45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)


The Hypno-Toad

12,484 posts

208 months

EddieSteadyGo said:
The other factor is thinking about the following election in 2028. Let's say Trump wins this year, the Democrats can then run a 4 year process to find and groom their very best candidate for the 2028 election, when neither will have the benefit of incumbency. Whereas, if they rush to bring forward their best alternative candidate now, it could damage that person from running in 2028.
I don't think you understand the seriousness of the situation here.

Both Trump and his wing of the Republican Party have pretty much made clear their plans. If they win, there will be no election in 2028. They actually want and some actually cases need America to become a dictatorship, so they can send the country back in time to era where those pesky women stayed at home to raise kids, where those kids didn't do drugs and praised the Lord with the rest of family on a Sunday, where they could harm the environment as much as they wanted because basically they were American and they should be allowed to do whatever they want. And most importantly, to an America where they were no freely open homosexuals & other people knew what their place was and that was at the back of the bus & certainly not in high office or the justice system.

That's what they want and that is what they are planning for and that is why this election is so important. I cannot believe why the Democrats thought Biden was a good idea for another four years when a younger, more dynamic candidate would wipe the floor with Trump.

November is a long way away but all of us need to keep our fingers crossed that Biden manages to get back in because the consequences of an American ruled by Trump and his lackeys does not bode well for the future of the whole western world not the just the USA.


2,009 posts

168 months

The Hypno-Toad said:
EddieSteadyGo said:
The other factor is thinking about the following election in 2028. Let's say Trump wins this year, the Democrats can then run a 4 year process to find and groom their very best candidate for the 2028 election, when neither will have the benefit of incumbency. Whereas, if they rush to bring forward their best alternative candidate now, it could damage that person from running in 2028.
I don't think you understand the seriousness of the situation here.

Both Trump and his wing of the Republican Party have pretty much made clear their plans. If they win, there will be no election in 2028. They actually want and some actually cases need America to become a dictatorship, so they can send the country back in time to era where those pesky women stayed at home to raise kids, where those kids didn't do drugs and praised the Lord with the rest of family on a Sunday, where they could harm the environment as much as they wanted because basically they were American and they should be allowed to do whatever they want. And most importantly, to an America where they were no freely open homosexuals & other people knew what their place was and that was at the back of the bus & certainly not in high office or the justice system.

That's what they want and that is what they are planning for and that is why this election is so important. I cannot believe why the Democrats thought Biden was a good idea for another four years when a younger, more dynamic candidate would wipe the floor with Trump.

November is a long way away but all of us need to keep our fingers crossed that Biden manages to get back in because the consequences of an American ruled by Trump and his lackeys does not bode well for the future of the whole western world not the just the USA.
Can you source any of this properly? Please don’t quote that Project 2025 wibble as it’s unrelated to Trump. Also avoid anything with words such as “could”, “might” “possibly”.


22,411 posts

204 months

dobbo_ said:
This is categorically, demonstrably, not true. He used to speak very, very differently.

His personality however has always been toxic, disgusting, racist, misogynist and well you get what I'm saying.

LF5335 said:
What’s noticeable about your posts is that they are always critical of Biden. Sometimes it’s deserved, other times arguably less so. However, you never criticise Trump. This is a Trump thread, where you never offer any comment at all about Trump. That speaks volumes to many on here.

Equally, everything that you’re levelling at Biden as if it’s the final nails in his coffin apply just the same, or even more, to Trump. You waffle on about retirement age, but Trump has just turned 78. There’s barely 18 months between them. Where’s your issue with that for example?
Oh dear, not this again. I have ripped into Trump lots of times previously. I absolutely detest the man and am desperate for him not to get into power. I believe he will go after people for revenge if he gets in power and so on. But unless everyone adds that to every single post it's apparently a case of them possibly being a secret Trump supporter?

Honestly, if your CEO or manager at work had done what Biden did would you think they are fit for work?

If it comes to Biden versus Trump I'd be 100% behind Biden, because of the party not because I believe he is a good choice - he's better than Trump but he's not fit for that job, let alone probably any other now. That is now and forward, not his history.

CharlesdeGaulle said:
cqueen said:
Byker and his chums are deranged. They devote their spare time to investigating trumps lies but completely ignore the many and significant ones from Biden. I wonder if these left leaning types just can't cope with a man that has a hint of swagger/arrogance. They would do well to realise these characteristics lend themselves well to getting stuff done.
'Left leaning types...' 'just can't cope with...' Are you for real? laugh
It's also a bit odd because it's not a proper right-left argument, the Dems as a party are more like the Conservatives in the UK. There's some more left leaning ones, but they're more on the fringe. There's also a lot of pulling money out of the system by both sides, the returns on the market by politicians in both parties is crazy because of insider trading, but it's not illegal which is outrageous. Only if someone actually pays you money directly as a bribe, but all the stuff that is happening with the Supreme Court etc is totally legal, and is the same for Congress etc, and is supported by Dems too. It's not a left-right question, it's centre right versus absolute nutters who are out to take as much as possible from the system, beyond the huge amounts they can already take.

The Hypno-Toad

12,484 posts

208 months

thatsprettyshady said:
Can you source any of this properly? Please don’t quote that Project 2025 wibble as it’s unrelated to Trump. Also avoid anything with words such as “could”, “might” “possibly”.
Well let's start with Rowe V Wade, which the right wing Republicans have wanted to repeal since the day it was passed. Now that they have done that thanks to their bought and paid for Supreme Court, do you really think they are not going to leave it there especially with regard to gay rights?

At a local level, numbers of Republican officials have already been caught trying to make it as difficult as they can for the poorest sections of society to actually vote.

Trump had already said that if he is re-elected he will seek retribution for the way he has been treated over the last few years. Who does he mean by that do you think? The FBI? The judicial system? The media? The late night talk show hosts? The left leaning Youtube channels? Democratic campaign workers? Biden? Clinton? Obama? Or just all of them?

Internationally, he has made it quite clear that he is not in favour of NATO and will want all the smaller members to pay a much greater amount of money into the pot or he will consider pulling the plug on US involvement. And how will his continuing love affair with Putin affect his outlook on Europe?

He has already mentioned the word "camps" in regard to the control of immigration.

He has already mentioned "massive reform of the electoral system" so that "injustices like the crooked 2020 election can never happen again," I wonder what he could possibly mean by that?

He has already mentioned that he feels that the President is more important than the constitution and that in times of "crises" who ever is in charge should be able to overrule it with no oversight from anyone else.

And I feel like I'm forgetting something.... oh yes... I remember. January 6th.

The actual insurrection by his supporters and helped by active congressional Republican Party members. An attempt to overthrow the result of a fair election by means of violence including chants of hanging the then Presidents Vice President for "failing to do his duty". Bombs planted, tactics worked out, guns waiting to come across the river, a proper organised attempt to seize power by the supporters of one man.

That one man whose power base has now multiplied massively. Not amongst the electorate because to him they don't matter but amongst the Republican Party. And some members of that Party are now determined to get back into power no matter what the cost and staying there for as long as possible, even if means tying their wagon to a deranged, financially corrupt, morally bankrupt, traitorous, sexual predator.

And if you can't see all of that, then you clearly haven't been keeping up.


24,373 posts

116 months

The Hypno-Toad said:
Well let's start with Rowe V Wade, which the right wing Republicans have wanted to repeal since the day it was passed. Now that they have done that thanks to their bought and paid for Supreme Court, do you really think they are not going to leave it there especially with regard to gay rights?

At a local level, numbers of Republican officials have already been caught trying to make it as difficult as they can for the poorest sections of society to actually vote.

Trump had already said that if he is re-elected he will seek retribution for the way he has been treated over the last few years. Who does he mean by that do you think? The FBI? The judicial system? The media? The late night talk show hosts? The left leaning Youtube channels? Democratic campaign workers? Biden? Clinton? Obama? Or just all of them?

Internationally, he has made it quite clear that he is not in favour of NATO and will want all the smaller members to pay a much greater amount of money into the pot or he will consider pulling the plug on US involvement. And how will his continuing love affair with Putin affect his outlook on Europe?

He has already mentioned the word "camps" in regard to the control of immigration.

He has already mentioned "massive reform of the electoral system" so that "injustices like the crooked 2020 election can never happen again," I wonder what he could possibly mean by that?

He has already mentioned that he feels that the President is more important than the constitution and that in times of "crises" who ever is in charge should be able to overrule it with no oversight from anyone else.

And I feel like I'm forgetting something.... oh yes... I remember. January 6th.

The actual insurrection by his supporters and helped by active congressional Republican Party members. An attempt to overthrow the result of a fair election by means of violence including chants of hanging the then Presidents Vice President for "failing to do his duty". Bombs planted, tactics worked out, guns waiting to come across the river, a proper organised attempt to seize power by the supporters of one man.

That one man whose power base has now multiplied massively. Not amongst the electorate because to him they don't matter but amongst the Republican Party. And some members of that Party are now determined to get back into power no matter what the cost and staying there for as long as possible, even if means tying their wagon to a deranged, financially corrupt, morally bankrupt, traitorous, sexual predator.

And if you can't see all of that, then you clearly haven't been keeping up.



2,009 posts

168 months

The Hypno-Toad said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Can you source any of this properly? Please don’t quote that Project 2025 wibble as it’s unrelated to Trump. Also avoid anything with words such as “could”, “might” “possibly”.
Well let's start with Rowe V Wade, which the right wing Republicans have wanted to repeal since the day it was passed. Now that they have done that thanks to their bought and paid for Supreme Court, do you really think they are not going to leave it there especially with regard to gay rights?

At a local level, numbers of Republican officials have already been caught trying to make it as difficult as they can for the poorest sections of society to actually vote.

Trump had already said that if he is re-elected he will seek retribution for the way he has been treated over the last few years. Who does he mean by that do you think? The FBI? The judicial system? The media? The late night talk show hosts? The left leaning Youtube channels? Democratic campaign workers? Biden? Clinton? Obama? Or just all of them?

Internationally, he has made it quite clear that he is not in favour of NATO and will want all the smaller members to pay a much greater amount of money into the pot or he will consider pulling the plug on US involvement. And how will his continuing love affair with Putin affect his outlook on Europe?

He has already mentioned the word "camps" in regard to the control of immigration.

He has already mentioned "massive reform of the electoral system" so that "injustices like the crooked 2020 election can never happen again," I wonder what he could possibly mean by that?

He has already mentioned that he feels that the President is more important than the constitution and that in times of "crises" who ever is in charge should be able to overrule it with no oversight from anyone else.

And I feel like I'm forgetting something.... oh yes... I remember. January 6th.

The actual insurrection by his supporters and helped by active congressional Republican Party members. An attempt to overthrow the result of a fair election by means of violence including chants of hanging the then Presidents Vice President for "failing to do his duty". Bombs planted, tactics worked out, guns waiting to come across the river, a proper organised attempt to seize power by the supporters of one man.

That one man whose power base has now multiplied massively. Not amongst the electorate because to him they don't matter but amongst the Republican Party. And some members of that Party are now determined to get back into power no matter what the cost and staying there for as long as possible, even if means tying their wagon to a deranged, financially corrupt, morally bankrupt, traitorous, sexual predator.

And if you can't see all of that, then you clearly haven't been keeping up.
So you can't source any of it and instead keep up the doomposting with further "literally Hitler" stuff. I'm still waiting to see the source for the "Trump will end democracy" thing, I know he said "I'll be a dictator, for one day" but beyond that nothing. There is an awful lot of extrapolation in your posting here and it makes it hard to take any of it seriously.

The Hypno-Toad

12,484 posts

208 months

thatsprettyshady said:
It makes it hard to take any of it seriously.
Then don't.


6,288 posts

58 months

thatsprettyshady said:
So you can't source any of it and instead keep up the doomposting with further "literally Hitler" stuff. I'm still waiting to see the source for the "Trump will end democracy" thing, I know he said "I'll be a dictator, for one day" but beyond that nothing. There is an awful lot of extrapolation in your posting here and it makes it hard to take any of it seriously.
Insurrection, overturning roe v wade by deliberately deceiving congress, at least one completely corrupt scotus judge, clearly in putins pocket, and giving away us secret information.

Sure, just a nothing burger



1,337 posts

33 months

Jeez....am I picking this up correctly that the 'dozen' are now accusing Trump of having dementia, and Biden just had an 'off' 90 minutes...


I sense disappointment in the not too distant future for them.


6,349 posts

46 months

NRS said:
Oh dear, not this again. I have ripped into Trump lots of times previously. I absolutely detest the man and am desperate for him not to get into power. I believe he will go after people for revenge if he gets in power and so on. But unless everyone adds that to every single post it's apparently a case of them possibly being a secret Trump supporter?

Honestly, if your CEO or manager at work had done what Biden did would you think they are fit for work?

If it comes to Biden versus Trump I'd be 100% behind Biden, because of the party not because I believe he is a good choice - he's better than Trump but he's not fit for that job, let alone probably any other now. That is now and forward, not his history.
It is going to be Biden vs Trump yet all you do is criticise the person that you’re apparently “100% behind”.

Honestly, if your CEO or manager at work had done what Trump did would you think they are fit for work?


32,988 posts

231 months

The world is laughing at these two clowns, and they carry on.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

dobbo_ said:
Kermit power said:
Have you ever lived through a close family member getting dementia?
My wife lost her mum after around 5-year decline that was utterly brutal ending with her in a nursing home attacking my wife because she didn't know who she was, soiling herself etc. my wife would visit her, come home, and weep in the car for 20 minutes before coming in and cleaning up the wounds that she had received from her mum. So yes I understand your suffering and you have my deepest sympathies for what you went through. I always say you lose person twice first to the dementia and then again when they die. I lost my dad to leukaemia and it was horrible but he was still my dad right up to the end. Alzheimer's is one of the very worst ways that you can lose a person that you love. And one of the biggest reasons that I cannot believe in a just and loving God.

Kermit power said:
The comparison you need to make is less between Trump and Biden in this debate but between each man and their 2020 debate performances.
Given your experiences, I'm astonished that you can't see a staggering decline in Trump and all the physical symptoms of dementia that he displays as well as in his speaking.

Yes it was a terrible debate performance from Biden but when you read what was actually said rather than look at the way it was said, Biden is coherent and forms comprehensible statements albeit in a stumbling fashion. Trump just spews words.

The focus on Biden is because that's where the media wants the focus. I would urge you to read that article I posted.

Three edits to get here I hate posting on my phone hehe
I think you're missing my concern. My father is still in the fairly early stages, but I can see it progressing and accelerating. He reminds me of Biden in the debate.

Trump, on the other hand? He seems to have been at the same stage of ranty nonsense for the past decade. I'm just not sure how dementia can cause that without accelerating far faster?


22,411 posts

204 months

LF5335 said:
NRS said:
Oh dear, not this again. I have ripped into Trump lots of times previously. I absolutely detest the man and am desperate for him not to get into power. I believe he will go after people for revenge if he gets in power and so on. But unless everyone adds that to every single post it's apparently a case of them possibly being a secret Trump supporter?

Honestly, if your CEO or manager at work had done what Biden did would you think they are fit for work?

If it comes to Biden versus Trump I'd be 100% behind Biden, because of the party not because I believe he is a good choice - he's better than Trump but he's not fit for that job, let alone probably any other now. That is now and forward, not his history.
It is going to be Biden vs Trump yet all you do is criticise the person that you’re apparently “100% behind”.

Honestly, if your CEO or manager at work had done what Trump did would you think they are fit for work?
I’d leave any company that had either of them as a boss, neither are fit for the job but in different ways.

Nothing I post will swing any swing voters or impact the Dems to choose or not choose Biden. It doesn’t matter what I say in the slightest.

I’ve made it very clear absolutely neither should be anywhere near that job. Trump there is very obvious reasons stated over multiple rounds of threads on PH. But Biden’s rapid decline is being explained by ‘off moment’ and so on by several here. Why can’t some of you admit he is not fit for the job either, but is the least bad option of the two and should not be president and the Dems should swap him out?


17,419 posts

258 months

The Hypno-Toad said:
EddieSteadyGo said:
The other factor is thinking about the following election in 2028. Let's say Trump wins this year, the Democrats can then run a 4 year process to find and groom their very best candidate for the 2028 election, when neither will have the benefit of incumbency. Whereas, if they rush to bring forward their best alternative candidate now, it could damage that person from running in 2028.
I don't think you understand the seriousness of the situation here.

Both Trump and his wing of the Republican Party have pretty much made clear their plans. If they win, there will be no election in 2028. They actually want and some actually cases need America to become a dictatorship, so they can send the country back in time to era where those pesky women stayed at home to raise kids, where those kids didn't do drugs and praised the Lord with the rest of family on a Sunday, where they could harm the environment as much as they wanted because basically they were American and they should be allowed to do whatever they want. And most importantly, to an America where they were no freely open homosexuals & other people knew what their place was and that was at the back of the bus & certainly not in high office or the justice system.

That's what they want and that is what they are planning for and that is why this election is so important. I cannot believe why the Democrats thought Biden was a good idea for another four years when a younger, more dynamic candidate would wipe the floor with Trump.

November is a long way away but all of us need to keep our fingers crossed that Biden manages to get back in because the consequences of an American ruled by Trump and his lackeys does not bode well for the future of the whole western world not the just the USA.
What absolute nonsense! I think you and your colleagues who think the same way are delirious.

Of course there will be an election in 2028. It's in the Constitution and not going to be changed.

Maybe you need to take a break from any outlets / or posters on here who have instilled you with these views.


6,288 posts

58 months

NRS said:
Why can’t some of you admit he is not fit for the job either, but is the least bad option of the two and should not be president and the Dems should swap him out?
There's plenty who agree with the first part, but think it's too late in the game for the second.



3,832 posts

28 months

Byker28i said:
Questions being asked now just why is trumps plane sat next to a russian government plane for two days. why is there also a United Arab Emirates Air Force C-17 is parked nearby?

Any 'stollen' documents involved


Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 30th June 06:36
Post it in the Conspiracy thread. They'll fact check it for you. Make sure to mention people are just asking questions


22,411 posts

204 months

Mortarboard said:
NRS said:
Why can’t some of you admit he is not fit for the job either, but is the least bad option of the two and should not be president and the Dems should swap him out?
There's plenty who agree with the first part, but think it's too late in the game for the second.

It’s not even about the election though, if Biden is dropping off quickly he’s going to have to be replaced at some point in the term, that will be Harris who is unfortunately unlikely to gain swing voters. So the swing voters may be deciding on that.

That said, there is unlikely to be time to get a new unity candidate in time on the Dem’s side, too many will think it is too late and the time to change those results in more delays making it worse.

I just really hope it doesn’t cost them the election.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Byker28i said:
Worth watching this piece on MSNBC

That how Bidens performance was poor, but trump just lied consistently, then pointing how how trumps scotus is overturning laws and the dangers of trump appointing another 2 judges if he wins.

That if the GOP want to promote their convicted felon, multiple indicted, multiple impeached, awaiting trial on multiple felonies, sexual abuser and rapist candidate, who is awaiting trial for trying to overturn the 2020 election, refusing to return stolen classified documents, then the Dems need to get behind Biden, whos achieved so much despite the best efforts of the GOP

So do I go with your MSNBC piece saying "Everyone get behind Biden" or this one saying they need to replace Biden to beat Trump? confused


6,288 posts

58 months

NRS said:
It’s not even about the election though, if Biden is dropping off quickly he’s going to have to be replaced at some point in the term, that will be Harris who is unfortunately unlikely to gain swing voters. So the swing voters may be deciding on that.

That said, there is unlikely to be time to get a new unity candidate in time on the Dem’s side, too many will think it is too late and the time to change those results in more delays making it worse.

I just really hope it doesn’t cost them the election.
While Harris isn't a vote winner, would she be an incompetent president?
If you figure that into the equation, then it's not quite so desperate.

But nows the time for "team D" to step up and show that the democrats are the competent ones. Pritzker, Newsom, buttigeg etc etc.

Because if trump wins, the democrats are going to be very, very busy.



14,578 posts

251 months

NRS said:
dobbo_ said:
This is categorically, demonstrably, not true. He used to speak very, very differently.

His personality however has always been toxic, disgusting, racist, misogynist and well you get what I'm saying.
The evidence is all there for anyone to see, Go and watch a video of him 20 years ago 10 years ago, 8 years ago, he was a different man.

your desperate desire for Biden to be unfit is blinding you. Look again.