’m not a Trump supporter, but …
I think you’re actually a Trump supporter, you’re defending the one person who has a chance of letting Trump win. It’s clear with your over the top defense of him. I know you say you are against him, but all you do is blindly defend someone all the time your real motive is clear.


7,790 posts

139 months

Thursday 4th July
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Biden hasn't suddenly gone gaga last week. His mental and physical condition has been apparent to anyone. Surely doubly apparent to Democrat insiders. Nonetheless he easily won the primary. So if declines to stand down and loses to Trump it is on the Democrats for kidding themselves he was capable of leading the country for another 4 years.


22,501 posts

204 months

Thursday 4th July
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irc said:
Biden hasn't suddenly gone gaga last week. His mental and physical condition has been apparent to anyone. Surely doubly apparent to Democrat insiders. Nonetheless he easily won the primary. So if declines to stand down and loses to Trump it is on the Democrats for kidding themselves he was capable of leading the country for another 4 years.
I think the issue is a combination of Trump is so bad they’d think they would have an easy win, tradition for the standing president to have the choice, and the risk of not Biden then who - which could set off a fight within the party and result in a loss.


8,837 posts

228 months

Thursday 4th July
quotequote all
Jeanboi said:
You must be confused.

I am not pro Trump.
I NEVER defend him.

I might be critical of Biden. But I NEVER defend Trump and criticism of Biden is not necessarily done in defence of Trump.
Discussing the differences between the two, and discussing the implications of this reality, does not equate to support for either.

I would welcome you to quote me and question me when I do make a statement that is implicitly supportive of Trump or shows a defence of his actions.

A weak Biden could lead to a second Trump. Can you not see this?
Hmmm, ok. Your posting style is completely at odds with that position and is leading everyone to believe the opposite. So you might want to have a think about that.

So hypothetically, if the presumptive candidates remain as they are currently, who would get your vote? Abstinence isn’t an option.