45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



40,464 posts

199 months

Monday 1st July
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Beati Dogu said:
Mortarboard said:
Remember when roe vs wade was "settled law?

I do. Fun times.
It was alway judicial overreach, which was why it was overturned. And now it has been left to the states to decide, which is the way it should be.
Why should State judges have any more right than SCOTUS to decide about abortion? In fact why not let individuals decide for themselves?


62,468 posts

220 months

Monday 1st July
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So basically scotus have fudged it that trump can't be prosecuted if re-elected, sitting presidents cant be convicted - so trump can freely commit crimes

"In the criminal context, however, the Justice Department 'has long recognized' that 'the separation of powers precludes the criminal prosecution of a sitting President.'

If he wins, he's off the hook for 4 years in DC, Florida and Georgia, during which time he can commit further crimes to make th echarges/prosecutions go away with full immunity


24,458 posts

116 months

Monday 1st July
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Wheelspinning said:
As I posted a few days back...

Anyone excitedly awaiting Trump getting jailtime or similar is in for a disappointment.

Last week was as clear an indication as you can get Trump is going to be the 47th POTUS, and all appetite for further legal actions, prosecutions etc shall seriously diminish if not so already.
Do you support trump not being held accountable for his crimes?

I find you, and the handful of others like you, hard to understand. It's as if you in some way support amorality. Is that the case?


62,468 posts

220 months

Monday 1st July
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So Biden now just needs to delay the election - he has immunity...?


62,468 posts

220 months

Monday 1st July
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In a hidden little footnote Roberts basically says that the federal cases against Trump cannot continue if he returns to the White House for another term.

This ensures that trump will NEVER accept a loss peacefully in 2024, regardless of a fair election. Sotus just upped the stakes for trump to steal the election by any means



5,605 posts

133 months

Monday 1st July
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unrepentant said:
People have to look at the whole thing in the round and I think, come November, they will.

The reality is that outside of his MAGA base there is very little enthusiasm for Trump here. Even the MAGA support has dwindled, hence the poor turnout at his rally's compared to 2016 and 2020. There is no evidence of high levels of support evinced by yard signs, flags etc.. even in red states like the one I live in. Again, different from 2016 and 2020.

It's also undeniable that many democrats would prefer a younger candidate. I would, I would have in 2020 although I came eventually to believe, and still do, that Biden was the only candidate who could beat Trump last time. I had hoped that, after the 2022 midterms, he would announce that he would not seek a second term but he did not so we are where we are.

So you have to look at the wider picture. Joe Biden has been, by any measure, an excellent President. We have the best job numbers in history and an economy that is strong. His infrastructure bill created jobs and has had a marked impact on the country. (Trump on the other hand talked about infrastructure endlessly and did nothing). Biden has introduced bills to reduce drug costs for those who can least afford them and, especially in the case of insulin, that has proven to be a real life saver for many. He has done much to help veterans, minorities and the LGBTQ communities. He has lifted the burden of student debt from the shoulders of millions. He has signed the most significant gun control legislation in decades and he has made America stronger on the world stage and cemented relationships with our allies.

Biden is not flashy and loud, he quietly gets on with the job and actually achieves results. He also, most importantly, has a great team behind him. You don't hear about most of them because they are busy at work but they are there and are competent and capable. If Biden fell into a coma tomorrow we know that there is a whole team who would step up. I haven't heard of any Biden official who has said that they will not endorse him and the senior members of the party are united behind him.

Contrast that with Trump. Over 40 of his own, hand picked, senior officials have said they won't endorse him in 2024. That includes people who are highly respected like Dan Coates, John Kelly, Mark Esper, Ty Cobb, John Lehman and William Cohen. You can ad to that Mike Pence, his own VP! There 5 sitting GOP senators who have refused to endorse him and numerous current and former members of the House as well as numerous current and former governors.

Then there are the numerous hand picked Trump staffers who are in Prison or are now convicted felons. Like Bannon, Navarro, Flynn, Meadows, Manafort, gates etc.... No need of course to mention that Trump is himself a convicted felon whose main motivation in standing again is to stay out of prison.

A Biden presidency stands for decency, achievement and stability. A Trump presidency stands for chaos, self enrichment and criminality.

Nov 8th is 4 months away. As Harold Wilson famously said 'A week is a long time in politics". Four months is an age. Come November 8th the voters will have a clear choice between an old old, decent guy with a track record of success and a strong experienced team behind him and an old, crooked guy with a track record of chaos and failure and a team of unqualified yes men behind him. The choice is stark and it will be up to the American people to make the right one.
I concur with this analysis!


62,468 posts

220 months

Monday 1st July
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By 5-4 (Barrett disagreed), SCOTUS inexplicably overreaches by holding that official acts not only can’t be charged but also can’t even be used as evidence of criminal conduct.

Thomas and Alito, both of whom were required to recuse but didn’t, cast the deciding votes.


62,468 posts

220 months

Monday 1st July
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I mean they could have waited until July 4 - Independence day, to declare trump as King! biggrin Just to really rub it in


62,468 posts

220 months

Monday 1st July
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Hang on- it gets worse...

"Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial."



62,468 posts

220 months

Monday 1st July
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mikeiow said:
unrepentant said:
People have to look at the whole thing in the round and I think, come November, they will.

The reality is that outside of his MAGA base there is very little enthusiasm for Trump here. Even the MAGA support has dwindled, hence the poor turnout at his rally's compared to 2016 and 2020. There is no evidence of high levels of support evinced by yard signs, flags etc.. even in red states like the one I live in. Again, different from 2016 and 2020.

It's also undeniable that many democrats would prefer a younger candidate. I would, I would have in 2020 although I came eventually to believe, and still do, that Biden was the only candidate who could beat Trump last time. I had hoped that, after the 2022 midterms, he would announce that he would not seek a second term but he did not so we are where we are.

So you have to look at the wider picture. Joe Biden has been, by any measure, an excellent President. We have the best job numbers in history and an economy that is strong. His infrastructure bill created jobs and has had a marked impact on the country. (Trump on the other hand talked about infrastructure endlessly and did nothing). Biden has introduced bills to reduce drug costs for those who can least afford them and, especially in the case of insulin, that has proven to be a real life saver for many. He has done much to help veterans, minorities and the LGBTQ communities. He has lifted the burden of student debt from the shoulders of millions. He has signed the most significant gun control legislation in decades and he has made America stronger on the world stage and cemented relationships with our allies.

Biden is not flashy and loud, he quietly gets on with the job and actually achieves results. He also, most importantly, has a great team behind him. You don't hear about most of them because they are busy at work but they are there and are competent and capable. If Biden fell into a coma tomorrow we know that there is a whole team who would step up. I haven't heard of any Biden official who has said that they will not endorse him and the senior members of the party are united behind him.

Contrast that with Trump. Over 40 of his own, hand picked, senior officials have said they won't endorse him in 2024. That includes people who are highly respected like Dan Coates, John Kelly, Mark Esper, Ty Cobb, John Lehman and William Cohen. You can ad to that Mike Pence, his own VP! There 5 sitting GOP senators who have refused to endorse him and numerous current and former members of the House as well as numerous current and former governors.

Then there are the numerous hand picked Trump staffers who are in Prison or are now convicted felons. Like Bannon, Navarro, Flynn, Meadows, Manafort, gates etc.... No need of course to mention that Trump is himself a convicted felon whose main motivation in standing again is to stay out of prison.

A Biden presidency stands for decency, achievement and stability. A Trump presidency stands for chaos, self enrichment and criminality.

Nov 8th is 4 months away. As Harold Wilson famously said 'A week is a long time in politics". Four months is an age. Come November 8th the voters will have a clear choice between an old old, decent guy with a track record of success and a strong experienced team behind him and an old, crooked guy with a track record of chaos and failure and a team of unqualified yes men behind him. The choice is stark and it will be up to the American people to make the right one.
I concur with this analysis!
trumps going to steal it properly this time. He's said 3 times now at his rallies he doesn't need the votes
Scotus just gave him every reason not to accept the result, do anything he can to be potus again then pardon everyone, just like he did before. Stone, Bannon, Mannafort


10,062 posts

221 months

Monday 1st July
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Byker28i said:
Hang on- it gets worse...

"Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial."

So basically wipes out all his charges ?


8,828 posts

228 months

Monday 1st July
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Strangely Brown

10,289 posts

234 months

Monday 1st July
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dvs_dave said:
Funny you should say that...

"US presidents have the power to deploy Navy seals to assassinate rivals under the Supreme Court’s ruling on Donald Trump’s immunity claim, an associate justice has warned."



26,078 posts

170 months

Monday 1st July
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pinchmeimdreamin said:
Byker28i said:
Hang on- it gets worse...

"Testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing such conduct may not be admitted as evidence at trial."

So basically wipes out all his charges ?
Staggering. They’re going full old skool monarch then.

I suppose the do realise they just gave the same immunity to Biden, who could just ban Trump from running, or remove the SCOTUS Republicans, but they also know he wont do anything at all.

Absolutely staggering decision.


6,430 posts

221 months

Monday 1st July
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Sorry to say it but we told you so.

He's getting back in, he's gonna get off scot free.


1,387 posts

33 months

Monday 1st July
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paulguitar said:
Wheelspinning said:
As I posted a few days back...

Anyone excitedly awaiting Trump getting jailtime or similar is in for a disappointment.

Last week was as clear an indication as you can get Trump is going to be the 47th POTUS, and all appetite for further legal actions, prosecutions etc shall seriously diminish if not so already.
Do you support trump not being held accountable for his crimes?

I find you, and the handful of others like you, hard to understand. It's as if you in some way support amorality. Is that the case?
I stated my opinion on what's the most likely outcome of Trump's current and pending charges earlier here, and a few days ago.

It seems the judgment today backs that up.

Regards support; I have a real issue with a leader who supports the genocide of Palestine by shipping incredible amount of ordinance to Israel, I also have an issue with a leader who supports further death and destruction by supplying billions of aid and weapons to a country ranked the no1 most corrupt country by the US state dept instead of using its might to encourage a de-escalation before it goes too far; I also have an issue with a leadership stands by idly watching China getting prepared to act on its desires for Taiwan.

You might grasp that I see Biden as the weakest leader I can remember the USA having, and that was before he demonstrated that the 'deep fake' videos were a bit close to home.

Only one candidate is stating this shall all be addressed; thats the guy I shall support as I have this crazy aversion towards the escalation of serious conflict on 3 fronts rather than support someone who freezes, gibber, cannot find his way off a stage and shouldn't be POTUS now, never mind for a further 4 years.

If you and the dozen want to focus on the amazing array of charges levelled against the only opponent to Biden that somehow arise in the run up to the election, that's fair enough.


26,078 posts

170 months

Monday 1st July
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F1GTRUeno said:
Sorry to say it but we told you so.

He's getting back in, he's gonna get off scot free.
I said this a few months ago, only 60% believing it.

I’m more like 80% now.


2,123 posts

168 months

Monday 1st July
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dvs_dave said:
It didn't take anyone very long to suggest Biden should use this ruling to assasinate political rivals, stay classy.

The Rotrex Kid

30,749 posts

163 months

Monday 1st July
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"With fear for our democracy, I dissent,"

From a Supreme Court judge. Phenomenal.

If Trump gets back in, the US is fked.


26,005 posts

196 months

Monday 1st July
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thatsprettyshady said:
It didn't take anyone very long to suggest Biden should use this ruling to assasinate political rivals, stay classy.
TFG's attorneys reckoned it was a reasonable thing for a president to have immunity for when appearing before the Supreme Court of The United States, so what's the beef?