46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



2,072 posts

168 months

Sunday 23rd June
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LF5335 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Hair-on fire-AOC at a recent rally.


"Are you ready to fight?"

"I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready to fight"

I'm sure if the other guy said that, it would be taken as incitement hehe
Is she running for President? Not sure what relevance it has to Joe Biden, other than she’s someone that probably scares you, because, you know, woman
Interesting rule you're trying to lay down there - Are we not allowed to talk about anyone in either party (Democrat, Republican) unless they are specifically running for President? I'll be sure to point that out on the "other" thread, should that happen.

As for the 2nd comment about her being a woman, whats that got to do with what she's saying? I'm surprised you didn't point out that she has *shock horror* Puerto Rican heritage!


6,391 posts

46 months

Sunday 23rd June
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thatsprettyshady said:
Interesting rule you're trying to lay down there - Are we not allowed to talk about anyone in either party (Democrat, Republican) unless they are specifically running for President? I'll be sure to point that out on the "other" thread, should that happen.

As for the 2nd comment about her being a woman, whats that got to do with what she's saying? I'm surprised you didn't point out that she has *shock horror* Puerto Rican heritage!
You were the one who got all offended by it and went into Trump defence mode. I’m not sure she has the ear of a bunch of militias though and able to let them know when to attack and when not to.


14,751 posts

146 months

Sunday 23rd June
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And no history of inciting an insurrection


6,319 posts

58 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Kowalski655 said:
And no history of inciting an insurrection
Are you sure?

Fox aren't releasing the footage you know. Could have video of AOC in full "red sonia" outfit, storming the walls of congress.

Do your own research!

(May or may not be true, but you can't prove it)



Randy Winkman

16,608 posts

192 months

Sunday 23rd June
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LF5335 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Hair-on fire-AOC at a recent rally.


"Are you ready to fight?"

"I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready to fight"

I'm sure if the other guy said that, it would be taken as incitement hehe
Is she running for President? Not sure what relevance it has to Joe Biden, other than she’s someone that probably scares you, because, you know, woman
Yes - but this woman was "dancing aggressively". We cant have that. biglaugh


2,976 posts

36 months

Friday 28th June
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I’m watching the debate - if you think Biden is “with it” you are delusional


17,134 posts

243 months

Friday 28th June
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PurplePenguin said:
I’m watching the debate - if you think Biden is “with it” you are delusional
Where's this thread been?

Anyhow, I'm obviously delusional then smile


2,976 posts

36 months

Friday 28th June
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skwdenyer said:
PurplePenguin said:
I’m watching the debate - if you think Biden is “with it” you are delusional
Where's this thread been?

Anyhow, I'm obviously delusional then smile


20,774 posts

194 months

Friday 28th June
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BBC said:
Before Thursday evening, many Americans had expressed concerns about Joe Biden’s age and fitness for office. To say that this debate did not put those concerns to rest may be one of the greatest understatements of the year.

The president came into the debate with a low bar to clear, and he stumbled. He was flat. He was rambling. He was unclear.


Mr Biden's own former communications director Kate Bedingfield was on CNN immediately after the debate, and she was clear: "There's no two ways about it, that was not a good debate for Joe Biden."

She said his biggest issue was to prove he had the energy and the stamina, and he didn't do that.


9,067 posts

165 months

Friday 28th June
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That was a disaster for Biden. He needed to look strong and on top of things - he looked completely senile without having a clue.


4,572 posts

162 months

Friday 28th June
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I know that sometimes when someone criticises Biden on this thread they are automatically assumed to be a Trump sympathiser (I am not), but I have thought for a long time that there is no way Biden will make it till November. He is clearly suffering from cognitive decline, and no I’m not a qualified doctor, but rather I have watched my mum suffering exactly the same decline and symptoms as Biden. It’s just really sad to watch and I hope those around Biden intervene to help him make the right decision.

If Biden is still the candidate come November (I seriously doubt it) then the Democrats will be handing the White House to Trump, which is a very scary prospect.


25,993 posts

170 months

Friday 28th June
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Petrus1983 said:
That was a disaster for Biden. He needed to look strong and on top of things - he looked completely senile without having a clue.
Yep. Trumps odds must have just gone up a fair bit I’d say IF anyone was on the fence. Not sure anyone is though.


3,452 posts

59 months

Friday 28th June
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tim0409 said:
I know that sometimes when someone criticises Biden on this thread they are automatically assumed to be a Trump sympathiser (I am not), but I have thought for a long time that there is no way Biden will make it till November. He is clearly suffering from cognitive decline, and no I’m not a qualified doctor, but rather I have watched my mum suffering exactly the same decline and symptoms as Biden. It’s just really sad to watch and I hope those around Biden intervene to help him make the right decision.

If Biden is still the candidate come November (I seriously doubt it) then the Democrats will be handing the White House to Trump, which is a very scary prospect.
Good post. Is it too late to switch candidates if he's bad now imagine in 3 or 4 years.


9,225 posts

260 months

Friday 28th June
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What a disaster that was!

I think the Democrats need to really think hard over the next couple of days how they get Biden and Harris to step down and get a ticket sorted ASAP. On the basis of that debate they simply have to take the chance. It's too important for the world that they allow Biden to trickle around and allow Trump to stomp him.

Trump could just come out today and say: look at who they're wanting to put in charge of the country, he doesn't have the senses to do it. He's done that before but Biden gave him so much ammo it's beyond ridiculous


14,075 posts

99 months

Friday 28th June
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PurplePenguin said:
I’m watching the debate - if you think Biden is “with it” you are delusional
I believe it's just a lisp and he's healthy and fit as declared by doctors. At most there's minimal age-related cognitive decline.

Shocking and cruel that he's been in the role this entire term. Makes you wonder who's running things.


5,381 posts

148 months

Friday 28th June
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What's the Dems long game here? It's becoming increasingly apparent that they're exploiting a clearly unwell man for his name and political clout to get themselves back in office.

It seems to me they've gauged this all wrong and are now more than likely going to let Trump walk it unless they can replace Biden. We can all see it and it's just getting more and more undignified for the poor bloke...


4,572 posts

162 months

Friday 28th June
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p1stonhead said:
Petrus1983 said:
That was a disaster for Biden. He needed to look strong and on top of things - he looked completely senile without having a clue.
Yep. Trumps odds must have just gone up a fair bit I’d say IF anyone was on the fence. Not sure anyone is though.
Apparently ten percent of those eligible to vote are undecided, which given the narrow margins in the five or six swing states, it could well make a big difference to the outcome.


42,961 posts

238 months

Friday 28th June
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Mannginger said:
What a disaster that was!

I think the Democrats need to really think hard over the next couple of days how they get Biden and Harris to step down and get a ticket sorted ASAP. On the basis of that debate they simply have to take the chance. It's too important for the world that they allow Biden to trickle around and allow Trump to stomp him.
Or just replace the VP with someone popular and credible and make clear Biden will step down if medically required.

In circumstances like this the choice of VP becomes vitally important.

Ian Geary

4,585 posts

195 months

Friday 28th June
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JagLover said:
Or just replace the VP with someone popular and credible and make clear Biden will step down if medically required.

In circumstances like this the choice of VP becomes vitally important.
Is there such a candidate available though?

I didn't watch the debate, but my heart sank when I read the BBC headlines about it. The Dems seems to have painted themselves into a corner.

I get the "but trump is worse" viewpoint, and the "maga is a tiny noisy minority", but 2 years ago trump was finished, and yet here we are


3,452 posts

59 months

Friday 28th June
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I find it hard to believe that anybody high up in the party machine thinks that Biden was good for another 4 years. Heads in the sand perhaps.