45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



22,411 posts

204 months

dobbo_ said:
The evidence is all there for anyone to see, Go and watch a video of him 20 years ago 10 years ago, 8 years ago, he was a different man.

your desperate desire for Biden to be unfit is blinding you. Look again.
You’re as far down your own little rabbit hole as many of the Trump supporting nutters. I wish Biden wasn’t as unfit as he appears to be. Trump winning would be a disaster. But Biden is unfit. You keep ignoring this, if you manager or CEO did that sort of performance Biden did would you think they are fit for their job? Answer that, don’t ignore it and make a ‘what about Trump’ comment.


17,100 posts

243 months

g4ry13 said:
What absolute nonsense! I think you and your colleagues who think the same way are delirious.

Of course there will be an election in 2028. It's in the Constitution and not going to be changed.

Maybe you need to take a break from any outlets / or posters on here who have instilled you with these views.
Let’s see what SCOTUS have to say about Trump’s immunity. That will give us a steer.

The Jan 6th SCOTUS ruling has already basically said that the court can overrule Congress on matters of substance, not just constitutionality.


6,349 posts

46 months

NRS said:
You’re as far down your own little rabbit hole as many of the Trump supporting nutters. I wish Biden wasn’t as unfit as he appears to be. Trump winning would be a disaster. But Biden is unfit. You keep ignoring this, if you manager or CEO did that sort of performance Biden did would you think they are fit for their job? Answer that, don’t ignore it and make a ‘what about Trump’ comment.
They are both unfit. Maybe for different reasons, but both are unfit. I don’t think anyone is disputing that Biden really shouldn’t be running. As such it’s a choice between the lesser of two evils. There is no defence of Trump though, he is an utter disgrace, his track record is woeful. He is in it for himself and will let the country burn if he can make a few dollars out of it.

Any criticism of one has to be looked at against the other, as it’s a choice of one of two and that’s it.


7,131 posts

191 months

This election should only be a referendum on Trump and nothing else.

Unfortunately it is now a referendum on Biden’s fitness. Every gaffe, misstep and senior moment for the next four months will be played on an endless loop and magnified all over the internet. Thereby creating a narrative where everything Trump has done and will do is conveniently pushed out of the consciousness of casual observers.

A very dangerous game.

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Vipers said:
The world is laughing at these two clowns, and they carry on.
Yes. The US is in danger of disappearing up it's own ****.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

LF5335 said:
It is going to be Biden vs Trump yet all you do is criticise the person that you’re apparently “100% behind”.

Honestly, if your CEO or manager at work had done what Trump did would you think they are fit for work?
It might be Biden vs Trump, but it's not too late for the Democrats to chance that.

To answer your question, I would not stay at a company that had either man as CEO.


14,578 posts

251 months

NRS said:
Answer that, don’t ignore it and make a ‘what about Trump’ comment.
What about Trump? It's the fking trump thread you goon. And regardless, if they are both dementia ridden old men, why do you only single out Biden?

Do you understand how presidential elections work? Because it seems like you don't. It's a choice between two men. That's it.

Both are flawed.

Yet you dismiss Trump's obvious decline saying he has always spoken like that, he hasn't. And you refuse to see it. If Biden is unfit then why isn't Trump?

Rabbit hole, please. You continually come into the Trump thread speakimg about Biden.

You refuse to accept that Trump has had a significant decline, Which is painfully clear for anyone to see.

Then you wk on about rabbit holes trying to claim some superiority fake centrist high ground.

Edit: to be clear both should not be presidential candidates. Both are suffering significant decline physically and mentally. In my opinion trump's mental decline is worse but that doesn't matter.

Only one of them is a felon, rapist, racist, misogynist, and totally morally bankrupt human being.

Edited by dobbo_ on Sunday 30th June 20:54


17,100 posts

243 months

dobbo_ said:
NRS said:
Answer that, don’t ignore it and make a ‘what about Trump’ comment.
What about Trump? It's the fking trump thread you goon. And regardless, if they are both dementia ridden old men, why do you only single out Biden?

Do you understand how presidential elections work? Because it seems like you don't. It's a choice between two men. That's it.

Both are flawed.

Yet you dismiss Trump's obvious decline saying he has always spoken like that, he hasn't. And you refuse to see it. If Biden is unfit then why isn't Trump?

Rabbit hole, please. You continually come into the Trump thread speakimg about Biden.

You refuse to accept that Trump has had a significant decline, Which is painfully clear for anyone to see.

Then you wk on about rabbit holes trying to claim some superiority fake centrist high ground.

Edit: to be clear both should not be presidential candidates. Both are suffering significant decline physically and mentally. In my opinion trump's mental decline is worse but that doesn't matter.

Only one of them is a felon, rapist, racist, misogynist, and totally morally bankrupt human being.

Edited by dobbo_ on Sunday 30th June 20:54
Sadly Trump is a better salesman of snake oil. And his decline isn’t so apparent to many compared to what they see of Biden.

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

If there were a better Democratic nominee available, without baggage, perhaps that person could sway floating voters and mobilise the Democratic vote. But Trump has created a religious fervour around him that will be hard to break absent actual footage of him taping a child or somesuch. Such a shame the Russia dossier didn’t come with video evidence../


25,849 posts

196 months

Would it make any difference? There's tape of him insulting handicapped people, insulting service personnel, saying women love it when they get sexually assaulted, telling people he doesn't care if they die as long as they vote for him, boasting about ending Roe v Wade, asking for a few thousand votes, lying about pretty much everything you can think of. If none of that is making a difference, he was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and they'd still vote for him.


5,809 posts

235 months

Byker28i said:
Well lets talk trump as thats this thread. What about the mental gymnastics done everytime trump opens his mouth, or just those ignoring it, refusing to discuss it
Biden had one poor performance, trump has one everytime...including the debate

Bidens not the best, possible Kamala Harris, Pete Butitgieg would easily be better, but if it's between trump and Biden how on earth can anyone be considering trump. He's shown exacty how corrupt he is, how he only cares about himself and how he shouldn't be anywhere near the WH again. How he's even in the running shows just how bad the US has got, how money and power has corrupted completely the Republican party and cult followers.

Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 30th June 10:24
Your dislike of Trump is obvious, for what it's worth I also think a second term would be an appalling outcome.
Problem is you state above: "but if it's between trump and Biden how on earth can anyone be considering trump".
As much as you think you are right, a lot of others disagree & the polls are closer than ever.


5,809 posts

235 months

hidetheelephants said:
Would it make any difference? There's tape of him insulting handicapped people, insulting service personnel, saying women love it when they get sexually assaulted, telling people he doesn't care if they die as long as they vote for him, boasting about ending Roe v Wade, asking for a few thousand votes, lying about pretty much everything you can think of. If none of that is making a difference, he was right when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and they'd still vote for him.
Not really.
I lived near several pit villages in the East Midlands as a kid.
Thatcher was years ago, but I could still put my dog up for election today and he'd get voted in before any Conservative.


62,202 posts

220 months

OzzyR1 said:
Byker28i said:
Well lets talk trump as thats this thread. What about the mental gymnastics done everytime trump opens his mouth, or just those ignoring it, refusing to discuss it
Biden had one poor performance, trump has one everytime...including the debate

Bidens not the best, possible Kamala Harris, Pete Butitgieg would easily be better, but if it's between trump and Biden how on earth can anyone be considering trump. He's shown exacty how corrupt he is, how he only cares about himself and how he shouldn't be anywhere near the WH again. How he's even in the running shows just how bad the US has got, how money and power has corrupted completely the Republican party and cult followers.

Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 30th June 10:24
Your dislike of Trump is obvious, for what it's worth I also think a second term would be an appalling outcome.
Problem is you state above: "but if it's between trump and Biden how on earth can anyone be considering trump".
As much as you think you are right, a lot of others disagree & the polls are closer than ever.
As I've said many times, the ultimate conman

54% of registered voters say trump should not be running for president, according to a new CBS-YouGov poll.
YouGov/CBS Poll: Should Biden stay in the race? YES, 55%-45% Should trump stay in the race? NO, 54-46% That says it all.

Polls are going the wrong way for trump - latest from 538

Chance of winning:
Biden 50%
Trump 49%
Electoral votes:
Biden 270
Trump 268

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 1st July 06:27


62,202 posts

220 months

Kermit power said:
LF5335 said:
It is going to be Biden vs Trump yet all you do is criticise the person that you’re apparently “100% behind”.

Honestly, if your CEO or manager at work had done what Trump did would you think they are fit for work?
It might be Biden vs Trump, but it's not too late for the Democrats to chance that.

To answer your question, I would not stay at a company that had either man as CEO.
But then you've come out in favour of trump, so is that valid?
Replacing either man at this point would be political disaster - that party is in chaos claims etc... It's happened before and didn't go well.


62,202 posts

220 months

Actress Taraji Henson attacked trumps Project 2025

They are now ramping up, preparing to individually "name and shame" civil servants they believe won't be loyal to trump. They plan to make life miserable for government workers who will likely face threats of violence as accusations fly with their names attached.

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 1st July 06:30


62,202 posts

220 months

trump retweeted yesterday

Cheney responded directly to him - This is the type of thing that demonstrates yet again that you are not a stable adult—and are not fit for office.

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 1st July 06:25


62,202 posts

220 months

He still wants that scotus pardon for his crimes


62,202 posts

220 months

trump campaign claiming the didn't lie about hiring that barbers for a staged event. The owner, Jones, said he was approached for it to be hired for a for a small Black business roundtable, that there was never any mention this was a political event, or heard from any campaign Rep.

In response trumps campaign has released the hire agreement, signed by Jones and Bradley Crate, the trump campaign treasurer



62,202 posts

220 months

Gen. Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on trumps plans. “He’ll start throwing people in jail, and I’d be at the top of the list,”

This is the simple truth. Biden is out to make the US better for everyone.
Biden won all his primaries with massive support, trump lost two Vermont and Washington to Haley who isn't running and has lost significant votes all the way through
Short term economy is doing well thanks to Biden, stock market up, student debt relief giving people more more to spend or save, child tax credits cutting child poverty in half, inflation down, low unemployment
Long term economy agenda is prepared, tax hikes for the rich that trump gave massive tax cuts to, tax cuts for the middle and working class, $10k credit towards buying a first home, creating transitional wealth. Removing medical bills from credit reports

trump - I'm going to go after anyone I don't like, replace people with lackeys and become a dictator

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 1st July 06:48


62,202 posts

220 months

Mark Hamill
If you're not familiar with Project 2025, now is the time to understand what's in store for this country if the #GOP wins in November. You can be justifiably afraid or much more motivated to VOTE. This thread helps explain why:

Project 2025 broken down


62,202 posts

220 months

Standard tell with trump, if someone calls him Sir in a story, it's a lie. He has to pretend he has that adoration and respect