45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



6,227 posts

51 months

Byker28i said:
Before any further wild accusations are thrown around, I've had no part in anyones ban. The same can't be said about me receiving many suspensions and bans, not to mention letters to my home threatening my family, a death threat left on my car at PH events, specific direct mentions of family members. Someone even withheld their phone number and made allegations I was a peado to my work...

Yup not just in the US people are radicalised in the cult.

Edited by Byker28i on Friday 5th July 06:27
If that happened to you then it's well out of order but as I said I received a ban for the absolute slightest of comments.
That happened quite some time ago

Double Fault

1,259 posts

266 months

Double Fault said:
If any Brits on here could actually vote in the forthcoming US election, would anyone actually vote for Trump?
So….nobody then.

No great surprise.


24,459 posts

116 months

Double Fault said:
Double Fault said:
If any Brits on here could actually vote in the forthcoming US election, would anyone actually vote for Trump?
So….nobody then.

No great surprise.
No one is prepared to actually say it. It’s clear that a few would.


7,233 posts

287 months

i would be a natural republican if i lived in the yoo ess of ay. no way could i vote for the tangoed tit though. a human with literally no positive personality traits. that combined with a party too scared to tell him to fk off too.

Strangely Brown

10,292 posts

234 months

tamore said:
i would be a natural republican if i lived in the yoo ess of ay. no way could i vote for the tangoed tit though. a human with literally no positive personality traits. that combined with a party too scared to tell him to fk off too.
I could have written that myself.


6,460 posts

46 months

Strangely Brown said:
tamore said:
i would be a natural republican if i lived in the yoo ess of ay. no way could i vote for the tangoed tit though. a human with literally no positive personality traits. that combined with a party too scared to tell him to fk off too.
I could have written that myself.
I think most on here would naturally gravitate to the Republican side. However, I doubt many, other than the truly morally bankrupt would even consider voting for Trump.

The Venn diagram or Brexit, Trump, Reform, Farage, Rwanda, Johnson would be a near perfect circle IMO.


1,150 posts

82 months

quotequote all
Double Fault said:
Double Fault said:
If any Brits on here could actually vote in the forthcoming US election, would anyone actually vote for Trump?
So….nobody then.

No great surprise.
I 100% would. And I'd consider myself fairly liberal.

Joe Biden is a geriatric fool and isn't medically capable of running a bath for himself let alone a country.

Trump is deplorable. He is a cheat and a lier. He has no integrity. But at least I think he can speak a coherent sentence.

The problem is both options are so poor. Trump has proved he wasn't a war lord and that's all I can hope for if I could actually vote.


5,978 posts

146 months

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milkround said:
I 100% would. And I'd consider myself fairly liberal.

Joe Biden is a geriatric fool and isn't medically capable of running a bath for himself let alone a country.

Trump is deplorable. He is a cheat and a lier. He has no integrity. But at least I think he can speak a coherent sentence.

The problem is both options are so poor. Trump has proved he wasn't a war lord and that's all I can hope for if I could actually vote.


2,127 posts

168 months

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10,983 posts

184 months

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LF5335 said:
I think most on here would naturally gravitate to the Republican side. However, I doubt many, other than the truly morally bankrupt would even consider voting for Trump.

The Venn diagram or Brexit, Trump, Reform, Farage, Rwanda, Johnson would be a near perfect circle IMO.
I don’t think so. Brits are by and large sit in the centre of British politics and are gravitate to what ever party occupies it.

The Dems are far more closely aligned with the majority of Brits than the GOP are.


1,148 posts

122 months

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thatsprettyshady said:
I comprehend that as "yeah I agree with a lot of what they want to do, good luck to them as I'll make sure it's implemented, oh and by the way I really do know who's behind it but know it doesn't look good if I say so.

Edited by sherbertdip on Saturday 6th July 05:49


62,468 posts

220 months

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sherbertdip said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I comprehend that as "yeah I agree with a lot of what they want to do, good luck to them as I'll make sure it's implemented, oh and by the way I really do know who's behind it but know it doesn't look good if I say so.

Edited by sherbertdip on Saturday 6th July 05:49
trump never wrote that. Nothing about himself, too mild, thats writen by a staffer. Still shady will use that as evidence... oh! biggrin

The only thing thats true about that is that trump won't have read the 900 page document, because he doesn't read anything other than favourable reviews of himself.

The biggest tell is that Johnny McEntee , one of Trump's closest White House aides, and his most fervent internal loyalty enforcer, is a senior adviser to Project 2025 and one of the most involved architects of the plan is Stephen Miller, trumps racist advisor at the heart of most of trumps racist polices, muslim ban, family separation etc.

Both are still involved heavily with trump - yet claims he doesn't know them?

Here's trump Senior Advisor and former appointee John McEntee, who helped draft Project 2025, explaining to Steve Bannon last July how trump plans to implement the plan immediately after taking office.

here's Miller in one of their video's

Karoline Leavitt, Trump's presidential campaign press secretary, appears in the Heritage Foundations recruitment advertisements.

Project 2025 creator stating that trump gets full credit for Project 2025 and he will enact if elected.

Edit: Turns out a group of his advisers and aides saw how this was negatively impacting trump, so were behind this...

Oh Shady - the icing on the cake - here's trump saying he needs the help of the Heritage Foundation

On Truth Social in January, trump praised Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts as "the highly respected president of the Heritage Foundation," noting he was a "wonderful guest" on Fox & Friends. trump urged Roberts to "keep going" and "get the word out!"

In February, during remarks to National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, trump personally praised Kevin Roberts from the stage: "Heritage Foundation president, somebody else doing an unbelievable job. He's bringing it back at levels it's never seen. Dr. Kevin Roberts. Kevin, thank you, Kevin. Kevin, thank you, wherever you may be."

trumps superpac running adverts highlighting project 2025

Whoops - still why does trump advisors feel the need to distance themselves from their plans becoming public now, after boasting about it so much?

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 6th July 06:55

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 6th July 06:57


62,468 posts

220 months

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trump refused to be interviewed by ABC news. Biden didn't and it went well, not signs of all these issues the trumpettes are claiming



Biden took questions from reporters - something trump refuses to do

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 6th July 06:07


62,468 posts

220 months

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The GOP - trumps party of - revenge and spitefulness

trump-endorsed Republican North Carolina Lt. Gov Mark Robinson embraces political violence:

"Some folks need killing. It's time for somebody to say it. It's not a matter of vengeance. It's not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It's a matter of necessity."



62,468 posts

220 months

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trumps lawyers are now trying to use the scotus immunity ruling to have Judge Cannon pause or dismiss trumps stolen classified documents case, that stealing the documents and refusing to give them back was somehow an 'official act'.

trump's legal team are also trying to use the Supreme Court's immunity ruling and the Thomas concurrence that Jack Smith's appointment is unconstitutional to argue with Judge Cannon that the classified docs case should be dismissed because Smith was wrongly appointed.

edit:: with links to docs

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 6th July 06:59


62,468 posts

220 months

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Has trump got any of his former team that are voting for him?
trump’s former Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, just announced he will be voting for President Biden.


62,468 posts

220 months

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Meanwhile Jack Smith has filed much more evidence with Judge Cannon that trumps rhetoric over his conspiracy theories and attacks on law enforcement have led to racist threats Judge Tanya Chutkan.

"Three days after the indictment in the election case, and one day after Trump’s initial appearance, Trump posted, 'IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!'" wrote Smith. "The following day, one of Trump’s supporters called the chambers of Judge Tanya Chutkan and said, 'Hey you stupid slave n****r,' and then 'threatened to kill anyone who went after President Trump.' The caller went on to say, 'If Trump doesn’t get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you, so tread lightly, b-tch. . . . You will be targeted personally, publicly, your family, all of it.'"

He's also highlighted trumps targetting of Judge Arthur Engoron and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who both received multiple threats after his outbursts


62,468 posts

220 months

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A former KGB agent praised ex trump team Elbridge Colby on state TV, suggesting that his foreign policy would implement the position that the U.S. "doesn't] need Ukraine at all." Colby is another contributor to Project 2025.

Why russia want trump in power, based on Trump's current and potential national security advisors and trumps plan to gift them Ukraine



62,468 posts

220 months

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Response to people saying they can't unsee Bidens debate performance...

Pointing out they can't unsee trumps violent maga mob he sent to attack the Capitol


62,468 posts

220 months

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See how many news ran with this false story put out

We can all do that.
"Sources report the medical emergency was the President spitting out his coffee when he was informed that trump is prominently featured in Jeffrey Epstein’s call logs, and other released documents"