46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



20,835 posts

194 months

Monday 17th June
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captain_cynic said:
You know that video has been doctored, right?

It's fake.

But of course you knew that already. You're just hoping everyone else is dumb enough to fall for it.
Do you have a link to undoctored non fake video?


6,558 posts

46 months

Monday 17th June
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TonyToniTone said:
LF5335 said:
I hope you’ve never stood still in your life!
So not doctored or fake, just a case of reverse musical statues?
I don’t say that. They’re fake videos. All edited and all lies. It’s been shown to be fake and debunked over and over and over again, but you have to keep defending it.

My comment was in isolation and purely stated that standing still isn’t exactly evidence of anything. If he stopped talking mid-sentence like Mitch McConnell last year


Or just lost the plot and started talking about electric boats electrocuting you and sharks and claiming it’s the best question ever, or wind farms killing whales then that would be worrying.




20,835 posts

194 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
LF5335 said:
TonyToniTone said:
LF5335 said:
I hope you’ve never stood still in your life!
So not doctored or fake, just a case of reverse musical statues?
I don’t say that. They’re fake videos. All edited and all lies. It’s been shown to be fake and debunked over and over and over again, but you have to keep defending it.
Sorry, to clarify, the new video posted (with Obama) as per The Standard and The Sun are fake or have I misunderstood what you're saying?


6,558 posts

46 months

Monday 17th June
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g3org3y said:
Do you have a link to undoctored non fake video?
There you go


Plenty more available and lots of articles debunking the fake video with little effort on Google.


20,835 posts

194 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
LF5335 said:
g3org3y said:
Do you have a link to undoctored non fake video?
There you go


Plenty more available and lots of articles debunking the fake video with little effort on Google.
Thanks. thumbup

Edit: Watching them both back to back - both seem the same event from a different angle (or am I being blind (quite possible))?

Biden does a double thumbs up and then stands there for about 6 secs while Obama continues to wave (x3).

In the 'real' video - the camera pulls back but from what I can see Obama's waving is consistent between the two videos and Biden remains still.

Obama takes Biden's hand (does a wave with his left hand) and then follows this up with a hand on the back.


The Metro suggests the 'fake' video is a ' cheap edited clip shared by Pro-Trump pundits but I'm not sure (again, may be blind) what 'real' video posted by Olga Nesterova shows to disprove it?

Edited by g3org3y on Monday 17th June 14:55


2,502 posts

168 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
LF5335 said:
g3org3y said:
Do you have a link to undoctored non fake video?
There you go


Plenty more available and lots of articles debunking the fake video with little effort on Google.
So this one: https://x.com/onestpress/status/180244939252945319...

Is the real one?

And this one:

Is the fake one?

Surely the other way around, no?

Also why is there no sound on the “real” one?


3,548 posts

252 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
LF5335 said:
TonyToniTone said:
LF5335 said:
I hope you’ve never stood still in your life!
So not doctored or fake, just a case of reverse musical statues?
I don’t say that. They’re fake videos. All edited and all lies. It’s been shown to be fake and debunked over and over and over again, but you have to keep defending it.

My comment was in isolation and purely stated that standing still isn’t exactly evidence of anything. If he stopped talking mid-sentence like Mitch McConnell last year


Or just lost the plot and started talking about electric boats electrocuting you and sharks and claiming it’s the best question ever, or wind farms killing whales then that would be worrying.


How are they fake videos, what has been edited - can you point to the frame in question?




6,558 posts

46 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
g3org3y said:
Sorry, to clarify, the new video posted (with Obama) as per The Standard and The Sun are fake or have I misunderstood what you're saying?
Why are you making this so difficult? It’s not tricky.


20,835 posts

194 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
LF5335 said:
g3org3y said:
Sorry, to clarify, the new video posted (with Obama) as per The Standard and The Sun are fake or have I misunderstood what you're saying?
Why are you making this so difficult? It’s not tricky.
I was asking whether it was the new fundraiser video was the one considered fake (not the White House concert that was also linked)

Four Litre

2,082 posts

195 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
LF5335 said:
g3org3y said:
Do you have a link to undoctored non fake video?
There you go


Plenty more available and lots of articles debunking the fake video with little effort on Google.
God he looks terrible doesn't he, poor guy. My FIL sadly has developed dementia and I can see the same look, mannerisms etc. That haunting stare and the stiff unnatural body movements. Sad to watch.


6,580 posts

58 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
Four Litre said:
God he looks terrible doesn't he, poor guy. My FIL sadly has developed dementia and I can see the same look, mannerisms etc. That haunting stare and the stiff unnatural body movements. Sad to watch.
So if he appears normal at the debates, will that be because it's a body-double, presumably?



9,408 posts

139 months

Monday 17th June
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That uncut video is doctored, it's completely fake! Look at my video that cuts every few seconds and has no sound, get fact checked sucka!

The desperation in here is gobsmacking. Concerning, actually.


24,669 posts

116 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
Four Litre said:
God he looks terrible doesn't he, poor guy. My FIL sadly has developed dementia and I can see the same look, mannerisms etc. That haunting stare and the stiff unnatural body movements. Sad to watch.
Don't pretend that you care about his well-being. All you've ever done on this thread is spread bullst/childish doctored videos about him.

Four Litre

2,082 posts

195 months

Monday 17th June
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paulguitar said:
Four Litre said:
God he looks terrible doesn't he, poor guy. My FIL sadly has developed dementia and I can see the same look, mannerisms etc. That haunting stare and the stiff unnatural body movements. Sad to watch.
Don't pretend that you care about his well-being. All you've ever done on this thread is spread bullst/childish doctored videos about him.
Are you on drugs?


24,669 posts

116 months

Monday 17th June
quotequote all
Four Litre said:
paulguitar said:
Four Litre said:
God he looks terrible doesn't he, poor guy. My FIL sadly has developed dementia and I can see the same look, mannerisms etc. That haunting stare and the stiff unnatural body movements. Sad to watch.
Don't pretend that you care about his well-being. All you've ever done on this thread is spread bullst/childish doctored videos about him.
Are you on drugs?
What a strange and irrelevant question.

I like a decent cabernet, but otherwise, no.


3,586 posts

206 months

Monday 17th June
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While there is a lot of disinfo from people incentivised to make Biden look bad, there is clearly a blindness and unwillingness from those on the opposite end of spectrum, who refuse accept he's a barely sentient zombie, and consider all evidence to the contrary as "fake". hehe


6,580 posts

58 months

Monday 17th June
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RumbleOfThunder said:
While there is a lot of disinfo from people incentivised to make Biden look bad, there is clearly a blindness and unwillingness from those on the opposite end of spectrum, who refuse accept he's a barely sentient zombie, and consider all evidence to the contrary as "fake". hehe
Again, so it'll be a body double at the debates then?




24,669 posts

116 months

Monday 17th June
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Mortarboard said:
RumbleOfThunder said:
While there is a lot of disinfo from people incentivised to make Biden look bad, there is clearly a blindness and unwillingness from those on the opposite end of spectrum, who refuse accept he's a barely sentient zombie, and consider all evidence to the contrary as "fake". hehe
Again, so it'll be a body double at the debates then?


Stuff like the State of the Union he seems fine. Other videos sometimes show him to look a bit doddery, but it's hard work knowing really because there are a lot of Twitter and YouTube accounts spreading doctored and carefully edited videos to show something either in a bad light or that isn't there at all. Some people on this and associated threads have shared some of those videos.

Referring to him as a 'barely sentient zombie' as in the post above, is childish and inaccurate.


6,580 posts

58 months

Monday 17th June
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So when it's something high profile, with lots of news sources covering it etc., he seems perfectly fine. But when there's only a few sources, none major/independent etc, he acts old/doddery/"senile"?

Phunny dat.



24,669 posts

116 months

Monday 17th June
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Mortarboard said:
So when it's something high profile, with lots of news sources covering it etc., he seems perfectly fine. But when there's only a few sources, none major/independent etc, he acts old/doddery/"senile"?

Phunny dat.

According to trump and Hannity (and various other geniuses), he's being 'pumped with performance-enhancing drugs' for the big events.
