Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister



10,625 posts

163 months

Tuesday 25th June
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EddieSteadyGo said:
I was waiting for one of the 'useful suspects' to dismiss it as 'nothing to see here'.

The guy is a prize turnip who has deservedly been given his marching orders and it looks like his donation will be returned.

Issue came about today and has been dealt with today. Job done.

Now, remind me again how long it took Rishi to act…


5,565 posts

109 months

Tuesday 25th June
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shed driver said:
Reports that the Labour Party will return up to £100,000 of donations from Kevin Craig. Obviously small change when compared to Frank Hester, but it shows decisiveness from Mr Flip-Flop.


Indeed. Immediate response from Sir Keir. Expect nothing less tbh.


13,861 posts

287 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Mortarboard said:
Who's taking bets on how many will get caught making bets?

Asking for a (soon to be ex-) mp....

As I understand it we are still within the mandatory five years that Gambling Commission requires bookmakers to keep records of punter activity since the 2019 General Election , so if they were of a mind to have a look at one as well there might be a whole new can of really big worms to be opened.


12,363 posts

206 months

Tuesday 25th June
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bhstewie said:
I haven't said "nothing to see here" Eddie if true it's crooked and very possibly illegal and the book should be thrown at him which is quite the opposite of "nothing to see here".

You said if it was a Conservative it would be another example of "Tory sleaze".

Well yes it would because this past five years there's been enough examples of it for the cap to fit.
You have completely misunderstood what I was saying.

I was talking about the tendency to find examples to create a narrative about 'group' behaviours, rather than dealing with people as individuals and holding them to account for their individual stupidity.

Whilst you were happy to throw the book at this most recent individual, you were also keen to assume it was an isolated event, so it didn't disrupt the narrative that it's the Tories who can be defined as reckless/immoral etc.

As I was saying, many people have a tendency to do stupid things. Mostly no-one ever discovers those things - they remain secret or hidden. But as scrutiny increases, so more get uncovered. Hence why I am confident in a few months we will see a regular flow of similarly immoral/improper behaviour from Labour MPs. But that won't mean all Labour MPs are the same.


52,521 posts

213 months


12,363 posts

206 months

Tuesday 25th June
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valiant said:

The guy is a prize turnip who has deservedly been given his marching orders and it looks like his donation will be returned.
The £100,000 was his most recent donation. It seems he has made regular large donations over the years to the Labour Party. Presumably, if it was right to return his most recent donation, it would also be right to return his previous donations too....


6,244 posts

58 months

Tuesday 25th June
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bhstewie said:
"Didn't make any bets in may"

Seems awfully specific. wink


shed driver

2,227 posts

163 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Mortarboard said:
"Didn't make any bets in may"

Seems awfully specific. wink

"Didn't make any bets in May" - But my wife, family and friends did.

2,000 majority over the Nats (although he's not standing this time), Labour a distant 3rd.



5,565 posts

109 months

Tuesday 25th June
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shed driver said:
Mortarboard said:
"Didn't make any bets in may"

Seems awfully specific. wink

"Didn't make any bets in May" - But my wife, family and friends did.

2,000 majority over the Nats (although he's not standing this time), Labour a distant 3rd.

There’s another one too - Russell George


52,521 posts

213 months

Tuesday 25th June
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You have to laugh.

Just when they think "Great it's not the lead headline any more they've moved on to that Labour bloke" along comes Alister Jack laugh


24,276 posts

223 months

Tuesday 25th June
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768 said:
biggbn said:
bhstewie said:
Young people, they are so entitled and disengaged, they should become interested in politics and show a bit of passion, a bit of initiative, a bit of character...


Not THOSE politics, not THAT type of engagement, not THAT kind of interest or initiative!!!
Lower the voting age to 16, they're mature enough!
100% I would. Did you suggest putting a cap on the voting age when the Magna Carta's perspex cover was cracked by the JSO oldies?


25,788 posts

196 months

Tuesday 25th June
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EddieSteadyGo said:
bhstewie said:
I haven't said "nothing to see here" Eddie if true it's crooked and very possibly illegal and the book should be thrown at him which is quite the opposite of "nothing to see here".

You said if it was a Conservative it would be another example of "Tory sleaze".

Well yes it would because this past five years there's been enough examples of it for the cap to fit.
You have completely misunderstood what I was saying.

I was talking about the tendency to find examples to create a narrative about 'group' behaviours, rather than dealing with people as individuals and holding them to account for their individual stupidity.

Whilst you were happy to throw the book at this most recent individual, you were also keen to assume it was an isolated event, so it didn't disrupt the narrative that it's the Tories who can be defined as reckless/immoral etc.

As I was saying, many people have a tendency to do stupid things. Mostly no-one ever discovers those things - they remain secret or hidden. But as scrutiny increases, so more get uncovered. Hence why I am confident in a few months we will see a regular flow of similarly immoral/improper behaviour from Labour MPs. But that won't mean all Labour MPs are the same.
He has you bang to rights; you swoop in and pontificate with statements of the blindingly obvious, but get annoyed when called on it. The tories who have laid bets are literally a group behaving alike, it's not a narrative of anything other than facts, on the other hand Kevin here is a loner who's done something very stupid and is finding out about it promptly. There may be other loners who have done the same stupid thing, but it's practically impossible for it to be a conspiracy or from insider knowledge. Attempting to obfuscate the issue by adding in what might happen in a possible Labour government is whataboutism.


14,000 posts

99 months

Tuesday 25th June
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biggbn said:
100% I would. Did you suggest putting a cap on the voting age when the Magna Carta's perspex cover was cracked by the JSO oldies?
Oh God, did they pull their pants down too? I'm glad I didn't see that!


24,276 posts

223 months

Tuesday 25th June
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768 said:
biggbn said:
100% I would. Did you suggest putting a cap on the voting age when the Magna Carta's perspex cover was cracked by the JSO oldies?
Oh God, did they pull their pants down too? I'm glad I didn't see that!
Ah, avoidance. I am trying to stimulate debate, not shut it down. No worries man, have a lovely evening, off to watch the football.


14,142 posts

190 months

Tuesday 25th June
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bhstewie said:
EddieSteadyGo said:
I was waiting for one of the 'useful suspects' to dismiss it as 'nothing to see here'.

My point is many people have a tendency to do stupid things. Conservative MPs using inside information to bet on the result was stupid. As was the Met police officers who seem to have used the same information to do the same thing. As was this prospective MP betting on himself to lose (and looking at the betting market for that seat, it seems up to that point it was a close race).

It's also tempting to group people together, to use a relatively small number of examples to create a narrative about how the whole "group" behave. In my view, it shouldn't work like that. So, on the basis that people often do stupid things, I predict within a few months, we will be getting a regular flow of stories of improper/reckless/stupid/illegal/immoral behaviour from Labour MPs, once they are in government, and the scrutiny increases.

But in the same way, that won't mean all Labour MPs are "rotten" etc either. But I will look forward to reading the moral outrage on those future threads from all the people here who are holier-than-thou.
I haven't said "nothing to see here" Eddie I said that if true it's crooked and very possibly illegal and the book should be thrown at him which is quite the opposite of "nothing to see here".

You said if it was a Conservative it would be another example of "Tory sleaze".

Well yes it would because this past five years there's been enough examples of it for the cap to fit.
You have made quite a big deal about the Tory betting scandal, but immediately went down the ‘isolated incident’ route with this one.

That’s the danger when you are obviously partisan and are looking for stories that reaffirm your views rather than inform them.


17,968 posts

163 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Elysium said:
You have made quite a big deal about the Tory betting scandal, but immediately went down the ‘isolated incident’ route with this one.

That’s the danger when you are obviously partisan and are looking for stories that reaffirm your views rather than inform them.
These matters are cyclical. Sometimes you just take it on the chin and move on.


52,521 posts

213 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Elysium said:
You have made quite a big deal about the Tory betting scandal, but immediately went down the ‘isolated incident’ route with this one.

That’s the danger when you are obviously partisan and are looking for stories that reaffirm your views rather than inform them.
What I said was "Eddie I think you'd have to admit that right now it's an isolated event v event number 4271 or whatever we're up to by now.".

That isn't being partisan it's stating facts.


6,157 posts

51 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Earlier today someone posted "Another new day. Another day for Rishi to turn things around."

And that is what has happened. By taking decisive and direct action Rishi has taken on theose within his party who would bring disgrace upon themselves.
These people have yet to suffer the punishment that Rishi will dish out. I fully expect that on Friday the 5th July these snivelling, corrupt low life politicos will be out of a job.
I dont really like to compare one leader with another but the difference between Rishi's method of dedaling with these people and Keir Starmres is like day and night.
There are of course losers in this. I am not just referring to these despicable people. The other losers are their constituents who will because of parliamentary protocol not be able to enjoy the pleasure of voting for a Conservative candidate
I feel sadness for those constituents and blazing anger at the betting b*st*rds. This is only softened by my pride in how Rishi has dealt with this issue


1,339 posts

36 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Does Bet Fred have a ViP Lane ?