45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



9,988 posts

160 months

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LF5335 said:
The Trumpettes really have come out in force over the last few days. I remain as always massively concerned that Trump could get re-elected and Thursday’s events have scared me even more.

Can’t wait to see what happens on sentencing day though. Wonder what nonsense will be screamed by the Trumpettes on here then.
Mate trump is a bad man but him being bad does not mean Biden is fit. Perhaps both should be replaced, if that doesn't happen then it's liar or a senile old man


25,849 posts

196 months

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TFG is the republican candidate, he controls the GoP so the only way he gets replaced is if he chokes on a hamberder.


1,337 posts

33 months

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Byker28i said:
Putin and Kim, bith who have bot farms pushing disinformation for trump, both who have tried influencing US elections for trump - yup probably both laughing at how their attempts are working to destablise the US.

Pretty much expected from you, after months of trump demonstrating that he has issues with mental decline, stumbling, tiredness, falling asleep, that a trumpette tries to portray on lacklustre performance "But Joe Biden" or "both sides are the same..." biggrin

trumps demonstrated now for 9 years he's unfit to be potus, yet here you are, still cheerleading for the convicted felon, rapist, failed businessman, selling US policy for personal profit...

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 29th June 08:58
Well, after the debate the other night, Putin and Kim most likely feel they can shut down these 'farms' as Biden managed to inflict more damage in 90 mins than they could have dreamed of doing themselves.

After the debate, I would envision that the appetite for legal cases against Trump shall diminish, as with everything that has been thrown at him, it seems very likely he shall be the 47th POTUS.

I wouldn't be holding my breath expecting any jailtime to be passed down.

Regards you and the faithful dozen, why does anyone who offers an alternative view to this echo chamber have to be a 'trumpette' , and 'trump cheerleader', or as the all important chap who signs off comically with M states on a public forum that I have signs of early dimentia feel the requirement to call names or belittle other posters?

When you resort to namecalling, labels or swearwords, you have lost any credibility to the point you are trying to make.

Really...you and the others should give it a go.


7,131 posts

191 months

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Mortarboard said:
No, but dumping biden now would be insanity.
"He's old" is all the gop have at the moment.

Dump biden and it's "his last three years were a disaster, even the dems agree, see?" "Not even the dens trust him" "who knows who'll you'll get, they'll change president after the election"

It's time for the democratic party to step up.

It's a roll of the dice with very high stakes. Biden could win but I am frankly stunned at his obvious deterioration. This rally he gave later where he appeared jacked up was with a teleprompter. Much easier to read off a screen than actually have to think on the fly.

These polls shouldn't be within 20 points of each other. Biden should take the win and rightfully say he has been very consequential in domestic terms (and not mention his incompetence on foreign policy) then go chill on a beach.

What if Biden deteriorates further between now and November? He had so many open goals he completely missed in this debate. Killing a baby after birth is known as murder and last time I checked is illegal everywhere. Zero pushback. Donald Trump is the one with a Chinese bank account. If he didn't sleep with Stormy Daniels why is there a ton of evidence to the contrary? So many easy retorts that Biden missed. If he can't pick up on basic things like that what confidence does that give that he is capable of anything especially against a world class snake oil salesman.

Having older folks in my family the same age who were previously razor sharp and didn't miss a single thing I know it is an inevitable sign of ageing. People lose a step and miss very obvious things. Nothing to be ashamed of but no one cheats Father Time.

In any situation most people will try and minimise their risk and increase probability with the highest chance of success. Trump will likely be serving out some form of sentence in the near future. Anyone but a doddering old guy would be razor sharp in focusing on this weakness and effectively message the very clear and obvious contrast.

Democrats are playing with fire hoping it all works out against an opponent who is a masterful conman and is buried under a ton of legal trouble (with a lot more coming down the pike).

This should be an absolute landslide and could be with any Democrat but Biden. He may still squeak it out simply because of Trump's unpopularity but he has lost huge amounts of young voters since the start of this year and I have no doubt that performance the other night will turn yet more off. Why minimise your chances of success in a situation that should be an absolute lay up?

Surrogates such as Buttigieg, Newsom and Whitmer are far more effective, knowledgable and competent than the guy they are speaking for which is head scratchingly weird.


7,131 posts

191 months

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Bob Woodward shrewd and on point as ever



3,496 posts

252 months

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Byker28i said:
TonyToniTone said:
Byker28i said:
trumps done a rally in Virginia - reports of lots of empty chairs
Reporter seems to think it was well attended.
Yup this estimates 10,000
That is a lot more people than available chairs...


3,496 posts

252 months

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Byker28i said:
Pretty sure a teleprompter does change a performance from slow an methodical to more enthusiastic and energetic.
The teleprompter obviously helps him keep on track.

Slow yes, losing his train of thought, mumbling bordering on gibberish, and being unable to fact check is not methodical - but this isn't the 46th thread..


3,496 posts

252 months

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LF5335 said:
The Trumpettes really have come out in force over the last few days.
Aww... must be awful having slightly different opinions not toeing the line.

LF5335 said:
I remain as always massively concerned that Trump could get re-elected and Thursday’s events have scared me even more.

Can’t wait to see what happens on sentencing day though. Wonder what nonsense will be screamed by the Trumpettes on here then.
I am sure he will get less than he deserves, and people will be rightly arguing the other way.


6,349 posts

46 months

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Gecko1978 said:
Mate trump is a bad man but him being bad does not mean Biden is fit. Perhaps both should be replaced, if that doesn't happen then it's liar or a senile old man
I have said all along that Biden isn’t the ideal candidate. However, there is a difference between showing balanced concern over either / both candidates compared to the joyous gloating of many rare posters on this and the Biden thread. At the same time that they gloat that Biden is fumbling, they ignore the incoherent ramblings of their man, such as sharks vs electric boats and the latest nonsense about electric planes and the sun not shining while flying.

Trump is an utter disgrace, Biden isn’t ideal. There is a world of difference just in that short sentence. To think Trump is a better candidate due to one poor debate from Biden is ridiculous


3,832 posts

28 months

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The "one poor debate" was the culmination of what people have been saying for years but have always been shouted down.

Biden is in rapid decline. That's just a fact. Another is that Trump is a proper ahole.

The current relaining question is whether Biden can beat Trump. I doubt it at this stage.

Bonefish Blues

27,644 posts

226 months

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Unreal said:
The "one poor debate" was the culmination of what people have been saying for years but have always been shouted down.

Biden is in rapid decline. That's just a fact. Another is that Trump is a proper ahole.

The current remaining question is whether Biden can beat Trump. I doubt it at this stage.
He probably still could, but it's simply too much of a gamble, given the stakes if he fails.


62,202 posts

220 months

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thatsprettyshady said:
Byker, I know this is the Trump thread, but he didn't mention Trump once. Your cries of "but Trump" are just as bad as his posting "but Biden" - do you have any thoughts on what he actually said? Feel free to post them in the 46th thread if you want?
Not allowed, the anti trump lot had me banned about 3 years ago


62,202 posts

220 months

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Wheelspinning said:
When you resort to namecalling, labels or swearwords, you have lost any credibility to the point you are trying to make.

Really...you and the others should give it a go.
Who's name calling and throwing the insults around?

Wheelspinning said:
I cannot believe that the hard-core 12 or so on here are still coming out with the same postings that made this thread a toxic echo chamber.


62,202 posts

220 months

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cgt2 said:
Mortarboard said:
No, but dumping biden now would be insanity.
"He's old" is all the gop have at the moment.

Dump biden and it's "his last three years were a disaster, even the dems agree, see?" "Not even the dens trust him" "who knows who'll you'll get, they'll change president after the election"

It's time for the democratic party to step up.

It's a roll of the dice with very high stakes. Biden could win but I am frankly stunned at his obvious deterioration. This rally he gave later where he appeared jacked up was with a teleprompter. Much easier to read off a screen than actually have to think on the fly.

These polls shouldn't be within 20 points of each other. Biden should take the win and rightfully say he has been very consequential in domestic terms (and not mention his incompetence on foreign policy) then go chill on a beach.

What if Biden deteriorates further between now and November? He had so many open goals he completely missed in this debate. Killing a baby after birth is known as murder and last time I checked is illegal everywhere. Zero pushback. Donald Trump is the one with a Chinese bank account. If he didn't sleep with Stormy Daniels why is there a ton of evidence to the contrary? So many easy retorts that Biden missed. If he can't pick up on basic things like that what confidence does that give that he is capable of anything especially against a world class snake oil salesman.

Having older folks in my family the same age who were previously razor sharp and didn't miss a single thing I know it is an inevitable sign of ageing. People lose a step and miss very obvious things. Nothing to be ashamed of but no one cheats Father Time.

In any situation most people will try and minimise their risk and increase probability with the highest chance of success. Trump will likely be serving out some form of sentence in the near future. Anyone but a doddering old guy would be razor sharp in focusing on this weakness and effectively message the very clear and obvious contrast.

Democrats are playing with fire hoping it all works out against an opponent who is a masterful conman and is buried under a ton of legal trouble (with a lot more coming down the pike).

This should be an absolute landslide and could be with any Democrat but Biden. He may still squeak it out simply because of Trump's unpopularity but he has lost huge amounts of young voters since the start of this year and I have no doubt that performance the other night will turn yet more off. Why minimise your chances of success in a situation that should be an absolute lay up?

Surrogates such as Buttigieg, Newsom and Whitmer are far more effective, knowledgable and competent than the guy they are speaking for which is head scratchingly weird.
And yet I posted the who Biden rally footage from yesterday when he appears alert, on point, dynamic again, whilst trump was exactly the same, stumbling over words, couldn't string sentances together, losing track and pushing lie after lie.

trump does it all the time and apparently it's fine. Biden has a poor debate performance and suddenly the trumpettes say it's a major problem.


2,009 posts

168 months

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Byker28i said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Byker, I know this is the Trump thread, but he didn't mention Trump once. Your cries of "but Trump" are just as bad as his posting "but Biden" - do you have any thoughts on what he actually said? Feel free to post them in the 46th thread if you want?
Not allowed, the anti trump lot had me banned about 3 years ago
Yikes, can’t they revisit that.


7,131 posts

191 months

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Byker28i said:
And yet I posted the who Biden rally footage from yesterday when he appears alert, on point, dynamic again, whilst trump was exactly the same, stumbling over words, couldn't string sentances together, losing track and pushing lie after lie.

trump does it all the time and apparently it's fine. Biden has a poor debate performance and suddenly the trumpettes say it's a major problem.
Not to tout any conspiracies but if I have an employee who is lethargic, confused and bewildered one day then hyper the next I would ask them to take a drug test!


24,373 posts

116 months

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Wheelspinning said:
After the debate, I would envision that the appetite for legal cases against Trump shall diminish
Why should a poor debate performance from Biden affect in any way trump being held accountable by the justice department for his crimes?


1,308 posts

219 months

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Wheelspinning said:
If Biden was your parent, you would be securing power of attorney, and removing all of the day to day responsibilities of running their own household and finacials, be arranging a 3 times a day carer to pop by and make sure all was good to try and ensure that they had no stresses.

You wouldn't consider for a minute pushing them to be a CEO of a huge multi-national, never mind as the President of the USA.
If Trump was my father, I'd be getting a court order to make sure he stays away from my wife and daughter; changing my surname and distance myself as much as possible from the fker.


17,000 posts

206 months

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wong said:
If Trump was my father, I'd be getting a court order to make sure he stays away from my wife and daughter; changing my surname and distance myself as much as possible from the fker.
Because they'd be really safe around creepy joe .

Only last year he asked a 6 year old girl if she was 17 .


24,373 posts

116 months

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egor110 said:
Because they'd be really safe around creepy joe .

Only last year he asked a 6 year old girl if she was 17 .
I just looked that up.

If you think what was going on there was in any way 'creepy', you're completely out to lunch.