45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)


Randy Winkman

16,608 posts

192 months

Saturday 29th June
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Imagine Obama v Trump in a TV debate? Unfortunately we dont have that. frown


20,774 posts

194 months

Saturday 29th June
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Byker28i said:
Just again shows the trumpettes think trump can't win against Biden again

Biden has one poor performance and suddenly they claim Bidens past it, yet his policies have moved the US forward.

Yet trump demonstrates his mental decline at every rally, his complete unsuitability as lotus again, yet somehow that's fine. Hundreds or more of reported incidents captured on camera this year alone.

Then manufactured false claims. I can't remember Biden being accused of raping a 13 year old, having multiple NDAs to keep people quiet, or paying off witnesses, nor making sexual comments about a daughter, repeated comments that his chief of staff had to tell him to stop.

Just shows how scared they are of Biden I guess.
Strong cope here.


14,592 posts

251 months

Saturday 29th June
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Let's wait and see until November. All the gleeful hand rubbing and gloating will be proved to be correct or wrong.

In the meantime nice to see reverse Godwin's law invoked, and the word "cope" used unironically.

Biden was dogst, no question. Trump was catst.

Catastrophic failure by the Dems but won't shift the needle much if at all.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Saturday 29th June
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Byker28i said:
Just again shows the trumpettes think trump can't win against Biden again

Biden has one poor performance and suddenly they claim Bidens past it, yet his policies have moved the US forward.

Yet trump demonstrates his mental decline at every rally, his complete unsuitability as lotus again, yet somehow that's fine. Hundreds or more of reported incidents captured on camera this year alone.

Then manufactured false claims. I can't remember Biden being accused of raping a 13 year old, having multiple NDAs to keep people quiet, or paying off witnesses, nor making sexual comments about a daughter, repeated comments that his chief of staff had to tell him to stop.

Just shows how scared they are of Biden I guess.
I find the thought of Trump winning another term horrific, but after viewing the debate, I find the thought of Biden winning terrifying.

If I were a US citizen and the Democrats failed to replace Biden before the election, I think I'd have no choice but to vote for Trump just to avoid the scenario of the joint chiefs of staff begging Biden for a decision that might cause or prevent WW3 as he sits quietly drooling down his shirt.


12,606 posts

98 months

Saturday 29th June
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dobbo_ said:
Let's wait and see until November. All the gleeful hand rubbing and gloating will be proved to be correct or wrong.

In the meantime nice to see reverse Godwin's law invoked, and the word "cope" used unironically.

Biden was dogst, no question. Trump was catst.

Catastrophic failure by the Dems but won't shift the needle much if at all.
I'd say Biden was dogst.. Trump was dogst plus catst plus a rotten, bloated fish.

The media and "not" Trump supporters are focusing on Biden's performance forgetting that Trump didn't acquit himself any better, in fact when the fact checks were done the next day, he was worse.

There are still four months to go. Plenty of time for Trump to screw up even worse.

The problem is, we expect Trump to lie and generally be terrible, there are better expectations of the Dems.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Saturday 29th June
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captain_cynic said:
I'd say Biden was dogst.. Trump was dogst plus catst plus a rotten, bloated fish.

The media and "not" Trump supporters are focusing on Biden's performance forgetting that Trump didn't acquit himself any better, in fact when the fact checks were done the next day, he was worse.

There are still four months to go. Plenty of time for Trump to screw up even worse.

The problem is, we expect Trump to lie and generally be terrible, there are better expectations of the Dems.
I think we truly expect all politicians to be lying pretty much any time they're moving their lips, but that's not the point for me.

Watching Biden felt like watching my father, who is suffering from dementia.

I've not posted much of anything about US politics on here, but I don't believe anyone could read my contributions to the UK politics and think that under normal circumstances I'd want to see anything other than a crushing defeat for Trump, but if the alternative is an octagenarian suffering from dementia anywhere near the nuclear button, what other choice is there?


14,592 posts

251 months

Saturday 29th June
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Kermit power said:
I don't believe anyone could read my contributions to the UK politics and think that under normal circumstances I'd want to see anything other than a crushing defeat for Trump, but if the alternative is an octagenarian suffering from dementia anywhere near the nuclear button, what other choice is there?
There is no alternative, it's Trump (knocking on the door of a being an octogenarian, and possibly has dementia), or Biden, (an octogenarian, possibly with dementia).

So who you picking?

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Saturday 29th June
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dobbo_ said:
Kermit power said:
I don't believe anyone could read my contributions to the UK politics and think that under normal circumstances I'd want to see anything other than a crushing defeat for Trump, but if the alternative is an octagenarian suffering from dementia anywhere near the nuclear button, what other choice is there?
There is no alternative, it's Trump (knocking on the door of a being an octogenarian, and possibly has dementia), or Biden, (an octogenarian, possibly with dementia).

So who you picking?
As I've said, I don't follow US politics too closely, but Trump seems to have been cocking up his words since before he was elected 8 years ago, so getting the name of his doctor a bit wrong is hardly a smoking gun.

Biden, on the other hand, was tragic to watch, and I really don't think "possibly" comes in to it.


14,592 posts

251 months

Saturday 29th June
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fking hell, getting the name of his doctor wrong? Dude really? Try again. He thinks electric planes can't fly if the sun isn't out. That was yesterday by the way. And I genuinely don't have the time or energy to list the rest. Cos what's the point, you don't want to know. You only cared enough when Biden had a bad debate performance, even though you don't like Trump. Weird that.


I know none of you "Biden has lost it" folks will read this, but you should.


Oh and if you don't like the partisan commentary, here is just the straight up text.


Read that, and come back and tell us Biden has lost it and Trump hasn't. You won't though will you?

Edited by dobbo_ on Saturday 29th June 23:48

Beati Dogu

8,990 posts

142 months

Sunday 30th June
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Kinda funny that Bill Clinton was elected as President 32 years ago and is still younger than Biden and Trump.

Biden had already been a senator for 20 years by that point.


4,284 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th June
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DanL said:
Disagree - he’s going to have to make decisions under high pressure day after day, and may have to make a critical decision at short notice (whether to launch or not, for example!).

I don’t now want either of these men in that position, although I’d choose Biden over Trump given these are the current options.
This is such a simple and succinct post ……

I’m also in 100% agreement!

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Sunday 30th June
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dobbo_ said:
fking hell, getting the name of his doctor wrong? Dude really? Try again. He thinks electric planes can't fly if the sun isn't out. That was yesterday by the way. And I genuinely don't have the time or energy to list the rest. Cos what's the point, you don't want to know. You only cared enough when Biden had a bad debate performance, even though you don't like Trump. Weird that.


I know none of you "Biden has lost it" folks will read this, but you should.


Oh and if you don't like the partisan commentary, here is just the straight up text.


Read that, and come back and tell us Biden has lost it and Trump hasn't. You won't though will you?
Have you ever lived through a close family member getting dementia?

The comparison you need to make is less between Trump and Biden in this debate but between each man and their 2020 debate performances.

Yes, Trump sounds like he's losing his marbles but he has always sounded like he's losing his marbles, and dementia doesn't work like that because it's a degenerative condition.

With my father, it started out really gradually, and has accelerated, slowly but relentlessly, ever since. He's been as deaf as a post for years as well, so talking to him on the phone has never been much of a conversational experience, which means that the deterioration when we travel down to see them comes as a shock every time. If I could slow his decline the way Trump would've had to slow his if his performance in that debate was linked to dementia, I'd give my right arm to do so, as it tears something out of me every time, and there is no stopping it.

That was the scary thing about watching Biden in the debate. Knowing that up until a couple of years ago, he would've run rings around Donald "Just inject yourself with bleach to cure Covid" Trump yet now, by being no more of a loon than he was back then, Trump comes over as the more mentally sound of the two.

Don't take my word for it though. Go and listen to people like Anthony Scaramucchi on TRiP US. This is a man who knows both Trump and Biden personally and has far more reason than most to detest Trump. Right up until the debate, he was saying that he thought Biden would beat Trump. Straight after it, he was saying the Democrats need to replace him.

In fact, pretty much everywhere you look you'll hear the same message from natural Democrat supporters. I'm not sure you'll find anyone except yourself saying that Biden can beat Trump after that debate. The difference is between the usual suspects on the Right crowing about how Trump is the only thing that can save America from Biden and commentators on the left saying that pretty much any other leading Democrat - except for Karmala Harris, which is another big part of their problem - could still beat Trump, but only if Biden stands down quickly.


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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Kermit power said:
I find the thought of Trump winning another term horrific, but after viewing the debate, I find the thought of Biden winning terrifying.

If I were a US citizen and the Democrats failed to replace Biden before the election, I think I'd have no choice but to vote for Trump just to avoid the scenario of the joint chiefs of staff begging Biden for a decision that might cause or prevent WW3 as he sits quietly drooling down his shirt.
Bidens performance was poor, but then the next day has an impressive performance at a rally thats being ignored.

trump lied throughout, gave his stupid smug face gurn several times, but as a performer did better in the debate, then returned to his rally the next day with the usual word salad. lies, stumbles

and somehow people are saying it's Biden thats past it whilst ignoring all the issues and similar problems about trump based on a single 90 mins performance.

Noone is saying they prefer Biden as candidate, but whilst the GOP seem keen to push the completely flawed trump again as they are desperate for any chance of power, then it'll be Biden as his opponent.


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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Kermit power said:
Have you ever lived through a close family member getting dementia?
Yes and trump exhibits everything that relative did during their early stages, coupled with mini stokes that make it worse. The stumbling, the limited vocabulary, repeating himself, unable to complete sentences Biden appear more like relatives who just got old, coupled with his needs to not stutter.

Kermit power said:
The comparison you need to make is less between Trump and Biden in this debate but between each man and their 2020 debate performances.
Yes, Trump sounds like he's losing his marbles but he has always sounded like he's losing his marbles, and dementia doesn't work like that because it's a degenerative condition.
Exactly that - go back and look at trumps dynamic performances in 2016, his rallys. Then look at 2020 and compare to now

Kermit power said:
That was the scary thing about watching Biden in the debate. Knowing that up until a couple of years ago, he would've run rings around Donald "Just inject yourself with bleach to cure Covid" Trump yet now, by being no more of a loon than he was back then, Trump comes over as the more mentally sound of the two.
I'm not sure if you've watched the whole thing. I posted clips. Neither came across showing particular signs in the debate and tagging Biden as such isn't fair

Kermit power said:
In fact, pretty much everywhere you look you'll hear the same message from natural Democrat supporters.
Weirdly, interviews with Democrat supporters seem to suggest they still strongly support Biden, hence his strong fundraising and donations after the debate. It really showed trump up as a man of no substance.

The only thing it appears we agree on is Harris, however I still don't think the US would accept a woman in power yet. lets get this straight. I don't think Biden is the best candidate the Dems can put forward, but he's still streets ahead of trump in his accomplishments and abilities to make things better for the US and move it forward.
trump is only after making things better for himself.

In the wake of the debate, Team Biden-Harris raised more than $27 million between debate day and Friday evening. Debate night saw three record-breaking hours for grassroots fundraising – including the hour following the debate which was the best

Still trending on twitter https://twitter.com/search?q=%23TrumpIsUnfitForOff...

Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 30th June 06:24


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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The Philadelphia Inquirer has anan editorial encouraging trump to leave the presidential race for the good of the country.

"Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is trump,"

"lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering."

"His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office. trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that?"


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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Allan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted every election, gives the strongest reasons why Democrats must stand with Biden. Lichtman also demolished trump for lying on every question in the debate.


3,183 posts

211 months

Sunday 30th June
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Byker28i said:
Kermit power said:
I find the thought of Trump winning another term horrific, but after viewing the debate, I find the thought of Biden winning terrifying.

If I were a US citizen and the Democrats failed to replace Biden before the election, I think I'd have no choice but to vote for Trump just to avoid the scenario of the joint chiefs of staff begging Biden for a decision that might cause or prevent WW3 as he sits quietly drooling down his shirt.
Bidens performance was poor, but then the next day has an impressive performance at a rally thats being ignored.

Think the answer is Joe had an autocue at the rally.

Trump was his usual self but presented as with it.Joe did not look or sound good.

Hopefully the undecided voters will see through Trumps facade and decipher his lies and vote democrat.

Honestly think he should step aside


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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Worth watching this piece on MSNBC

That how Bidens performance was poor, but trump just lied consistently, then pointing how how trumps scotus is overturning laws and the dangers of trump appointing another 2 judges if he wins.

That if the GOP want to promote their convicted felon, multiple indicted, multiple impeached, awaiting trial on multiple felonies, sexual abuser and rapist candidate, who is awaiting trial for trying to overturn the 2020 election, refusing to return stolen classified documents, then the Dems need to get behind Biden, whos achieved so much despite the best efforts of the GOP



62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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Questions being asked now just why is trumps plane sat next to a russian government plane for two days. why is there also a United Arab Emirates Air Force C-17 is parked nearby?

Any 'stollen' documents involved


Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 30th June 06:36


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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Former republican voter
"I'd rather vote for the corpse of Biden than Trump's lying face,"