Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister



104,961 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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President Merkin said:
Lucky for your sensitive soul, no one has done that to you this morning.
Until that post from yourself? Playing the man not the ball (again) given that my comment was clearly a general one.

Sensitive soul ho ho. The reality is, I'm as far from being an approval seeker as it gets, unlike certain preachy left-illiberal type 'guys' playing to the gallery as default mode with juvenile comments including smears, name calling, personal angles - you know the score ^

Looking at this objectively, the capacity to appreciate and cope well with alternative viewpoints typically develops during the stage of cognitive development known as the formal operational stage (see Jean Piaget) which usually starts around the age of 11 or 12, With the PH age limit sensibly set at 13, there ought to be very little inability to cope on PH. This evidence suggests, supporting the bleedin' obvious conclusion, that it's a deliberate tactic to (try to) stifle debate i.e. delusional.


9,097 posts

155 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
Name calling is common too, from certain 'guys' who can't cope with alternative viewpoints. All too common.
Name calling? Anyway, you do liven the place up Turbs but if you think anyone is struggling to cope you need to think again. I don't imagine you would try to defend the latest betting wheeze from our current government, but you're not falling over yourself to voice your disapproval either, preferring instead to deflect, along with a few others.


104,961 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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Blue62 said:
turbobloke said:
Name calling is common too, from certain 'guys' who can't cope with alternative viewpoints. All too common.
Name calling? Anyway, you do liven the place up Turbs but if you think anyone is struggling to cope you need to think again...
Posts crossed, see the reply before this one. Meanwhile it's a Sunak thread. Who started the personal angle diversion? Rhetorical question.

Either way try this beaut from another thread just now.

robemcdonald said:
To paraphrase Stewart Lee. It’s not idiots planning to vote reform. It’s s too.
Edited by turbobloke on Monday 24th June 11:56


6,227 posts

51 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
Posts crossed, see the reply before this one. Meanwhile it's a Sunak thread. Who started the personal angle diversion? Rhetorical question.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
President Merkin said:
Lucky for your sensitive soul, no one has done that to you this morning.
left-illiberal type 'guys'
playing to the gallery
juvenile comments
One enjoyable aspect of your schtick is how you can dish it out but really cant take it. I'm NOT sensitive, you preachy, deluded, juvenile, illiberal lefty rofl

Anyway, nice try to divert the thread and you still aren't getting a free pass on this arrant nonsense.

turbobloke said:
shed driver said:
119 said:
That doesn’t start until next week.
Compared to the pinnacle of good governance, probity and adherence to the goals of public service that we have had for the last few years?

What would you say was their outstanding legacy of over half a generation of power?

Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar


7,808 posts

205 months

Monday 24th June
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Aaaw bless. Can't take anyone challenging "alternative" viewpoints, so cry victim while simultaneously calling people juvenile preachy lefties. Insert another obscure reference to try sound smart.

Rinse and repeat.


9,097 posts

155 months

Monday 24th June
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Killboy said:
Aaaw bless. Can't take anyone challenging "alternative" viewpoints, so cry victim while simultaneously calling people juvenile preachy lefties. Insert another obscure reference to try sound smart.

Rinse and repeat.
The Piaget reference is par for the course, so funny and utterly typical. Cognitive development, the irony.


104,961 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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Blue62 said:
Killboy said:
Aaaw bless. Can't take anyone challenging "alternative" viewpoints, so cry victim while simultaneously calling people juvenile preachy lefties. Insert another obscure reference to try sound smart.

Rinse and repeat.
The Piaget reference is par for the course, so funny and utterly typical. Cognitive development, the irony.
Thanks both for illustrating the point, also for the ongoing flattery and encouragement of your close attention. Thread title: Rishi Sunak

Oliver Hardy

2,826 posts

77 months

Monday 24th June
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anonymoususer said:
I think Rishi could shore up the Tory vote if he does several things.

1. Suspend those candidates who were betting on the dates
2. Give Grant Shapps a central role in the campaign. He is much admired by many people and posseses that certain something that voters like.
3. Call Nigel Farage lot's of unpleasant names, remind people of all the money he was paid when he was a Euro MP
I would think someone like Penny Mordaunt would be better then Grant Shaps, she can communicate a lot better in my opinion.

Bonefish Blues

27,714 posts

226 months

Monday 24th June
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Oliver Hardy said:
anonymoususer said:
I think Rishi could shore up the Tory vote if he does several things.

1. Suspend those candidates who were betting on the dates
2. Give Grant Shapps a central role in the campaign. He is much admired by many people and posseses that certain something that voters like.
3. Call Nigel Farage lot's of unpleasant names, remind people of all the money he was paid when he was a Euro MP
I would think someone like Penny Mordaunt would be better then Grant Shaps, she can communicate a lot better in my opinion.
Not based on the Deputies' Debate she can't - I was very surprised.

Bonefish Blues

27,714 posts

226 months

Monday 24th June
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You wot Rishi? Spineless man is devoid of spine.



6,227 posts

51 months

Monday 24th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
You wot Rishi? Spineless man is devoid of spine.

He may well recognise that these candidates have some merit and instead of being criticised shoud be applauded for using infornation that they had to better themselves and their families.
He may feel that they are far away from just being chancers who are pushing politics into the gutter. He may feel they have shown some entrepreneurial spirit.

On the other hand he may just be concerned that lot's of others have been at it and that it's all gettiong too much


6,227 posts

51 months

Monday 24th June
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Oliver Hardy said:
anonymoususer said:
I think Rishi could shore up the Tory vote if he does several things.

1. Suspend those candidates who were betting on the dates
2. Give Grant Shapps a central role in the campaign. He is much admired by many people and posseses that certain something that voters like.
3. Call Nigel Farage lot's of unpleasant names, remind people of all the money he was paid when he was a Euro MP
I would think someone like Penny Mordaunt would be better then Grant Shaps, she can communicate a lot better in my opinion.
It's Grant Shapps that's Shapps with 2 p's p is the the same letter that starts the word parrot


2,291 posts

95 months

Monday 24th June
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anonymoususer said:
Oliver Hardy said:
anonymoususer said:
I think Rishi could shore up the Tory vote if he does several things.

1. Suspend those candidates who were betting on the dates
2. Give Grant Shapps a central role in the campaign. He is much admired by many people and posseses that certain something that voters like.
3. Call Nigel Farage lot's of unpleasant names, remind people of all the money he was paid when he was a Euro MP
I would think someone like Penny Mordaunt would be better then Grant Shaps, she can communicate a lot better in my opinion.
It's Grant Shapps that's Shapps with 2 p's p is the the same letter that starts the word parrot
To be fair, Grant Shapps has always been pretty flexible when it comes to names. Which is an admirable quality and shows an ability to adapt to the circumstances, unlike Penny Mordaunt’s hair which is definitely not for turning.


6,227 posts

51 months

Monday 24th June
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OMITN said:
To be fair, Grant Shapps has always been pretty flexible when it comes to names. Which is an admirable quality and shows an ability to adapt to the circumstances, unlike Penny Mordaunt’s hair which is definitely not for turning.
Very good points.
Grant is indeed a master of the names. I do wonder if the bosses at these bookies have checkled to see if Michael Green and Sebastian Fox have placed bets


3,906 posts

109 months

Monday 24th June
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anonymoususer said:
OMITN said:
To be fair, Grant Shapps has always been pretty flexible when it comes to names. Which is an admirable quality and shows an ability to adapt to the circumstances, unlike Penny Mordaunt’s hair which is definitely not for turning.
Very good points.
Grant is indeed a master of the names. I do wonder if the bosses at these bookies have checkled to see if Michael Green and Sebastian Fox have placed bets
This set of posts made me chuckle. Good job lads.


26,006 posts

196 months

Tuesday 25th June
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anonymoususer said:
Oliver Hardy said:
anonymoususer said:
I think Rishi could shore up the Tory vote if he does several things.

1. Suspend those candidates who were betting on the dates
2. Give Grant Shapps a central role in the campaign. He is much admired by many people and posseses that certain something that voters like.
3. Call Nigel Farage lot's of unpleasant names, remind people of all the money he was paid when he was a Euro MP
I would think someone like Penny Mordaunt would be better then Grant Shaps, she can communicate a lot better in my opinion.
It's Grant Shapps that's Shapps with 2 p's p is the the same letter that starts the word parrot
Grant could adopt Penny as his next alias; imagine how much more work he could get done as 5 people rather than just 4.


4,661 posts

31 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Oliver Hardy said:
anonymoususer said:
I think Rishi could shore up the Tory vote if he does several things.

1. Suspend those candidates who were betting on the dates
2. Give Grant Shapps a central role in the campaign. He is much admired by many people and posseses that certain something that voters like.
3. Call Nigel Farage lot's of unpleasant names, remind people of all the money he was paid when he was a Euro MP
I would think someone like Penny Mordaunt would be better then Grant Shaps, she can communicate a lot better in my opinion.



24,409 posts

223 months

Tuesday 25th June
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turbobloke said:
shed driver said:
119 said:
That doesn’t start until next week.
Compared to the pinnacle of good governance, probity and adherence to the goals of public service that we have had for the last few years?

What would you say was their outstanding legacy of over half a generation of power?

Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar
Yet lots of people here point to Labour past governments as a warning?


7,499 posts

39 months

Tuesday 25th June
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So apparently it’s been alleged it’s someone in the Met that leaked details of the gamblers.