46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden


Bonefish Blues

27,644 posts

226 months

LF5335 said:
Bonefish Blues said:
The first is a point I made yesterday in direct response to the remote diagnosis as I pointed out its implications. Whatever Dr Jill is, she loves her husband.

Although wrt the second, it would very much suit the GOP to keep Biden exactly where he was, as one of the very few people that Trump could beat. Too Machiavellian? Who knows.

Edited by Bonefish Blues on Sunday 30th June 13:48
However, if it suits to have Biden there, why go in so hard on him?
To wound, as I've said a number of times. A wounded Biden is Trump's best shot.


6,288 posts

58 months

Bonefish Blues said:
To wound, as I've said a number of times. A wounded Biden is Trump's best shot.
If true,then the gop know.

They wouldn't be going this softly softly approach.

There'd be a Dr Phil special 3 times a week and a surgeon general in front of congress

Any every billionaire donor would be getting an opinion too, and they don't seem concerned.



5,951 posts

85 months

A) Yes, the Dems should have managed this before now and resolved the situation.
B) It’s very difficult to go against a sitting Pres if/when he wants to run for the 2nd term, especially your own party!
You basically have to commit Regicide. That is not something which is approached easily or lightly - get it wrong and, well…American politics goes medieval on your ass!

A very strong Independent candidate would finally be in with a chance on this election campaign.


17,101 posts

243 months

LF5335 said:
Bonefish Blues said:
The first is a point I made yesterday in direct response to the remote diagnosis as I pointed out its implications. Whatever Dr Jill is, she loves her husband.

Although wrt the second, it would very much suit the GOP to keep Biden exactly where he was, as one of the very few people that Trump could beat. Too Machiavellian? Who knows.

Edited by Bonefish Blues on Sunday 30th June 13:48
However, if it suits to have Biden there, why go in so hard on him?
IF that’s the strategy - run against a wounded Biden - then what they’ve done makes sense. Set the narrative early on about Biden being incompetent. Then slowly row that back a bit in the run-up to the debate, saying you expect a well-prepared, well-medicated Biden to appear. Trump was nowhere near as nasty and intolerable in the debate as he has been in the past - he allowed Biden time to be himself, rather than being accused of hounding him into mistakes. And then Biden “delivered” (from their PoV). Trump isn’t out there calling for a replacement for Biden; he no doubt wants to run against him.

It will be interesting to see what comes next. Do I believe Biden is able to perform well as President? Yes, not least because his track record is good, and he has a lifetime of experience getting stuff done to fall back on. Elder statesmen aren’t the same dynamic force as their younger selves - that’s a given as old as the hills. But we used to respect that slower, longer view as being valuable in and of itself. An older Biden can’t say “vote for me, I bring fresh thinking” because that’s not who he is any longer.

I don’t get a vote in this election. But if I did, I’d be waiting to see the 2nd debate before deciding if there’s an anomaly or a trend.


3,434 posts

59 months

LF5335 said:
I see the gang’s back in force. I don’t think Biden is the right man for the job. He’s too old, there should be better candidates. Trump is an utter disgrace on any and every level or metric.

I am not defending Biden. I am asking why people can criticise Biden with claims that are just as appropriate when levied against Trump, yet somehow appear incapable of levying them against Trump. I don’t think that’s a difficult challenge, although it does appear impossible for many.
I think right biden's performance is the topic of the moment in a high profile event. The spotlight is on biden, hence more comments about him.

I don't think ever observation about biden needs to be caveated with 'trump is as well'

But for the record, trump is pretty old and waffles comes out with bizarre stuff. I think he has age related issues but are different to bidens.


22,411 posts

204 months

Mortarboard said:
Except there are two huge preposterous things that must be true, if the erstwhile doctor's spot diagnosis is correct.

Not one, but two

First off, if the dementia/Parkinson is so self evident that it can be diagnosed from a few video clips, then the wider Whitehouse knows, and will have known for quite some time. And it wouldn't just be a few inner circle folks. For jb, his family, and the DNC to then say "yup, Joe's the guy" would be preposterous. If you think they're that stupid, I have a couple of bridges and a state of the art moonbase to sell you.

Secondly, if the Whitehouse knows, the RNC knows. If the gop knew biden has dementia/Parkinson, they'd have doctors and records subpoena'd and in front of the congress/house in a heartbeat There'd be none of this pussy-footing around making snide comments and misrepresenting videos.

So both of these, equally preposterous things would have to be true.

Folk are hearing hoofbeats, and thinking zebras (or even unicorns)

I’m pretty sure you are one of several who have claimed Trump is the same? Would the same not apply for him/the Dems?


2,009 posts

168 months

Biden aides now supposedly leaking the truth about Biden - https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/two-bidens-trump-...

"From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.
Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios"

It's just as well that it's well known that most crises happen between 10am-4pm.


6,288 posts

58 months

NRS said:
I’m pretty sure you are one of several who have claimed Trump is the same? Would the same not apply for him/the Dems?
Then they cam make that argument if they wish, and you can argue it with them. I no more think Trump has dementia/Parkinson than I think biden has.

But trumps daughter in law is chair of the RNC. And trump is literally running so that he can delay, delay, delay his court cases and stay out of jail.
At this stage, he could st himself on stage, and still be the rep candidate



18,916 posts

198 months

NRS said:
I’m pretty sure you are one of several who have claimed Trump is the same? Would the same not apply for him/the Dems?
What “M” (mysterious) writes mostly doesn’t make sense so I wouldn’t pay too much mind. It’s clear to anyone with eyeballs they are not the same. Also, perhaps trump & co do know, but don’t want to bring it up as Biden’s poor functioning helps them. Why would they want Biden swapped with someone better?


6,288 posts

58 months

CoolHands said:
NRS said:
I’m pretty sure you are one of several who have claimed Trump is the same? Would the same not apply for him/the Dems?
What “M” (mysterious) writes mostly doesn’t make sense so I wouldn’t pay too much mind. It’s clear to anyone with eyeballs they are not the same. Also, perhaps trump & co do know, but don’t want to bring it up as Biden’s poor functioning helps them. Why would they want Biden swapped with someone better?
If you think I've ever said that, they be all means quote me.

I'll wait.



22,411 posts

204 months

Mortarboard said:
NRS said:
I’m pretty sure you are one of several who have claimed Trump is the same? Would the same not apply for him/the Dems?
Then they cam make that argument if they wish, and you can argue it with them. I no more think Trump has dementia/Parkinson than I think biden has.

But trumps daughter in law is chair of the RNC. And trump is literally running so that he can delay, delay, delay his court cases and stay out of jail.
At this stage, he could st himself on stage, and still be the rep candidate

Sorry, though you had said Trump had it/ too. Remembered wrong.

Agreed about Trump. Even if it wasn’t just the family there is far too many in the modern GOP who don’t even care about winning an election, as long as they have the MAGA money pouring in they are happy to destroy the country and that needs Trump.


2,009 posts

168 months

Why would they bother? The MSM and fellow Dems are doing the damage to themselves the last few days - "Never inturrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake"

They know that the Dems are so insanely anti-Trump that they are failing to see just how bad Biden is, they will defend him to the hilt even with mountains of evidence to the contrary, because not Trump.

We see it in here with people proudly proclaiming - (paraphrasing) "Yes he may have a stutter/be old/senile, but out of the two of them I'd be voting for Biden!"

But that's not going to work on the swing voters as they don't think that way. Dems need to get rid of him now.

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Sunday 30th June 14:47

Beati Dogu

8,989 posts

142 months

thatsprettyshady said:
Biden aides now supposedly leaking the truth about Biden - https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/two-bidens-trump-...

"From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.
Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios"

It's just as well that it's well known that most crises happen between 10am-4pm.
They had him sequestered away at Camp David for a week before the debate. Not just for debate prep, but to try to get his medication & lucidity window in tune with the 9pm start time. It obviously didn't work.

Anyway. back to Plan C - Double down & throw your political opposition in prison on bogus charges. Real banana republic stuff.

Edited by Beati Dogu on Sunday 30th June 14:59


9,988 posts

160 months

Beati Dogu said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Biden aides now supposedly leaking the truth about Biden - https://www.axios.com/2024/06/29/two-bidens-trump-...

"From 10am to 4pm, Biden is dependably engaged — and many of his public events in front of cameras are held within those hours.
Outside of that time range or while traveling abroad, Biden is more likely to have verbal miscues and become fatigued, aides told Axios"

It's just as well that it's well known that most crises happen between 10am-4pm.
They had him sequestered away at Camp David for a week before the debate. Not just for debate prep, but to to try to get his medication & lucidity window in tune with the 9pm start time. It obviously didn't work.

Anyway. back to Plan C - Double down & throw your political opposition in prison on bogus charges. Real banana republic stuff.
I forget the VPs name but she would be a better president and better candidate.


6,288 posts

58 months

Beati Dogu said:
Anyway. back to Plan C - Double down & throw your political opposition in prison on bogus charges. Real banana republic stuff.
"Bogus charges"?

Not even his bought and paid for scotus judges agree with you on that one.



7,376 posts

241 months

Gecko1978 said:
I forget the VPs name but she would be a better president and better candidate.
No, Harris really wouldn't be.

And apparently is extremely pissed that she's not being considered as such.

Beati Dogu

8,989 posts

142 months

Mortarboard said:
"Bogus charges"?

Not even his bought and paid for scotus judges agree with you on that one.

Come off it. Everybody knows far left elements of the justice system (with support from the White House and Justice Department) are politicised against Trump. Even former Democrat NY governor Andrew Cuomo says that he's worried what damage trying to put people in jail for political reasons is doing to America. As a former Attorney General of New York, he says that if his name wasn't Donald Trump and he wasn't running for president, the hush money payment nonsense would never had been brought.

Anyone who's not a blazingly partizan nut job can see it's a political hit job & it has proved to be a massive own goal. Donations to Trump's campaign have sky rocked and he's doing big public rallies even in The Bronx.


17,101 posts

243 months

Beati Dogu said:
Mortarboard said:
"Bogus charges"?

Not even his bought and paid for scotus judges agree with you on that one.

Come off it. Everybody knows far left elements of the justice system (with support from the White House and Justice Department) are politicised against Trump. Even former Democrat NY governor Andrew Cuomo says that he's worried what damage trying to put people in jail for political reasons is doing to America. As a former Attorney General of New York, he says that if his name wasn't Donald Trump and he wasn't running for president, the hush money payment nonsense would never had been brought.

Anyone who's not a blazingly partizan nut job can see it's a political hit job & it has proved to be a massive own goal. Donations to Trump's campaign have sky rocked and he's doing big public rallies even in The Bronx.
Just so we’re clear, there are almost *no* “far left” elements in play here. What most Americans seem to call “far left” would usually be further right than our Labour Party smile


2,009 posts

168 months

thatsprettyshady said:
Why would they bother? The MSM and fellow Dems are doing the damage to themselves the last few days - "Never inturrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake"

They know that the Dems are so insanely anti-Trump that they are failing to see just how bad Biden is, they will defend him to the hilt even with mountains of evidence to the contrary, because not Trump.

We see it in here with people proudly proclaiming - (paraphrasing) "Yes he may have a stutter/be old/senile, but out of the two of them I'd be voting for Biden!"

But that's not going to work on the swing voters as they don't think that way. Dems need to get rid of him now.

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Sunday 30th June 14:47
Case in point with this clownery - https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/18074227467348747...


6,351 posts

46 months

Beati Dogu said:
Come off it. Everybody knows far left elements of the justice system (with support from the White House and Justice Department) are politicised against Trump. Even former Democrat NY governor Andrew Cuomo says that he's worried what damage trying to put people in jail for political reasons is doing to America. As a former Attorney General of New York, he says that if his name wasn't Donald Trump and he wasn't running for president, the hush money payment nonsense would never had been brought.

Anyone who's not a blazingly partizan nut job can see it's a political hit job & it has proved to be a massive own goal. Donations to Trump's campaign have sky rocked and he's doing big public rallies even in The Bronx.
Plot lost. Kool Aid swallowed.