Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister


Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

Tuesday 25th June
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5,681 posts

109 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Cons withdrew support from the gambling candidates. Inevitable!


28,086 posts

199 months

Tuesday 25th June
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S600BSB said:
Cons withdrew support from the gambling candidates. Inevitable!
What happens in those constituencies now, is a different MP put in place by the Conservatives?

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

Tuesday 25th June
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ajprice said:
S600BSB said:
Cons withdrew support from the gambling candidates. Inevitable!
What happens in those constituencies now, is a different MP put in place by the Conservatives?
Too late. They stay on the ballot papers as-is, and no new candidates.


3,564 posts

210 months

Tuesday 25th June
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ajprice said:
S600BSB said:
Cons withdrew support from the gambling candidates. Inevitable!
What happens in those constituencies now, is a different MP put in place by the Conservatives?
I may be wrong but I think it's too late for that now. Effectively the Conservatives won't have a candidate standing in those seats.

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Nope. Too late for that. It's all window dressing anyway. Lots of sources out there saying the Tories are pulling what resources they have left out of marginals & pouring then into big seats, cabinet ministers etc.

Classic this though. Yesterday Sunak is talking about trust & how he can't interfere in the gambling commision investigation, today, caves in to the inevitable but not before marching hapless lambs to the media round slaughter, I.e. Jimmy Dimly & inflicting the maximum possible political damage. An unrelenting farce.


5,681 posts

109 months

Tuesday 25th June
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It’s classic poor leadership from Rishi - leave it a week until maximum damage is done and then act too late so you look weak! Thank you very much.


104,915 posts

263 months

Tuesday 25th June
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S600BSB said:
It’s classic poor leadership from Rishi - leave it a week until maximum damage is done and then act too late so you look weak! Thank you very much.
Classik Sunak.

Rufus Stone

6,698 posts

59 months

Tuesday 25th June
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S600BSB said:
It’s classic poor leadership from Rishi - leave it a week until maximum damage is done and then act too late so you look weak! Thank you very much.
Consistent though.

Oliver Hardy

2,818 posts

77 months

Tuesday 25th June
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OMITN said:
I think this gambling business has been really unfortunate for Rishi and shows that he has been let down by the people around him.

Just because he was a hedge fund guy doesn’t mean that he in any way would condone financial speculation about important events.
Not sure how Rishi (or the conservative party) can be held accountable for someone placing bets, it is how they are dealt with that matters is it not? If he were to do a Boris and try and change the rules to suit his acquaintance then that be a problem, but they got suspended so what else can he do?


104,915 posts

263 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Rufus Stone said:
S600BSB said:
It’s classic poor leadership from Rishi - leave it a week until maximum damage is done and then act too late so you look weak! Thank you very much.
Consistent though.
Good point..

Credit where it's due.


2,290 posts

95 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Oliver Hardy said:
Not sure how Rishi (or the conservative party) can be held accountable for someone placing bets, it is how they are dealt with that matters is it not? If he were to do a Boris and try and change the rules to suit his acquaintance then that be a problem, but they got suspended so what else can he do?
Absolutely. I’m sure many would agree that the first words that spring to mind when thinking about Rishi as Chancellor and then PM have been “probity”, “good governance” and “stamping down on corruption within the conservative party”. That’s how we know he can be trusted to keep a lid on sleaze and prevent party colleagues from taking advantage of their VIP status.


5,681 posts

109 months

Tuesday 25th June
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turbobloke said:
Rufus Stone said:
S600BSB said:
It’s classic poor leadership from Rishi - leave it a week until maximum damage is done and then act too late so you look weak! Thank you very much.
Consistent though.
Good point..

Credit where it's due.
He’s definitely not getting any credit! Haha


8,727 posts

109 months

Tuesday 25th June
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The whole tawdry affair is a microcosm of the last decade of Tory government. Lack of discipline on policy and conduct, removal of sensible and responsible leadership at all levels, individuals looking after themselves rather than the greater good, and whenever something goes wrong try to diminish it's importance, get an inquiry underway launching as far as possible into length grass and style it out. Trouble is, we are all now wise to it, and won't have it any longer. Sunak was literally saying over the weekend that an inquiry was underway and it couldn't be discussed - sorry chum, it just doesn't work any more.


104,915 posts

263 months

Tuesday 25th June
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S600BSB said:
turbobloke said:
Rufus Stone said:
S600BSB said:
It’s classic poor leadership from Rishi - leave it a week until maximum damage is done and then act too late so you look weak! Thank you very much.
Consistent though.
Good point..

Credit where it's due.
He’s definitely not getting any credit! Haha
Are you getting enough irony? Try eating more livery.

Any parrots flying around can be shared.


5,681 posts

109 months

Tuesday 25th June
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turbobloke said:
S600BSB said:
turbobloke said:
Rufus Stone said:
S600BSB said:
It’s classic poor leadership from Rishi - leave it a week until maximum damage is done and then act too late so you look weak! Thank you very much.
Consistent though.
Good point..

Credit where it's due.
He’s definitely not getting any credit! Haha
Are you getting enough irony? Try eating more livery.

Any parrots flying around can be shared.
Calm down TB.


17,000 posts

231 months

Tuesday 25th June
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It all contrasts rather with the police officer alleged to have placed a bet. He was arrested ( one wonders why) and has been suspended since the allegations emerged.


8,727 posts

109 months

Tuesday 25th June
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XCP said:
It all contrasts rather with the police officer alleged to have placed a bet. He was arrested ( one wonders why) and has been suspended since the allegations emerged.
Because he is getting done for misconduct in public office...


24,406 posts

223 months

Tuesday 25th June
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XCP said:
It all contrasts rather with the police officer alleged to have placed a bet. He was arrested ( one wonders why) and has been suspended since the allegations emerged.
He'll be the grass. Singin' for his supper I'll be bound. Things were different when I was young. A copper would simply boot you up the arse and clip you round the ear, send you on your way. You could leave your front door open and everyone shared communal cups of sugar. Except the bloody immigrants at Number 14. They kept themselves to themselves and rightly so. To be fair, they popped out for the Queen's jubilee, so they can't be that bad. That was a bloody great party. I miss those days. You could call a spade a bloody spade and queer meant something spooky and that was it. Thanks goodness for Nige. When he gets voted in and takes over from bloody Charles and his new fangled wokery, things will be different. King Nigel. Back to the good old days. It'll be great to finally have my country back. I'll be able to drive down to the corner shop in my BMW and buy my continental lager to have with my curry whilst watching the Euros in peace.

Edited by biggbn on Tuesday 25th June 13:40


17,000 posts

231 months

Tuesday 25th June
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abzmike said:
XCP said:
It all contrasts rather with the police officer alleged to have placed a bet. He was arrested ( one wonders why) and has been suspended since the allegations emerged.
Because he is getting done for misconduct in public office...
Hardly the only one. That is the point.