46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



1,546 posts

252 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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If Trump can actually run and Dems stick with Biden they are finished imo. I still think there will be a switch, it might be a smart move to delay it. Time will tell. I can't beleive I am saying it but a bit of me would like to see Trump back in, nothing Biden has done has impressed and before anyone says Economy is booming their debt is growing 1 trillion dollars every 100 days, immigration exploded and they are fighting wars they can't afford, something have to give.


1,888 posts

132 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Rocket said “Fighting wars, they can't afford.” Can any nation afford to fight a war?


2,123 posts

168 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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F1GTRUeno said:
PurplePenguin said:
F1GTRUeno said:
pneumothorax said:

re "You’re not an expert but you can do instant diagnoses of major illnesses with absolute certainty. Wow. You must be awesome in your chosen speciality"

Sorry but I am sure we are crossing wires here. I am apolitical and simply came here to post something that I know something about, it's how forums work and it is why they are useful imo.

I am also not "absolutely" certain that JB's primary problem is Parkinson's but I would say it is very likely based upon my experience in diagnosing and managing the condition. I am also not an "expert" in anything apart from telling people that there is nothing wrong with them (I am an ooh/urgent care GP)

My suspicion that he has Parkinson's/Parkinsonism ( there is a distinction) is not based upon what I saw last night however, I have thought it from when I first saw him walking around after becoming President, his gait is almost pathognomonic. He has a very obvious "Festinating" way of walking.

Google it.

My (really speculative) take on this is that Mrs JB loves him, he was a formidable man and now he isn't. He has effectively an untreatable neuro-degenerative disorder, it's likely called Parkinson's and she is surrounding herself by medics that are concentrating on throwing several expensive kitchen sinks at the treatment of that disorder. They are hoping that the Parkinson's meds are going to help with his cognitive decline.

They will not, the chap's brain is failing. He needs sympathetic medical care. What he does not need is to be flying around the states, being pumped up with meds and being ridiculed all over the world.

I suspect Trump also has underlying issues but it would be really really speculative of me to suggest what they might be.

What do you think is wrong with him?
Why describe all of what you think Biden's issues are but specifically stop short of Trump's? Weird one. I know it's the Biden thread but still?
You’ve answered your own question
I don't think I did, yes it's the Biden thread but he didn't say 'I won't describe Trump's due to it being the wrong thread'. I'd invite pneumothorax to opine his opinion on Trump as well considering the post called for it.
I believe he has already stated that Trump doesn't show any obvious signs of any illness. I'll go back and check now and edit if not.


2,123 posts

168 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Ah, here we go:


10,062 posts

221 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Rocket. said:
If Trump can actually run and Dems stick with Biden they are finished imo. I still think there will be a switch, it might be a smart move to delay it. Time will tell. I can't beleive I am saying it but a bit of me would like to see Trump back in, nothing Biden has done has impressed and before anyone says Economy is booming their debt is growing 1 trillion dollars every 100 days, immigration exploded and they are fighting wars they can't afford, something have to give.
Which wars are the US Fighting ?


1,546 posts

252 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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pinchmeimdreamin said:
Which wars are the US Fighting ?
OK badly put I meant funding wars but you knew that when you wrote your reply.


24,458 posts

116 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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thatsprettyshady said:
Ah, here we go:

trump's illnesses are primarily personality disorders and sociopathy. There are some books by psychologists, psychiatrists and other experts in the mental health field, most notably this one, by 27 of them:


6,343 posts

58 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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thatsprettyshady said:
I believe he has already stated that Trump doesn't show any obvious signs of any illness. I'll go back and check now and edit if not.
He's also unable to state any symptoms he's spotted that could just as easily be attributable to any old man.....

But hey ho.



2,123 posts

168 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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My gut feeling here is Harris is going to get replaced, Joe will fight the election and if he wins there will be a bait and switch and whoever the VP is will become president pretty sharpish after January. I base this off absolutely nothing.


10,062 posts

221 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Rocket. said:
OK badly put I meant funding wars but you knew that when you wrote your reply.
No I’m also lost which wars they are Funding,
Do you mean supplying end of life weapons to third parties which would have been replaced anyway and cost a tiny fraction of their Military Budget ?


26,003 posts

196 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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daqinggregg said:
Rocket said “Fighting wars, they can't afford.” Can any nation afford to fight a war?
The US could pay for both sides of the war without breaking sweat; their economy is vast.


2,123 posts

168 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Mortarboard said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I believe he has already stated that Trump doesn't show any obvious signs of any illness. I'll go back and check now and edit if not.
He's also unable to state any symptoms he's spotted that could just as easily be attributable to any old man.....

But hey ho.

I definitely wouldn't be taking a diagnosis over the internet as fact, even if they are a doctor.

We will find out soon enough anyway. Joe has been in decline for a while now and being president notoriously tough - look at how Obama aged and he was relatively young. I know Joe does fewer hours than either Biden or Trump did and takes more vacation time than either of them but there's only so much that can be done.

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Wednesday 3rd July 17:30

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Wednesday 3rd July 17:30


1,546 posts

252 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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daqinggregg said:
Rocket said “Fighting wars, they can't afford.” Can any nation afford to fight a war?
Good question I am just not convinced the American people are keen on another overseas war that will go on for years costing 100's of billions of dollars that adds to the national debt now at 34 trillion and climbing fast.


6,343 posts

58 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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And also the fact that for old jb to have Parkinson, two highly improbable things would also have to be true.



6,459 posts

46 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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thatsprettyshady said:
I definitely wouldn't be taking a diagnosis over the internet as fact, even if they are a doctor.

We will find out soon enough anyway. Joe has been in decline for a while now and being president notoriously tough - look at how Obama aged and he was relatively young. I know Joe does fewer hours than either Biden or Trump did and takes more vacation time than either of them but there's only so much that can be done.

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Wednesday 3rd July 17:30

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Wednesday 3rd July 17:30
Except you’re championing that diagnosis of Biden made by a random on here.

307 days of Trump’s presidency playing golf, that’s early a year, even during the worst parts of the Pandemic.


10,062 posts

221 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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thatsprettyshady said:
I know Joe does fewer hours than Trump did and takes more vacation time than either of them but there's only so much that can be done.
This is a joke surely ?


2,123 posts

168 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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LF5335 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I definitely wouldn't be taking a diagnosis over the internet as fact, even if they are a doctor.

We will find out soon enough anyway. Joe has been in decline for a while now and being president notoriously tough - look at how Obama aged and he was relatively young. I know Joe does fewer hours than either Biden or Trump did and takes more vacation time than either of them but there's only so much that can be done.
Except you’re championing that diagnosis of Biden made by a random on here.

307 days of Trump’s presidency playing golf, that’s early a year, even during the worst parts of the Pandemic.
I don't think i was championing that diagnosis was it? A poster made a comment about Pneumothorax stopping short of diagnosing Trump to which I provided a screenshot saying that he had indeed commented on Trumps health. That's it.

I may personally think that Biden is just a walking vegetable who has a few short hours each day of lucidity, but I don't try and pass this off as anything other than a personal view. I'm not a doctor.

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Wednesday 3rd July 17:59


2,123 posts

168 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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pinchmeimdreamin said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I know Joe does fewer hours than Trump did and takes more vacation time than either of them but there's only so much that can be done.
This is a joke surely ?
From here - https://thenationaldesk.com/news/fact-check-team/f...

"Former President Donald Trump spent a little over a quarter of his presidency, around 380 of his 1,461 days in office on personal trips."

"According to the Republican National Committee as of August 18, 2023, Biden has spent 382 days or 40% of his presidency out of office – days spent on vacation, personal business, or just regular days at one of his Delaware homes. In essence, it is an accounting of his time away from the White House."

Granted, could be a terrible source so lets try this one:

"In contrast, The Washington Post, which used White House pool reports, reports that Biden spent 256 days on vacation or at one of his homes in Delaware through May 22, 2023."

So, Trump 380 days out of 1461 on vacation
Biden either 256 or 382 days out of 958 days. (at the time of the article).


2,123 posts

168 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Apparently the MSM outlets such as MSNBC are guity of "influencing elections" if they criticise Biden or his perfomance last week, according to a top Biden campaign officer.


Quite a bad source given the name, but the interview is linked and is legit here - https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/18079752560...


17,149 posts

243 months

Wednesday 3rd July
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Durzel said:
skwdenyer said:
mko9 said:
skwdenyer said:
Durzel said:
My point about people saying "tis vital for the country that X doesn't happen" seem to be trying to impose their will on the people. If the US votes Trump back in, then that's on them, and the fallout will be what it is.
So Hitler’s ascension to power was ok because those who supported ultimately got to see the error of their ways?

It is the duty of anyone intent on defending democracy to try to get ahead of that type of curve…
Contratulations, we will send you your Godwin Award plaque in the mail.
You might want to read up what Godwin himself thinks about that: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/...

I’m not likening Trump to a Nazi; I’m saying that standing by with a shrug whilst extremists come to power through the ballot box is not a wise strategy.
Taking it to the obvious conclusion, the alternative is insurrection, basically what Trump tried to invoke on Jan 6th.

Again, if psople vote for something in a democractic election (i.e. where they are not compelled to vote for any particular person, have the free choice to vote for who they want, etc) then the result is what it is, with whatever consequences that brings.

You/we can't stop that without imposing an alternative kind of fascism - one where Trump voters wishes are invalidated.

No one is "shrugging" at any of this.
No the obvious conclusion is that non-extremists, en masse, take to the streets to make absolutely clear their implacable opposition to extremists.