46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



24,434 posts

116 months

Thursday 20th June
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From 2021:

Four Litre said:
I give Biden until Xmas before he stands down or is removed.


2,072 posts

168 months

Thursday 20th June
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amusingduck said:
LF5335 said:
I’m not sure how many times that I (and others) can repeat the same thing. Biden is not the ideal candidate. In an ideal world he wouldn’t be running. We aren’t in an ideal world. Biden is probably the best candidate from a Dem perspective to deal with Trump. He’s beaten him once, they don’t waste a young talent, beating an aged, insurrectionist, rapist, fraudster, convicted felon and mentally deficient obese geriatric.

If Trump weren’t running I’m sure the Dems would field someone else, but as he is, why not wallop him again using Biden.

Well, presumably, you'd field the best possible candidate to remove any possibility of Trump becoming supreme leader forever?

The trend is going the wrong way thus far.

Agreed, sounds a bit strange they are somehow deliberately fielding a candidate with obvious issues rather than a fresher candidate, because he did well last time? The truth is, Biden just wants to remian president and sod everyone that thinks he's decrepid. I can see that POV but seems like a needless risk for the dems.

Randy Winkman

16,608 posts

192 months

Thursday 20th June
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LF5335 said:
Four Litre said:
So you have a convicted felon and a dementia riddle old man to chose from!

Do you not ask yourself. how have we got to this point? Which ever side your on, if it was for a company CEO role, BOTH wouldn't even make the shortlist.

If Joe was the CEO of a large multinational, the shareholders would categorically have him removed as the share price would be tanking. Perception is everything.

Its astonishing how people on here will defend him and state all is good. Its like the emperors new clothes all over again!!
I’m not sure how many times that I (and others) can repeat the same thing. Biden is not the ideal candidate. In an ideal world he wouldn’t be running. We aren’t in an ideal world. Biden is probably the best candidate from a Dem perspective to deal with Trump. He’s beaten him once, they don’t waste a young talent, beating an aged, insurrectionist, rapist, fraudster, convicted felon and mentally deficient obese geriatric.

If Trump weren’t running I’m sure the Dems would field someone else, but as he is, why not wallop him again using Biden.
I get the feeling that on PH we might have to keep repeating all this until November. I might clearly be wrong but I cant recall a single post on PH from someone looking in any way like a Biden "fan" or suggesting he is a good, never mind ideal candidate. A bit like in 2016, all the Democrats had to do was put forward someone "ordinary" where there wasn't anything much to hold against them (other than being a Democrat). And they might be failing again. frown


2,072 posts

168 months

Thursday 20th June
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Mortarboard said:
Lots of presidents, and presidential candidates have been (and are) old.

Both current candidates are old.

Only one is an insurrectionist and multiple convicted felon.

Has Trump been charged with Insurrection?


6,318 posts

58 months

Thursday 20th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
Has Trump been charged with Insurrection?
You think he's innocent of insurrection? That's cute.



12,611 posts

98 months

Thursday 20th June
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Four Litre said:
captain_cynic said:
Mortarboard said:
Lots of presidents, and presidential candidates have been (and are) old.[/quote

'In comparison between Trump and Biden, Biden is the grandad who is still able to take you to the park and throw the ball around with you and buys you an ice-cream (even though your mother told him not to)'
We must live in a parallel universe as I don't think Biden is capable of throwing a ball around a room, let alone a park! Maybe a couple of months ago, but seems to of gone of a cliff recently.
We must live in parallel universes... The only difference is mine is real.

Biden regularly cycles. You'll see it if you stop watching doctored videos from the NY Post.


2,072 posts

168 months

Thursday 20th June
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Mortarboard said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Has Trump been charged with Insurrection?
You think he's innocent of insurrection? That's cute.


They seem to have charged him with with 87 other things so surely Insurrection is on the list?


1,713 posts

152 months

Thursday 20th June
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I see the “not” Trump supporters are still worried that Biden, senile or not, will beat their messiah very naughty boy again.


24,434 posts

116 months

Thursday 20th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
They seem to have charged him with with 87 other things so surely Insurrection is on the list?
trump has not been charged with insurrection. This article provides a handy table with which to keep up with his 88 criminal charges (so far):



6,318 posts

58 months

Thursday 20th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
Mortarboard said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Has Trump been charged with Insurrection?
You think he's innocent of insurrection? That's cute.


They seem to have charged him with with 87 other things so surely Insurrection is on the list?
Multiple grand juries at this stage, in multiple states.

Hasn't been charged yet

Summary of his Jan 6th indictments here:


Edited by Mortarboard on Thursday 20th June 16:51


29,449 posts

282 months

Thursday 20th June
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2,621 posts

222 months

Thursday 20th June
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Jeanboi said:
Mortarboard said:
Schrodinger's Biden?
Both senile amd able to have a "slanging match" at the same time?

The GOP have overplayed the "biden is senile" card. If Biden doesn't come across as a senile old git on the stage, that line of gaslight is gone.

Mics will be muted while it's the others turn. Trumps brand of bluster is going to be severely hampered.

If your comment is aimed at me then note I haven't stated Biden is 'senile'. There's nuance in all this, M, and you know it.

Likewise the fellow you quoted before made no mention of 'body doubles'.

But forget what you think the GOP 'message' is - of all you should have seen in the widespread video coverage and reporting of Biden's recent public appearances do you honestly think he appears to be physically and mentally tip-top right now?
Honest opinion please.
M -
I see you didn't give me an honest opinion, or any answer at all for that matter.
I see you have time to project, insinuate and assume what other people are thinking, but why so coy about answering my question about your own thoughts about Biden's current state?


2,072 posts

168 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
Mortarboard said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Mortarboard said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Has Trump been charged with Insurrection?
You think he's innocent of insurrection? That's cute.


They seem to have charged him with with 87 other things so surely Insurrection is on the list?
Multiple grand juries at this stage, in multiple states.

Hasn't been charged yet

Summary of his Jan 6th indictments here:


Edited by Mortarboard on Thursday 20th June 16:51
So almost a year down the line post that indictment, and still no insurrection charge?

Come back to me when he's charged I suppose.


6,318 posts

58 months

Thursday 20th June
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Jeanboi said:
M -
I see you didn't give me an honest opinion, or any answer at all for that matter.
I see you have time to project, insinuate and assume what other people are thinking, but why so coy about answering my question about your own thoughts about Biden's current state?
Eh? Not obliged to argue your semantics. Wasn't even "aimed at you".

Odd person. If I were you, I would obsess over my posts so much. It's just a discussion board.

But if you really need a response, biden is sharper than trump.



6,318 posts

58 months

Thursday 20th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
So almost a year down the line post that indictment, and still no insurrection charge?

Come back to me when he's charged I suppose.
4 charges already, amd he's doing his level best to wrangle his way out of it with "hail Mary" attempts.

He should be much more worried about the classified docs case.



17,134 posts

243 months

Thursday 20th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
So almost a year down the line post that indictment, and still no insurrection charge?

Come back to me when he's charged I suppose.
More than one state supreme court has found, as a matter of fact, that Trump was involved in insurrection and, therefore, should be banned from standing for re-election. The US Supreme Court has struck down those sanctions, claiming (without any precedent) that the Constitution doesn't apply in this particular case against Congress introduces a specific law (flying in the face of almost every other interpretation of the Constitution).

So, yes, Trump has been found by more than one court to have committed insurrection.


12,487 posts

237 months

Thursday 20th June
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paulguitar said:
From 2021:

Four Litre said:
I give Biden until Xmas before he stands down or is removed.
One thing the internet is good at is leaving a trail of stuff things people have typed out and a date / time.

In a lot of cases it ages really badly. So many predictions and so little reality. Ok, so this was a quick comment by Four Litre, and probably made quickly. But I do love going back and looking at the bold statements that simply just dont come true. Oh, as much pain as the internet can cause, there are some joys to be had.



8,818 posts

228 months

Thursday 20th June
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Four Litre said:
So you have a convicted felon and a dementia riddle old man to chose from!

Do you not ask yourself. how have we got to this point? Which ever side your on, if it was for a company CEO role, BOTH wouldn't even make the shortlist.

If Joe was the CEO of a large multinational, the shareholders would categorically have him removed as the share price would be tanking. Perception is everything.

Its astonishing how people on here will defend him and state all is good. Its like the emperors new clothes all over again!!
A half baked analogy at best.

It’d be more like the shareholders firing not just the CEO, but also his entire C-suite and senior management team. A very competent team that has presided over record profits and company expansion, whilst occasionally clumsily pulling the CEO’s strings, the public face of the organization.

All this against a backdrop of the only alternative option for CEO, C-Suite and senior management team being a group of incompetent clowns, headed up a supremely incompetent, renegade narcissistic felon with a proven track record of chaos, business failures, fraud, and reprehensible public behavior.

Which option is “least worst” and going to cause the least share price damage? It’s not difficult is it?


2,621 posts

222 months

Thursday 20th June
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Mortarboard said:
Jeanboi said:
M -
I see you didn't give me an honest opinion, or any answer at all for that matter.
I see you have time to project, insinuate and assume what other people are thinking, but why so coy about answering my question about your own thoughts about Biden's current state?
Eh? Not obliged to argue your semantics. Wasn't even "aimed at you".

Odd person. If I were you, I would obsess over my posts so much. It's just a discussion board.

But if you really need a response, biden is sharper than trump.

You are correct that this is a discussion board.
As you're active on this Joe Biden thread I thought I'd ask you a question about your opinion on the health of Joe Biden.
That's called discussion.
The 'odd person' and 'obsession' comments are uncalled for, but it is noticeable that you and a few others seem keen to talk about Trump on the Biden thread but very coy about offering much of worth about Biden. No critique it seems.
It would have made for better conversation had you given an honest and meaningful answer about Biden outside of the context of 'Biden vs Trump'.

I personally think they're both failing, as could be expected at their age, but it's so much more noticeable with Biden.

The White House allies say Biden is sharp as a tack when out of the public eye, yet what can be seen of his public appearances does not reflect that at all.
Here's a CNN interview with Siobhan Hughs of the WSJ, explaining the reasoning behind a headline of theirs which questioned Joe Biden's current state. She suggests he's not much better in governmental meetings than what we see of him in public.
She notes that three meetings were studied and Joe Biden was found to have mumbled, to have spoken in such a low tone that others could only hear every other word or could not understand what he was saying.
She noted that he was over reliant on note cards, even using note cards to cover points that were obvious and shouldn't have needed note cards to prompt.
She suggested he had a loose command of the details.
It's not a good look and doesn't bode well for the debate he's supposed to be having.


1,408 posts

145 months

Thursday 20th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
Agreed, sounds a bit strange they are somehow deliberately fielding a candidate with obvious issues rather than a fresher candidate, because he did well last time? The truth is, Biden just wants to remian president and sod everyone that thinks he's decrepid. I can see that POV but seems like a needless risk for the dems.
He may be old but I'd bet that he can spell 'remain' and 'decrepit' correctly.