Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister



17,149 posts

243 months

Monday 24th June
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Blue62 said:
S600BSB said:
I suppose that if the Sunday Times is correct and there are “several dozen” people involved, and quite a few are candidates, it looks tricky to suspend them now. The scandal isn’t going away though.
I listened to Tobias Elwood calling for them all to be suspended, he’s right. Problem is that the story is twelve days old now and Sunak’s been sitting on his hands, effectively endorsing this behaviour. A bunch of chancers and spivs running the country.
I think the word “entitled” is apt here.


5,723 posts

109 months

Monday 24th June
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Blue62 said:
S600BSB said:
I suppose that if the Sunday Times is correct and there are “several dozen” people involved, and quite a few are candidates, it looks tricky to suspend them now. The scandal isn’t going away though.
I listened to Tobias Elwood calling for them all to be suspended, he’s right. Problem is that the story is twelve days old now and Sunak’s been sitting on his hands, effectively endorsing this behaviour. A bunch of chancers and spivs running the country.
Tobias usually speaks a lot of sense and he’s right.


9,098 posts

155 months

Monday 24th June
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119 said:
That doesn’t start until next week.
Perhaps you can provide some recent examples so we can all understand the point you’re trying to make.

shed driver

2,237 posts

163 months

Monday 24th June
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119 said:
That doesn’t start until next week.
Compared to the pinnacle of good governance, probity and adherence to the goals of public service that we have had for the last few years?

What would you say was their outstanding legacy of over half a generation of power?



104,961 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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shed driver said:
119 said:
That doesn’t start until next week.
Compared to the pinnacle of good governance, probity and adherence to the goals of public service that we have had for the last few years?

What would you say was their outstanding legacy of over half a generation of power?

Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar


7,808 posts

205 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar
Isn't it? Looks bang on to me.


10,717 posts

163 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar
Funny how all those scared of a Labour win always point to past performance as an indicator of how things will turn out then. Isn’t it?



36,763 posts

227 months

Monday 24th June
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President Merkin said:
You say amateurish & unserious, I say corrupt to their rotten cores.
I'm not sure they are smart enough to be corrupt. I think they feel that they are untouchable and entitled, they also think they are smarter than everyone else.

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. Robert J. Hanlon

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Monday 24th June
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turbobloke said:
Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar
You reckon? All of your righty wingy friends in here and not least you for that ,matter, have long transitioned from rah rahing the Tories to issuing non stop warnings on the prospects of a Labour government predicated on exactly that same past. I'm sure if I look back through your sagacious writings, I will find the same admonishment after each & every one of those Nostradamus imbued insights.

Randy Winkman

16,637 posts

192 months

Monday 24th June
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President Merkin said:
turbobloke said:
Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar
You reckon? All of your righty wingy friends in here and not least you for that ,matter, have long transitioned from rah rahing the Tories to issuing non stop warnings on the prospects of a Labour government predicated on exactly that same past. I'm sure if I look back through your sagacious writings, I will find the same admonishment after each & every one of those Nostradamus imbued insights.
Exactly. We've not had a Labour government for 14 years but how many times have some of us been told on PH that we've got short memories or are too young to remember them?

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Monday 24th June
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Randy Winkman said:
Exactly. We've not had a Labour government for 14 years but how many times have some of us been told on PH that we've got short memories or are too young to remember them?
I know hypocristy is common currency round here but that guy really does take the piss.


3,885 posts

28 months

Monday 24th June
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Randy Winkman said:
President Merkin said:
turbobloke said:
Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar
You reckon? All of your righty wingy friends in here and not least you for that ,matter, have long transitioned from rah rahing the Tories to issuing non stop warnings on the prospects of a Labour government predicated on exactly that same past. I'm sure if I look back through your sagacious writings, I will find the same admonishment after each & every one of those Nostradamus imbued insights.
Exactly. We've not had a Labour government for 14 years but how many times have some of us been told on PH that we've got short memories or are too young to remember them?
That may be true for a fair percentage of posters. I wouldn't make comparisons with a Wilson government but I don't see massive differences from a Blair/Brown administration. Perhaps more importantly I think the real power brokers are unchanged. My suspicion is that if you compared Union leaders from 14 years ago to Union leaders today to would be hard to spot the difference in dialogue or attitude.


6,227 posts

51 months

Monday 24th June
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I think Rishi could shore up the Tory vote if he does several things.

1. Suspend those candidates who were betting on the dates
2. Give Grant Shapps a central role in the campaign. He is much admired by many people and posseses that certain something that voters like.
3. Call Nigel Farage lot's of unpleasant names, remind people of all the money he was paid when he was a Euro MP


3,335 posts

128 months

Monday 24th June
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anonymoususer said:
I think Rishi could shore up the Tory vote if he does several things.
I think it needs a little more than shoring up considering it below a predicted 20%


43,003 posts

238 months

Monday 24th June
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WestyCarl said:
anonymoususer said:
I think Rishi could shore up the Tory vote if he does several things.
I think it needs a little more than shoring up considering it below a predicted 20%
I am sure Rishi is hard at work making that lower still.


7,505 posts

39 months

Monday 24th June
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Killboy said:
turbobloke said:
Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar
Isn't it? Looks bang on to me.
You liking those rose tinted spectacles then?



9,098 posts

155 months

Monday 24th June
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President Merkin said:
I know hypocristy is common currency round here but that guy really does take the piss.
You learn to take him with a pinch of salt, I actually think he’s having us all on, nobody is that far up themselves. The dubious links on here and the climate thread, the total absence of any sense of balance and the lame attempt at Middle English is all part of the act.


104,961 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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Blue62 said:
President Merkin said:
I know hypocristy is common currency round here but that guy really does take the piss.
You learn to take him with a pinch of salt, I actually think he’s having us all on, nobody is that far up themselves. The dubious links on here and the climate thread, the total absence of any sense of balance and the lame attempt at Middle English is all part of the act.
Name calling is common too, from certain 'guys' who can't cope with alternative viewpoints. All too common.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Monday 24th June
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Lucky for your sensitive soul, no one has done that to you this morning.


6,574 posts

24 months

Monday 24th June
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President Merkin said:
turbobloke said:
Different question, one is the past and the other is the future. The past is not a reliable guide to the future sonar
You reckon? All of your righty wingy friends in here and not least you for that ,matter, have long transitioned from rah rahing the Tories to issuing non stop warnings on the prospects of a Labour government predicated on exactly that same past. I'm sure if I look back through your sagacious writings, I will find the same admonishment after each & every one of those Nostradamus imbued insights.

You do not think the same as I do therefore 'right wing'

Glad to see the usual level is being maintained.