46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



8,487 posts

142 months

Monday 17th June
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They are not allowed any notes, and given how angry Trump gets when provoked I suspect he will just carry over between questions, and possibly start sulking when silenced.


2,629 posts

222 months

Monday 17th June
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Mortarboard said:
Jeanboi said:
I see that. I believe it will be embarrassing even with that as, even though you might not agree, Trump can think faster and fire off a reasonably coherent 'attack' in a short space of time better than Biden can right now.
I'd love to see an example of that. He seems to need help on the likes of "fox & friends", so no idea how he'll cope with an actual debate!

It's not he's been using the primary debates, for example. Or taking the stand in his (many) court cases.

Jeanboi said:
The more 'conditions' are applied to this the more the 'debate' will look like a stage managed charade.
Unfortunately it will not give the American voters the impression that Joe Biden's team hopes it will.
Excuses in early?

Perhaps, if Joe is limiting the debating he's doing then Trump's team also see fit to limit Trump's exposure to opponents that are faster or better at this than he is and to limit opportunity to embarrass himself any more than necessary.
He really doesn't see Joe as being a tricky adversary. If he can focus on the one debate with Joe Biden the context in which one can judge Biden vs Trump 'right now' (as a negotiator, a leader, a speaker, a figurehead) is reduced to just that..............................

What do you mean by excuses? If you think I'm suggesting the stage management of the 'debate' will give Joe an unfair win then think again!
I doubt Joe Biden will get the upper hand over Trump in any meaningful way in that debate, regardless.

What I'm saying is the effect of this 'stage management' will reflect badly on the whole process.
If you've made your mind up that either candidate is a crook or a saviour then the debate will mean nothing to you.

Those that need to hear something more will feel quite disillusioned by it.


6,353 posts

58 months

Monday 17th June
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The conditions are an agreement through both sides, Trump & Biden.

It's not "stage managed".



1,387 posts

33 months

Monday 17th June
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I am genuinely really looking forward to the debates.

Biden struggles to string it together for 90 seconds with a script and teleprompter in front of him without going down some rabbit hole; it shall be very interesting to see how he performs with no aids for 90 minutes.

It going to dismiss any concerns about him, or bury him.

I think the latter.


26,010 posts

196 months

Monday 17th June
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Gotta watch those rabbit holes, especially the ones with sharks and speedboats.


10,985 posts

184 months

Monday 17th June
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Biden did well against Trump in the 2020 debates.

All of the elements that carried him through the 2016 debates so effectively have gone now. He has been a politician for almost a decade, his talking points are the same, he is totally pre-occupied with the 2020 election and so on, the sharp and pointed comments that were so effective against Hilary just don't exist any more. He has been found guilty by a jury of his peers.

Biden is not a strong debater but I don't think he needs to be. I expect he will stick to restating points on the issues and largely ignore Trump.


2,127 posts

168 months

Monday 17th June
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If Biden can hold it together he wins for sure, anything I read about him on X, fb is just about his mental decline - if he can head that one off he’s halfway to another 4 years.


26,010 posts

196 months

Monday 17th June
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Who would have thought that badly moderated social media cesspools would have misleading information on them. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. Well, not that shocked


10,985 posts

184 months

Monday 17th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
If Biden can hold it together he wins for sure, anything I read about him on X, fb is just about his mental decline - if he can head that one off he’s halfway to another 4 years.
These debates are always a bigger risk to the sitting President. If Trump does manage to do something creative it could easily go sideways for Biden - but I think he will dig the same mines he has been for years. Hunter, the economy, migration, how unfairly treated he is and so on.


2,127 posts

168 months

Monday 17th June
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gregs656 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
If Biden can hold it together he wins for sure, anything I read about him on X, fb is just about his mental decline - if he can head that one off he’s halfway to another 4 years.
These debates are always a bigger risk to the sitting President. If Trump does manage to do something creative it could easily go sideways for Biden - but I think he will dig the same mines he has been for years. Hunter, the economy, migration, how unfairly treated he is and so on.
These debates will be all about the floating voters who won’t be swayed by Hunter, his felonies etc - I’d be going for the economy and Ukraine strategy. I hope they talk about stuff that actually affect the American people and not just trump/bidens personal issues.


24,460 posts

116 months

Monday 17th June
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It will be interesting to see how far trump is prepared to go to provoke civil unrest if/when he loses this time.

He's already said (again) that if he loses it will have been rigged.


17,149 posts

243 months

Tuesday 18th June
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The time to worry about Biden’s health is when Obama is nominated for VP smile


3,461 posts

59 months

Tuesday 18th June
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They both look to be struggling with age just as much as each other. I'm not why it has to be either or.

Whoever wins they'll end up with someone who should have stepped back from politics already and let someone younger pick up the reins.


12,436 posts

240 months

Tuesday 18th June
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borcy said:
They both look to be struggling with age just as much as each other. I'm not why it has to be either or.

Whoever wins they'll end up with someone who should have stepped back from politics already and let someone younger pick up the reins.
Careful making that entirely obvious and reasonable point around here.


6,460 posts

46 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Scrimpton said:
borcy said:
They both look to be struggling with age just as much as each other. I'm not why it has to be either or.

Whoever wins they'll end up with someone who should have stepped back from politics already and let someone younger pick up the reins.
Careful making that entirely obvious and reasonable point around here.
That’s a classic and well trodden path. I don’t think anyone on here is saying Biden is the ideal candidate or President. In fact most are in agreement that he’s too old. What he is, though, is the most sensible Democrat nominee. Why waste a good young talent fighting off the equally old Trump? Save that candidate for next time, when the GOP might have started to get their house in order.

Biden beat Trump last time too, so he has a good track record.


20,785 posts

194 months

Tuesday 18th June
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LF5335 said:
g3org3y said:
Sorry, to clarify, the new video posted (with Obama) as per The Standard and The Sun are fake or have I misunderstood what you're saying?
Why are you making this so difficult? It’s not tricky.
After watching the two videos of the fundraiser, did you ascertain which bit was faked in this one versus the clip that was reported as the fact checking/real one?

As I mentioned previously, I couldn't see a difference, but other more eagle eyed PHers are probably more observant than me.


6,460 posts

46 months

Tuesday 18th June
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g3org3y said:
After watching the two videos of the fundraiser, did you ascertain which bit was faked in this one versus the clip that was reported as the fact checking/real one?

As I mentioned previously, I couldn't see a difference, but other more eagle eyed PHers are probably more observant than me.
I’m not particularly observant according to my partner, but it’s easy to spot the difference. It’s all about perspective and what you’re looking for. You want to see someone who is stopped in a daze, whereas the second shows him smiling and looking into the crowd before walking off with Obama.

And here it is from the other side. Which one do you believe is the real situation?


5,298 posts

232 months

Tuesday 18th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
Any idea what he’s trying say here?

no one has replied yet, so let me.

That's obviously doctored easily debunked Russian disinformation spread by RNC Research MAGA lunatics on X a platform run by a far-right sympathiser, it's a joke that people are allowed to constantly spread these lies on this thread - MODS need to do their job!!

.... but but but insurrectionist Trump is worse!

here, i think i covered most stuff.

some recent videos of Joe are compiled here, also include a brief rundown of the mess of Hunter's plea deal and subsequent guilty verdict. Before anyone gets their knickers in a twist - it's a piss-take.


8,487 posts

142 months

Tuesday 18th June
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LF5335 said:
I’m not particularly observant according to my partner, but it’s easy to spot the difference. It’s all about perspective and what you’re looking for. You want to see someone who is stopped in a daze, whereas the second shows him smiling and looking into the crowd before walking off with Obama.

And here it is from the other side. Which one do you believe is the real situation?

Clearly he saw someone who looked like Harry in the crowd.


1,460 posts

145 months

Tuesday 18th June
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LF5335 said:
That German ancestry runs deep.