45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



62,886 posts

220 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
Called out by Capitol Hunters, the author or NY Times Op Ed "Why I don't vote. And maybe you shouldn't either", Matthew Walther

Pointing out he did in fact vote in 2020 and 2022, wrote a whole essay on the importance of voting

and the links with trumps election stealing

NY Times has done 192 stories on Bidens debate performance so far...

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 6th July 06:45

Bonefish Blues

27,829 posts

226 months

Saturday 6th July
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What's the current state of play in terms of campaign funds?

Strangely Brown

10,359 posts

234 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
thatsprettyshady said:
In the same way that he doesn’t know and never met EJC.

Strangely Brown

10,359 posts

234 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
Byker28i said:
The GOP - trumps party of - revenge and spitefulness

trump-endorsed Republican North Carolina Lt. Gov Mark Robinson embraces political violence:

"Some folks need killing. It's time for somebody to say it. It's not a matter of vengeance. It's not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It's a matter of necessity."

That’s actually true. It’s just not the people he thinks it is.


14,616 posts

251 months

Saturday 6th July
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thatsprettyshady said:
I know nothing about project 2025.

I disagree with it.

Come on, you can see it, surely? Just take a a few seconds...


6,558 posts

46 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
dobbo_ said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I know nothing about project 2025.

I disagree with some of it.

I agree with some of it

but I don’t know anything about it

Come on, you can see it, surely? Just take a a few seconds...
Added a bit in bold just to highlight some other aspects to his comments


6,877 posts

182 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
thatsprettyshady said:
Genuinely shady, do you believe this?

What is it about this statement that makes you think he is telling you the truth?

I am genuinely interested in your answer.

Al Gorithum

3,888 posts

211 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
Strangely Brown said:
thatsprettyshady said:
In the same way that he doesn’t know and never met EJC.
It's almost as if Trump is a liar. Shocked I tell thee...

fly by wire

3,334 posts

128 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
Byker28i said:
The GOP - trumps party of - revenge and spitefulness

trump-endorsed Republican North Carolina Lt. Gov Mark Robinson embraces political violence:

"Some folks need killing. It's time for somebody to say it. It's not a matter of vengeance. It's not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It's a matter of necessity."

Straight from Mein Kampf.


3,543 posts

252 months

Saturday 6th July
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Byker28i said:
trump refused to be interviewed by ABC news. Biden didn't and it went well, not signs of all these issues the trumpettes are claiming



Biden took questions from reporters - something trump refuses to do

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 6th July 06:07
Thought this was the trump thread - is he still identifying as a black woman fighting the 2020 campaign?


2,498 posts

168 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
McGee_22 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Genuinely shady, do you believe this?

What is it about this statement that makes you think he is telling you the truth?

I am genuinely interested in your answer.
Project2025 is nothing to do with Trump, it can’t be linked to him , it’s not his manifesto, find me one piece of evidence that Trump has endorsed Project 2025 and I’ll be quiet about it.

Everything posted so far has been posters attempting to be mind readers assuming Trump is enacting it.

One piece of evidence of Trump endorsing it. please.

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Saturday 6th July 11:31


6,558 posts

46 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
thatsprettyshady said:
McGee_22 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Genuinely shady, do you believe this?

What is it about this statement that makes you think he is telling you the truth?

I am genuinely interested in your answer.
Project2025 is nothing to do with Trump, it can’t be linked to him , it’s not his manifesto, find me one piece of evidence that Trump has endorsed Project 2025 and I’ll be quiet about it.

Everything posted so far has been posters attempting to be mind readers assuming Trump is enacting it.

One piece of evidence of Trump endorsing it. please.

Edited by thatsprettyshady on Saturday 6th July 11:31
‘I disagree with some of the things they’re saying…” what about the things they’re saying that doesn’t disagree with?


7,990 posts

220 months

Saturday 6th July
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Double Fault said:
Double Fault said:
If any Brits on here could actually vote in the forthcoming US election, would anyone actually vote for Trump?
So….nobody then.

No great surprise.
Ok. As a Brit living in the UK with no ties to the US my position would be:

My political leaning is such that in any normal cycle, I would lean more towards voting Republican then Democrat. However, since the almost complete take over of the Republican party by Trump, my vote would either be spoiled or I would vote for Biden.

In the imaginary world where I'm a US citizen with the right to vote my concerns would be that Trump is a businessman rather than a statesman. Irrespective of his business history, which has a dubious track record at best, his propensity towards bending or indeed breaking the law, his bullish attitude and his policies; he is not an inspirational leader. The key to any successful government, anywhere, is not just down to the person at the top, but the people that person puts in place to deliver behind the scenes. Choosing those people wisely is one of the lynch pins to a successful government.

IMHO, Trump might have a degree of charisma and yes, that's highly debatable, but he lacks so many of the qualities needed to be a leader that he, as a person, just wouldn't get my vote. His policies are wishful thinking and based on previous performance, the team he'll use to implement his policies don't have the experience or ability to deliver for America.

Despite Biden obviously getting old and dare I say it, infirm, he does have a good team backing him up to deliver for America. I may not entirely agree with his policies but I know that he and his team will work their hardest to deliver. He would probably get my vote.


7,990 posts

220 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
thatsprettyshady said:
McGee_22 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Genuinely shady, do you believe this?

What is it about this statement that makes you think he is telling you the truth?

I am genuinely interested in your answer.
Project2025 is nothing to do with Trump, it can’t be linked to him , it’s not his manifesto, find me one piece of evidence that Trump has endorsed Project 2025 and I’ll be quiet about it.

Everything posted so far has been posters attempting to be mind readers assuming Trump is enacting it.

One piece of evidence of Trump endorsing it. please.
The BBC News website makes the following statement:

Trump has endorsed a number of the Project 2025 ideas in his speeches and on his website, although his campaign has said the candidate has the final say on policy.


However, it should be noted that he has never explicitly and publicly made the statement that he endorses the entire Project 2025 manifesto.


1,450 posts

33 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
RustyMX5 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
McGee_22 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Genuinely shady, do you believe this?

What is it about this statement that makes you think he is telling you the truth?

I am genuinely interested in your answer.
Project2025 is nothing to do with Trump, it can’t be linked to him , it’s not his manifesto, find me one piece of evidence that Trump has endorsed Project 2025 and I’ll be quiet about it.

Everything posted so far has been posters attempting to be mind readers assuming Trump is enacting it.

One piece of evidence of Trump endorsing it. please.
The BBC News website makes the following statement:

Trump has endorsed a number of the Project 2025 ideas in his speeches and on his website, although his campaign has said the candidate has the final say on policy.


However, it should be noted that he has never explicitly and publicly made the statement that he endorses the entire Project 2025 manifesto.
The BBC...

I think almost any reasonable person could go through the think tank paper 'Project 25' and think 'OK, I can see that' and on other points 'really, I don't think so'.

Trump needs not to state which parts fall into each category, whilst clearly stating he neither requested or endorses 'Project 25'.


2,498 posts

168 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
RustyMX5 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
McGee_22 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Genuinely shady, do you believe this?

What is it about this statement that makes you think he is telling you the truth?

I am genuinely interested in your answer.
Project2025 is nothing to do with Trump, it can’t be linked to him , it’s not his manifesto, find me one piece of evidence that Trump has endorsed Project 2025 and I’ll be quiet about it.

Everything posted so far has been posters attempting to be mind readers assuming Trump is enacting it.

One piece of evidence of Trump endorsing it. please.
The BBC News website makes the following statement:

Trump has endorsed a number of the Project 2025 ideas in his speeches and on his website, although his campaign has said the candidate has the final say on policy.


However, it should be noted that he has never explicitly and publicly made the statement that he endorses the entire Project 2025 manifesto.
If you give me the manifesto for pretty much ANY political party/candidate, I'll find stuff I can agree with - and I suspect you will too.


6,558 posts

46 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
Byker28i said:
Called out by Capitol Hunters, the author or NY Times Op Ed "Why I don't vote. And maybe you shouldn't either", Matthew Walther

Pointing out he did in fact vote in 2020 and 2022, wrote a whole essay on the importance of voting

and the links with trumps election stealing

NY Times has done 192 stories on Bidens debate performance so far...

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 6th July 06:45
We’ll, I’m completely stumped who that bloke is trying to look like rolleyes


24,647 posts

116 months

Saturday 6th July
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Wheelspinning said:
The BBC...
The BBC. Yes.


62,886 posts

220 months

Saturday 6th July
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TonyToniTone said:
Thought this was the trump thread - is he still identifying as a black woman fighting the 2020 campaign?
trump was asked to do the interview, refused, Biden agreed.


62,886 posts

220 months

Saturday 6th July
quotequote all
RustyMX5 said:
The BBC News website makes the following statement:

Trump has endorsed a number of the Project 2025 ideas in his speeches and on his website, although his campaign has said the candidate has the final say on policy.


However, it should be noted that he has never explicitly and publicly made the statement that he endorses the entire Project 2025 manifesto.
Do you know I don't think trump has said either that he's against rape or sexual abuse... wink