46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



6,460 posts

46 months

Monday 17th June
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paulguitar said:
According to trump and Hannity (and various other geniuses), he's being 'pumped with performance-enhancing drugs' for the big events.

Then based on Trump’s MO he’s the one being pumped full of drugs. He always accuses others of doing what he’s doing


2,132 posts

168 months

Monday 17th June
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paulguitar said:
Mortarboard said:
So when it's something high profile, with lots of news sources covering it etc., he seems perfectly fine. But when there's only a few sources, none major/independent etc, he acts old/doddery/"senile"?

Phunny dat.

According to trump and Hannity (and various other geniuses), he's being 'pumped with performance-enhancing drugs' for the big events.

I read the same thing about Trump over the years (Adderrall anyone?) so can believe it, these guys work ridiculous hours.


24,460 posts

116 months

Monday 17th June
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It's known that trump was using Adderal during his previous career as a game show host. Since then his eyes have often appeared very dilated which might suggest continued use of uppers of one kind or another.

Not sure about Biden, there seems to be a bit of history in the immediate family!


6,359 posts

58 months

Monday 17th June
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paulguitar said:
According to trump and Hannity (and various other geniuses), he's being 'pumped with performance-enhancing drugs' for the big events.

That cures dementia?

Big pharna's going to make a killing.

Or perhaps, just maybe, it's bks?



2,132 posts

168 months

Monday 17th June
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It’s definitely something where both sides are arguing about which candidate is more mentally incompetent.

I’d take a Clinton or Bush over either of these two. Similar story in UK politics too, the standard of our leaders has (seemingly) decreased dramatically in the last decade. Or is that just the shape of the discourse?


2,567 posts

148 months

Monday 17th June
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Let's be honest unless Biden collapses he's going to be on the ballot paper.
They're taking the view it's too late to replace him, and are likely confident they can still beat Trump.

However if he's elected expect a quick handing over on medical grounds.

The Rotrex Kid

30,749 posts

163 months

Monday 17th June
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mikebradford said:
Let's be honest unless Biden collapses he's going to be on the ballot paper.
They're taking the view it's too late to replace him, and are likely confident they can still beat Trump.

However if he's elected expect a quick handing over on medical grounds.
Pretty sure people said the same about 4 years ago, JB would be elected then pass straight over to KH……


2,132 posts

168 months

Monday 17th June
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The Rotrex Kid said:
mikebradford said:
Let's be honest unless Biden collapses he's going to be on the ballot paper.
They're taking the view it's too late to replace him, and are likely confident they can still beat Trump.

However if he's elected expect a quick handing over on medical grounds.
Pretty sure people said the same about 4 years ago, JB would be elected then pass straight over to KH……
There is definitely a lot of hyperbole around both of them, in 2016 people were warning that Trump was going to start WW3 and lock all the LGBT people in camps hehe

At the moment there’s lots of “if Trump gets in Democracy is over” and “If Biden gets in Putin will launch the nukes” - both suggestions are laughable.


6,359 posts

58 months

Monday 17th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
There is definitely a lot of hyperbole around both of them, in 2016 people were warning that Trump was going to start WW3 and lock all the LGBT people in camps hehe

At the moment there’s lots of “if Trump gets in Democracy is over” and “If Biden gets in Putin will launch the nukes” - both suggestions are laughable.
Well, trump did only try insurrection the once.

Everybody deserves a second chance I suppose........



2,629 posts

222 months

Monday 17th June
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The Rotrex Kid said:
mikebradford said:
Let's be honest unless Biden collapses he's going to be on the ballot paper.
They're taking the view it's too late to replace him, and are likely confident they can still beat Trump.

However if he's elected expect a quick handing over on medical grounds.
Pretty sure people said the same about 4 years ago, JB would be elected then pass straight over to KH……
Pretty sure, from what has been seen of him, that he's deteriorated a LOT over those four years.
Similar can be said for the other guy (on the other thread).

But this video thing - there's one video shot of Biden standing for a while, seemingly motionless until Obama gives his wrist a tug, Biden turns to him and Obama leads him away, never taking his hand off Joe's shoulder until they are behind the curtain. Biden's stance, gait and walk is quite awkward. That shot is continuous and seems not to be cut anywhere. Is this the video that some on this thread insist is fake?

There is another video that is made up of multiple edited cuts from different angles. This video seems to add the context of a closer look at Biden's face while he is standing motionless, suggesting he has a fixed grin on his face. Is this the faked video?

Either way it is simply not possible to watch both videos and to come to the conclusion that Joe Biden is just fine right now.
I understand the desperation from the Dems, assumedly admitting they have no better plan than to go ahead with Joe Biden as their man. The problem, and some of us have been saying this for a while now, is that the opposition will absolutely hammer these examples of Joe appearing incapable or 'compromised'.
The Dems can say that Joe's sharp as a tack behind the scenes but this is looking increasingly delusional. The longer they continue to insist he's fine, and the longer his public outings contradict that, the more the American public will start to feel like the Dems are taking them for fools.
Respect for democracy and respect for the American voters is something the Dems should be beating Trump with.
They cannot afford to lose that high ground.


2,629 posts

222 months

Monday 17th June
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Mortarboard said:
Four Litre said:
God he looks terrible doesn't he, poor guy. My FIL sadly has developed dementia and I can see the same look, mannerisms etc. That haunting stare and the stiff unnatural body movements. Sad to watch.
So if he appears normal at the debates, will that be because it's a body-double, presumably?

Is that what you think will happen?

I will be extremely surprised if we get to see Joe Biden wipe the floor with Donald Trump in a live debate.
I cannot see Joe Biden having the energy and focus to remain calm and collected enough to bat off the crap that Trump will throw at him.
I predict this will end up a slanging match akin to a show of Jeremy Springer, an embarrassment and a mockery that neither will come out of looking particularly well.


24,460 posts

116 months

Monday 17th June
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Jeanboi said:
Is that what you think will happen?

I will be extremely surprised if we get to see Joe Biden wipe the floor with Donald Trump in a live debate.
I cannot see Joe Biden having the energy and focus to remain calm and collected enough to bat off the crap that Trump will throw at him.
I predict this will end up a slanging match akin to a show of Jeremy Springer, an embarrassment and a mockery that neither will come out of looking particularly well.
If they do the CNN one the plan is for only the microphone of the person talking to be on. That will hopefully prevent some of trump’s most frustrating behaviour from being possible.

Edited by paulguitar on Monday 17th June 18:32


6,359 posts

58 months

Monday 17th June
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Schrodinger's Biden?
Both senile amd able to have a "slanging match" at the same time?

The GOP have overplayed the "biden is senile" card. If Biden doesn't come across as a senile old git on the stage, that line of gaslight is gone.

Mics will be muted while it's the others turn. Trumps brand of bluster is going to be severely hampered.



2,629 posts

222 months

Monday 17th June
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paulguitar said:
Jeanboi said:
Is that what you think will happen?

I will be extremely surprised if we get to see Joe Biden wipe the floor with Donald Trump in a live debate.
I cannot see Joe Biden having the energy and focus to remain calm and collected enough to bat off the crap that Trump will throw at him.
I predict this will end up a slanging match akin to a show of Jeremy Springer, an embarrassment and a mockery that neither will come out of looking particularly well.
If they do the CNN one the plan is for only the microphone of the person talking to be on. That will hopefully prevent some of trump’s most frustrating behaviour from being possible.

Edited by paulguitar on Monday 17th June 18:32
I see that. I believe it will be embarrassing even with that as, even though you might not agree, Trump can think faster and fire off a reasonably coherent 'attack' in a short space of time better than Biden can right now.

The more 'conditions' are applied to this the more the 'debate' will look like a stage managed charade.
Unfortunately it will not give the American voters the impression that Joe Biden's team hopes it will.


26,017 posts

196 months

Monday 17th June
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Doddering old fart, machiavellian manipulator of the DoJ, criminal mastermind who escapes justice by hiding his stolen wealth so well there's no sign of it at all and despite being in politics for 50 years he's one of the poorest swamp dwellers. Is there no end to his talents? hehe


2,132 posts

168 months

Monday 17th June
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Any idea what he’s trying say here?



2,629 posts

222 months

Monday 17th June
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Mortarboard said:
Schrodinger's Biden?
Both senile amd able to have a "slanging match" at the same time?

The GOP have overplayed the "biden is senile" card. If Biden doesn't come across as a senile old git on the stage, that line of gaslight is gone.

Mics will be muted while it's the others turn. Trumps brand of bluster is going to be severely hampered.

If your comment is aimed at me then note I haven't stated Biden is 'senile'. There's nuance in all this, M, and you know it.

Likewise the fellow you quoted before made no mention of 'body doubles'.

But forget what you think the GOP 'message' is - of all you should have seen in the widespread video coverage and reporting of Biden's recent public appearances do you honestly think he appears to be physically and mentally tip-top right now?
Honest opinion please.


8,487 posts

142 months

Monday 17th June
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Jeanboi said:
I see that. I believe it will be embarrassing even with that as, even though you might not agree, Trump can think faster and fire off a reasonably coherent 'attack' in a short space of time better than Biden can right now.
Electric boats and sharks says otherwise. Trump struggles to string together a coherent sentence at one of his rallies. Lord knows what he will be like with Biden needling him with scripted comments they know will wind him up. Keep pointing out his felonies or his failed businesses. He can pour out a lot of nonsense very quickly, but with Biden will be giving coherent answers. He might not be the fastest talker, but he is generally coherent, if a little gaff prone. Unlike old “ H1N1, he calls it N1H1. H1N1 got very poor marks from Gallup on the job they did on swine flu.”

Edited by Electro1980 on Monday 17th June 19:00


6,359 posts

58 months

Monday 17th June
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Jeanboi said:
I see that. I believe it will be embarrassing even with that as, even though you might not agree, Trump can think faster and fire off a reasonably coherent 'attack' in a short space of time better than Biden can right now.
I'd love to see an example of that. He seems to need help on the likes of "fox & friends", so no idea how he'll cope with an actual debate!

It's not he's been using the primary debates, for example. Or taking the stand in his (many) court cases.

Jeanboi said:
The more 'conditions' are applied to this the more the 'debate' will look like a stage managed charade.
Unfortunately it will not give the American voters the impression that Joe Biden's team hopes it will.
Excuses in early?



2,629 posts

222 months

Monday 17th June
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Electro1980 said:
Jeanboi said:
I see that. I believe it will be embarrassing even with that as, even though you might not agree, Trump can think faster and fire off a reasonably coherent 'attack' in a short space of time better than Biden can right now.
Electric boats and sharks says otherwise. Trump struggles to string together a coherent sentence at one of his rallies. Lord knows what he will be like with Biden needling him with scripted comments they know will wind him up. Keep pointing out his felonies or his failed businesses.
Ha, yes given time Trump can tend to go off the deep end! But that time won't be allowed here, so that could help Trump.
If Biden is using prompts and cards you can be sure that he'll slip up by reading out a 'period' or a 'pause' as if it's part of the speech, as he does tend to do. Trump will also make it clear to the viewer if he sees Joe is using prompts.